Esempio n. 1
        public async void DeleteCommand()
            //Request delete confirmation
            IDialogService dialogService = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance <IDialogService>();

            string[] buttonText = new string[] { "Ok", "Cancel" };

            int dialogResult = await dialogService.ShowMessageDialog("Delete \"" + SelectedApplication.Description + "\"?", "DELETE", buttonText);

            if (dialogResult == 0)
                //Delete the application
                if (ApplicationCollection.Count() > 0)
Esempio n. 2
        private void ProcessCommandStartApp(Configuration Config)
            if (!File.Exists(SelectedConfig))
                AppLogger.Log("No config file found: " + SelectedConfig);

            string Application   = SelectedApplication;
            int    FirstSpacePos = Application.IndexOf(' ');

            if (FirstSpacePos > 0)
                Application = SelectedApplication.Substring(0, FirstSpacePos);
            if (!File.Exists(Application))
                AppLogger.Log("Application not found: " + Application);

            // Update config files before application start
            HashSet <string> NodesSent = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (EntityClusterNode Node in Config.ClusterNodes.Values)
                if (!NodesSent.Contains(Node.Addr))

            // Send start command to the listeners
            foreach (EntityClusterNode Node in Config.ClusterNodes.Values)
                string cmd = GenerateStartCommand(Node, Config);
                SendDaemonCommand(Node.Addr, DefaultListenerPort, cmd);
Esempio n. 3
        private string GenerateStartCommand(EntityClusterNode Node, Configuration Config)
            string commandCmd     = string.Empty;
            string Application    = SelectedApplication;
            string ExtraAppParams = string.Empty;

            // Executable
            int FirstSpacePos = SelectedApplication.IndexOf(' ');

            if (FirstSpacePos > 0)
                Application    = SelectedApplication.Substring(0, FirstSpacePos);
                ExtraAppParams = SelectedApplication.Substring(FirstSpacePos + 1);
            commandCmd = string.Format("{0} \"{1}\"", CommandStartApp, Application);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ExtraAppParams))
                string FirstArg = ExtraAppParams;
                string RemArgs  = String.Empty;
                FirstSpacePos = ExtraAppParams.IndexOf(' ');
                if (FirstSpacePos > 0)
                    FirstArg = ExtraAppParams.Substring(0, FirstSpacePos);
                    RemArgs  = ExtraAppParams.Substring(FirstSpacePos + 1);

                commandCmd = string.Format("{0} \"{1}\" {2}", commandCmd, FirstArg, RemArgs);

            // Custom common arguments
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CustomCommonParams))
                commandCmd = string.Format("{0} {1}", commandCmd, CustomCommonParams.Trim());
            // Mandatory arguments
            commandCmd = string.Format("{0} {1}", commandCmd, ArgMandatory);
            // Config file
            commandCmd = string.Format("{0} {1}=\"{2}\"", commandCmd, ArgConfig, SelectedConfig);
            // Render API and mode
            commandCmd = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", commandCmd, SelectedRenderApiParam.Value, SelectedRenderModeParam.Value);

            // No texture streaming
            if (IsNotextureStreaming)
                commandCmd = string.Format("{0} {1}", commandCmd, ArgNoTextureStreaming);
            // Use all available cores
            if (IsUseAllCores)
                commandCmd = string.Format("{0} {1}", commandCmd, ArgUseAllAvailableCores);

            if (!Config.Windows.ContainsKey(Node.Window))
                throw new Exception("Node {0} has no windows property specified");

            // Get window settings for the node
            EntityWindow Window = Config.Windows[Node.Window];

            // Fullscreen/windowed
            commandCmd = string.Format("{0} {1}", commandCmd, Window.IsFullscreen ? ArgFullscreen : ArgWindowed);

            // Window location and size
            if (Window.ResX > 0 && Window.ResY > 0)
                commandCmd = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}",
                                           string.Format("WinX={0}", Window.WinX),
                                           string.Format("WinY={0}", Window.WinY),
                                           string.Format("ResX={0}", Window.ResX),
                                           string.Format("ResY={0}", Window.ResY));

            // Node ID
            commandCmd = string.Format("{0} {1}={2}", commandCmd, ArgNode, Node.Id);

            // Log file
            commandCmd = string.Format("{0} Log={1}.log", commandCmd, Node.Id);

            // Logging verbosity
            if (IsCustomLogsUsed)
                string LogCmds = string.Format(
                    "LogDisplayClusterPlugin {0}, " +
                    "LogDisplayClusterEngine {1}, " +
                    "LogDisplayClusterConfig {2}, " +
                    "LogDisplayClusterCluster {3}, " +
                    "LogDisplayClusterGame {4}, " +
                    "LogDisplayClusterGameMode {5}, " +
                    "LogDisplayClusterInput {6}, " +
                    "LogDisplayClusterInputVRPN {7}, " +
                    "LogDisplayClusterNetwork {8}, " +
                    "LogDisplayClusterNetworkMsg {9}, " +
                    "LogDisplayClusterRender {10}, " +
                    "LogDisplayClusterBlueprint {11}"
                    , SelectedVerbocityPlugin
                    , SelectedVerbocityEngine
                    , SelectedVerbocityConfig
                    , SelectedVerbocityCluster
                    , SelectedVerbocityGame
                    , SelectedVerbocityGameMode
                    , SelectedVerbocityInput
                    , SelectedVerbocityVrpn
                    , SelectedVerbocityNetwork
                    , SelectedVerbocityNetworkMsg
                    , SelectedVerbocityRender
                    , SelectedVerbocityBlueprint);

                commandCmd = string.Format("{0} -LogCmds=\"{1}\"", commandCmd, LogCmds);

            // Custom ExecCmds
            string CleanCustomCommonExecCmds = CustomCommonExecCmds.Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CleanCustomCommonExecCmds))
                commandCmd = string.Format("{0} -ExecCmds=\"{1}\"", commandCmd, CleanCustomCommonExecCmds);
