Esempio n. 1
        private static void DoSectraBuild(SelOru oldSELExam)
            // make new sectra object
            Sectra patientObj = new Sectra();

            // begin by populatig the main exam/patient/org objects
            SectraDAO.GetSectraExamPatientOrganizationDetail(patientObj, oldSELExam.accessionNo);

            // gather the doctor info
            SectraDAO.GetSectraDoctorLocationDetail(patientObj, patientObj.wsExam.requestedBy);

            // gather the report
            List <WsReport> reports = SectraDAO.GetSectraReportDetail(patientObj.wsExam.examId);

            // let's see if this is a grouped account
            if (reports.Count == 0)
                List <int> examids = SectraDAO.GetGroupedExamsSectra(patientObj.wsExam.examId);

                // if there are grouped exams, search for correct grouped report
                if (examids.Count > 0)
                    foreach (int examid_temp in examids)
                        reports = SectraDAO.GetSectraReportDetail(examid_temp);

                        // we found the grouping w/ the reports
                        if (reports.Count > 0)

            // get the first and only report in the list - we handle addendums sperately
            if (reports.Count != 0)
                patientObj.wsReport = reports[0];

            // set the radiologist if you have a report
            if (reports.Count != 0)
                SectraDAO.GetSectraDoctorLocationDetail(patientObj, patientObj.wsReport.radiologistUserNo, true);

            // pass the patient object and reports for inserting
            DoInsertUpdate(patientObj, reports);
Esempio n. 2
        public static Sectra GetSectraDoctorLocationDetail(Sectra patientObject, int userNo, bool isRadiologist = false)
            SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();

            using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(CONNNECTION_STRING))
                    // open
                    // set command attributes
                    sqlCommand.CommandText = DOCTOR_LOCATION_QUERY;
                    sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    sqlCommand.Connection  = sqlConnection;

                    // add the parameter to the view
                    sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@USER_NO", userNo);

                    // run query
                    SqlDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            // if it's not a radiologist, then it's a referring - get the location as well
                            if (!isRadiologist)
                                // populate objects
                                patientObject.referringDoctor           = new WsDoctor(reader);
                                patientObject.wsReferringDoctorLocation = new WsLocation(reader);
                                patientObject.radiologistDoctor = new WsDoctor(reader);
                catch (Exception e)
                    ErrorLogger.LogError(e, "GetSectraDoctorLocationDetail()");

Esempio n. 3
        // returns a sectra object that contains the exam, patient, and organization details
        public static Sectra GetSectraExamPatientOrganizationDetail(Sectra patientObject, string accessionNo)
            SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();

            using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(CONNNECTION_STRING))
                    // open
                    // set command attributes
                    sqlCommand.CommandText = EXAM_PATIENT_REFERRING_ORGANIZATION_QUERY;
                    sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    sqlCommand.Connection  = sqlConnection;

                    // add the parameter to the view
                    sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ACCESSION_NO", accessionNo);

                    // run query
                    SqlDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            // populate objects
                            patientObject.wsExam         = new WsExam(reader);
                            patientObject.wsPatient      = new WsPatient(reader);
                            patientObject.wsOrganization = new WsOrganization(reader);
                catch (Exception e)
                    ErrorLogger.LogError(e, "GetSectraExamPatientOrganizationDetail()");

Esempio n. 4
        private static void DoInsertUpdate(Sectra sectraPatient, List <WsReport> Reports)
            StringBuilder serviceMessage = new StringBuilder();

            // make SEL exam object
            WSShieldsApps.Exam exam
                = new WSShieldsApps.Exam();
            WSShieldsApps.Location location
                = new WSShieldsApps.Location();
            WSShieldsApps.Patient patient
                = new WSShieldsApps.Patient();
            WSShieldsApps.Organization organization
                = new WSShieldsApps.Organization();
            WSShieldsApps.Doctor referring
                = new WSShieldsApps.Doctor();
            // make SEL report object
            WSShieldsApps.Report report
                = new WSShieldsApps.Report();
            WSShieldsApps.Doctor radiologist
                = new WSShieldsApps.Doctor();

            // even though we use inhertiance, it doesn't appear the WS can serialize the object
            setExam(exam, sectraPatient.wsExam);
            setLocation(location, sectraPatient.wsReferringDoctorLocation);
            setPatient(patient, sectraPatient.wsPatient);
            setDoctor(radiologist, sectraPatient.radiologistDoctor);
            setDoctor(referring, sectraPatient.referringDoctor);
            setReport(report, sectraPatient.wsReport);
            setOrganization(organization, sectraPatient.wsOrganization);

            serviceMessage.AppendLine("ACCESSION: " + exam.AccessionNo);

            if (referring.Npi == "" || referring.Npi == null)
                // apply fake npi
                referring.Npi       = "9999999998";
                referring.FirstName = "Doctor";
                referring.LastName  = "Exception";

            if (radiologist.Npi == "" || radiologist.Npi == null)
                // apply fake npi
                radiologist.EnterpriseId = 1;
                radiologist.Npi          = "9999999999";
                radiologist.FirstName    = "Radiologist";
                radiologist.LastName     = "Exception";

            // assign the correct attributes
            exam.Location     = location;
            exam.Doctor       = referring;
            exam.Organization = organization;
            exam.Patient      = patient;

            // make a new exam object
            WSShieldsApps.Exam exam2Object = new WSShieldsApps.Exam();

            // pass the accession so we don't override
            exam2Object.AccessionNo = exam.AccessionNo;

            // get the updated exam id only
            exam.ExamId = ShieldsAppsDAO.GetExamByAccessionNo(exam2Object).ExamId;

            // put radiologist
            serviceMessage.AppendLine("Radiologist: " + ShieldsAppsDAO.PutDoctor(radiologist));

            // put exam
            serviceMessage.AppendLine("Exam: " + ShieldsAppsDAO.PutExam(exam));

            // post orignal report, but make sure you update the exam id and rad id
            report.ExamId        = exam.ExamId;
            report.RadiologistId = radiologist.DoctorId;

            if (Reports.Count > 0)
                serviceMessage.AppendLine("Original Report:" + ShieldsAppsDAO.PostReport(report));

            // if there is more than 1 report, then there is an addendum we need to get
            if (Reports.Count > 1)
                // for each report text starting at "1" (0 == orignal report) get all addendums after
                for (int reportIteration = 1, n = Reports.Count;
                     reportIteration < n;
                    // set the addendum flag
                    report.IsAddendum = true;

                    // re-define report text and observation date
                    report.ReportText = Reports[reportIteration].ReportText;

                    // handle inserting of addendum report
                    serviceMessage.AppendLine("Report Addendum " + reportIteration.ToString() + ":" + ShieldsAppsDAO.PostReport(report, reportIteration));