Esempio n. 1
        public SecurityMap SaveSecurityMap(Security security, string cusip)
            SecurityMap securityMap;

                securityMap = new SecurityMap
                    Cusip      = cusip,
                    Name       = security.Name,
                    SecurityId = security.SecurityId


                securityMap = _db.SecurityMaps.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Cusip == cusip);
                if (securityMap == null)

Esempio n. 2
        public Security CusipLookup(string cusip)
            Security    security    = null;
            SecurityMap securityMap = _db.SecurityMaps.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Cusip == cusip);

            if (securityMap != null)
                security = _db.Securities.FirstOrDefault(s => s.SecurityId == securityMap.SecurityId);
                UnknownShare unknownShare = _db.UnknownShares.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Cusip == cusip);
                if (unknownShare == null)
                    security = StockFinder.CusipLookup(cusip);

Esempio n. 3
        public Security NameLookup(string name)
            name = NormaliseSecurityName(name);

            SecurityMap securityMap = _db.SecurityMaps.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == name);
            Security    security    = null;

            if (securityMap != null)
                security = _db.Securities.FirstOrDefault(s => s.SecurityId == securityMap.SecurityId);
                UnknownShare unknownShare = _db.UnknownShares.FirstOrDefault(s => s.NameOfIssuer == name);
                if (unknownShare == null)
                    security = StockFinder.NameLookup(name);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an address map from an XML document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlDocument">The document to be parsed for addresses</param>
        /// <param name="documentVersion">Identifies a particular version of the document</param>
        public AddressMap(XmlDocument xmlDocument, int documentVersion) : base()
            // This table is used to quickly map an element name to a token.
            ElementNameTable elementNameTable = new ElementNameTable();

            // These variables are used to track the states when parsing the XML Spreadsheet.
            int          rowType      = 0;
            int          rowIndex     = 0;
            int          columnIndex  = 0;
            int          columnType   = 0;
            int          securityId   = 0;
            ParsingState parsingState = ParsingState.None;

            // IMPORTANT CONCEPT: Create a fast, forward only reader on the XML Document.  This saves a lot of time over
            // trying to use XPath commands on the version used for the document.  The main idea is that we are going to
            // rip through the spreadsheet XML looking only for specific element nodes.  Certain elements will cause the
            // state of the parsing to change (e.g. finding a 'ss:Row' element will increment the row counter.  Other
            // nodes contain data that helps to map the spreadsheet document into a data structure that can be used to
            // address individual cells in the spreadsheet, which is the end product of this method.
            XmlNodeReader xmlNodeReader = new XmlNodeReader(xmlDocument);

            // Rip through the XML file looking for specific node types and names.
            while (xmlNodeReader.Read())
                // The outer switch statement divides the nodes up into their types.  The inner switch statement will
                // examine their names.  We will switch from one state to another based on this combination of node type
                // and name.  The state ultimately tells us how to interpret the data when we run across it.
                switch (xmlNodeReader.NodeType)
                case XmlNodeType.Element:

                    // Turn the element name into a token so we can quickly jump to the code to handle it.
                    switch (elementNameTable[xmlNodeReader.Name])
                    case ElementName.NamedRange:

                        // Create a mapping of column names to column types and vica-versa.
                        columnIndex = SpreadsheetColumn.Parse(xmlNodeReader["ss:RefersTo"]);
                        columnType  = ColumnType.Tokenize(xmlNodeReader["ss:Name"]);
                        if (columnIndex != SpreadsheetColumn.DoesNotExist && columnType != ColumnType.None)
                            // Make sure that errors in the column names don't kill the whole parsing session.
                                this.ColumnIndexMap.AddColumnIndexMapRow(columnType, columnIndex);
                                this.ColumnIdMap.AddColumnIdMapRow(columnIndex, columnType);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                // Write the error and stack trace out to the debug listener
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, {1}", exception.Message, exception.StackTrace));

                    case ElementName.Row:

                        // Increase the row index monotonically if no explicit index is given.
                        string rowIndexText = xmlNodeReader["ss:Index"];
                        rowIndex = (rowIndexText == null) ? rowIndex + 1 : Convert.ToInt32(rowIndexText);

                        // Reset the state of the row when we recognize a new row.
                        rowType     = RowType.Unused;
                        columnIndex = 0;


                    case ElementName.Cell:

                        // Increase the column index monotonically if no explicit index is given.
                        string columnIndexText = xmlNodeReader["ss:Index"];
                        columnIndex = (columnIndexText == null) ? columnIndex + 1 : Convert.ToInt32(columnIndexText);

                    case ElementName.Data:

                        // If we're on the row type column (typically, the first column of every row in the
                        // spreadsheet), then the next Text node will contain the row type.
                        if (columnIndex == GetColumnIndex(ColumnType.RowType))
                            parsingState = ParsingState.RowType;

                        // If the current column is a position type code on a position row, then look for the position
                        // type code the next time a Text node is found.
                        if (rowType == RowType.BlockOrder && columnIndex == GetColumnIndex(ColumnType.BlockOrderId))
                            parsingState = ParsingState.BlockOrderId;

                        // If the current column is the security id column on a position row, then look for the
                        // security id the next time a Text node is found.
                        if (rowType == RowType.BlockOrder && columnIndex == GetColumnIndex(ColumnType.SecurityId))
                            parsingState = ParsingState.SecurityId;



                        // The parsing state is only good for the scope of the 'Data' element.  If we didnt'
                        // recognize a parsing state above, then reset the state value so we don't get confused the
                        // next time we read a 'Data' node.
                        parsingState = ParsingState.None;


                case XmlNodeType.Text:

                    // The state variable tells us how to interpret the text nodes.
                    switch (parsingState)
                    case ParsingState.RowType:

                        // This node tells us what kind of row we are reading.
                        rowType = Convert.ToInt32(xmlNodeReader.Value);

                    case ParsingState.SecurityId:

                        // The security identifier is found in this cell.
                        securityId = Convert.ToInt32(xmlNodeReader.Value);

                        // Construct a map of security locations for the incoming prices.  Remember that a single
                        // security could be on the report twice: once for long and once for short positions.  Create
                        // the security level row first if it doesn't already exist.
                        AddressMapSet.SecurityMapRow securityMapRow = SecurityMap.FindBySecurityId(securityId);
                        if (securityMapRow == null)
                            securityMapRow = SecurityMap.AddSecurityMapRow(securityId);

                        // Last Price Mapping
                        int lastPriceColumnIndex = GetColumnIndex(ColumnType.LastPrice);
                        if (lastPriceColumnIndex != SpreadsheetColumn.DoesNotExist)
                                                                    documentVersion, rowIndex, lastPriceColumnIndex);

                        // Bid Price Mapping
                        int bidPriceColumnIndex = GetColumnIndex(ColumnType.BidPrice);
                        if (bidPriceColumnIndex != SpreadsheetColumn.DoesNotExist)
                                                                  documentVersion, rowIndex, bidPriceColumnIndex);

                        // Ask Price Mapping
                        int askPriceColumnIndex = GetColumnIndex(ColumnType.AskPrice);
                        if (askPriceColumnIndex != SpreadsheetColumn.DoesNotExist)
                                                                  documentVersion, rowIndex, askPriceColumnIndex);


                    case ParsingState.BlockOrderId:

                        // The position type code is found in this cell.
                        int blockOrderId = Convert.ToInt32(xmlNodeReader.Value);

                        // Construct a map entry for cell that is addressed by a security, position type code
                        // combination.  Note how the columns are mapped dynamically based on the names given to the
                        // columns in the spreadsheet.  See the section above that extracts the column names for how
                        // the column index is constructed.
                        BlockOrderMap.AddBlockOrderMapRow(blockOrderId, ColumnType.StatusCode, documentVersion, rowIndex, GetColumnIndex(ColumnType.StatusCode));
                        BlockOrderMap.AddBlockOrderMapRow(blockOrderId, ColumnType.QuantityOrdered, documentVersion, rowIndex, GetColumnIndex(ColumnType.QuantityOrdered));
                        BlockOrderMap.AddBlockOrderMapRow(blockOrderId, ColumnType.QuantityPlaced, documentVersion, rowIndex, GetColumnIndex(ColumnType.QuantityPlaced));
                        BlockOrderMap.AddBlockOrderMapRow(blockOrderId, ColumnType.QuantityExecuted, documentVersion, rowIndex, GetColumnIndex(ColumnType.QuantityExecuted));


                    // Reset the parsing state after each text node is read and interpreted.
                    parsingState = ParsingState.None;


            // Commit all the changes made to the data set.