Esempio n. 1
        public void GenerateKeyPairTest()
            NSError error;
            SecKey  private_key;
            SecKey  public_key;
            var     att = new SecPublicPrivateKeyAttrs();

            att.Label            = $"{CFBundle.GetMain ().Identifier}-{GetType ().FullName}-{Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id}";
            att.IsPermanent      = false;
            att.ApplicationTag   = new NSData();
            att.EffectiveKeySize = 1024;
            att.CanEncrypt       = false;
            att.CanDecrypt       = false;
            att.CanDerive        = false;
            att.CanSign          = false;
            att.CanVerify        = false;
            att.CanUnwrap        = false;

            try {
                Assert.That(SecKey.GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType.RSA, 1024, att, out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo(SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair");

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException> (() => { SecKey.GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType.Invalid, -1, null, out _, out _); }, "GenerateKeyPair - Invalid");
                Assert.That(SecKey.GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType.RSA, -1, null, out _, out _), Is.EqualTo(SecStatusCode.Param), "GenerateKeyPair - Param issue, invalid RSA key size");
                Assert.That(SecKey.GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType.RSA, 1024, null, out _, out _), Is.EqualTo(SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair - Null optional params, success");

#if IOS
                var att2 = new SecPublicPrivateKeyAttrs();
                att2.IsPermanent      = false;
                att2.EffectiveKeySize = 1024;
                att2.CanEncrypt       = true;
                att2.CanDecrypt       = true;
                att2.CanDerive        = true;
                att2.CanSign          = true;
                att2.CanVerify        = true;
                att2.CanUnwrap        = true;
                Assert.That(SecKey.GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType.RSA, 1024, att, att2, out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo(SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair - iOS Only API");
                if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion(8, 0))
                    using (var attrs = public_key.GetAttributes()) {
                        Assert.That(attrs.Count, Is.GreaterThan((nuint)0), "public/GetAttributes");
                    using (var attrs = private_key.GetAttributes()) {
                        Assert.That(attrs.Count, Is.GreaterThan((nuint)0), "private/GetAttributes");
            } finally {
                var query = new SecRecord(SecKind.Key)
                    Label = att.Label,
                SecStatusCode code;
                    // For some reason each call to SecKeyChain will only remove a single key, so do a loop.
                    code = SecKeyChain.Remove(query);
                } while (code == SecStatusCode.Success);
Esempio n. 2
        public void GenerateKeyPairTest()
            NSError error;
            SecKey  private_key;
            SecKey  public_key;
            var     att = new SecPublicPrivateKeyAttrs();

            att.Label            = "NotDefault";
            att.IsPermanent      = true;
            att.ApplicationTag   = new NSData();
            att.EffectiveKeySize = 1024;
            att.CanEncrypt       = false;
            att.CanDecrypt       = false;
            att.CanDerive        = false;
            att.CanSign          = false;
            att.CanVerify        = false;
            att.CanUnwrap        = false;

            Assert.That(SecKey.GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType.RSA, 1024, att, out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo(SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair");
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException> (() => { SecKey.GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType.Invalid, -1, null, out _, out _); }, "GenerateKeyPair - Invalid");
            Assert.That(SecKey.GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType.RSA, -1, null, out _, out _), Is.EqualTo(SecStatusCode.Param), "GenerateKeyPair - Param issue, invalid RSA key size");
            Assert.That(SecKey.GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType.RSA, 1024, null, out _, out _), Is.EqualTo(SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair - Null optional params, success");

#if IOS
            var att2 = new SecPublicPrivateKeyAttrs();
            att2.IsPermanent      = false;
            att2.EffectiveKeySize = 1024;
            att2.CanEncrypt       = true;
            att2.CanDecrypt       = true;
            att2.CanDerive        = true;
            att2.CanSign          = true;
            att2.CanVerify        = true;
            att2.CanUnwrap        = true;
            Assert.That(SecKey.GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType.RSA, 1024, att, att2, out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo(SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair - iOS Only API");
            if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion(8, 0))
                using (var attrs = public_key.GetAttributes()) {
                    Assert.That(attrs.Count, Is.GreaterThan(0), "public/GetAttributes");
                using (var attrs = private_key.GetAttributes()) {
                    Assert.That(attrs.Count, Is.GreaterThan(0), "private/GetAttributes");
Esempio n. 3
        public static SecStatusCode GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType type, int keySizeInBits, SecPublicPrivateKeyAttrs publicKeyAttrs, SecPublicPrivateKeyAttrs privateKeyAttrs, out SecKey publicKey, out SecKey privateKey)
            if (type == SecKeyType.Invalid)
                throw new ArgumentException("invalid 'SecKeyType'", nameof(type));

            using (var dic = new NSMutableDictionary()) {
                dic.LowlevelSetObject(type.GetConstant(), SecAttributeKey.Type);
                using (var ksib = new NSNumber(keySizeInBits)) {
                    dic.LowlevelSetObject(ksib, SecKeyGenerationAttributeKeys.KeySizeInBitsKey.Handle);
                    if (publicKeyAttrs != null)
                        dic.LowlevelSetObject(publicKeyAttrs.GetDictionary(), SecKeyGenerationAttributeKeys.PublicKeyAttrsKey.Handle);
                    if (privateKeyAttrs != null)
                        dic.LowlevelSetObject(privateKeyAttrs.GetDictionary(), SecKeyGenerationAttributeKeys.PrivateKeyAttrsKey.Handle);
                    return(GenerateKeyPair(dic, out publicKey, out privateKey));
Esempio n. 4
        public static SecStatusCode GenerateKeyPair(SecKeyType type, int keySizeInBits, SecPublicPrivateKeyAttrs publicAndPrivateKeyAttrs, out SecKey publicKey, out SecKey privateKey)
            // iOS (+friends) need to pass the strong dictionary for public and private key attributes to specific keys
            // instead of merging them with other attributes.
            return(GenerateKeyPair(type, keySizeInBits, publicAndPrivateKeyAttrs, publicAndPrivateKeyAttrs, out publicKey, out privateKey));
            if (type == SecKeyType.Invalid)
                throw new ArgumentException("invalid 'SecKeyType'", nameof(type));

            NSMutableDictionary dic;
            if (publicAndPrivateKeyAttrs != null)
                dic = new NSMutableDictionary(publicAndPrivateKeyAttrs.GetDictionary());
                dic = new NSMutableDictionary();
            dic.LowlevelSetObject(type.GetConstant(), SecAttributeKey.Type);
            dic.LowlevelSetObject(new NSNumber(keySizeInBits), SecKeyGenerationAttributeKeys.KeySizeInBitsKey.Handle);
            return(GenerateKeyPair(dic, out publicKey, out privateKey));