Esempio n. 1
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Set both book and section. Don't make a selection; typically the caller will proceed
        /// to do that.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selHelper">The selection helper.</param>
        /// <param name="selLimitType">Which end of the selection</param>
        /// <param name="iBook">The index of the book (in the book filter).</param>
        /// <param name="iSection">The index of the section (relative to
        /// <paramref name="iBook"/>), or -1 for a selection that is not in a section (e.g.
        /// title).</param>
        /// <remarks>This method should change only the book and section levels of the
        /// selection, but not any other level.</remarks>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public virtual void SetBookAndSection(SelectionHelper selHelper,
                                              SelectionHelper.SelLimitType selLimitType, int iBook, int iSection)
            if (selHelper == null || iBook < 0)

            int nLevels = selHelper.GetNumberOfLevels(selLimitType);

            if (nLevels == 0)
                Debug.Fail("This should not happen!!!");

            selHelper.GetLevelInfo(selLimitType)[nLevels - 1].tag  = BookTag;
            selHelper.GetLevelInfo(selLimitType)[nLevels - 1].ihvo = iBook;

            if (iSection >= 0 && nLevels >= 2)
                selHelper.GetLevelInfo(selLimitType)[nLevels - 2].tag =
                selHelper.GetLevelInfo(selLimitType)[nLevels - 2].ihvo = iSection;
Esempio n. 2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes footnotes when there is a range selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="helper"></param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void DeleteFootnoteRange(SelectionHelper helper)
            int nTopLevels    = helper.GetNumberOfLevels(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
            int nBottomLevels = helper.GetNumberOfLevels(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom);

            // Get the index of the book containing the first footnote in the selection.
            // Then get the index of the footnote within that book.
            int iFirstBook =
                helper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top)[nTopLevels - 1].ihvo;
            int iFirstFootnote =
                helper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top)[nTopLevels - 2].ihvo;

            // Get the index of the book containing the last footnote in the selection.
            // Then get the index of the footnote within that book.
            int iLastBook =
                helper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom)[nBottomLevels - 1].ihvo;
            int iLastFootnote =
                helper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom)[nBottomLevels - 2].ihvo;

            // Loop through the books containing footnotes in the selection.
            for (int iBook = iFirstBook; iBook <= iLastBook; iBook++)
                IScrBook book = BookFilter.GetBook(iBook);

                int iBeg = iFirstFootnote;
                if (iFirstBook != iLastBook && iBook > iFirstBook)
                    iBeg = 0;

                int iEnd = iLastFootnote;
                if (iFirstBook != iLastBook && iBook < iLastBook)
                    iEnd = book.FootnotesOS.Count - 1;

                // Loop through the footnotes from the selection that are in the
                // current book. Go in reverse order through the collection.
                for (int i = iEnd; i >= iBeg; i--)
                    // TODO: check filter for each HVO
                    IScrFootnote footnote =
                        Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IScrFootnoteRepository>().GetObject(book.FootnotesOS[i].Hvo);
Esempio n. 3
        public void ReadOnlySpaceAfterFootnoteMarker()
            // Prepare the test by creating a footnote view
            FwStyleSheet styleSheet = new FwStyleSheet();

            styleSheet.Init(Cache, m_scr.Hvo, ScriptureTags.kflidStyles);

            using (Form form = new Form())
                using (DummyFootnoteView footnoteView = new DummyFootnoteView(Cache))
                    footnoteView.StyleSheet = styleSheet;
                    footnoteView.Dock       = DockStyle.Fill;
                    footnoteView.Name       = "footnoteView";
                    footnoteView.Visible    = true;

                        // Select the footnote marker and some characters of the footnote paragraph
                        footnoteView.RootBox.MakeSimpleSel(true, false, false, true);
                        SelectionHelper selHelper = SelectionHelper.GetSelectionInfo(null, footnoteView);
                        selHelper.IchAnchor = 0;
                        selHelper.IchEnd    = 5;
                        SelLevInfo[] selLevInfo = new SelLevInfo[3];
                        Assert.AreEqual(4, selHelper.GetNumberOfLevels(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End));
                        Array.Copy(selHelper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End), 1, selLevInfo, 0, 3);
                        selHelper.SetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End, selLevInfo);

                        // Now the real test:
                        IVwSelection sel = footnoteView.RootBox.Selection;
                        ITsString    tss;
                        sel.GetSelectionString(out tss, string.Empty);
                        Assert.AreEqual("a ", tss.Text.Substring(0, 2));

                        // make sure the marker and the space are read-only and the paragraph not.
                        ITsTextProps[]     vttp;
                        IVwPropertyStore[] vvps;
                        int cttp;
                        SelectionHelper.GetSelectionProps(sel, out vttp, out vvps, out cttp);
                        Assert.IsTrue(cttp >= 3);
                        Assert.IsFalse(SelectionHelper.IsEditable(vttp[0], vvps[0]),
                                       "Footnote marker is not read-only");
                        Assert.IsFalse(SelectionHelper.IsEditable(vttp[1], vvps[1]),
                                       "Space after marker is not read-only");
                        Assert.IsTrue(SelectionHelper.IsEditable(vttp[2], vvps[2]),
                                      "Footnote text is read-only");
                        Assert.IsTrue(SelectionHelper.IsEditable(vttp[3], vvps[3]),
                                      "Footnote text is read-only");
        protected override int GetItemHvo(SelectionHelper sel, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType limit)
            if (Rule.StrucDescOS.Count == 0 || sel.GetNumberOfLevels(limit) == 0)

            SelLevInfo[] levels = sel.GetLevelInfo(limit);
            return(levels[levels.Length - 1].hvo);
        protected override ICmObject GetItem(SelectionHelper sel, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType limit)
            if (Rule.StrucDescOS.Count == 0 || sel.GetNumberOfLevels(limit) == 0)

            var levels = sel.GetLevelInfo(limit);

            return(m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetObject(levels[levels.Length - 1].hvo));
Esempio n. 6
        public void SpaceAfterFootnoteMarker()
            IScrBook     book     = m_scr.ScriptureBooksOS[0];
            IScrFootnote footnote = AddFootnote(book, (IStTxtPara)book.TitleOA.ParagraphsOS[0], 0, "This is a footnote");

            footnote.FootnoteMarker = Cache.TsStrFactory.MakeString("a", Cache.WritingSystemFactory.GetWsFromStr("en"));
            // Prepare the test by creating a footnote view
            FwStyleSheet styleSheet = new FwStyleSheet();

            styleSheet.Init(Cache, m_scr.Hvo, ScriptureTags.kflidStyles);

            using (DummyFootnoteView footnoteView = new DummyFootnoteView(Cache))
                footnoteView.StyleSheet = styleSheet;
                footnoteView.Visible    = false;

                // We don't actually want to show it, but we need to force the view to create the root
                // box and lay it out so that various test stuff can happen properly.

                // Select the footnote marker and some characters of the footnote paragraph
                footnoteView.RootBox.MakeSimpleSel(true, false, false, true);
                SelectionHelper selHelper = SelectionHelper.GetSelectionInfo(null, footnoteView);
                selHelper.IchAnchor = 0;
                selHelper.IchEnd    = 5;
                SelLevInfo[] selLevInfo = new SelLevInfo[3];
                Assert.AreEqual(4, selHelper.GetNumberOfLevels(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End));
                Array.Copy(selHelper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End), 1, selLevInfo, 0, 3);
                selHelper.SetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End, selLevInfo);

                // Now the real test:
                IVwSelection sel = footnoteView.RootBox.Selection;
                ITsString    tss;
                sel.GetSelectionString(out tss, string.Empty);
                Assert.AreEqual("a ", tss.Text.Substring(0, 2));

                // make sure the marker and the space are read-only (maybe have to select each run
                // separately to make this test truly correct)
                ITsTextProps[]     vttp;
                IVwPropertyStore[] vvps;
                int cttp;
                SelectionHelper.GetSelectionProps(sel, out vttp, out vvps, out cttp);
                Assert.IsTrue(cttp >= 2);
                Assert.IsFalse(SelectionHelper.IsEditable(vttp[0], vvps[0]),
                               "Footnote marker is not read-only");
                Assert.IsFalse(SelectionHelper.IsEditable(vttp[1], vvps[1]),
                               "Space after marker is not read-only");
Esempio n. 7
        public void SpaceAfterFootnoteMarker()
            // Prepare the test by creating a footnote view
            FwStyleSheet styleSheet = new FwStyleSheet();

            styleSheet.Init(m_fdoCache, m_scr.Hvo,

            using (DummyFootnoteView footnoteView = new DummyFootnoteView(m_fdoCache))
                footnoteView.StyleSheet = styleSheet;
                footnoteView.Visible    = false;

                // We don't actually want to show it, but we need to force the view to create the root
                // box and lay it out so that various test stuff can happen properly.

                // Select the footnote marker and some characters of the footnote paragraph
                footnoteView.RootBox.MakeSimpleSel(true, false, false, true);
                SelectionHelper selHelper = SelectionHelper.GetSelectionInfo(null, footnoteView);
                selHelper.IchAnchor = 0;
                selHelper.IchEnd    = 5;
                SelLevInfo[] selLevInfo = new SelLevInfo[3];
                Assert.AreEqual(4, selHelper.GetNumberOfLevels(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End));
                Array.Copy(selHelper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End), 1, selLevInfo, 0, 3);
                selHelper.SetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End, selLevInfo);

                // Now the real test:
                IVwSelection sel = footnoteView.RootBox.Selection;
                ITsString    tss;
                sel.GetSelectionString(out tss, string.Empty);
                Assert.AreEqual("a ", tss.Text.Substring(0, 2));

                //				// make sure the marker and the space are read-only and the paragraph not.
                //				ITsTextProps[] vttp;
                //				IVwPropertyStore[] vvps;
                //				int cttp;
                //				SelectionHelper.GetSelectionProps(sel, out vttp, out vvps, out cttp);
                //				Assert.IsTrue(cttp >= 3);
                //				Assert.IsFalse(SelectionHelper.IsEditable(vttp[0], vvps[0]),
                //					"Footnote marker is not read-only");
                //				Assert.IsFalse(SelectionHelper.IsEditable(vttp[1], vvps[1]),
                //					"Space after marker is not read-only");
                //				Assert.IsTrue(SelectionHelper.IsEditable(vttp[2], vvps[2]),
                //					"Footnote text is read-only");
                //				Assert.IsTrue(SelectionHelper.IsEditable(vttp[3], vvps[3]),
                //					"Footnote text is read-only");
Esempio n. 8
            /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            /// <summary>
            /// Set both book and section. Don't make a selection; typically the caller will proceed
            /// to do that.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="selHelper">The selection helper.</param>
            /// <param name="selLimitType">Which end of the selection</param>
            /// <param name="iBook">The index of the book (in the book filter).</param>
            /// <param name="iSection">The index of the section (relative to
            /// <paramref name="iBook"/>), or -1 for a selection that is not in a section (e.g.
            /// title).</param>
            /// <remarks>This method should change only the book and section levels of the
            /// selection, but not any other level.</remarks>
            /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            public override void SetBookAndSection(SelectionHelper selHelper,
                                                   SelectionHelper.SelLimitType selLimitType, int iBook, int iSection)
                if (selHelper == null)

                // we can only deal with one book
                if (iBook != GetBookIndex(null, selLimitType) || iSection < 0)

                int nLevels = selHelper.GetNumberOfLevels(selLimitType);

                selHelper.GetLevelInfo(selLimitType)[nLevels - 1].tag  = ScrBookTags.kflidSections;
                selHelper.GetLevelInfo(selLimitType)[nLevels - 1].ihvo = iSection;
Esempio n. 9
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Go to the next paragraph looking at the specified selection helper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A new selection for the next paragraph, or null if there is no next
        /// paragraph</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private IVwSelection FindNextPara(SelectionHelper helper)
            IVwRootBox rootb = helper.RootSite.RootBox;

            int level = helper.GetNumberOfLevels(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top) - 1;

            while (level >= 0)
                int          iBox = helper.Selection.get_BoxIndex(false, level);
                IVwSelection sel  = rootb.MakeSelInBox(helper.Selection, false, level,
                                                       iBox + 1, true, false, false);
                if (sel != null)
                    return(sel);                    // We found the next paragraph
                // Try the next level up

        protected override int GetInsertionIndex(ICmObject[] objs, SelectionHelper sel)
            if (sel.GetNumberOfLevels(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top) == 0)
                int cellId = GetCell(sel, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
                switch (cellId)
                case PhMetathesisRuleTags.kidxLeftEnv:

                case PhMetathesisRuleTags.kidxLeftSwitch:
                    if (Rule.MiddleIndex != -1)
                    else if (Rule.RightSwitchIndex != -1)
                    else if (Rule.RightEnvIndex != -1)

                case PhMetathesisRuleTags.kidxRightSwitch:
                    if (Rule.RightEnvIndex != -1)
                return(base.GetInsertionIndex(objs, sel));
Esempio n. 11
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Perform tests to make sure that Anchor and End of selection are the same
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selHelper"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void AssertSameAnchorAndEnd(SelectionHelper selHelper)
			Assert.AreEqual(selHelper.IchAnchor, selHelper.IchEnd,
				"Selection spans multiple characters");
				"Different root objects for anchor and end");
				"Different number of previous props for anchor and end");
				"Different association with previous character");
				"Different number of levels");
				"Different writing system");
				"Selection not visible");
Esempio n. 12
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Compare the values of <see cref="SelectionHelper"/> with the expected values
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type"></param>
		/// <param name="selectionHelper"></param>
		/// <param name="ihvoRoot"></param>
		/// <param name="nPrevProps"></param>
		/// <param name="ich"></param>
		/// <param name="nWs"></param>
		/// <param name="fAssocPrev"></param>
		/// <param name="nLevels"></param>
		/// <param name="tag1"></param>
		/// <param name="cpropPrev1"></param>
		/// <param name="ihvo1"></param>
		/// <param name="tag0"></param>
		/// <param name="cpropPrev0"></param>
		/// <param name="ihvo0"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void CheckSelectionHelperValues(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType type,
			SelectionHelper selectionHelper, int ihvoRoot, int nPrevProps, int ich, int nWs,
			bool fAssocPrev, int nLevels, int tag1, int cpropPrev1, int ihvo1, int tag0,
			int cpropPrev0, int ihvo0)
			Assert.IsTrue(m_basicView.IsSelectionVisible(null), "Selection not visible");
			Assert.AreEqual(ihvoRoot, selectionHelper.GetIhvoRoot(type), "ihvoRoot differs");
			Assert.AreEqual(nPrevProps, selectionHelper.GetNumberOfPreviousProps(type),
				"nPrevProps differs");
			Assert.AreEqual(ich, selectionHelper.GetIch(type), "ich differs");
			Assert.AreEqual(nWs, selectionHelper.GetWritingSystem(type), "ws differs");
			Assert.AreEqual(fAssocPrev, selectionHelper.GetAssocPrev(type),
				"fAssocPrev differs");
			Assert.AreEqual(nLevels, selectionHelper.GetNumberOfLevels(type),
				"Number of levels differs");
			if (nLevels >= 2)
				Assert.AreEqual(tag1, selectionHelper.GetLevelInfo(type)[1].tag,
					"tag (level 1) differs");
				Assert.AreEqual(cpropPrev1, selectionHelper.GetLevelInfo(type)[1].cpropPrevious,
					"cpropPrev (level 1) differs");
				Assert.AreEqual(ihvo1, selectionHelper.GetLevelInfo(type)[1].ihvo,
					"ihvo (level 1) differs");
			Assert.AreEqual(tag0, selectionHelper.GetLevelInfo(type)[0].tag,
				"tag (level 0) differs");
			Assert.AreEqual(cpropPrev0, selectionHelper.GetLevelInfo(type)[0].cpropPrevious,
				"cpropPrev (level 0) differs");
			Assert.AreEqual(ihvo0, selectionHelper.GetLevelInfo(type)[0].ihvo,
				"ihvo (level 0) differs");