Esempio n. 1
        public static Vector2f ClosestPointOnSegment(Segment2f seg, Vector2f p)
            float t;

            ClosestPointOnSegment(seg, p, out t);
            return(seg.A + t * (seg.B - seg.A));
Esempio n. 2
        public static bool RayIntersectsSegment(Ray2f ray, Segment2f seg, out float s, out float t)
            s = t = 0;

            float dx = seg.A.x - ray.Position.x;
            float dy = seg.A.y - ray.Position.y;

            float len = Vector2f.Distance(seg.A, seg.B);

            if (FMath.IsZero(len))

            Vector2f n1;

            n1.x = (seg.B.x - seg.A.x) / len;
            n1.y = (seg.B.y - seg.A.y) / len;

            float det = n1.x * ray.Direction.y - n1.y * ray.Direction.x;

            if (FMath.IsZero(det))

            s  = (dy * n1.x - dx * n1.y) / det;
            t  = (dy * ray.Direction.x - dx * ray.Direction.y) / det;
            t /= len;

            return(s > 0 && t > 0 && t < 1.0f);
Esempio n. 3
        public static bool SegmentIntersectsSegment(Segment2f seg0, Segment2f seg1, out float s, out float t)
            float area1 = SignedTriArea(seg0.A, seg0.B, seg1.B);
            float area2 = SignedTriArea(seg0.A, seg0.B, seg1.A);

            s = 0.0f;
            t = 0.0f;

            if (area1 * area2 < 0.0)
                float area3 = SignedTriArea(seg1.A, seg1.B, seg0.A);
                float area4 = area3 + area2 - area1;

                if (area3 * area4 < 0.0)
                    s = area3 / (area3 - area4);

                    area1 = SignedTriArea(seg1.A, seg1.B, seg0.B);
                    area2 = SignedTriArea(seg1.A, seg1.B, seg0.A);
                    area3 = SignedTriArea(seg0.A, seg0.B, seg1.A);
                    area4 = area3 + area2 - area1;

                    t = area3 / (area3 - area4);

Esempio n. 4
        public static Segment2d IntoFrame(this Segment3d _seg3d, Frame3f _frame)
            var seg2f = new Segment2f
                            (_frame.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)_seg3d.P0, 2),
                            _frame.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)_seg3d.P1, 2));

            return(new Segment2d(seg2f.P0, seg2f.P1));
Esempio n. 5
        public static Segment2f ClosestSegmentToSegments(Segment2f seg0, Segment2f seg1)
            float s, t;

            ClosestSegmentToSegments(seg0, seg1, out s, out t);

            return(new Segment2f(seg0.A + (seg0.B - seg0.A) * s, seg1.A + (seg1.B - seg1.A) * t));
Esempio n. 6
        public static bool RayIntersectsSegment(Ray2f ray, Segment2f seg, out Vector2f point)
            float s, t;

            if (RayIntersectsSegment(ray, seg, out s, out t))
                point = ray.Position + ray.Direction * s;
                point = Vector2f.Zero;
Esempio n. 7
        public static bool SegmentIntersectsSegment(Segment2f seg0, Segment2f seg1, out Vector2f p)
            float t;

            p = Vector2f.Zero;
            if (SegmentIntersectsSegment(seg0, seg1, out t))
                p = seg0.A + t * (seg0.B - seg0.A);
Esempio n. 8
        public static LineResult2f LineIntersectsSegment(IList <Vector2f> line, Segment2f seg, bool reverse = false, float radius = 0.0f)
            Segment2f closest, seg0;
            float     r2 = radius > 0.0f ? radius * radius : FMath.EPS;

            int count = line.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
                int I0 = i;
                int I1 = i + 1;

                if (reverse)
                    I0 = count - i - 2;
                    I1 = count - i - 1;

                seg0.A = line[I0];
                seg0.B = line[I1];

                float s, t;
                SegmentIntersections2f.ClosestSegmentToSegments(seg0, seg, out s, out t);

                closest.A = seg0.A + (seg0.B - seg0.A) * s;
                closest.B = seg.A + (seg.B - seg.A) * t;

                if (closest.SqrLength < r2)
                    LineResult2f result = new LineResult2f();
                    result.Hit    = true;
                    result.Point0 = closest.A;
                    result.T0     = s;
                    result.A0     = I0;
                    result.B0     = I1;

                    result.Point1 = closest.B;
                    result.T1     = t;
                    result.A1     = 0;
                    result.B1     = 1;


Esempio n. 9
        public static void ClosestPointOnSegment(Segment2f seg, Vector2f p, out float t)
            t = 0.0f;
            Vector2f ab = seg.B - seg.A;
            Vector2f ap = p - seg.A;

            float len = ab.x * ab.x + ab.y * ab.y;

            if (len < FMath.EPS)

            t = (ab.x * ap.x + ab.y * ap.y) / len;

            if (t < 0.0f)
                t = 0.0f;
            if (t > 1.0f)
                t = 1.0f;
Esempio n. 10
        public static float SqrDistanceFromSegment(Segment2f seg, Vector2f p)
            Vector2f ab = seg.B - seg.A;
            Vector2f ac = p - seg.A;
            Vector2f bc = p - seg.B;

            float e = Vector2f.Dot(ac, ab);

            // Handle cases where c projects outside ab
            if (e <= 0.0)
                return(Vector2f.Dot(ac, ac));

            float f = Vector2f.Dot(ab, ab);

            if (e >= f)
                return(Vector2f.Dot(bc, bc));

            // Handle case where p projects onto ab
            return(Vector2f.Dot(ac, ac) - e * e / f);
Esempio n. 11
        public static void ClosestSegmentToSegments(Segment2f seg0, Segment2f seg1, out float s, out float t)
            Vector2f ab0 = seg0.B - seg0.A;
            Vector2f ab1 = seg1.B - seg1.A;
            Vector2f a01 = seg0.A - seg1.A;

            float d00 = Vector2f.Dot(ab0, ab0);
            float d11 = Vector2f.Dot(ab1, ab1);
            float d1  = Vector2f.Dot(ab1, a01);

            s = 0;
            t = 0;

            //Check if either or both segments degenerate into points.
            if (d00 < FMath.EPS && d11 < FMath.EPS)

            if (d00 < FMath.EPS)
                //First segment degenerates into a point.
                s = 0;
                t = FMath.Clamp01(d1 / d11);
                float c = Vector2f.Dot(ab0, a01);

                if (d11 < FMath.EPS)
                    //Second segment degenerates into a point.
                    s = FMath.Clamp01(-c / d00);
                    t = 0;
                    //The generate non degenerate case starts here.
                    float d2    = Vector2f.Dot(ab0, ab1);
                    float denom = d00 * d11 - d2 * d2;

                    //if segments not parallel compute closest point and clamp to segment.
                    if (!FMath.IsZero(denom))
                        s = FMath.Clamp01((d2 * d1 - c * d11) / denom);
                        s = 0;

                    t = (d2 * s + d1) / d11;

                    if (t < 0.0f)
                        t = 0.0f;
                        s = FMath.Clamp01(-c / d00);
                    else if (t > 1.0f)
                        t = 1.0f;
                        s = FMath.Clamp01((d2 - c) / d00);