public void Given_BasicTypeSetting_When_IsValid_Then_SettingRetrieved() { var context = this.Fixture.GetContext <ConfigurationContext>(); var section = new SectionEntity() { ApplicationName = "EFConfigurationProviderTests", SectionName = "appSettings", Aspect = "Application", ModifiedUser = "******" }; context.Sections.Add(section); context.SaveChanges(); var setting = new SettingEntity() { SectionId = section.Id, Key = "TestSetting", Json = @"Test Value", ModifiedUser = "******" }; setting.ValueType = null; context.Settings.Add(setting); context.SaveChanges(); this.Fixture.ClearChangeTracker(); var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddEntityFrameworkConfig(context, "EFConfigurationProviderTests"); var configuration = builder.Build(); var value = configuration.GetValue <string>("TestSetting"); Assert.True(value == "Test Value"); }
public static Section ToSection(this SectionEntity section, IList <string> languages, bool addFields = true) { var orderedSections = section.Form.Sections .Where(s => s.DateDeleted == null) .OrderBy(s => s.DisplaySort) .ToList(); var index = orderedSections.IndexOf(section); return(new Section { Id = section.Id, NextSectionId = index == orderedSections.Count - 1 ? null : (int?)orderedSections[index + 1].Id, PreviousSectionId = index == 0 ? null : (int?)orderedSections[index - 1].Id, FormId = section.FormId, Label = section.Resource.ToLabel(languages), Labels = section.Resource.ToLabels(languages), Fields = addFields ? section.SectionFields .Where(sf => sf.DateDeleted == null) .OrderBy(sf => sf.DisplaySort) .Select(sf => sf.Field.ToField(languages)) .ToList() : null }); }
public IActionResult GetAsignacionesFromSection(int id) { try { //Comprueba si existe asignación y si existe manda un json con la información //si no existe mandara un error 404 el error 500 aparecera si el servidor falla SectionEntity sectionExist = _sectionInfoRepository.GetSection(id, true); if (sectionExist == null) { _logger.LogInformation($"La section con id " + id + " no pudo ser encontrado."); return(NotFound()); } //Recogemos una lista de preguntas de la asignacion var asignacionesDeSection = _sectionInfoRepository.GetAsignacionesFromSection(sectionExist); //Transformamos la lista anterior en una nueva con los datos que necesitamos //Ya que otros son relevantes var AsignacionesResult = Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <AsignacionDto> >(asignacionesDeSection); return(Ok(AsignacionesResult)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogCritical("Se recogio un error al recibir las asignaciones de la section con id " + id + ": " + ex); return(StatusCode(500, "Un error a ocurrido mientras se procesaba su petición.")); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The primary key or id of the <see cref="SectionEntity"/></param> /// <param name="user">The <see cref="UserEntity"/>.</param> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> private SectionEntity GetUserSection(int id, UserEntity user) { SectionEntity entity = null; // Try to found section in dependencies. foreach (UsersInAclGroups group in user.UsersInAclGroups) { IQueryable <AclGroupEntity> groups = Connector.AclGroups; groups = groups.Include(x => x.SectionsInAclGroups); AclGroupEntity ag = groups.SingleOrDefault(x => x.PrimaryKey == group.AclGroupId); if (ag.PrimaryKey == 0 || ag.SectionsInAclGroups.Count == 0) { continue; } var dep = ag.SectionsInAclGroups.ToList().Find(x => x.SectionId == id); if (dep != null) { IQueryable <SectionEntity> sections = Connector.Sections; sections = sections.Include(x => x.SectionsInAclGroups); sections = sections.Include(x => x.AlbumsInSections); entity = sections.SingleOrDefault(x => x.PrimaryKey == id); } if (entity?.PrimaryKey > 0) { break; } } return(entity); }
public void Given_BasicTypeSettingWithDescriminator_When_MultiDescriminatorIsValid_Then_SettingRetrieved() { var context = this.Fixture.GetContext <ConfigurationContext>(); var section = new SectionEntity() { ApplicationName = "EFConfigurationProviderTests", SectionName = "appSettings2", Aspect = "Application", Discriminator = @"{""Environment"":""Testing"", ""Username"":""Patrick""}", ModifiedUser = "******" }; context.Sections.Add(section); context.SaveChanges(); var setting = new SettingEntity() { SectionId = section.Id, Key = "TestSetting2", Json = @"Test Value", ModifiedUser = "******" }; setting.ValueType = null; context.Settings.Add(setting); context.SaveChanges(); this.Fixture.ClearChangeTracker(); var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddEntityFrameworkConfig(context, "EFConfigurationProviderTests", @"{""Environment"":""Testing"", ""Username"":""Patrick""}"); var configuration = builder.Build(); var value = configuration.GetValue <string>("TestSetting2"); Assert.True(value == "Test Value"); }
/// <summary> /// This function is used to delete an SectionEntity. /// </summary> /// <param name="uid">Unique ID</param> /// <returns>True on success, false on fail.</returns> public static bool Delete(System.Int32 uid) { SectionEntity section = new SectionEntity(uid); DataAccessAdapter ds = new DataAccessAdapter(); return(ds.DeleteEntity(section)); }
public void Given_AddSetting_When_ValueIsComplexTypeWithNoValueType_Then_SettingIsPersistedAndValueAsJObjectReturned() { var context = this.Fixture.GetContext <ConfigurationContext>(); var section = new SectionEntity() { ApplicationName = "DbContextSettingTests", SectionName = "TestSection2", ModifiedUser = "******" }; context.Sections.Add(section); context.SaveChanges(); var setting = new SettingEntity() { SectionId = section.Id, Key = "default", ModifiedUser = "******" }; setting.SetValue(new TestSection() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Test" }); setting.ValueType = null; context.Settings.Add(setting); context.SaveChanges(); var retrieved = context.Settings.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(s => s.SectionId == section.Id && s.Key == "default"); Assert.NotNull(retrieved); Assert.NotNull(retrieved.GetValue <JObject>()); }
public void Given_AddSetting_When_SettingIsDuplicate_Then_SettingNotPersisted() { this.Fixture.ClearAll(); var section = new SectionEntity() { ApplicationName = "DbContextSettingTests", SectionName = "appSettingsB", ModifiedUser = "******" }; this.Fixture.Context.Sections.Add(section); this.Fixture.Context.SaveChanges(); var exception = Assert.Throws <DbUpdateException>(() => { this.Fixture.Context.Settings.Add(new SettingEntity() { SectionId = section.Id, Key = "SettingA", ModifiedUser = "******" }); this.Fixture.Context.Settings.Add(new SettingEntity() { SectionId = section.Id, Key = "SettingA", ModifiedUser = "******" }); this.Fixture.Context.SaveChanges(); }); Assert.True(exception.InnerException != null && exception.InnerException.Message.StartsWith("Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'Configuration.Setting' with unique index 'IX_Setting_SectionId_Key'")); }
/// <summary> /// Method to update a Section entity asynchronously. /// </summary> /// <param name="entity">A Section entity.</param> /// <param name="save">Save database changes ?</param> /// <returns>The updated <see cref="SectionEntity"/>.</returns> public async Task <SectionEntity> UpdateAsync(SectionEntity entity, bool save = true) { using (Db.Context) { // Try to attach entity to the database context. try { Db.Context.Attach(entity); } catch (Exception e) { log.Fatal(e.Output(), e); throw e; } // Update entity. entity = await SectionManager.UpdateAsync(entity); // Check if entity is set to default. if (entity.IsDefault) { await SetDefaultAsync(entity.PrimaryKey); } // Hack to delete unassociated dependencies. //await CleanDependenciesAsync("SectionsInACLGroups", "AclGroupId", entity.PrimaryKey, entity.AclGroupsPKeys); //await CleanDependenciesAsync("AlbumsInSections", "AlbumId", entity.PrimaryKey, entity.AlbumsPKeys); return(entity); } }
public void Given_AddSetting_When_ValueIsComplexType_Then_SettingIsPersisted() { this.Fixture.ClearAll(); var section = new SectionEntity() { ApplicationName = "DbContextSettingTests", SectionName = "TestSection1", ModifiedUser = "******" }; this.Fixture.Context.Sections.Add(section); this.Fixture.Context.SaveChanges(); var setting = new SettingEntity() { SectionId = section.Id, Key = "default", ModifiedUser = "******" }; setting.SetValue(new TestSection() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Test" }); this.Fixture.Context.Settings.Add(setting); this.Fixture.Context.SaveChanges(); var retrieved = this.Fixture.Context.Settings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.SectionId == section.Id && s.Key == "default"); Assert.NotNull(retrieved); Assert.NotNull(retrieved.GetValue <TestSection>()); }
public Database SeedSectionWithChild() { using (var context = new ConfigurationContext()) { var complex = new SectionWithChild() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "parent", Child = new Child() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "child" } }; var section = new SectionEntity() { ApplicationName = "SampleApplication", Aspect = "settings", SectionName = "SectionWithChild" }; context.Sections.Add(section); context.SaveChanges(); var setting = new SettingEntity() { SectionId = section.Id, Key = "SectionWithChild" }; setting.SetValue(complex); context.Settings.Add(setting); context.SaveChanges(); } return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Method called on <see cref="SectionEntity"/> default change event. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The <see cref="object"/> sender of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">Entity changes event arguments <see cref="EntityChangesEventArgs"/>.</param> private void SectionsDataGrid_DefaultChanged(object sender, EntityChangesEventArgs e) { try { MessageBoxs.IsBusy = true; log.Warn("Setting default Section. Please wait..."); SectionEntity newEntity = (SectionEntity)e.NewEntity; SectionEntityCollection.SetDefault(newEntity); Model.LoadSections(); log.Warn("Setting default Section. Done."); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Fatal(ex.Output(), ex); MessageBoxs.Fatal(ex, "Setting default Section. Fail."); } finally { MessageBoxs.IsBusy = false; } }
public static SectionEntity AddSection(this FormEntity form, SectionEntity section) { section.Form = form; section.FormId = form.Id; form.Sections.Add(section); return(section); }
public ActionResult LotRows(string sectionName = null, string categoryName = null) { IList <LotRowViewModel> lots = new List <LotRowViewModel>(); if (categoryName == null) { SectionEntity section = _sectionService.GetAllSectionEntities().FirstOrDefault(s => s.SectionName == sectionName); if (section != null) { foreach (var category in section.Categories) { var lotsTemp = _lotService.GetAllLotEntities() .Where(l => l.CategoryRefId == category.Id).Where(l => !l.IsBlocked && l.IsConfirm).ToList(); foreach (var l in lotsTemp) { lots.Add(l.ToLotRowViewModel()); } } } } else { lots = _lotService.GetAllLotEntities().Where(l => l.CategoryName == categoryName && !l.IsBlocked && l.IsConfirm) .Select(l => l.ToLotRowViewModel()) .ToList(); } return(PartialView("_LotRows", lots)); }
public static DalSection ToDalSection(this SectionEntity sectionEntity) { return(new DalSection() { Id = sectionEntity.Id, Name = sectionEntity.SectionName, }); }
/// <summary>Creates a new, empty SectionEntity object.</summary> /// <returns>A new, empty SectionEntity object.</returns> public override IEntity Create() { IEntity toReturn = new SectionEntity(); // __LLBLGENPRO_USER_CODE_REGION_START CreateNewSection // __LLBLGENPRO_USER_CODE_REGION_END return(toReturn); }
public async Task <SectionEntity> Add(SectionEntity pEntity) { await this.dbContext.SalonSections.AddAsync(pEntity); await this.dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(pEntity); }
//Nos permite modificar una section public bool AlterSection(SectionEntity section) { var SectionAlter = _context.Sections.Where(s => s.Id == section.Id).FirstOrDefault(); SectionAlter.Nombre = section.Nombre; return(SaveChanges()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var secId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["secId"]); var section = SectionEntity.GetSection(secId); var mClass = ClassEntity.GetClass(section.ClassId); this.threadHeader.Text = mClass.ClassName + " - " + section.SectionName; }
public ActionResult Section() { SectionEntity sectionEntity = new SectionEntity(); sectionEntity.operType = 'G'; sectionEntity.reportId = "4"; TempData["SectionData"] = new Master().SectionDetails(sectionEntity); return(PartialView()); }
private bool SectionTypeMatches(SectionEntity sectionEntity, string pSectionTypeCode) { if (pSectionTypeCode == null) { return(true); } return(sectionEntity.SectionType.SectionCode == pSectionTypeCode); }
public Result Insert(SectionEntity entity) { var con = new DapperConnectionManager(); var query = new QueryEntity(); var result = new Result(); using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) { var linkEntity = new LinkEntity { Href = " ", Name = entity.Title, Type = "SECTION", Active = false }; query.Entity = linkEntity; query.Query = @"INSERT INTO Links (Name, Type, Href, Active) VALUES(@Name, @Type, @Href, @Active)"; result = con.InsertQueryUnScoped(query); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } var linkId = (int)result.Entity; entity.LinkId = linkId; query.Entity = entity; query.Query = @"INSERT INTO Sections (Name, Title, Sealed, Published, LinkId) VALUES(@Name, @Title, @Sealed, @Published, @LinkId)"; result = con.InsertQueryUnScoped(query); if (!result.Success) { result.Message = "An error occurred"; return(result); } //LINK HREF UPDATE var queryUpdateLink = new QueryEntity() { Entity = new { Href = "/sections/" + (int)result.Entity, LinkId = linkId }, Query = "UPDATE Links set Href = @Href where LinkId = @LinkId" }; var resultUpdateLink = con.ExecuteQueryUnScoped(queryUpdateLink); if (!resultUpdateLink.Success) { result.Message = "An error occurred"; result.Success = false; return(result); } scope.Complete(); } result.Message = "The section has been created"; return(result); }
public Result Get(int id) { var con = new DapperConnectionManager(); var query = new QueryEntity(); query.Query = @"SELECT s.SectionId, s.Name as SectionName, s.Title as SectionTitle, c.Name, c.Title, c.Type, c.ContentItemId, c.Position, c.Text from Sections as s LEFT JOIN ContentItems as c on s.SectionId = c.SectionId where s.SectionId = @SectionId ORDER BY c.Position ASC"; query.Entity = new { SectionId = id }; var result = con.ExecuteQuery(query); if (!result.Success) { result.Message = "Section not found"; return(result); } var r = (IEnumerable <dynamic>)result.Entity; if (!r.Any()) { return(result); } var sectionEntity = new SectionEntity(); sectionEntity.SectionId = r.First().SectionId; sectionEntity.Name = r.First().SectionName; sectionEntity.Title = r.First().SectionTitle; sectionEntity.ContentItems = new List <ContentItemEntity>(); foreach (var item in r) { if (item.ContentItemId == null) { continue; } var contentItem = new ContentItemEntity { Name = item.Name, ContentItemId = item.ContentItemId, Text = item.Text, Position = item.Position, Type = item.Type, SectionId = item.SectionId, Title = item.Title, TextShort = (item.Text as string ?? string.Empty).Truncate() }; sectionEntity.ContentItems.Add(contentItem); } result.Entity = sectionEntity; return(result); }
private SectionEntity Get(int id) { SectionEntity entity = null; if (id > 0) { entity = Sections.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id && !x.IsDefault); } return(entity); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the section entity of the id passed in /// </summary> /// <param name="sectionID">The section ID.</param> /// <returns>loaded sectionentity or null if not found</returns> public static SectionEntity GetSection(int sectionID) { SectionEntity toReturn = new SectionEntity(sectionID); if (toReturn.IsNew) { // not found return(null); } return(toReturn); }
public static SectionCreateViewModel ToSectionViewModel(this SectionEntity entity) { return(new SectionCreateViewModel() { UserRefId = entity.UserRefId, SectionName = entity.SectionName, Discription = entity.Discription, SettedModeratorLogin = entity.ModeratorLogin, Id = entity.Id }); }
public void Given_ComplexTypeSectionWithChildren_When_IsValid_Then_SectionRetrieved() { var context = this.Fixture.GetContext <ConfigurationContext>(); var section = new SectionEntity() { ApplicationName = "EFConfigurationProviderTests", SectionName = "TestSection3", Aspect = "Application", ModifiedUser = "******" }; context.Sections.Add(section); context.SaveChanges(); var value = new TestSectionWithChildren() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Test1" }; value.Children = new Collection <TestSectionChild>(); value.Children.Add ( new TestSectionChild() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Test1" } ); var setting = new SettingEntity() { SectionId = section.Id, Key = "default", ModifiedUser = "******" }; setting.SetValue(value); context.Settings.Add(setting); context.SaveChanges(); this.Fixture.ClearChangeTracker(); var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddEntityFrameworkConfig(context); var configuration = builder.Build(); var configSection = configuration.GetSection <TestSectionWithChildren>("TestSection3", false); Assert.NotNull(configSection); Assert.NotNull(configSection.Children); var child = configSection.Children.FirstOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(child); Assert.Equal(value.Children.First().Id, child.Id); Assert.Equal(value.Children.First().Name, child.Name); }
public static DalSection ToDalSection(this SectionEntity sectionEntity) { if (sectionEntity != null) { return(new DalSection() { Id = sectionEntity.Id, Name = sectionEntity.Name }); } return(null); }
public void DeleteSection(SectionEntity entity) { try { _sectionReposytory.Delete(entity.ToDalSection()); _unitOfWorkuow.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogError(e); } }
public static SectionModel ToModelSection(this SectionEntity entity) { if (entity != null) { return(new SectionModel() { Id = entity.Id, Name = entity.Name }); } return(null); }