private void onSelectEnd(int result) { SelectionData data = MainGame.instance.selection[result]; if (data.setFlag > 0) { MainGame.instance.currentFlag[data.setFlag] = true; } if (data.addValueName > 0) { MainGame.instance.values[(GameValueType)data.addValueName] += data.addValueVal; } MainGame.instance.currentID =; next(); }
public void Set(int _id) { SelectionData data = MainGame.instance.selection[_id]; m_ShowText.text = data.content; id = _id; if (data.requireId > 0 && !MainGame.instance.checkCondition(data.requireId)) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { gameObject.SetActive(true); } }
protected override void OnDragDataGet(Gdk.DragContext context, SelectionData selectionData, uint info, uint time) { switch ((DragDropTargetType)info) { case DragDropTargetType.Source: new DragDropList <Source> (ServiceManager.SourceManager.ActiveSource, selectionData, context.ListTargets()[0]); break; default: return; } base.OnDragDataGet(context, selectionData, info, time); }
public void SetData(SelectionData selection_data, uint info) { if (selection_data == null) { return; } switch (info) { case TextType: selection_data.Text = GetCopiedPlainText(); break; case RichTextType: var rtf = RtfWriter.GenerateRtf(copiedColoredChunks, docStyle, options); selection_data.Set(RTF_ATOM, UTF8_FORMAT, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rtf)); break; case HTMLTextType: var html = HtmlWriter.GenerateHtml(copiedColoredChunks, docStyle, options); // Console.WriteLine ("html:" + html); selection_data.Set(HTML_ATOM, UTF8_FORMAT, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(html)); break; case MonoTextType: byte[] rawText = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetCopiedPlainText()); var copyDataLength = (byte)(copyData != null ? copyData.Length : 0); var dataOffset = 1 + 1 + copyDataLength; byte[] data = new byte [rawText.Length + dataOffset]; data [1] = copyDataLength; if (copyDataLength > 0) { copyData.CopyTo(data, 2); } rawText.CopyTo(data, dataOffset); data [0] = 0; if (isBlockMode) { data [0] |= 1; } if (isLineSelectionMode) { data [0] |= 2; } selection_data.Set(MD_ATOM, UTF8_FORMAT, data); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the grid field. /// </summary> /// <param name="entityType">Type of the entity.</param> /// <param name="selection">The selection.</param> /// <returns></returns> public override System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlField GetGridField(Type entityType, string selection) { SelectionData data = DeserializeSelectionData(selection); var result = new LavaBoundField(); result.LavaTemplate = data.Template; result.LavaKey = data.Property; /* Legacy options add about 0.3s per column. Disable them. */ var options = new Rock.Lava.CommonMergeFieldsOptions(); options.GetLegacyGlobalMergeFields = false; result.LavaMergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields(null, null, options); return(result); }
public static Photo [] GetPhotosData(this SelectionData selection_data) { int size = sizeof(uint); int length = selection_data.Length / size; PhotoStore photo_store = App.Instance.Database.Photos; Photo [] photos = new Photo [length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { uint id = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(selection_data.Data, i * size); photos [i] = photo_store.Get(id); } return(photos); }
public static Tag [] GetTagsData(this SelectionData selection_data) { int size = sizeof(uint); int length = selection_data.Length / size; TagStore tag_store = App.Instance.Database.Tags; Tag [] tags = new Tag [length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { uint id = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(selection_data.Data, i * size); tags [i] = tag_store.Get(id); } return(tags); }
internal Batch(string batchText, SelectionData selection, int ordinalId, IFileStreamFactory outputFileFactory) { // Sanity check for input Validate.IsNotNullOrEmptyString(nameof(batchText), batchText); Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(outputFileFactory), outputFileFactory); Validate.IsGreaterThan(nameof(ordinalId), ordinalId, 0); // Initialize the internal state BatchText = batchText; Selection = selection; executionStartTime = DateTime.Now; HasExecuted = false; Id = ordinalId; resultSets = new List <ResultSet>(); resultMessages = new List <ResultMessage>(); this.outputFileFactory = outputFileFactory; }
public void SetData(SelectionData selection_data, uint info) { if (selection_data == null) { return; } switch (info) { case TextType: // Windows specific hack to work around bug: Bug 661973 - copy operation in TextEditor braks text lines with duplicate line endings when the file has CRLF // Remove when is fixed. if (Platform.IsWindows) { selection_data.Text = copiedDocument.Text.Replace("\r\n", "\n"); } else { selection_data.Text = copiedDocument.Text; } break; case RichTextType: selection_data.Set(RTF_ATOM, UTF8_FORMAT, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(RtfWriter.GenerateRtf(copiedDocument, mode, docStyle, options))); break; case HTMLTextType: selection_data.Set(HTML_ATOM, UTF8_FORMAT, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(HtmlWriter.GenerateHtml(copiedDocument, mode, docStyle, options))); break; case MonoTextType: byte[] rawText = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(monoDocument.Text); byte[] data = new byte [rawText.Length + 1]; rawText.CopyTo(data, 1); data [0] = 0; if (isBlockMode) { data [0] |= 1; } if (isLineSelectionMode) { data [0] |= 2; } selection_data.Set(MD_ATOM, UTF8_FORMAT, data); break; } }
protected override void OnDragDataGet(Gdk.DragContext context, SelectionData selectionData, uint info, uint time) { List <IViewModel> draggedViewModels = new List <IViewModel> (); var paths = Selection.GetSelectedRows(); foreach (var path in paths) { TreeIter iter; Model.GetIter(out iter, path); var vm = (IViewModel)Model.GetValue(iter, COL_DATA); if (vm != null) { draggedViewModels.Add(vm); } } App.Current.DragContext.SourceData = draggedViewModels; }
internal static SelectionData ToManaged(SelectionData_StructInternal _internal_struct) { var _external_struct = new SelectionData(); _external_struct.Pos = Eina.Position2D_StructConversion.ToManaged(_internal_struct.Pos); _external_struct.Format = _internal_struct.Format; _external_struct.Content.Len = _internal_struct.Content.Len; _external_struct.Content.Mem = _internal_struct.Content.Mem; _external_struct.Action = _internal_struct.Action; _external_struct.Item = (Efl.Object)System.Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Efl.Object), new System.Object[] { _internal_struct.Item }); Efl.Eo.Globals.efl_ref(_internal_struct.Item); return(_external_struct); }
protected override void OnDragDataGet(Gdk.DragContext context, SelectionData selection_data, uint info, uint time) { if (info == Banshee.Gui.DragDrop.DragDropTarget.UriList.Info) { ITrackModelSource track_source = ServiceManager.SourceManager.ActiveSource as ITrackModelSource; if (track_source != null) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (TrackInfo track in track_source.TrackModel.SelectedItems) { sb.Append(track.Uri); sb.Append("\r\n"); } byte [] data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString()); selection_data.Set(context.Targets[0], 8, data, data.Length); } } }
void WorkerExecute(UnitTask.TaskType t, SelectionData SD) { bool ShouldSet = !QueueModDown; if (t == UnitTask.TaskType.Walk) { AddTaskToWorker(t, SD._Worker, GetMousePosition(), null, ShouldSet); return; } else if (t == UnitTask.TaskType.ClearRubble) { if (!AddTaskToWorker(t, SD._Worker, _hit.point, _hit.collider.gameObject, ShouldSet)) { AddTaskToWorker(UnitTask.TaskType.Walk, SD._Worker, GetMousePosition(), null, ShouldSet); } return; } AddTaskToWorker(t, SD._Worker, _hit.point, _hit.collider.gameObject, ShouldSet); }
public static void SetPhotosData(this SelectionData selection_data, Photo [] photos, Atom target) { byte [] data = new byte [photos.Length * sizeof(uint)]; int i = 0; foreach (Photo photo in photos) { byte [] bytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(photo.Id); foreach (byte b in bytes) { data [i] = b; i++; } } selection_data.Set(target, 8, data, data.Length); }
void FillSelectionData(SelectionData aData, uint aInfo) { if (aInfo < (int)TransferDataType.X_Special) { aData.Set(aData.Target, 8, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(copyBuffer.ToShortDateString()), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(copyBuffer.ToShortDateString()).Length); } else { byte[] num = BitConverter.GetBytes(copyBuffer.Year); byte[] data = new byte[num.Length * 3]; num.CopyTo(data, 0); num = BitConverter.GetBytes(copyBuffer.Month); num.CopyTo(data, num.Length); num = BitConverter.GetBytes(copyBuffer.Day); num.CopyTo(data, num.Length * 2); aData.Set(aData.Target, 8, data, data.Length); } }
public static void SetTagsData(this SelectionData selection_data, Tag [] tags, Atom target) { byte [] data = new byte [tags.Length * sizeof(uint)]; int i = 0; foreach (Tag tag in tags) { byte [] bytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(tag.Id); foreach (byte b in bytes) { data [i] = b; i++; } } selection_data.Set(target, 8, data, data.Length); }
/// <summary> /// Emitted on the drop site. If the data was recieved to preview the data, call /// Gdk.Drag.Status (), else call Gdk.Drag.Finish () /// RetVal = true on success /// </summary> void HandleDragDataReceived(object o, DragDataReceivedArgs args) { if (drag_data_requested) { SelectionData data = args.SelectionData; string uris = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data.Data); drag_data = Regex.Split(uris, "\r\n") .Where(uri => uri.StartsWith("file://")); drag_data_requested = false; drag_is_desktop_file = drag_data.Any(d => d.EndsWith(".desktop")); Owner.SetHoveredAcceptsDrop(); } Gdk.Drag.Status(args.Context, DragAction.Copy, Gtk.Global.CurrentEventTime); args.RetVal = true; }
public void SetSelected(CandidateAgentData candidate) { if (currentSelection == null) { currentSelection = new SelectionData(); } currentSelection.candidate = candidate; // Check if corresponding agent exists: bool hasAgent = false; foreach (var agent in simulation.agents) { if (currentSelection.candidate.candidateID != agent.candidateRef.candidateID) { continue; } hasAgent = true; currentSelection.agent = agent; theRenderKing.InitializeCreaturePortrait(currentSelection.candidate.candidateGenome); uiManager.genomeViewerUI.brainGenomeImage.SetTexture(currentSelection.candidate.candidateGenome.brainGenome); CameraManager.instance.targetAgent = agent; CameraManager.instance.targetAgentTransform = agent.bodyGO.transform; CameraManager.instance.targetAgentIndex = agent.index; break; } currentSelection.isGenomeOnly = !hasAgent; currentSelection.historySelectedSpeciesID = currentSelection.candidate.speciesID; //SetHistorySelectedSpeciesUI(candidate.speciesID); uiManager.historyPanelUI.InitializePanel(); //uiManager.historyPanelUI.RefreshFocusedAgent(currentSelection.agent); uiManager.speciesOverviewUI.RebuildGenomeButtons(); if (hasAgent) { unlockedTech = currentSelection.candidate.candidateGenome.bodyGenome.unlockedTech; //PrintTech(); } }
void SelectObject(GameObject GO, SelectObjectFilter Filter = SelectObjectFilter.All, bool final = false) { SelectionData SD = new SelectionData(); SD._Object = GO.GetComponent <SelectableObject>(); if (!SD.IsValid()) { SD._Object = GO.GetComponentInParent <SelectableObject>(); if (!SD.IsValid()) { return; } } SD._Worker = GO.GetComponent <Worker>(); SD._Vehicle = GO.GetComponent <Vehicle>(); if (Filter == SelectObjectFilter.Workers) { if (!SD.IsWorker() && !SD.IsVehicle()) { return; } } SD._Building = GO.GetComponentInParent <Building>(); SD._Rock = GO.GetComponentInParent <RockScript>(); if (SD.ShouldBeCulled()) { if (!CPU_FOW.Get().MultiSampleFOW(GO.transform.position, MSSampleDistance)) { return; } } SD._Object.SetSelectionState(true); if (final && SD.IsWorker() && ShouldPlaySound()) { SD._Worker.PlaySelectionSound(); } if (final && SD.IsVehicle() && ShouldPlaySound()) { SD._Vehicle.PlaySelectionSound(); } CurrentSelectionObjects.Add(SD); }
public override bool CanDropNode(object dataObject, DragOperation operation) { string targetDirectory = GetFolderPath(CurrentNode.DataItem); if (dataObject is SolutionFolderFileNode) { return(true); } else if (dataObject is ProjectFile) { ProjectFile file = (ProjectFile)dataObject; var srcDir = (file.Project != null && file.IsLink) ? file.Project.BaseDirectory.Combine(file.ProjectVirtualPath) : file.FilePath.ParentDirectory; switch (operation) { case DragOperation.Move: // allow grouped files to be unlinked from their parent return(srcDir != targetDirectory || file.DependsOnFile != null); case DragOperation.Copy: return(true); default: return(false); } } else if (dataObject is ProjectFolder) { return(((ProjectFolder)dataObject).Path != targetDirectory || operation == DragOperation.Copy); } else if (dataObject is Gtk.SelectionData) { SelectionData data = (SelectionData)dataObject; if (data.Type == "text/uri-list") { return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the selection. /// </summary> /// <param name="controls">The controls.</param> /// <param name="selection">The selection.</param> public override void SetSelection(System.Web.UI.Control[] controls, string selection) { if (controls.Count() == 3) { RockDropDownList ddlProperty = controls[0] as RockDropDownList; RockDropDownList ddlSortProperty = controls[1] as RockDropDownList; CodeEditor codeEditor = controls[2] as CodeEditor; if (codeEditor != null && ddlProperty != null && ddlSortProperty != null) { SelectionData data = DeserializeSelectionData(selection); codeEditor.Text = data.Template ?? string.Empty; ddlProperty.SelectedValue = data.Property ?? string.Empty; PopulateSortProperties(ddlProperty.SelectedValue, ddlSortProperty); ddlSortProperty.SelectedValue = data.SortProperty; } } }
internal Batch(string batchText, SelectionData selection, int ordinalId, IFileStreamFactory outputFileFactory, int executionCount = 1, bool getFullColumnSchema = false) { // Sanity check for input Validate.IsNotNullOrEmptyString(nameof(batchText), batchText); Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(outputFileFactory), outputFileFactory); Validate.IsGreaterThan(nameof(ordinalId), ordinalId, 0); // Initialize the internal state BatchText = batchText; Selection = selection; executionStartTime = DateTime.Now; HasExecuted = false; Id = ordinalId; resultSets = new List <ResultSet>(); this.outputFileFactory = outputFileFactory; specialAction = new SpecialAction(); BatchExecutionCount = executionCount > 0 ? executionCount : 1; this.getFullColumnSchema = getFullColumnSchema; }
void FillSelectionData(SelectionData aData, uint aInfo) { if (aInfo < (int)TransferDataType.X_Special) { aData.Set(aData.Target, 8, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetTimeAsString(copyBuffer)), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetTimeAsString(copyBuffer)).Length); } else { byte[] num = BitConverter.GetBytes(copyBuffer.Hour); byte[] data = new byte[num.Length * 4]; num.CopyTo(data, 0); num = BitConverter.GetBytes(copyBuffer.Minute); num.CopyTo(data, num.Length); num = BitConverter.GetBytes(copyBuffer.Second); num.CopyTo(data, num.Length * 2); num = BitConverter.GetBytes(copyBuffer.Millisecond); num.CopyTo(data, num.Length * 3); aData.Set(aData.Target, 8, data, data.Length); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when a selection changes. The snap-in should override this method to read the updated <see cref="P:Microsoft.ManagementConsole.MmcListView.SelectedNodes"></see> property and update <see cref="T:Microsoft.ManagementConsole.SelectionData"></see> class accordingly. /// </summary> /// <param name="status">The object that holds the status information.</param> protected override void OnSelectionChanged(SyncStatus status) { if (this.SelectedNodes.Count == 0) { // No items are selected; clear selection data and associated actions. SelectionData.Clear(); SelectionData.ActionsPaneItems.Clear(); } else { // WritableSharedData writableSharedData = new WritableSharedData(); // WritableSharedDataItem writableSharedDataItem = new WritableSharedDataItem(DataFormats.UnicodeText, true); // writableSharedDataItem.SetData(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("asdasdas asd adasd asdas das d")); // writableSharedData.Add(writableSharedDataItem); // WritableSharedDataItem writableSharedDataItem2 = new WritableSharedDataItem(DataFormats.Text, true); // writableSharedDataItem2.SetData(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("asdasdas asd adasd asdas das d")); // writableSharedData.Add(writableSharedDataItem2); //WritableSharedDataItem writableSharedDataItem3 = new WritableSharedDataItem(DataFormats.Html, false); //writableSharedDataItem3.SetData(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("asdasdas asd adasd asdas das d")); //writableSharedData.Add(writableSharedDataItem3); StringBuilder selectedItems = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ResultNode node in this.SelectedNodes) { selectedItems.Append(node.DisplayName); selectedItems.Append(" "); selectedItems.Append(string.Join(" ", node.SubItemDisplayNames.ToArray())); selectedItems.AppendLine(); } SelectionData.Update(selectedItems.ToString(), this.SelectedNodes.Count > 1, null, null); SelectionData.ActionsPaneItems.Clear(); SelectionData.ActionsPaneItems.Add(this.CopyToClipboardAction); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the selection. /// </summary> /// <param name="controls">The controls.</param> /// <returns></returns> public override string GetSelection(System.Web.UI.Control[] controls) { if (controls.Count() == 3) { RockDropDownList ddlProperty = controls[0] as RockDropDownList; RockDropDownList ddlSortProperty = controls[1] as RockDropDownList; CodeEditor codeEditor = controls[2] as CodeEditor; if (codeEditor != null && ddlProperty != null) { SelectionData data = new SelectionData(); data.Template = codeEditor.Text; data.Property = ddlProperty.SelectedValue; data.SortProperty = ddlSortProperty.SelectedValue; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)); } } return(string.Empty); }
const int Version1 = 1; //旧ファイルバージョン1 //バイナリ読み込み void ReadBinary(BinaryReader reader) { int magicID = reader.ReadInt32(); if (magicID != MagicID) { throw new System.Exception("Read File Id Error"); } int fileVersion = reader.ReadInt32(); if (fileVersion == Version) { ReadData.Read(reader); SelectionData.Read(reader); Engine.Config.Read(reader); GalleryData.Read(reader); Engine.Param.ReadSystemData(reader); } else if (fileVersion == Version2) { ReadData.Read(reader); Engine.Config.Read(reader); GalleryData.Read(reader); Engine.Param.ReadSystemData(reader); } else if (fileVersion == Version1) { ReadData.Read(reader); Engine.Config.Read(reader); GalleryData.Read(reader); } else { throw new System.Exception(LanguageErrorMsg.LocalizeTextFormat(ErrorMsg.UnknownVersion, fileVersion)); } }
public async Task QueryExecuteMissingSelectionTest(SelectionData selection) { // Set up file for returning the query var fileMock = new Mock <ScriptFile>(); fileMock.SetupGet(file => file.Contents).Returns(""); // Set up workspace mock var workspaceService = new Mock <WorkspaceService <SqlToolsSettings> >(); workspaceService.Setup(service => service.Workspace.GetFile(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns(fileMock.Object); // If: // ... I request to execute a query with a missing query string var queryService = await Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(Common.CreateMockFactory(null, false), true, workspaceService.Object); var queryParams = new QueryExecuteParams { OwnerUri = Common.OwnerUri, QuerySelection = selection }; object errorResult = null; var requestContext = RequestContextMocks.Create <QueryExecuteResult>(null) .AddErrorHandling(error => errorResult = error); await queryService.HandleExecuteRequest(queryParams, requestContext.Object); // Then: // ... Am error should have been sent // ... No result should have been sent // ... No completion event should have been fired // ... An active query should not have been added VerifyQueryExecuteCallCount(requestContext, Times.Never(), Times.Never(), Times.Once()); Assert.NotNull(errorResult); Assert.IsType <string>(errorResult); Assert.DoesNotContain(Common.OwnerUri, queryService.ActiveQueries.Keys); // ... There should not be an active query Assert.Empty(queryService.ActiveQueries); }
//<summary>Called when an application wants to get our clipboard data</summary> private void OnClipboardGet(Clipboard cb, SelectionData sd, uint n) { // if application accepts text if (sd.Target.Name == "UTF8_STRING") { switch (this.FocusedArea.Type) { case "hexadecimal": sd.Text = ByteArray.ToString(clipdata, 16); break; case "decimal": sd.Text = ByteArray.ToString(clipdata, 10); break; case "octal": sd.Text = ByteArray.ToString(clipdata, 8); break; case "binary": sd.Text = ByteArray.ToString(clipdata, 2); break; case "ascii": sd.Set(sd.Target, 8, clipdata); break; default: break; } } // if application accepts raw bytes else if (sd.Target.Name == "application/octet-stream") { sd.Set(sd.Target, 8, clipdata); } }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to populate the current wish list item object using a WishListItemDTO instance /// </summary> /// <param name="dto">An instance of the wish list item from the REST API</param> public void FromDto(WishListItemDTO dto) { if (dto == null) { return; } Id = dto.Id; StoreId = dto.StoreId; CustomerId = dto.CustomerId; LastUpdatedUtc = dto.LastUpdatedUtc; ProductId = dto.ProductId ?? string.Empty; Quantity = dto.Quantity; SelectionData.Clear(); if (dto.SelectionData != null) { foreach (var op in dto.SelectionData) { var o = new OptionSelection(); o.FromDto(op); SelectionData.OptionSelectionList.Add(o); } } }
/// <summary> /// OnDataSelectionChanged method implementation /// </summary> private void OnDataSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionDataEventArgs e) { if (e.Action != MMCListAction.SelectionChanged) { return; } this.SelectionData.BeginUpdates(); try { if (e.Selection.Count == 0) { this.SelectionData.Clear(); } else { if (e.Selection.Count > 0) { SelectionData.Update(e.Selection, e.Selection.Count > 1, null, null); if (e.Selection.Count == 1) { UpdateActionPanelItems(e.Selection); SelectionData.DisplayName = e.Selection[0].UPN; } else { UpdateActionPanelItems(e.Selection); SelectionData.DisplayName = res.USERSFRMSLECTMULTIPLE; } } } } finally { this.SelectionData.EndUpdates(); } }
public void HandleSelectionData(SelectionData sd, Gdk.DragAction action, string targetPath) { string type = sd.Type.Name; if (type == "application/x-color") { /** DESCTRUCTIVE */ Helpers.LogError ("Would set {0} color to {1}", targetPath, BitConverter.ToString(sd.Data)); } else if (type == "text/uri-list" || ((type == "text/plain" || type == "STRING") && Helpers.IsURI(sd.Text))) { /** DESCTRUCTIVE */ string data = Helpers.BytesToASCII(sd.Data); string[] uris = data.Split(new char[] {'\r','\n','\0'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (action == Gdk.DragAction.Move) { moveUris(uris, targetPath); } else if (action == Gdk.DragAction.Copy) { copyUris(uris, targetPath); } else if (action == Gdk.DragAction.Ask) { DragURIMenu(uris, targetPath); } } else { /** DESCTRUCTIVE */ if (Helpers.IsDir(targetPath)) { DragDataToCreateFileMenu(targetPath, sd.Data); } else { DragDataToFileMenu(targetPath, sd.Data); } } }
private void parseData() { string[] itemRowsList = ResourceManager.LoadText("main.text"); text.Clear(); //Skip first three lines. for (int i = 3; i < itemRowsList.Length; ++i) { string[] itemColumnsList = itemRowsList[i].Split('\t'); if (itemColumnsList.Length < 3) { Debug.LogWarning("The source data seems to have an inconsistent number of columns: " + itemColumnsList.Length); continue; } StoryData data = new StoryData(itemColumnsList); text.Add(, data); } itemRowsList = ResourceManager.LoadText("main.selection"); selection.Clear(); //Skip first three lines. for (int i = 3; i < itemRowsList.Length; ++i) { string[] itemColumnsList = itemRowsList[i].Split('\t'); if (itemColumnsList.Length < 3) { Debug.LogWarning("The source data seems to have an inconsistent number of columns: " + itemColumnsList.Length); continue; } SelectionData data = new SelectionData(itemColumnsList); selection.Add(, data); } itemRowsList = ResourceManager.LoadText("main.condition"); condition.Clear(); //Skip first three lines. for (int i = 3; i < itemRowsList.Length; ++i) { string[] itemColumnsList = itemRowsList[i].Split('\t'); if (itemColumnsList.Length < 3) { Debug.LogWarning("The source data seems to have an inconsistent number of columns: " + itemColumnsList.Length); continue; } ConditionData data = new ConditionData(itemColumnsList); condition.Add(, data); } }
protected void HandleDataReceived (uint aType, Gtk.Widget aSource, SelectionData aData) { if (Editable == false) return; ResetEditing(); string text = ""; switch (aType) { case (int) TransferDataType.Default: text = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString (aData.Data); break; case (int) TransferDataType.X_Special: int intsize = (BitConverter.GetBytes((int) 1).Length); int y = BitConverter.ToInt32 (aData.Data, 0); int m = BitConverter.ToInt32 (aData.Data, intsize); int d = BitConverter.ToInt32 (aData.Data, intsize * 2); day = d; SetCorrectDateTime (y, m, d); return; } if (text != "") try { DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse (text); day = dt.Day; SetCorrectDateTime (dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day); } catch {} text = ""; }
void FillSelectionData (SelectionData aData, uint aInfo) { if (aInfo < (int) TransferDataType.X_Special) aData.Set (aData.Target, 8, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (copyBuffer.ToShortDateString()), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (copyBuffer.ToShortDateString()).Length); else { byte[] num = BitConverter.GetBytes (copyBuffer.Year); byte[] data = new byte[num.Length*3]; num.CopyTo (data, 0); num = BitConverter.GetBytes (copyBuffer.Month); num.CopyTo (data, num.Length); num = BitConverter.GetBytes (copyBuffer.Day); num.CopyTo (data, num.Length*2); aData.Set (aData.Target, 8, data, data.Length); } }
public static void PrintSelectionData(SelectionData sd) { LogError (); LogError("Selection: {0}", sd.Selection.Name); LogError("Target: {0}", sd.Target.Name); string[] targets = new string[sd.Targets.Length]; for (int i=0; i<targets.Length; i++) targets[i] = sd.Targets[i].Name; LogError("Targets: {0}", String.Join(", ", targets)); LogError("Format: {0}", sd.Format); LogError("Length: {0}", sd.Length); if (sd.Length < 0) return; LogError("Data: {0}", BitConverter.ToString(sd.Data)); LogError("Pixbuf: {0}", sd.Pixbuf); LogError("Text: {0}", sd.Text); LogError("Type: {0}", sd.Type.Name); LogError("Uris: {0}", sd.Uris); }
public void EqualityShouldWork() { var d1 = new SelectionData(new[] { new SelectionData.ObjectId(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }) }, 5); var d2 = new SelectionData(new[] { new SelectionData.ObjectId(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }) }, 5); d1.Equals(d2).Should().BeTrue(); }