public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures) { if (GenBase._tiles[origin.X, origin.Y].active() && WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y, false)) { return(false); } Point result; if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(80), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result)) { return(false); } result.Y += 2; Ref <int> count = new Ref <int>(0); WorldUtils.Gen(result, (GenShape) new Shapes.Circle(8), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.IsSolid(), (GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count))); if (count.Value < 20 || !structures.CanPlace(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(result.X - 8, result.Y - 8, 16, 16), 0)) { return(false); } WorldUtils.Gen(result, (GenShape) new Shapes.Circle(8), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.RadialDither(0.0f, 10f), (GenAction) new Modifiers.IsSolid(), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)229, true, true))); ShapeData data = new ShapeData(); WorldUtils.Gen(result, (GenShape) new Shapes.Circle(4, 3), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.3), (GenAction) new Modifiers.IsSolid(), (GenAction) new Actions.ClearTile(true), new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-6, 6, 0, 3).Output(data), (GenAction) new Actions.SetLiquid(2, byte.MaxValue))); WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result.X, result.Y + 1), (GenShape) new ModShapes.InnerOutline(data, true), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.IsEmpty(), (GenAction) new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-6, 6, 1, 3), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)59, true, true))); structures.AddProtectedStructure(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(result.X - 8, result.Y - 8, 16, 16), 0); return(true); }
private static List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle> CreateRooms(Point origin) { Point result; if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(200), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result) || result == origin) { return(new List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle>()); } Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle room1 = HouseUtils.FindRoom(result); Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle room2 = HouseUtils.FindRoom(new Point(room1.Center.X, room1.Y + 1)); Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle room3 = HouseUtils.FindRoom(new Point(room1.Center.X, room1.Y + room1.Height + 10)); room3.Y = room1.Y + room1.Height - 1; float roomSolidPrecentage1 = HouseUtils.GetRoomSolidPrecentage(room2); float roomSolidPrecentage2 = HouseUtils.GetRoomSolidPrecentage(room3); room1.Y += 3; room2.Y += 3; room3.Y += 3; List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle> rectangleList = new List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle>(); if ((double)WorldGen.genRand.NextFloat() > (double)roomSolidPrecentage1 + 0.200000002980232) { rectangleList.Add(room2); } rectangleList.Add(room1); if ((double)WorldGen.genRand.NextFloat() > (double)roomSolidPrecentage2 + 0.200000002980232) { rectangleList.Add(room3); } return(rectangleList); }
public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures) { if (GenBase._tiles[origin.X, origin.Y].active() && WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y)) { return(false); } Point result; if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(80), new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result)) { return(false); } result.Y += 2; Ref <int> @ref = new Ref <int>(0); WorldUtils.Gen(result, new Shapes.Circle(8), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.IsSolid(), new Actions.Scanner(@ref))); if (@ref.Value < 20) { return(false); } if (!structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(result.X - 8, result.Y - 8, 16, 16))) { return(false); } WorldUtils.Gen(result, new Shapes.Circle(8), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.RadialDither(0f, 10f), new Modifiers.IsSolid(), new Actions.SetTile(229, true))); ShapeData data = new ShapeData(); WorldUtils.Gen(result, new Shapes.Circle(4, 3), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Blotches(), new Modifiers.IsSolid(), new Actions.ClearTile(true), new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-6, 6, 0, 3).Output(data), new Actions.SetLiquid(2))); WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result.X, result.Y + 1), new ModShapes.InnerOutline(data), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.IsEmpty(), new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-6, 6, 1, 3), new Actions.SetTile(59, true))); structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(result.X - 8, result.Y - 8, 16, 16)); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 搜索 /// </summary> public ActionResult AjaxSearch() { //搜索词 string keyword = WebHelper.GetQueryString("keyword"); if (keyword.Length == 0) { return(Content("")); } if (!SecureHelper.IsSafeSqlString(keyword)) { return(Content("")); } //分类id int cateId = WebHelper.GetQueryInt("cateId"); //品牌id int brandId = WebHelper.GetQueryInt("brandId"); //筛选价格 int filterPrice = WebHelper.GetQueryInt("filterPrice"); //筛选属性 string filterAttr = WebHelper.GetQueryString("filterAttr"); //是否只显示有货 int onlyStock = WebHelper.GetQueryInt("onlyStock"); //排序列 int sortColumn = WebHelper.GetQueryInt("sortColumn"); //排序方向 int sortDirection = WebHelper.GetQueryInt("sortDirection"); //当前页数 int page = WebHelper.GetQueryInt("page"); //分类信息 CategoryInfo categoryInfo = Categories.GetCategoryById(cateId); //分类价格范围列表 string[] catePriceRangeList = StringHelper.SplitString(categoryInfo.PriceRange, "\r\n"); //筛选属性处理 List <int> attrValueIdList = new List <int>(); string[] filterAttrValueIdList = StringHelper.SplitString(filterAttr, "-"); foreach (string attrValueId in filterAttrValueIdList) { int temp = TypeHelper.StringToInt(attrValueId); if (temp > 0) { attrValueIdList.Add(temp); } } //分页对象 PageModel pageModel = new PageModel(20, page, Searches.GetSearchMallProductCount(keyword, cateId, brandId, filterPrice, catePriceRangeList, attrValueIdList, onlyStock)); //视图对象 AjaxMallSearchModel model = new AjaxMallSearchModel() { PageModel = pageModel, ProductList = Searches.SearchMallProducts(pageModel.PageSize, pageModel.PageNumber, keyword, cateId, brandId, filterPrice, catePriceRangeList, attrValueIdList, onlyStock, sortColumn, sortDirection) }; return(Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private static bool AreRoomsValid( IEnumerable <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle> rooms, StructureMap structures, HouseType style) { foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle room in rooms) { if (style != HouseType.Granite) { if (WorldUtils.Find(new Point(room.X - 2, room.Y - 2), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Rectangle(room.Width + 4, room.Height + 4).RequireAll(false), (GenCondition) new Conditions.HasLava()), out Point _)) { return(false); } } if (WorldGen.notTheBees) { if (!structures.CanPlace(room, HouseUtils.BeelistedTiles, 5)) { return(false); } } else if (!structures.CanPlace(room, HouseUtils.BlacklistedTiles, 5)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
private void CloseTabCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { var search = (SearchControl)((FrameworkElement)e.OriginalSource).DataContext; Searches.Remove(search); CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,Ticker,Score,DateSearched")] Searches searches) { if (id != searches.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(searches); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!SearchesExists(searches.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(searches)); }
public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures) { Dictionary <ushort, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <ushort, int>(); WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X - 25, origin.Y - 25), new Shapes.Rectangle(50, 50), new Actions.TileScanner(0, 1).Output(dictionary)); int num = dictionary[0] + dictionary[1]; if (num < 1250) { return(false); } Point result; bool flag = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Up(1000), new Conditions.IsSolid().AreaOr(1, 50).Not()), out result); if (WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Up(origin.Y - result.Y), new Conditions.IsTile(53)), out Point _)) { return(false); } if (!flag) { return(false); } result.Y += 50; ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData(); ShapeData shapeData2 = new ShapeData(); Point point = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y + 20); Point point2 = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y + 30); float num2 = 0.8f + GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 0.5f; if (!structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(point.X - (int)(20f * num2), point.Y - 20, (int)(40f * num2), 40))) { return(false); } if (!structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(origin.X, result.Y + 10, 1, origin.Y - result.Y - 9), 2)) { return(false); } WorldUtils.Gen(point, new Shapes.Slime(20, num2, 1f), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.4), new Actions.ClearTile(frameNeighbors: true).Output(shapeData))); WorldUtils.Gen(point2, new Shapes.Mound(14, 14), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 1, 0.8), new Actions.SetTile(0), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true).Output(shapeData2))); shapeData.Subtract(shapeData2, point, point2); WorldUtils.Gen(point, new ModShapes.InnerOutline(shapeData), Actions.Chain(new Actions.SetTile(2), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true))); WorldUtils.Gen(point, new ModShapes.All(shapeData), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-40, 40, 0, 40), new Modifiers.IsEmpty(), new Actions.SetLiquid())); WorldUtils.Gen(point, new ModShapes.All(shapeData), Actions.Chain(new Actions.PlaceWall(68), new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(2), new Modifiers.Offset(0, 1), new ActionVines(3, 5))); ShapeData data = new ShapeData(); WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X, result.Y + 10), new Shapes.Rectangle(1, origin.Y - result.Y - 9), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.2), new Actions.ClearTile().Output(data), new Modifiers.Expand(1), new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(53), new Actions.SetTile(397).Output(data))); WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X, result.Y + 10), new ModShapes.All(data), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true)); if (GenBase._random.Next(3) == 0) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(point2.X, point2.Y - 15, 187, mute: true, forced: false, -1, 17); } else { WorldGen.PlaceTile(point2.X, point2.Y - 15, 186, mute: true, forced: false, -1, 15); } WorldUtils.Gen(point2, new ModShapes.All(shapeData2), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Offset(0, -1), new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(2), new Modifiers.Offset(0, -1), new ActionGrass())); structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(point.X - (int)(20f * num2), point.Y - 20, (int)(40f * num2), 40), 4); return(true); }
public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures) { if (WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y) && GenBase._tiles[origin.X, origin.Y].wall == 3) { return(false); } if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(100), new Conditions.IsSolid()), out origin)) { return(false); } Point result; if (!WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - 4, origin.Y), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(5), new Conditions.IsTile(new ushort[1] { 25 }).AreaAnd(8, 1)), out result)) { return(false); } ShapeData data1 = new ShapeData(); ShapeData shapeData1 = new ShapeData(); ShapeData shapeData2 = new ShapeData(); for (int index = 0; index < 6; ++index) { WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(10, 12) + index), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Offset(0, 5 * index + 5), new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3).Output(data1))); } for (int index = 0; index < 6; ++index) { WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(5, 7) + index), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Offset(0, 2 * index + 18), new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3).Output(shapeData1))); } for (int index = 0; index < 6; ++index) { WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(4, 6) + index / 2), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Offset(0, (int)(7.5 * (double)index) - 10), new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3).Output(shapeData2))); } ShapeData data2 = new ShapeData(shapeData1); shapeData1.Subtract(shapeData2, origin, origin); data2.Subtract(shapeData1, origin, origin); Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle bounds = ShapeData.GetBounds(origin, data1, shapeData2); if (!structures.CanPlace(bounds, CorruptionPitBiome.ValidTiles, 2)) { return(false); } WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(data1), Actions.Chain(new Actions.SetTile((ushort)25, true, true), new Actions.PlaceWall(3, true))); WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData1), new Actions.SetTile(0, true, true)); WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData2), new Actions.ClearTile(true)); WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData1), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.IsTouchingAir(true), new Modifiers.NotTouching(0 != 0, new ushort[1] { 25 }), new Actions.SetTile(23, true, true))); WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(data2), new Actions.PlaceWall(69, true)); structures.AddStructure(bounds, 2); return(true); }
public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures) { if (WorldGen.SolidTile((int)origin.X, (int)origin.Y)) { return(false); } ushort type = Utils.SelectRandom <ushort>(GenBase._random, new ushort[4] { (ushort)(WorldGen.goldBar == 19 ? 8 : 169), (ushort)(WorldGen.silverBar == 21 ? 9 : 168), (ushort)(WorldGen.ironBar == 22 ? 6 : 167), (ushort)(WorldGen.copperBar == 20 ? 7 : 166) }); double num1 = GenBase._random.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0; if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(num1 > 0.0 ? (GenSearch) new Searches.Right(40) : (GenSearch) new Searches.Left(40), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out origin)) { return(false); } if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(80), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out origin)) { return(false); } ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData(); Ref <int> count1 = new Ref <int>(0); Ref <int> count2 = new Ref <int>(0); WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ShapeRunner(10f, 20, new Vector2((float)num1, 1f)).Output(shapeData), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.3), (GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count1), (GenAction) new Modifiers.IsSolid(), (GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count2))); if (count2.Value < count1.Value / 2) { return(false); } Rectangle area; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation ((Rectangle)@area).\u002Ector(origin.X - 15, origin.Y - 10, 30, 20); if (!structures.CanPlace(area, 0)) { return(false); } WorldUtils.Gen(origin, (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(shapeData), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile(type, true, true)); WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X - (int)(num1 * -5.0), origin.Y - 5), (GenShape) new Shapes.Circle(5), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.3), (GenAction) new Actions.ClearTile(true))); Point result1; int num2 = 1 & (WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - (num1 > 0.0 ? 3 : -3), origin.Y - 3), Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(10), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result1) ? 1 : 0); int num3 = GenBase._random.Next(4) == 0 ? 3 : 7; Point result2; int num4 = WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - (num1 > 0.0 ? -num3 : num3), origin.Y - 3), Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(10), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result2) ? 1 : 0; if ((num2 & num4) == 0) { return(false); } // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type __Null& local1 = @result1.Y; // ISSUE: cast to a reference type // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num5 = ^ (int&)local1 - 1;
public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures) { Point result; bool flag = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Up(1000), new Conditions.IsSolid().AreaOr(1, 100).Not()), out result); result.Y += 100; ShapeData data1 = new ShapeData(); ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData(); Point point1 = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y + 20); Point point2 = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y + 30); bool[] validTiles = new bool[TileID.Sets.GeneralPlacementTiles.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < validTiles.Length; ++index) { validTiles[index] = TileID.Sets.GeneralPlacementTiles[index]; } validTiles[21] = false; validTiles[467] = false; float xScale = (float)(0.800000011920929 + (double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 0.5); WorldUtils.Gen(point1, (GenShape) new Shapes.Slime(20, xScale, 1f), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.4), new Actions.ClearTile(true).Output(data1))); WorldUtils.Gen(point2, (GenShape) new Shapes.Mound(14, 14), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 1, 0.8), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)0, false, true), new Actions.SetFrames(true).Output(shapeData))); data1.Subtract(shapeData, point1, point2); WorldUtils.Gen(point1, (GenShape) new ModShapes.InnerOutline(data1, true), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)2, false, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true))); WorldUtils.Gen(point1, (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(data1), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-40, 40, 0, 40), (GenAction) new Modifiers.IsEmpty(), (GenAction) new Actions.SetLiquid(0, byte.MaxValue))); WorldUtils.Gen(point1, (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(data1), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.PlaceWall((ushort)68, true), (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(new ushort[1] { (ushort)2 }), (GenAction) new Modifiers.Offset(0, 1), (GenAction) new ActionVines(3, 5, 382))); if ((double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() <= (double)this._chanceOfEntrance) { ShapeData data2 = new ShapeData(); WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X, result.Y + 10), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(1, origin.Y - result.Y - 9), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.2), (GenAction) new Modifiers.SkipTiles(new ushort[2] { (ushort)191, (ushort)192 }), new Actions.ClearTile(false).Output(data2), (GenAction) new Modifiers.Expand(1), (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(new ushort[1] { (ushort)53 }), new Actions.SetTile((ushort)397, false, true).Output(data2))); WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X, result.Y + 10), (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(data2), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)); } if ((double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() <= (double)this._chanceOfRealSword) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(point2.X, point2.Y - 15, 187, true, false, -1, 17); } else { WorldGen.PlaceTile(point2.X, point2.Y - 15, 186, true, false, -1, 15); } WorldUtils.Gen(point2, (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(shapeData), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Offset(0, -1), (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(new ushort[1] { (ushort)2 }), (GenAction) new Modifiers.Offset(0, -1), (GenAction) new ActionGrass())); structures.AddProtectedStructure(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(point1.X - (int)(20.0 * (double)xScale), point1.Y - 20, (int)(40.0 * (double)xScale), 40), 10); return(true); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index() { Scoring scoring = new Scoring(); Top_Stocks top_Stocks = new Top_Stocks(); List <Searches> unsortedStocks = new List <Searches>(); //Will need to change once I've implemented time frame, but works for now //May be better in the Startup class, but works here for now var userId = this.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); if (userId == null) { for (int i = 0; i < top_Stocks.possibleTopStocks.Count(); i++) { Searches search = new Searches(); search.Symbol = top_Stocks.possibleTopStocks[i]; search.Score = scoring.GetGoogleScore(search); unsortedStocks.Add(search); } top_Stocks = SortStocks(unsortedStocks); //top_Stocks.UserId = userId; _context.Top_Stocks.Add(top_Stocks); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); List <string[]> peopleToContact = new List <string[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < _context.User.Count(); i++) { string[] person = new string[2]; var UserList = _context.User.ToList(); var IdUserList = _context.Users.ToList(); for (int j = 0; j < UserList.Count(); j++) { person[0] = UserList[j].FirstName + " " + UserList[j].LastName; person[1] = IdUserList.Where(u => u.Id == UserList[j].UserId).FirstOrDefault().Email; peopleToContact.Add(person); //Not sure if this is disgusting or beautiful.. But it works } } foreach (string[] person in peopleToContact) { SendSimpleMessage(person, top_Stocks); //I think it's running twice on sign in right now. Fix that } return(Redirect("./Identity/Account/Login")); } if (User.IsInRole("User")) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Users")); } return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 店铺搜索 /// </summary> public ActionResult Search() { //搜索词 string word = WebHelper.GetQueryString("word"); if (word.Length == 0) { return(View("~/mobile/views/shared/prompt.cshtml", new PromptModel(WorkContext.UrlReferrer, "请输入关键词"))); } //异步保存搜索历史 Asyn.UpdateSearchHistory(WorkContext.Uid, word); //判断搜索词是否为店铺分类名称,如果是则重定向到店铺分类页面 int storeCid = Stores.GetStoreCidByStoreIdAndName(WorkContext.StoreId, word); if (storeCid > 0) { return(Redirect(Url.Action("class", new RouteValueDictionary { { "storeId", WorkContext.StoreId }, { "storeCid", storeCid } }))); } //排序列 int sortColumn = WebHelper.GetQueryInt("sortColumn"); //排序方向 int sortDirection = WebHelper.GetQueryInt("sortDirection"); //当前页数 int page = WebHelper.GetQueryInt("page"); //检查当前页数 if (page < 1) { page = 1; } //商品总数量 int totalCount = 0; //商品列表 List <PartProductInfo> productList = null; Searches.SearchStoreProducts(20, page, word, WorkContext.StoreId, storeCid, 0, 0, sortColumn, sortDirection, ref totalCount, ref productList); //分页对象 PageModel pageModel = new PageModel(20, page, totalCount); //视图对象 StoreSearchModel model = new StoreSearchModel() { Word = word, SortColumn = sortColumn, SortDirection = sortDirection, PageModel = pageModel, ProductList = productList }; return(View(model)); }
// Token: 0x06000FB5 RID: 4021 RVA: 0x003F729C File Offset: 0x003F549C private Rectangle GetRoom(Point origin) { Point point; bool flag = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Left(25), new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() }), out point); Point point2; bool arg_5E_0 = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Right(25), new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() }), out point2); if (!flag) { point = new Point(origin.X - 25, origin.Y); } if (!arg_5E_0) { point2 = new Point(origin.X + 25, origin.Y); } Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(origin.X, origin.Y, 0, 0); if (origin.X - point.X > point2.X - origin.X) { rectangle.X = point.X; rectangle.Width = Utils.Clamp <int>(point2.X - point.X, 15, 30); } else { rectangle.Width = Utils.Clamp <int>(point2.X - point.X, 15, 30); rectangle.X = point2.X - rectangle.Width; } Point point3; bool flag2 = WorldUtils.Find(point, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Up(10), new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() }), out point3); Point point4; bool arg_164_0 = WorldUtils.Find(point2, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Up(10), new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() }), out point4); if (!flag2) { point3 = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y - 10); } if (!arg_164_0) { point4 = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y - 10); } rectangle.Height = Utils.Clamp <int>(Math.Max(origin.Y - point3.Y, origin.Y - point4.Y), 8, 12); rectangle.Y -= rectangle.Height; return(rectangle); }
private Rectangle GetRoom(Point origin) { Point origin2; bool flag = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Left(25), new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() }), out origin2); Point origin3; bool flag2 = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Right(25), new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() }), out origin3); if (!flag) { origin2 = new Point(origin.X - 25, origin.Y); } if (!flag2) { origin3 = new Point(origin.X + 25, origin.Y); } Rectangle result = new Rectangle(origin.X, origin.Y, 0, 0); if (origin.X - origin2.X > origin3.X - origin.X) { result.X = origin2.X; result.Width = Utils.Clamp <int>(origin3.X - origin2.X, 15, 30); } else { result.Width = Utils.Clamp <int>(origin3.X - origin2.X, 15, 30); result.X = origin3.X - result.Width; } Point point; bool flag3 = WorldUtils.Find(origin2, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Up(10), new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() }), out point); Point point2; bool flag4 = WorldUtils.Find(origin3, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Up(10), new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() }), out point2); if (!flag3) { point = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y - 10); } if (!flag4) { point2 = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y - 10); } result.Height = Utils.Clamp <int>(Math.Max(origin.Y - point.Y, origin.Y - point2.Y), 8, 12); result.Y -= result.Height; return(result); }
private bool FindVerticalExit(Rectangle wall, bool isUp, out int exitX) { Point result; var flag = WorldUtils.Find(new Point(wall.X + wall.Width - 3, wall.Y + (isUp ? -5 : 0)), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Left(wall.Width - 3), new Conditions.IsSolid().Not().AreaOr(3, 5)), out result); exitX = result.X; return(flag); }
private bool FindSideExit(Rectangle wall, bool isLeft, out int exitY) { Point result; var flag = WorldUtils.Find(new Point(wall.X + (isLeft ? -4 : 0), wall.Y + wall.Height - 3), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Up(wall.Height - 3), new Conditions.IsSolid().Not().AreaOr(4, 3)), out result); exitY = result.Y; return(flag); }
/// <summary> /// Create a default settings with one search item and the default cache folder points to: /// C:\\ProgramData\\FromThe.Blue\\WallpaperAbyss\\ /// </summary> public Settings() { CacheDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + "\\FromThe.Blue\\WallpaperAbyss"; SearchMethods search = new SearchMethods(); search.Method = LookupMethods.newest; Searches.Add(search); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the click on the delete search button. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Event sender.</param> /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param> private void OnDeleteSearchClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var senderAsFrameworkElement = sender as FrameworkElement; if (senderAsFrameworkElement != null) { var search = senderAsFrameworkElement.DataContext as Search; Searches.Remove(search); } }
private void SubscribeSearches() { Searches.ToList().ForEach(s => s.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => { if (args.PropertyName == "IsSelected") { RaisePropertyChanged("AllSelected"); } }); RaisePropertyChanged("AllSelected"); }
public override void AI() { Player player = Main.player[]; npc.TargetClosest(true); if (frameType == attackFrameType) { attackTime++; npc.velocity.X = (0); npc.velocity.Y = (0); if (attackTime > ReloadTime) { if (secondShot) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X - (17f * npc.direction), npc.Center.Y - 40f, 0f, -10f, mod.ProjectileType("AntiAirRocket"), damage, 3f, Main.myPlayer); } //Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X-(17f*npc.direction), npc.Center.Y-40f, 0f, 0f, 102, damage, 3f, Main.myPlayer); secondShot = false; attackTime = 0; } else { if (Main.netMode != 1) { Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X + (23f * npc.direction), npc.Center.Y - 40f, 0f, -10f, mod.ProjectileType("AntiAirRocket"), damage, 3f, Main.myPlayer); } //Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X+(23f*npc.direction), npc.Center.Y-40f, 0f, 0f, 102, damage, 3f, Main.myPlayer); secondShot = true; attackTime = 0; } } } float playerPositionSummery = player.Center.Y - npc.Center.Y; Point origin = player.Center.ToTileCoordinates(); Point point; if (playerPositionSummery < -200f && !WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(12), new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() }), out point)) { frameType = attackFrameType; } else { frameType = moveFrameType; } }
private Rectangle GetRoom(Point origin) { Point result1; bool flag1 = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Left(25), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result1); Point result2; bool flag2 = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Right(25), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result2); if (!flag1) { result1 = new Point(origin.X - 25, (int)origin.Y); } if (!flag2) { result2 = new Point(origin.X + 25, (int)origin.Y); } Rectangle rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation ((Rectangle)@rectangle).\u002Ector((int)origin.X, (int)origin.Y, 0, 0); if (origin.X - result1.X > result2.X - origin.X) { rectangle.X = result1.X; rectangle.Width = (__Null)Utils.Clamp <int>((int)(result2.X - result1.X), 15, 30); } else { rectangle.Width = (__Null)Utils.Clamp <int>((int)(result2.X - result1.X), 15, 30); rectangle.X = result2.X - rectangle.Width; } Point result3; bool flag3 = WorldUtils.Find(result1, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Up(10), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result3); Point result4; bool flag4 = WorldUtils.Find(result2, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Up(10), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result4); if (!flag3) { result3 = new Point((int)origin.X, origin.Y - 10); } if (!flag4) { result4 = new Point((int)origin.X, origin.Y - 10); } rectangle.Height = (__Null)Utils.Clamp <int>(Math.Max((int)(origin.Y - result3.Y), (int)(origin.Y - result4.Y)), 8, 12); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local1 = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local2 = (^ local1).Y - rectangle.Height; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local1).Y = local2; return(rectangle); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Ticker,Score,DateSearched")] Searches searches) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(searches); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(searches)); }
void Load() { try { Servers = _db.Query <Servers>(typeof(Servers))[0]; } catch (InvalidOperationException) {} catch (Db4oRecoverableException) {} if (Servers == null) { Servers = new Servers(); _db.Store(Servers); } try { Files = _db.Query <Files>(typeof(Files))[0]; } catch (InvalidOperationException) {} catch (Db4oRecoverableException) {} if (Files == null) { Files = new Files(); _db.Store(Files); } try { Searches = _db.Query <Searches>(typeof(Searches))[0]; } catch (InvalidOperationException) {} catch (Db4oRecoverableException) {} if (Searches == null) { Searches = new Searches(); _db.Store(Searches); } try { ApiKeys = _db.Query <ApiKeys>(typeof(ApiKeys))[0]; } catch (InvalidOperationException) {} catch (Db4oRecoverableException) {} if (ApiKeys == null) { ApiKeys = new ApiKeys(); _db.Store(ApiKeys); } TryCommit(); }
private Rectangle GetRoom(Point origin) { Point result1; var flag1 = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Left(25), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result1); Point result2; var flag2 = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Right(25), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result2); if (!flag1) { result1 = new Point(origin.X - 25, origin.Y); } if (!flag2) { result2 = new Point(origin.X + 25, origin.Y); } var rectangle = new Rectangle(origin.X, origin.Y, 0, 0); if (origin.X - result1.X > result2.X - origin.X) { rectangle.X = result1.X; rectangle.Width = Utils.Clamp(result2.X - result1.X, 15, 30); } else { rectangle.Width = Utils.Clamp(result2.X - result1.X, 15, 30); rectangle.X = result2.X - rectangle.Width; } Point result3; var flag3 = WorldUtils.Find(result1, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Up(10), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result3); Point result4; var flag4 = WorldUtils.Find(result2, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Up(10), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result4); if (!flag3) { result3 = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y - 10); } if (!flag4) { result4 = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y - 10); } rectangle.Height = Utils.Clamp(Math.Max(origin.Y - result3.Y, origin.Y - result4.Y), 8, 12); rectangle.Y -= rectangle.Height; return(rectangle); }
public override void ModifyHitNPC(Item item, NPC target, ref int damage, ref float knockback, ref bool crit) { Point origin = player.Bottom.ToTileCoordinates(); Point point; if (effect && !WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(3), new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() }), out point) && player.grappling[0] == -1) { damage *= 2; } }
public void RemoveSearch(string queryString) { int index = Searches.IndexOf(queryString); if (index == -1) { return; } Searches.RemoveAt(index); SearchesChanged.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
protected virtual void OnSearchItemAdded(int galleryId) { int itemIndex = Searches.IndexOf(galleryId); if (itemIndex != -1) { Searches.RemoveAt(itemIndex); } Searches.Insert(0, galleryId); SearchesChanged.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public ActionResult KeyWordSearch() { //搜索词 string keyword = WebHelper.GetQueryString("keyword"); WorkContext.SearchWord = WebHelper.HtmlEncode(keyword); if (keyword.Length == 0) { return(PromptView(WorkContext.UrlReferrer, "请输入搜索词")); } if (!SecureHelper.IsSafeSqlString(keyword)) { return(PromptView(WorkContext.UrlReferrer, "您搜索的商品不存在")); } //异步保存搜索历史 Asyn.UpdateSearchHistory(WorkContext.Uid, keyword); //获取当前搜索词匹配缓存结果 ProductSearchKeyInfo keyInfo = BMACache.Get(keyword) as ProductSearchKeyInfo; if (keyInfo != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyInfo.Name)) //无匹配 { return(PromptView(WorkContext.UrlReferrer, "您搜索的商品不存在")); } if (keyInfo == null) //未匹配过 { keyInfo = Searches.GetProductSearchKey(keyword); if (keyInfo == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyInfo.Name)) { keyInfo = new ProductSearchKeyInfo() { Name = "", keyType = -1, ToId = -1 }; } BMACache.Insert(keyword, keyInfo); } //再次判断搜索词匹配结果 if (keyInfo != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyInfo.Name)) //无匹配 { return(PromptView(WorkContext.UrlReferrer, "您搜索的商品不存在")); } return(Redirect(Url.Action("categorysearch", new RouteValueDictionary { { "keyword", keyword }, { "searchKeyType", keyInfo.keyType }, { "searchKeyId", keyInfo.ToId } }))); }
public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures) { if (WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y) && GenBase._tiles[origin.X, origin.Y].wall == 3) { return(false); } if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(100), new Conditions.IsSolid()), out origin)) { return(false); } Point result; if (!WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - 4, origin.Y), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(5), new Conditions.IsTile(25).AreaAnd(8, 1)), out result)) { return(false); } ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData(); ShapeData shapeData2 = new ShapeData(); ShapeData shapeData3 = new ShapeData(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(10, 12) + i), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Offset(0, 5 * i + 5), new Modifiers.Blotches(3).Output(shapeData))); } for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(5, 7) + j), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Offset(0, 2 * j + 18), new Modifiers.Blotches(3).Output(shapeData2))); } for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) { WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(4, 6) + k / 2), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Offset(0, (int)(7.5f * (float)k) - 10), new Modifiers.Blotches(3).Output(shapeData3))); } ShapeData shapeData4 = new ShapeData(shapeData2); shapeData2.Subtract(shapeData3, origin, origin); shapeData4.Subtract(shapeData2, origin, origin); Rectangle bounds = ShapeData.GetBounds(origin, shapeData, shapeData3); if (!structures.CanPlace(bounds, ValidTiles, 2)) { return(false); } WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData), Actions.Chain(new Actions.SetTile(25, true), new Actions.PlaceWall(3))); WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData2), new Actions.SetTile(0, true)); WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData3), new Actions.ClearTile(true)); WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData2), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.IsTouchingAir(true), new Modifiers.NotTouching(false, 25), new Actions.SetTile(23, true))); WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData4), new Actions.PlaceWall(69)); structures.AddStructure(bounds, 2); return(true); }