private async Task <Result> ValidateAndGenerateResultAsync(PostResultRequest toAdd)
            var season   = Season.FromISOString(toAdd.Season);
            var standing = await _dbContext.Standings
                           .Include(s => s.ResultsDuringTheSeason)
                           .Include(s => s.League)
                           .ThenInclude(l => l.Teams)
                           .SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.SeasonId == season.FullName && s.LeagueId == toAdd.LeagueName);

            bool standingExists = standing != null;

            if (!standingExists)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't add the given result as there is no such standing that corresponds to this combination of year/league");

            var homeTeamEntity = standing.League.Teams.FirstOrDefault(
                t => t.Name.Equals(toAdd.HomeTeamName));
            var awayTeamEntity = standing.League.Teams.FirstOrDefault(
                t => t.Name.Equals(toAdd.AwayTeamName));

            if (homeTeamEntity == null || awayTeamEntity == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("One of the teams, part of this result, does not exist");

            var entityToAdd = Result.FromRequest(toAdd);

            entityToAdd.HomeTeam = homeTeamEntity;
            entityToAdd.AwayTeam = awayTeamEntity;
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <IEnumerable <StandingsDTO> > FindAsync(FindStandingsParams findTeamParams)
            IQueryable <Standings> standingsQuery = _dbContext.Standings
                                                    .Include(s => s.League)
                                                    .Include(s => s.StandingRows)
                                                    .ThenInclude(r => r.Team);

            if (findTeamParams.LeagueName != null)
                standingsQuery = standingsQuery.Where(s => s.LeagueId == findTeamParams.LeagueName);

            if (findTeamParams.Season != null)
                var toSearch = Season.FromISOString(findTeamParams.Season);
                standingsQuery = standingsQuery.Where(s => s.SeasonId == toSearch.FullName);

            return((await standingsQuery.ToListAsync())
                   .Select(s => s.ToDto()));
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <(string url, StandingsDTO createdDto)> InitiateAsync(InitiateStandingsRequest initiateStandingsRequest)
            var newSeason = Season.FromISOString(initiateStandingsRequest.Season);

            bool standingsAlreadyExist = await _dbContext.Standings.FindAsync(newSeason.FullName, initiateStandingsRequest.LeagueName) != null;

            if (standingsAlreadyExist)
                throw new ArgumentException("Standings for this league/season already exists");

            var existingLeague = await _dbContext.Leagues
                                 .Include(l => l.Teams)
                                 .SingleOrDefaultAsync(l => l.Name == initiateStandingsRequest.LeagueName);

            bool leagueAlreadyExists = existingLeague != null;

            if (!leagueAlreadyExists)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot instantiate standings for the given League as it doesn't exist");

            var existingSeason = await _dbContext.Seasons.FindAsync(newSeason.FullName);

            var seasonToUse = existingSeason ?? newSeason;

            var newStandings = new Standings
                League       = existingLeague,
                Season       = seasonToUse,
                StandingRows = existingLeague.Teams.Select(t => StandingRow.EmptyRow(t)).ToArray()

            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            return("todo: generate URL", newStandings.ToDto());