Esempio n. 1
        internal static bool IsFtpBinaryVersionPresent(Uri uriRemoteDirPath, string version, string ftpUser, string ftpPassword, NLog.Logger logger)
            bool    present      = false;
            Version versionCheck = new Version(version);

                string[] dirContents = SecureFtpRepoUpdate.ListDirectory(uriRemoteDirPath, ftpUser, ftpPassword, false /*details*/, true /*enableSSL*/);
                for (int i = 0; i < dirContents.Length; ++i)
                    if (dirContents[i] == version)

                    Version ver = new Version(dirContents[i]);

                    if (ver == versionCheck)
                        present = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.ErrorException("Failed to retrieve the latest version from remote ftp server", e);

Esempio n. 2
        public static void Cleanup()
                SecureFtpRepoUpdate.DeleteFile(uriFile, remoteUsername, remoteUserPassword, true /*enableSSL*/);
            catch (Exception)
                // it's ok for this calls to fail, if the file is not present, ignoring...
                SecureFtpRepoUpdate.RemoveDirectory(uriDir, remoteUsername, remoteUserPassword, true /*enableSSL*/);
            catch (Exception)
                // it's ok for this calls to fail, if the directory is not present, ignoring...

            string fullpath = Path.GetFullPath(dataDownloadFilePath);

            if (File.Exists(fullpath))
Esempio n. 3
        internal static Version GetFtpHighestVersionFromDir(Uri uriRemoteDirPath, string ftpUser, string ftpPassword, NLog.Logger logger)
            string  version = "";
            Version highest = new Version(version);

                string[] dirContents = SecureFtpRepoUpdate.ListDirectory(uriRemoteDirPath, ftpUser, ftpPassword, false /*details*/, true /*enableSSL*/);
                for (int i = 0; i < dirContents.Length; ++i)
                    if (dirContents[i] == "Latest")

                    Version ver = new Version(dirContents[i]);

                    if (ver > highest)
                        highest = ver;
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.ErrorException("Failed to retrieve the latest version from remote ftp server", e);

Esempio n. 4
        public void SecureFtpRepoUpdateTest_DownloadFile_UsingFtps()
            string downloadfileFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(dataDownloadFilePath);

            SecureFtpRepoUpdate.DownloadFile(uriFile, downloadfileFullPath, remoteUsername, remoteUserPassword, true /*enableSSL*/);

            Assert.IsTrue((new FileInfo(downloadfileFullPath).Length) == (new FileInfo(dataFilePath).Length));
        private string GetLatestDeployedPlatformVersion(bool useCachedValue)
            string homeOSPlatformVersion = PackagerHelper.BinaryPackagerHelper.UnknownHomeOSUpdateVersionValue;
            string remoteUsername        = Properties.Settings.Default.SetupRepoAccountLogin;
            string remoteUserPassword    = SimpleEncryptDecrypt(Properties.Settings.Default.SetupRepoAccountPassword, null);
            string remoteHost            = Properties.Settings.Default.SetupRepoAccountHost;
            string remotePort            = Properties.Settings.Default.SetupRepoAccountPort;
            string uri          = remoteHost + ":" + remotePort + "/HomeOS/Hub/Platform/Latest/" + PlatformFilename + ".zip";
            string localZipFile = ".\\" + PlatformFilename + ".zip";
            string tmpFolder    = ".\\" + PlatformFilename + ".tmp";

            if (useCachedValue)
                if (this.deployedPlatformVersionCached != PackagerHelper.BinaryPackagerHelper.UnknownHomeOSUpdateVersionValue)
                    homeOSPlatformVersion = this.deployedPlatformVersionCached;
                    goto Exit;

            if (File.Exists(localZipFile))

            if (Directory.Exists(tmpFolder))
                PackagerHelper.PackagerHelper.DeleteFolder(tmpFolder, true);

            if (!SecureFtpRepoUpdate.GetZipFromUrl(new Uri(uri), localZipFile, remoteUsername, remoteUserPassword, true /* enableSSL */))
                logger.Error("Failed to download the latest platform zip");
                outputBox.Text += "Failed to download the latest platform zip\r\n";
                goto Exit;
            if (!PackagerHelper.PackagerHelper.ExtractZipToFolder(localZipFile, tmpFolder))
                string s1 = string.Format("Failed to extract platform zip file {0} to folder location: {1}", localZipFile, tmpFolder);
                outputBox.Text += s1;
                goto Exit;

            homeOSPlatformVersion = Utils.GetHomeOSUpdateVersion(tmpFolder + "\\" + PlatformFilename + ".exe.config");

            this.deployedPlatformVersionCached = homeOSPlatformVersion;
Esempio n. 6
        internal static bool IsFtpRemoteDirectoryPresent(Uri uriRemoteDirPath, string ftpUser, string ftpPassword)
            bool present = false;

                string[] dirContents = SecureFtpRepoUpdate.ListDirectory(uriRemoteDirPath, ftpUser, ftpPassword, false /*details*/, true /*enableSSL*/);
                present = true;
            catch (Exception)

Esempio n. 7
        private bool IsValidRepositoryAccountPresent()
            bool valid = true;

                string[] directories = SecureFtpRepoUpdate.ListDirectory(new Uri(this.formRepoAccountInfo.RepoAccountHost + ":" + this.formRepoAccountInfo.RepoAccountPort),
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException("Failed to list directories on the ftp server", ex);
                valid = false;

        private bool UpdateRepositoryWithFiles(string[] filePaths, string binType)
            bool success = true;

                Version latestVersion = null;
                string  binaryDirPath = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.Length; ++i)
                    string[] ftpFileLocations = filePaths[i].Split(new[] { this.repositoryDir }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (ftpFileLocations.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ftpFileLocations[0]))
                        string ftpFilePath      = ftpFileLocations[0].Replace("\\", "/");
                        string ftpDirPath       = ftpFilePath.Substring(0, ftpFilePath.LastIndexOf("/"));
                        Uri    uriFile          = new Uri(this.ftpHost + ":" + this.ftpPort + ftpFilePath);
                        string subDirPath       = "";
                        bool   gotBinaryDirPath = false;
                        foreach (string subdir in ftpDirPath.Split(new[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                            subDirPath += ("/" + subdir);
                            if (gotBinaryDirPath)
                                binaryDirPath    = subDirPath;
                                gotBinaryDirPath = false;
                            else if (binaryDirPath.Length == 0 && subDirPath.ToLower().Contains(binType.ToLower()))
                                gotBinaryDirPath = true;
                            else if (subdir.Contains('.'))
                                // assume this is the version number of the type x.x.x.x
                                latestVersion = new Version(subdir);

                                //fix the bug that causes incorrect path to be formed for Latest dir for x/Gadgeteer/MicrosoftResearch/X
                                binaryDirPath = subDirPath.Substring(0, subDirPath.LastIndexOf("/"));
                            Uri uriDir = new Uri(this.ftpHost + ":" + this.ftpPort + subDirPath);
                            if (!MainForm.IsFtpRemoteDirectoryPresent(uriDir, this.ftpUser, this.ftpPassword))
                                SecureFtpRepoUpdate.MakeDirectory(uriDir, this.ftpUser, this.ftpPassword, true);

                        SecureFtpRepoUpdate.UploadFile(uriFile, filePaths[i], this.ftpUser, this.ftpPassword, true);
                // update the latest folder for the binary, if this is highest version or if there is no latest folder at all

                Uri    uriBinaryDir    = new Uri(this.ftpHost + ":" + this.ftpPort + binaryDirPath);
                string binaryLatestDir = this.ftpHost + ":" + this.ftpPort + binaryDirPath + "/Latest";

                Uri uriBinaryLatestDir = new Uri(binaryLatestDir);
                if (!MainForm.IsFtpRemoteDirectoryPresent(uriBinaryLatestDir, this.ftpUser, this.ftpPassword) ||
                    MainForm.GetFtpHighestVersionFromDir(uriBinaryDir, this.ftpUser, this.ftpPassword, this.logger) == latestVersion)
                    for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.Length; ++i)
                        string filename = filePaths[i].Substring(filePaths[i].LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
                        Uri    uriFile  = new Uri(binaryLatestDir + "/" + filename);
                        if (!MainForm.IsFtpRemoteDirectoryPresent(uriBinaryLatestDir, this.ftpUser, this.ftpPassword))
                            SecureFtpRepoUpdate.MakeDirectory(uriBinaryLatestDir, this.ftpUser, this.ftpPassword, true);

                        SecureFtpRepoUpdate.UploadFile(uriFile, filePaths[i], this.ftpUser, this.ftpPassword, true);

                    //Here we will upload the [binary].dll.config file, which contains the homeosupdate version of the binary, to the Latest dir on the repository

                    string versionfile     = filePaths[0].Substring(filePaths[0].LastIndexOf('\\') + 1).Replace("zip", "dll.config");
                    string binaryname      = versionfile.Replace(".dll.config", "");
                    string versionfilepath = this.binaryRootDir + "\\" + binaryname + "\\" + versionfile;

                    Uri uriversionfile = new Uri(binaryLatestDir + "/" + versionfile);

                    SecureFtpRepoUpdate.UploadFile(uriversionfile, versionfilepath, this.ftpUser, this.ftpPassword, true);
            catch (Exception exception)
                this.logger.ErrorException("Exception while trying to update binary package (plus hash file) on the ftp server", exception);

                success = false;

        private void buttonPlatUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                TableLayoutControlCollection tableLayoutCtrlColl = this.tableLayoutPanelPlatform.Controls;
                System.Windows.Forms.Control labelDepVer         = tableLayoutCtrlColl[this.labelPlatDeployedVer.Name];
                System.Windows.Forms.Control labelCurVer         = tableLayoutCtrlColl[this.labelPlatYourVer.Name];
                // string hubId = checkbox.Text;
                string  deployedVersion = labelDepVer.Text;
                string  currentVersion  = labelCurVer.Text;
                string  platformDirPath = "";
                Version latestVersion   = null;
                string  platformRootDir = this.textBoxSetupWorkingFolder.Text + "\\binaries\\Platform";
                string  repositoryDir   = this.textBoxSetupWorkingFolder.Text + "\\HomeStore\\Repository";
                string  ftpHost         = this.formRepoAccountInfo.RepoAccountHost;
                string  ftpPort         = this.formRepoAccountInfo.RepoAccountPort;
                string  ftpUser         = this.formRepoAccountInfo.RepoAccountLogin;
                string  ftpPassword     = this.formRepoAccountInfo.RepoAccountPassword;

                // make sure you are updating to a higher version
                Version versionDeployed = new Version(deployedVersion);
                Version versionCurrent  = new Version(currentVersion);

                if (versionCurrent <= versionDeployed)
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Only Updates to higher versions of the platform are permissable, please update the version!"),
                                    "Update Platform",

                if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show((IWin32Window)sender, string.Format("Are you sure you want to update the platform from the deployed version {0} to your current version {1}?", deployedVersion, currentVersion), "Update Platform", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2))
                    string[] filePaths = new string[0];
                    bool     success   = BinaryPackagerHelper.Package(platformRootDir, MainForm.PlatformFilename, true /*singleBin*/, "exe", "platform", repositoryDir, ref filePaths, this.logger);
                    if (!success)
                        throw new Exception("Failed to create platform update packages");

                    Debug.Assert(filePaths.Length == 2);

                    for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.Length; ++i)
                        string[] ftpFileLocations = filePaths[i].Split(new[] { repositoryDir }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (ftpFileLocations.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ftpFileLocations[0]))
                            string ftpFilePath = ftpFileLocations[0].Replace("\\", "/");
                            string ftpDirPath  = ftpFilePath.Substring(0, ftpFilePath.LastIndexOf("/"));
                            Uri    uriFile     = new Uri(ftpHost + ":" + ftpPort + ftpFilePath);
                            string subDirPath  = "";
                            foreach (string subdir in ftpDirPath.Split(new[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                                subDirPath += ("/" + subdir);
                                if (platformDirPath.Length == 0 && subDirPath.ToLower().Contains(PlatformName.ToLower()))
                                    platformDirPath = subDirPath;
                                if (subdir.Contains('.'))
                                    // assume this is the version number of the type x.x.x.x
                                    latestVersion = new Version(subdir);
                                Uri uriDir = new Uri(ftpHost + ":" + ftpPort + subDirPath);
                                if (!MainForm.IsFtpRemoteDirectoryPresent(uriDir, ftpUser, ftpPassword))
                                    SecureFtpRepoUpdate.MakeDirectory(uriDir, ftpUser, ftpPassword, true);

                            SecureFtpRepoUpdate.UploadFile(uriFile, filePaths[i], ftpUser, ftpPassword, true);
                    // update the latest folder for the platform, if this is highest version or if there is no latest folder at all
                    Uri    uriPlatformDir       = new Uri(ftpHost + ":" + ftpPort + platformDirPath);
                    string platformLatestDir    = ftpHost + ":" + ftpPort + platformDirPath + "/Latest";
                    Uri    uriPlatformLatestDir = new Uri(platformLatestDir);
                    if (!MainForm.IsFtpRemoteDirectoryPresent(uriPlatformLatestDir, ftpUser, ftpPassword) || MainForm.GetFtpHighestVersionFromDir(uriPlatformDir, ftpUser, ftpPassword, this.logger) == latestVersion)
                        for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.Length; ++i)
                            string filename = filePaths[i].Substring(filePaths[i].LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
                            Uri    uriFile  = new Uri(platformLatestDir + "/" + filename);
                            if (!MainForm.IsFtpRemoteDirectoryPresent(uriPlatformLatestDir, ftpUser, ftpPassword))
                                SecureFtpRepoUpdate.MakeDirectory(uriPlatformLatestDir, ftpUser, ftpPassword, true);

                            SecureFtpRepoUpdate.UploadFile(uriFile, filePaths[i], ftpUser, ftpPassword, true);
            catch (Exception exception)
                this.logger.ErrorException("Exception while trying to update platform on the ftp server", exception);
                outputBox.Text += "Exception while trying to update platform on the ftp server" + exception + "\r\n";
Esempio n. 10
 public void SecureFtpRepoUpdateTest_DeleteFile_UsingFtps()
     SecureFtpRepoUpdate.DeleteFile(uriFile, remoteUsername, remoteUserPassword, true /*enableSSL*/);
Esempio n. 11
 public void SecureFtpRepoUpdateTest_UploadFile_UsingFtps()
     SecureFtpRepoUpdate.UploadFile(uriFile, Path.GetFullPath(dataFilePath), remoteUsername, remoteUserPassword, true /*enableSSL*/);
Esempio n. 12
 public void SecureFtpRepoUpdateTest_RemoveDirectory_UsingFtps()
     SecureFtpRepoUpdate.RemoveDirectory(uriDir, remoteUsername, remoteUserPassword, true /*enableSSL*/);
Esempio n. 13
        public void SecureFtpRepoUpdateTest_GetFileDateTimeStamp_UsingFtps()
            string fileDateTimeStamp = SecureFtpRepoUpdate.GetFileDateTimeStamp(uriFile, remoteUsername, remoteUserPassword, true /*enableSSL*/);

            Assert.IsTrue(fileDateTimeStamp.Length > 0);
Esempio n. 14
        public void SecureFtpRepoUpdateTest_GetFileSize_UsingFtps()
            long fileSize = SecureFtpRepoUpdate.GetFileSize(uriFile, remoteUsername, remoteUserPassword, true /*enableSSL*/);

            Assert.IsTrue(fileSize > 0);
Esempio n. 15
 public void SecureFtpRepoUpdateTest_ListDirectoryDetails_UsingFtps()
     string[] files = SecureFtpRepoUpdate.ListDirectory(uriDir, remoteUsername, remoteUserPassword, true /*details*/, true /*enableSSL*/);
     Assert.IsTrue(files.GetLength(0) > 0);