Esempio n. 1
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.Token.SecretManager.InvalidToken"/>
        private BlockReader GetBlockReaderLocal()
            if (Log.IsTraceEnabled())
                Log.Trace(this + ": trying to construct a BlockReaderLocal " + "for short-circuit reads."
            if (pathInfo == null)
                pathInfo = clientContext.GetDomainSocketFactory().GetPathInfo(inetSocketAddress,
            if (!pathInfo.GetPathState().GetUsableForShortCircuit())
                PerformanceAdvisory.Log.Debug(this + ": " + pathInfo + " is not " + "usable for short circuit; giving up on BlockReaderLocal."
            ShortCircuitCache cache = clientContext.GetShortCircuitCache();
            ExtendedBlockId   key   = new ExtendedBlockId(block.GetBlockId(), block.GetBlockPoolId
            ShortCircuitReplicaInfo info = cache.FetchOrCreate(key, this);

            SecretManager.InvalidToken exc = info.GetInvalidTokenException();
            if (exc != null)
                if (Log.IsTraceEnabled())
                    Log.Trace(this + ": got InvalidToken exception while trying to " + "construct BlockReaderLocal via "
                              + pathInfo.GetPath());
                throw exc;
            if (info.GetReplica() == null)
                if (Log.IsTraceEnabled())
                    PerformanceAdvisory.Log.Debug(this + ": failed to get " + "ShortCircuitReplica. Cannot construct "
                                                  + "BlockReaderLocal via " + pathInfo.GetPath());
            return(new BlockReaderLocal.Builder(conf).SetFilename(fileName).SetBlock(block).SetStartOffset
 /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.Token.SecretManager.InvalidToken"/>
 public override byte[] RetrievePassword(DelegationTokenIdentifier identifier)
         // this check introduces inconsistency in the authentication to a
         // HA standby NN.  non-token auths are allowed into the namespace which
         // decides whether to throw a StandbyException.  tokens are a bit
         // different in that a standby may be behind and thus not yet know
         // of all tokens issued by the active NN.  the following check does
         // not allow ANY token auth, however it should allow known tokens in
     catch (StandbyException se)
         // FIXME: this is a hack to get around changing method signatures by
         // tunneling a non-InvalidToken exception as the cause which the
         // RPC server will unwrap before returning to the client
         SecretManager.InvalidToken wrappedStandby = new SecretManager.InvalidToken("StandbyException"
         Sharpen.Extensions.InitCause(wrappedStandby, se);
         throw wrappedStandby;
 public ShortCircuitReplicaInfo(SecretManager.InvalidToken exc)
     this.replica = null;
     this.exc     = exc;
 public ShortCircuitReplicaInfo(ShortCircuitReplica replica)
     this.replica = replica;
     this.exc     = null;
 public ShortCircuitReplicaInfo()
     this.replica = null;
     this.exc     = null;