Esempio n. 1
        private static string GetPrincipalNameFromContext(SecurityHandle context)
            // We must pass SSPI a pointer to a structure, where upon SSPI will allocate additional memory for the
            // fields of the structure. We have to call back into SSPI to free the buffers it allocated, this code is
            // pretty verbose, probably should be refactored
            var name    = new SecurityContextNamesBuffer();
            var namePtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(name));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(name, namePtr, false);
            var status = SspiInterop.QueryContextAttributes(ref context, SspiInterop.SECPKG_ATTR_NATIVE_NAMES, namePtr);

            if (status != SspiInterop.SEC_E_OK)
                throw new AuthenticationException($"An unhandled exception occurred obtaining the username from the context (QueryContextAttributes returned: {status})");
            var usernamePtr   = Marshal.PtrToStructure <SecurityContextNamesBuffer>(namePtr).clientname;
            var servernamePtr = Marshal.PtrToStructure <SecurityContextNamesBuffer>(namePtr).servername;
            var username      = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(usernamePtr);


 public void Dispose()
     if (_context.HighPart != IntPtr.Zero || _context.LowPart != IntPtr.Zero)
         _context = new SecurityHandle(0);
Esempio n. 3
 private static extern int AcquireCredentialsHandle(
     string pszPrincipal,             // SEC_CHAR*
     string pszPackage,               // SEC_CHAR* // "Kerberos","NTLM","Negotiative"
     int fCredentialUse,
     IntPtr pAuthenticationId,        // _LUID AuthenticationID,//pvLogonID, // PLUID
     IntPtr pAuthData,                // PVOID
     int pGetKeyFn,                   // SEC_GET_KEY_FN
     IntPtr pvGetKeyArgument,         // PVOID
     ref SecurityHandle phCredential, // SecHandle // PCtxtHandle ref
     ref SecurityInteger ptsExpiry);  // PTimeStamp // TimeStamp ref
Esempio n. 4
 private static extern int InitializeSecurityContext(ref SecurityHandle phCredential, // PCredHandle
                                                     ref SecurityHandle phContext,    // PCtxtHandle
                                                     string pszTargetName,
                                                     int fContextReq,
                                                     int reserved1,
                                                     int targetDataRep,
                                                     ref SecurityBufferDesciption secBufferDesc, // PSecBufferDesc SecBufferDesc
                                                     int reserved2,
                                                     out SecurityHandle phNewContext,            // PCtxtHandle
                                                     out SecurityBufferDesciption pOutput,       // PSecBufferDesc SecBufferDesc
                                                     out uint pfContextAttr,                     // managed ulong == 64 bits!!!
                                                     out SecurityInteger ptsExpiry);             // PTimeStamp
Esempio n. 5
        private static string[] GetGroupMembershipFromContext(SecurityHandle context)
            // Query the context to obtain the Win32 Access Token, this will enable us to get the list of SID's that
            // represent group membership for the principal, we will use these to populate the Roles property
            var accessToken    = new SecurityContextBuffer();
            var accessTokenPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(accessToken));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(accessToken, accessTokenPtr, false);

            var status = SspiInterop.QueryContextAttributes(ref context, SspiInterop.SECPKG_ATTR_ACCESS_TOKEN, accessTokenPtr);

            if (status != SspiInterop.SEC_E_OK)
                throw new AuthenticationException($"An unhandled exception occurred obtaining the access token from the context (QueryContextAttributes returned: {status})");
            // who closes the access token, I assume when we delete the context
            var tokenPtr = Marshal.PtrToStructure <SecurityContextBuffer>(accessTokenPtr).Buffer;
            var groups   = GetMemebershipSids(tokenPtr).ToArray();


Esempio n. 6
 public static partial int ldap_get_option_sechandle(ConnectionHandle ldapHandle, LdapOption option, ref SecurityHandle outValue);
Esempio n. 7
 public static extern int ldap_get_option_sechandle([In] ConnectionHandle ldapHandle, [In] LdapOption option, ref SecurityHandle outValue);
 internal WindowsHandshake(SecurityHandle ntlmHandle)
     _ntlmHandle = ntlmHandle;
Esempio n. 9
 public SspiInitiator(SspiCredentials credentials, string target)
     _target = target;
     _credentials = credentials.Credentials;
 internal static extern SEC_RESULT DeleteSecurityContext(SecurityHandle phCredential);
 internal static extern SEC_RESULT FreeCredentialsHandle(SecurityHandle phCredential);
 internal static extern SEC_RESULT QuerySecurityContextToken(ref SecurityHandle phContext, out IntPtr phToken);
 public static extern SEC_RESULT AcquireCredentialsHandle(string pszPrincipal, string pszPackage, CredentialsUse fCredentialUse,
                                                          IntPtr pvLogonID, IntPtr pAuthData, int pGetKeyFn, IntPtr pvGetKeyArgument, out SecurityHandle phCredential,
                                                          out SecurityInteger ptsExpiry);
Esempio n. 14
 public SspiAcceptor(SspiCredentials credentials)
     _credentials = credentials.Credentials;
Esempio n. 15
 internal static extern SEC_RESULT AcceptSecurityContext(SecurityHandle phCredential, ref SecurityHandle phContext,
                                                         ref SecBufferDesc pInput, ASC_REQ fContextReq, Data_Rep TargetDataRep, out SecurityHandle phNewContext,
                                                         ref SecBufferDesc pOutput, out uint pfContextAttr, out SecurityInteger ptsTimeStamp);
Esempio n. 16
 internal WindowsHandshake(string sessionId, SecurityHandle ntlmHandle)
     _sessionId  = sessionId;
     _ntlmHandle = ntlmHandle;