Esempio n. 1
        void Init()
            _titleLabel = new Label("Applications")
                Margin = new WidgetSpacing(0, 6, 0, 6)

            _headerBox = new HBox();

            _searchEntry = new SearchTextEntry
                WidthRequest    = 200,
                PlaceholderText = "Filter..."

            _listView = new ListView
                MinHeight    = 150,
                WidthRequest = 400

            _nameField  = new DataField <string>();
            _ownerField = new DataField <string>();
            _appField   = new DataField <Models.Application>();

            _listStore = new ListStore(_nameField, _ownerField, _appField);

            _listView.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Name", new TextCellView(_nameField)));
            _listView.Columns.Add(new ListViewColumn("Owner", new TextCellView(_ownerField)));

            _listView.DataSource = _listStore;

            _buttonBox = new HBox();

            _addButton = new Button("Add")
                BackgroundColor = MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Styles.BaseSelectionBackgroundColor,
                LabelColor      = MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Styles.BaseSelectionTextColor

            _editButton   = new Button("Edit");
            _removeButton = new Button("Remove");
            _closeButton  = new Button("Close");

            _appsSpinner = new MDSpinner(Gtk.IconSize.Dialog)
                HeightRequest       = 24,
                WidthRequest        = 24,
                Animate             = true,
                HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Center,
                VerticalPlacement   = WidgetPlacement.Center
Esempio n. 2
        public ListBoxFilter()
            label = new Label {
                Text = type.Name.Humanize(),

            search = new SearchTextEntry {
                PlaceholderText = Application.TranslationCatalog.GetString("Filter"),

            search.Activated += FilterActivated;
            search.Changed   += FilterChanged;

            allCheckBox = new CheckBox {
                Label      = Application.TranslationCatalog.GetString("All"),
                AllowMixed = false,
                State      = CheckBoxState.Off,
                Active     = false,
                Visible    = false,
            allCheckBox.Clicked += AllCheckBoxClicked;

            listBox = new ListBox {
                ExpandHorizontal    = true,
                ExpandVertical      = true,
                HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Fill,
                VerticalPlacement   = WidgetPlacement.Fill,

            listBox.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => OnSelectionItemChanged(e);

            var box = new HBox();

            PackStart(box, false, true);
            PackStart(listBox, true, true);
            ExpandHorizontal = true;
            ExpandVertical   = true;
Esempio n. 3
        public ListBoxFilter()
            search = new SearchTextEntry {
                PlaceholderText = Application.TranslationCatalog.GetString("Filter"),

            search.Activated += FilterActivated;
            search.Changed   += FilterChanged;

            listBox = new ListBox {
                ExpandHorizontal    = true,
                ExpandVertical      = true,
                HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Fill,
                VerticalPlacement   = WidgetPlacement.Fill,

            listBox.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => OnSelectionItemChanged(e);

            PackStart(listBox, true, true);
            ExpandHorizontal = true;
            ExpandVertical   = true;
Esempio n. 4
        void Init()
            _mainBox = new VBox
                BackgroundColor = MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Styles.BackgroundColor,
                HeightRequest   = 500,
                WidthRequest    = 800

            _headerFrameBox = new RoundedFrameBox
                CornerRadiusTopLeft     = 6,
                CornerRadiusTopRight    = 6,
                CornerRadiusBottomLeft  = 0,
                CornerRadiusBottomRight = 0,
                BorderBottom            = false,
                BorderWidth             = 2,
                InnerBackgroundColor    = Styles.BackgroundColor

            _headerBox = new HBox
                HeightRequest = 36

            _feedBox = new ComboBox
                WidthRequest = 200

            _searchEntry = new SearchTextEntry
                PlaceholderText = "Filter samples",
                HeightRequest   = 24,
                WidthRequest    = 200

            _contentFrameBox = new RoundedFrameBox
                CornerRadius         = 0,
                BorderWidth          = 2,
                InnerBackgroundColor = Styles.BackgroundColor,
                Margin = new WidgetSpacing(0, -6, 0, 0)

            _contentBox = new HBox();

            _samplesView = new TreeView
                BackgroundColor         = Styles.BackgroundColor,
                GridLinesVisible        = GridLines.None,
                HeadersVisible          = false,
                BorderVisible           = false,
                UseAlternatingRowColors = true,
                WidthRequest            = 200

            _nameField   = new DataField <string>();
            _sampleField = new DataField <Sample>();

            _samplesStore = new TreeStore(_nameField, _sampleField);

            _descriptionBox = new VBox
                WidthRequest = 300

            _titleLabel = new Label("Title")
                Font   = Font.SystemFont.WithScaledSize(1.25),
                Margin = new WidgetSpacing(0, 12, 0, 0)

            _titleValueLabel = new Label();

            _descriptionLabel = new Label("Description")
                Font   = Font.SystemFont.WithScaledSize(1.25),
                Margin = new WidgetSpacing(0, 12, 0, 0)

            _descriptionValueLabel = new Label
                Wrap         = WrapMode.Word,
                WidthRequest = 150

            _platformsLabel = new Label("Platforms")
                Font   = Font.SystemFont.WithScaledSize(1.25),
                Margin = new WidgetSpacing(0, 12, 0, 0)

            _platformsBox = new VBox();

            _tagsLabel = new Label("Tags")
                Font   = Font.SystemFont.WithScaledSize(1.25),
                Margin = new WidgetSpacing(0, 12, 0, 0)

            _tagsBox = new HBox();

            _authorTitleLabel = new Label("Author")
                Font   = Font.SystemFont.WithScaledSize(1.25),
                Margin = new WidgetSpacing(0, 12, 0, 0)

            _authorLabel = new Label();

            _previewBox = new VBox
                WidthRequest = 300

            _previewView = new Xwt.ImageView
                BackgroundColor     = Colors.Gray,
                HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.End,
                VerticalPlacement   = WidgetPlacement.Start,
                Margin = new WidgetSpacing(2, 2, 2, 2)

            _loadingSpinner = new MDSpinner
                Animate = true

            _buttonBox = new HBox();

            _cancelButton = new Button("Cancel");

            _continueButton = new Button("Continue")
                BackgroundColor = Styles.BaseSelectionBackgroundColor,
                LabelColor      = Styles.BaseSelectionTextColor
        void Build()
            Title   = GettextCatalog.GetString("Add Packages");
            Width   = 820;
            Height  = 520;
            Padding = new WidgetSpacing();

            // Top part of dialog:
            // Package sources and search.
            var topHBox = new HBox();

            topHBox.Margin = new WidgetSpacing(8, 5, 6, 5);

            packageSourceComboBox          = new ComboBox();
            packageSourceComboBox.MinWidth = 200;

            packageSearchEntry = new SearchTextEntry();
            packageSearchEntry.WidthRequest = 187;

            this.HeaderContent = topHBox;

            // Middle of dialog:
            // Packages and package information.
            var mainVBox = new VBox();

            Content = mainVBox;

            var middleHBox = new HBox();

            middleHBox.Spacing = 0;
            var middleFrame = new FrameBox();

            middleFrame.Content     = middleHBox;
            middleFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing(0, 0, 0, 1);
            middleFrame.BorderColor = lineBorderColor;
            mainVBox.PackStart(middleFrame, true, true);

            // Error information.
            var packagesListVBox = new VBox();

            packagesListVBox.Spacing         = 0;
            errorMessageHBox                 = new HBox();
            errorMessageHBox.Margin          = new WidgetSpacing();
            errorMessageHBox.BackgroundColor = Colors.Orange;
            errorMessageHBox.Visible         = false;
            var errorImage = new ImageView();

            errorImage.Margin = new WidgetSpacing(10, 0, 0, 0);
            errorImage.Image  = ImageService.GetIcon(Stock.Warning, Gtk.IconSize.Menu);
            errorImage.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.End;
            errorMessageLabel           = new Label();
            errorMessageLabel.TextColor = Colors.White;
            errorMessageLabel.Margin    = new WidgetSpacing(5, 5, 5, 5);
            errorMessageLabel.Wrap      = WrapMode.Word;
            errorMessageHBox.PackStart(errorMessageLabel, true);

            // Packages list.
            middleHBox.PackStart(packagesListVBox, true, true);
            packagesListView = new ListView();
            packagesListView.BorderVisible  = false;
            packagesListView.HeadersVisible = false;
            packagesListVBox.PackStart(packagesListView, true, true);

            // Loading spinner.
            var loadingSpinnerHBox = new HBox();

            loadingSpinnerHBox.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Center;
            var loadingSpinner = new Spinner();

            loadingSpinner.Animate  = true;
            loadingSpinner.MinWidth = 20;

            loadingSpinnerLabel      = new Label();
            loadingSpinnerLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("Loading package list...");

            loadingSpinnerFrame                 = new FrameBox();
            loadingSpinnerFrame.Visible         = false;
            loadingSpinnerFrame.BackgroundColor = Colors.White;
            loadingSpinnerFrame.Content         = loadingSpinnerHBox;
            loadingSpinnerFrame.BorderWidth     = new WidgetSpacing();
            packagesListVBox.PackStart(loadingSpinnerFrame, true, true);

            // No packages found label.
            var noPackagesFoundHBox = new HBox();

            noPackagesFoundHBox.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Center;

            var noPackagesFoundLabel = new Label();

            noPackagesFoundLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("No matching packages found.");

            noPackagesFoundFrame                 = new FrameBox();
            noPackagesFoundFrame.Visible         = false;
            noPackagesFoundFrame.BackgroundColor = Colors.White;
            noPackagesFoundFrame.Content         = noPackagesFoundHBox;
            noPackagesFoundFrame.BorderWidth     = new WidgetSpacing();
            packagesListVBox.PackStart(noPackagesFoundFrame, true, true);

            // Package information
            packageInfoVBox = new VBox();
            var packageInfoFrame = new FrameBox();

            packageInfoFrame.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;
            packageInfoFrame.BorderWidth     = new WidgetSpacing();
            packageInfoFrame.Content         = packageInfoVBox;
            packageInfoVBox.Margin           = new WidgetSpacing(15, 12, 15, 12);
            var packageInfoContainerVBox = new VBox();

            packageInfoContainerVBox.WidthRequest = 240;
            packageInfoContainerVBox.PackStart(packageInfoFrame, true, true);

            var packageInfoScrollView = new ScrollView();

            packageInfoScrollView.BorderVisible          = false;
            packageInfoScrollView.HorizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.Never;
            packageInfoScrollView.Content         = packageInfoContainerVBox;
            packageInfoScrollView.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;
            var packageInfoScrollViewFrame = new FrameBox();

            packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;
            packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BorderWidth     = new WidgetSpacing(1, 0, 0, 0);
            packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BorderColor     = lineBorderColor;
            packageInfoScrollViewFrame.Content         = packageInfoScrollView;

            // Package name and version.
            var packageNameHBox = new HBox();


            packageNameLabel           = new Label();
            packageNameLabel.Ellipsize = EllipsizeMode.End;
            Font packageInfoSmallFont = packageNameLabel.Font.WithScaledSize(0.8);

            packageNameHBox.PackStart(packageNameLabel, true);

            packageVersionLabel = new Label();
            packageVersionLabel.TextAlignment = Alignment.End;

            // Package description.
            packageDescription                 = new Label();
            packageDescription.Wrap            = WrapMode.Word;
            packageDescription.Font            = packageNameLabel.Font.WithScaledSize(0.9);
            packageDescription.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;

            // Package id.
            var packageIdHBox = new HBox();

            packageIdHBox.MarginTop = 7;

            var packageIdLabel = new Label();

            packageIdLabel.Font   = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageIdLabel.Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString("<b>Id</b>");

            packageId                   = new Label();
            packageId.Ellipsize         = EllipsizeMode.End;
            packageId.TextAlignment     = Alignment.End;
            packageId.Font              = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageIdLink               = new LinkLabel();
            packageIdLink.Ellipsize     = EllipsizeMode.End;
            packageIdLink.TextAlignment = Alignment.End;
            packageIdLink.Font          = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageIdHBox.PackEnd(packageIdLink, true);
            packageIdHBox.PackEnd(packageId, true);

            // Package author
            var packageAuthorHBox = new HBox();


            var packageAuthorLabel = new Label();

            packageAuthorLabel.Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString("<b>Author</b>");
            packageAuthorLabel.Font   = packageInfoSmallFont;

            packageAuthor = new Label();
            packageAuthor.TextAlignment = Alignment.End;
            packageAuthor.Ellipsize     = EllipsizeMode.End;
            packageAuthor.Font          = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageAuthorHBox.PackEnd(packageAuthor, true);

            // Package published
            var packagePublishedHBox = new HBox();


            var packagePublishedLabel = new Label();

            packagePublishedLabel.Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString("<b>Published</b>");
            packagePublishedLabel.Font   = packageInfoSmallFont;

            packagePublishedDate      = new Label();
            packagePublishedDate.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;

            // Package downloads
            var packageDownloadsHBox = new HBox();


            var packageDownloadsLabel = new Label();

            packageDownloadsLabel.Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString("<b>Downloads</b>");
            packageDownloadsLabel.Font   = packageInfoSmallFont;

            packageDownloads      = new Label();
            packageDownloads.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;

            // Package license.
            var packageLicenseHBox = new HBox();


            var packageLicenseLabel = new Label();

            packageLicenseLabel.Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString("<b>License</b>");
            packageLicenseLabel.Font   = packageInfoSmallFont;

            packageLicenseLink      = new LinkLabel();
            packageLicenseLink.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("View License");
            packageLicenseLink.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;

            // Package project page.
            var packageProjectPageHBox = new HBox();


            var packageProjectPageLabel = new Label();

            packageProjectPageLabel.Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString("<b>Project Page</b>");
            packageProjectPageLabel.Font   = packageInfoSmallFont;

            packageProjectPageLink      = new LinkLabel();
            packageProjectPageLink.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("Visit Page");
            packageProjectPageLink.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;

            // Package dependencies
            var packageDependenciesHBox = new HBox();


            var packageDependenciesLabel = new Label();

            packageDependenciesLabel.Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString("<b>Dependencies</b>");
            packageDependenciesLabel.Font   = packageInfoSmallFont;

            packageDependenciesNoneLabel      = new Label();
            packageDependenciesNoneLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("None");
            packageDependenciesNoneLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;

            // Package dependencies list.
            packageDependenciesListHBox         = new HBox();
            packageDependenciesListHBox.Visible = false;

            packageDependenciesList        = new Label();
            packageDependenciesList.Wrap   = WrapMode.WordAndCharacter;
            packageDependenciesList.Margin = new WidgetSpacing(5);
            packageDependenciesList.Font   = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageDependenciesListHBox.PackStart(packageDependenciesList, true);

            // Bottom part of dialog:
            // Show pre-release packages and Close/Add to Project buttons.
            var bottomHBox = new HBox();

            bottomHBox.Margin  = new WidgetSpacing(8, 5, 14, 10);
            bottomHBox.Spacing = 5;

            showPrereleaseCheckBox       = new CheckBox();
            showPrereleaseCheckBox.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show pre-release packages");

            addPackagesButton           = new Button();
            addPackagesButton.MinWidth  = 120;
            addPackagesButton.MinHeight = 25;
            addPackagesButton.Label     = GettextCatalog.GetString("Add Package");

            var closeButton = new Button();

            closeButton.MinWidth  = 120;
            closeButton.MinHeight = 25;
            closeButton.Label     = GettextCatalog.GetString("Close");
            closeButton.Clicked  += (sender, e) => Close();

            packageInfoVBox.Visible = false;
Esempio n. 6
		void Build ()
			Title = Catalog.GetString ("Add Packages");
			Width = 820;
			Height = 520;
			Padding = new WidgetSpacing ();

			// Top part of dialog:
			// Package sources and search.
			var topHBox = new HBox ();
			topHBox.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (8, 5, 6, 5);

			packageSourceComboBox = new ComboBox ();
			packageSourceComboBox.MinWidth = 200;
			topHBox.PackStart (packageSourceComboBox);

			packageSearchEntry = new SearchTextEntry ();
			packageSearchEntry.WidthRequest = 187;
			topHBox.PackEnd (packageSearchEntry);

			this.HeaderContent = topHBox;

			// Middle of dialog:
			// Packages and package information.
			var mainVBox = new VBox ();
			Content = mainVBox;

			var middleHBox = new HBox ();
			middleHBox.Spacing = 0;
			var middleFrame = new FrameBox ();
			middleFrame.Content = middleHBox;
			middleFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing (0, 0, 0, 1);
			middleFrame.BorderColor = lineBorderColor;
			mainVBox.PackStart (middleFrame, true, true);

			// Error information.
			var packagesListVBox = new VBox ();
			packagesListVBox.Spacing = 0;
			errorMessageHBox = new HBox ();
			errorMessageHBox.Margin = new WidgetSpacing ();
			errorMessageHBox.BackgroundColor = Colors.Orange;
			errorMessageHBox.Visible = false;
			var errorImage = new ImageView ();
			errorImage.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (10, 0, 0, 0);
			errorImage.Image = ImageService.GetIcon (Stock.Warning, Gtk.IconSize.Menu);
			errorImage.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.End;
			errorMessageHBox.PackStart (errorImage);
			errorMessageLabel = new Label ();
			errorMessageLabel.TextColor = Colors.White;
			errorMessageLabel.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (5, 5, 5, 5);
			errorMessageLabel.Wrap = WrapMode.Word;
			errorMessageHBox.PackStart (errorMessageLabel, true);
			packagesListVBox.PackStart (errorMessageHBox);

			// Packages list.
			middleHBox.PackStart (packagesListVBox, true, true);
			packagesListView = new ListView ();
			packagesListView.BorderVisible = false;
			packagesListView.HeadersVisible = false;
			packagesListVBox.PackStart (packagesListView, true, true);

			// Loading spinner.
			var loadingSpinnerHBox = new HBox ();
			loadingSpinnerHBox.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Center;
			var loadingSpinner = new Spinner ();
			loadingSpinner.Animate = true;
			loadingSpinner.MinWidth = 20;
			loadingSpinnerHBox.PackStart (loadingSpinner);

			loadingSpinnerLabel = new Label ();
			loadingSpinnerLabel.Text = Catalog.GetString ("Loading package list...");
			loadingSpinnerHBox.PackEnd (loadingSpinnerLabel);

			loadingSpinnerFrame = new FrameBox ();
			loadingSpinnerFrame.Visible = false;
			loadingSpinnerFrame.BackgroundColor = Colors.White;
			loadingSpinnerFrame.Content = loadingSpinnerHBox;
			loadingSpinnerFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing ();
			packagesListVBox.PackStart (loadingSpinnerFrame, true, true);

			// No packages found label.
			var noPackagesFoundHBox = new HBox ();
			noPackagesFoundHBox.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Center;

			var noPackagesFoundLabel = new Label ();
			noPackagesFoundLabel.Text = Catalog.GetString ("No matching packages found.");
			noPackagesFoundHBox.PackEnd (noPackagesFoundLabel);

			noPackagesFoundFrame = new FrameBox ();
			noPackagesFoundFrame.Visible = false;
			noPackagesFoundFrame.BackgroundColor = Colors.White;
			noPackagesFoundFrame.Content = noPackagesFoundHBox;
			noPackagesFoundFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing ();
			packagesListVBox.PackStart (noPackagesFoundFrame, true, true);

			// Package information
			packageInfoVBox = new VBox ();
			var packageInfoFrame = new FrameBox ();
			packageInfoFrame.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;
			packageInfoFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing ();
			packageInfoFrame.Content = packageInfoVBox;
			packageInfoVBox.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (15, 12, 15, 12);
			var packageInfoContainerVBox = new VBox ();
			packageInfoContainerVBox.WidthRequest = 240;
			packageInfoContainerVBox.PackStart (packageInfoFrame, true, true);

			var packageInfoScrollView = new ScrollView ();
			packageInfoScrollView.BorderVisible = false;
			packageInfoScrollView.HorizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.Never;
			packageInfoScrollView.Content = packageInfoContainerVBox;
			packageInfoScrollView.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;
			var packageInfoScrollViewFrame = new FrameBox ();
			packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;
			packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing (1, 0, 0, 0);
			packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BorderColor = lineBorderColor;
			packageInfoScrollViewFrame.Content = packageInfoScrollView;
			middleHBox.PackEnd (packageInfoScrollViewFrame);

			// Package name and version.
			var packageNameHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageNameHBox);

			packageNameLabel = new Label ();
			packageNameLabel.Ellipsize = EllipsizeMode.End;
			Font packageInfoSmallFont = packageNameLabel.Font.WithScaledSize (0.8);
			packageNameHBox.PackStart (packageNameLabel, true);

			packageVersionLabel = new Label ();
			packageVersionLabel.TextAlignment = Alignment.End;
			packageNameHBox.PackEnd (packageVersionLabel);

			// Package description.
			packageDescription = new Label ();
			packageDescription.Wrap = WrapMode.Word;
			packageDescription.Font = packageNameLabel.Font.WithScaledSize (0.9);
			packageDescription.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageDescription);

			// Package id.
			var packageIdHBox = new HBox ();
			packageIdHBox.MarginTop = 7;
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageIdHBox);

			var packageIdLabel = new Label ();
			packageIdLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageIdLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Id</b>");
			packageIdHBox.PackStart (packageIdLabel);

			packageId = new Label ();
			packageId.Ellipsize = EllipsizeMode.End;
			packageId.TextAlignment = Alignment.End;
			packageId.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageIdLink = new LinkLabel ();
			packageIdLink.Ellipsize = EllipsizeMode.End;
			packageIdLink.TextAlignment = Alignment.End;
			packageIdLink.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageIdHBox.PackEnd (packageIdLink, true);
			packageIdHBox.PackEnd (packageId, true);

			// Package author
			var packageAuthorHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageAuthorHBox);

			var packageAuthorLabel = new Label ();
			packageAuthorLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Author</b>");
			packageAuthorLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageAuthorHBox.PackStart (packageAuthorLabel);

			packageAuthor = new Label ();
			packageAuthor.TextAlignment = Alignment.End;
			packageAuthor.Ellipsize = EllipsizeMode.End;
			packageAuthor.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageAuthorHBox.PackEnd (packageAuthor, true);

			// Package published
			var packagePublishedHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packagePublishedHBox);

			var packagePublishedLabel = new Label ();
			packagePublishedLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Published</b>");
			packagePublishedLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packagePublishedHBox.PackStart (packagePublishedLabel);

			packagePublishedDate = new Label ();
			packagePublishedDate.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packagePublishedHBox.PackEnd (packagePublishedDate);

			// Package downloads
			var packageDownloadsHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageDownloadsHBox);

			var packageDownloadsLabel = new Label ();
			packageDownloadsLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Downloads</b>");
			packageDownloadsLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageDownloadsHBox.PackStart (packageDownloadsLabel);

			packageDownloads = new Label ();
			packageDownloads.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageDownloadsHBox.PackEnd (packageDownloads);

			// Package license.
			var packageLicenseHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageLicenseHBox);

			var packageLicenseLabel = new Label ();
			packageLicenseLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>License</b>");
			packageLicenseLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageLicenseHBox.PackStart (packageLicenseLabel);

			packageLicenseLink = new LinkLabel ();
			packageLicenseLink.Text = Catalog.GetString ("View License");
			packageLicenseLink.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageLicenseHBox.PackEnd (packageLicenseLink);

			// Package project page.
			var packageProjectPageHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageProjectPageHBox);

			var packageProjectPageLabel = new Label ();
			packageProjectPageLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Project Page</b>");
			packageProjectPageLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageProjectPageHBox.PackStart (packageProjectPageLabel);

			packageProjectPageLink = new LinkLabel ();
			packageProjectPageLink.Text = Catalog.GetString ("Visit Page");
			packageProjectPageLink.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageProjectPageHBox.PackEnd (packageProjectPageLink);

			// Package dependencies
			var packageDependenciesHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageDependenciesHBox);

			var packageDependenciesLabel = new Label ();
			packageDependenciesLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Dependencies</b>");
			packageDependenciesLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageDependenciesHBox.PackStart (packageDependenciesLabel);

			packageDependenciesNoneLabel = new Label ();
			packageDependenciesNoneLabel.Text = Catalog.GetString ("None");
			packageDependenciesNoneLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageDependenciesHBox.PackEnd (packageDependenciesNoneLabel);

			// Package dependencies list.
			packageDependenciesListHBox = new HBox ();
			packageDependenciesListHBox.Visible = false;
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageDependenciesListHBox);

			packageDependenciesList = new Label ();
			packageDependenciesList.Wrap = WrapMode.WordAndCharacter;
			packageDependenciesList.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (5);
			packageDependenciesList.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageDependenciesListHBox.PackStart (packageDependenciesList, true);

			// Bottom part of dialog:
			// Show pre-release packages and Close/Add to Project buttons.
			var bottomHBox = new HBox ();
			bottomHBox.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (8, 5, 14, 10);
			bottomHBox.Spacing = 5;
			mainVBox.PackStart (bottomHBox);

			showPrereleaseCheckBox = new CheckBox ();
			showPrereleaseCheckBox.Label = Catalog.GetString ("Show pre-release packages");
			bottomHBox.PackStart (showPrereleaseCheckBox);

			addPackagesButton = new Button ();
			addPackagesButton.MinWidth = 120;
			addPackagesButton.MinHeight = 25;
			addPackagesButton.Label = Catalog.GetString ("Add Package");
			bottomHBox.PackEnd (addPackagesButton);

			var closeButton = new Button ();
			closeButton.MinWidth = 120;
			closeButton.MinHeight = 25;
			closeButton.Label = Catalog.GetString ("Close");
			closeButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => Close ();
			bottomHBox.PackEnd (closeButton);

			packageSearchEntry.SetFocus ();
			packageInfoVBox.Visible = false;
        void Build()
            Title   = GettextCatalog.GetString("Manage NuGet Packages – Solution");
            Width   = 840;
            Height  = 528;
            Padding = new WidgetSpacing();

            if (Platform.IsWindows)
                packageInfoFontSize = 9;

            // Top part of dialog:
            // Package sources and search.
            var topHBox = new HBox();

            topHBox.Margin = new WidgetSpacing(8, 5, 6, 5);

            // HACK: VoiceOver does not work when using Accessible.Label so workaround this by using
            // Accessible.LabelWidget and hide the label since we do not need it.
            var packageSourceLabel = new Label();

            packageSourceLabel.Text    = GettextCatalog.GetString("Package source");
            packageSourceLabel.Visible = false;

            packageSourceComboBox          = new ComboBox();
            packageSourceComboBox.Name     = "packageSourceComboBox";
            packageSourceComboBox.MinWidth = 200;
            // Does not work:
            //packageSourceComboBox.Accessible.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Package source");
            packageSourceComboBox.Accessible.LabelWidget = packageSourceLabel;

            tabGroup = new HBox();

            int tabLabelMinWidth = 60;

            browseLabel            = new CustomButtonLabel();
            browseLabel.Text       = GettextCatalog.GetString("Browse");
            browseLabel.Tag        = browseLabel.Text;
            browseLabel.MinWidth   = tabLabelMinWidth;
            browseLabel.MarginLeft = 10;

            installedLabel          = new CustomButtonLabel();
            installedLabel.Text     = GettextCatalog.GetString("Installed");
            installedLabel.Tag      = installedLabel.Text;
            installedLabel.MinWidth = tabLabelMinWidth;

            updatesLabel          = new CustomButtonLabel();
            updatesLabel.Text     = GettextCatalog.GetString("Updates");
            updatesLabel.Tag      = updatesLabel.Text;
            updatesLabel.MinWidth = tabLabelMinWidth;

            consolidateLabel          = new CustomButtonLabel();
            consolidateLabel.Text     = GettextCatalog.GetString("Consolidate");
            consolidateLabel.Tag      = consolidateLabel.Text;
            consolidateLabel.MinWidth = tabLabelMinWidth;


            packageSearchEntry                  = new SearchTextEntry();
            packageSearchEntry.Name             = "managePackagesDialogSearchEntry";
            packageSearchEntry.WidthRequest     = 187;
            packageSearchEntry.PlaceholderText  = GettextCatalog.GetString("Search");
            packageSearchEntry.Accessible.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Package Search");

            this.HeaderContent = topHBox;

            // Middle of dialog:
            // Packages and package information.
            var mainVBox = new VBox();

            Content = mainVBox;

            var middleHBox = new HBox();

            middleHBox.Spacing = 0;
            var middleFrame = new FrameBox();

            middleFrame.Content     = middleHBox;
            middleFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing(0, 0, 0, 1);
            middleFrame.BorderColor = Styles.LineBorderColor;
            mainVBox.PackStart(middleFrame, true, true);

            // Error information.
            var packagesListVBox = new VBox();

            packagesListVBox.Spacing         = 0;
            errorMessageHBox                 = new HBox();
            errorMessageHBox.Margin          = new WidgetSpacing();
            errorMessageHBox.BackgroundColor = Styles.ErrorBackgroundColor;
            errorMessageHBox.Visible         = false;
            var errorImage = new ImageView();

            errorImage.Margin = new WidgetSpacing(10, 0, 0, 0);
            errorImage.Image  = ImageService.GetIcon(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Warning, Gtk.IconSize.Menu);
            errorImage.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.End;
            errorMessageLabel           = new Label();
            errorMessageLabel.TextColor = Styles.ErrorForegroundColor;
            errorMessageLabel.Margin    = new WidgetSpacing(5, 5, 5, 5);
            errorMessageLabel.Wrap      = WrapMode.Word;
            errorMessageHBox.PackStart(errorMessageLabel, true);

            // Packages list.
            middleHBox.PackStart(packagesListVBox, true, true);
            packagesListView = new ListView();
            packagesListView.BorderVisible    = false;
            packagesListView.HeadersVisible   = false;
            packagesListView.Accessible.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Packages");
            packagesListVBox.PackStart(packagesListView, true, true);

            // Loading spinner.
            var loadingSpinnerHBox = new HBox();

            loadingSpinnerHBox.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Center;
            var loadingSpinner = new Spinner();

            loadingSpinner.Animate  = true;
            loadingSpinner.MinWidth = 20;

            loadingSpinnerLabel      = new Label();
            loadingSpinnerLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("Loading package list...");

            loadingSpinnerFrame                 = new FrameBox();
            loadingSpinnerFrame.Visible         = false;
            loadingSpinnerFrame.BackgroundColor = Styles.BackgroundColor;
            loadingSpinnerFrame.Content         = loadingSpinnerHBox;
            loadingSpinnerFrame.BorderWidth     = new WidgetSpacing();
            packagesListVBox.PackStart(loadingSpinnerFrame, true, true);

            // No packages found label.
            var noPackagesFoundHBox = new HBox();

            noPackagesFoundHBox.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Center;

            noPackagesFoundLabel      = new Label();
            noPackagesFoundLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("No matching packages found.");

            noPackagesFoundFrame                 = new FrameBox();
            noPackagesFoundFrame.Visible         = false;
            noPackagesFoundFrame.BackgroundColor = Styles.BackgroundColor;
            noPackagesFoundFrame.Content         = noPackagesFoundHBox;
            noPackagesFoundFrame.BorderWidth     = new WidgetSpacing();
            packagesListVBox.PackStart(noPackagesFoundFrame, true, true);

            // Package information
            packageInfoVBox = new VBox();
            var packageInfoFrame = new FrameBox();

            packageInfoFrame.BackgroundColor = Styles.PackageInfoBackgroundColor;
            packageInfoFrame.BorderWidth     = new WidgetSpacing();
            packageInfoFrame.Content         = packageInfoVBox;
            packageInfoVBox.Margin           = new WidgetSpacing(15, 12, 15, 12);
            var packageInfoContainerVBox = new VBox();

            packageInfoContainerVBox.WidthRequest = 328;
            packageInfoContainerVBox.PackStart(packageInfoFrame, true, true);

            var packageInfoScrollView = new ScrollView();

            packageInfoScrollView.BorderVisible          = false;
            packageInfoScrollView.HorizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.Never;
            packageInfoScrollView.Content         = packageInfoContainerVBox;
            packageInfoScrollView.BackgroundColor = Styles.PackageInfoBackgroundColor;
            var packageInfoScrollViewFrame = new FrameBox();

            packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BackgroundColor = Styles.PackageInfoBackgroundColor;
            packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BorderWidth     = new WidgetSpacing(1, 0, 0, 0);
            packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BorderColor     = Styles.LineBorderColor;
            packageInfoScrollViewFrame.Content         = packageInfoScrollView;

            // Package name and version.
            packageNameHBox = new HBox();

            packageNameLabel           = new Label();
            packageNameLabel.Ellipsize = EllipsizeMode.End;
            Font packageInfoSmallFont = packageNameLabel.Font.WithSize(packageInfoFontSize);
            Font packageInfoBoldFont  = packageInfoSmallFont.WithWeight(FontWeight.Bold);

            packageNameLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageNameHBox.PackStart(packageNameLabel, true);

            // Projects list view label.
            projectsListViewLabel                 = new Label();
            projectsListViewLabel.Wrap            = WrapMode.Word;
            projectsListViewLabel.BackgroundColor = Styles.PackageInfoBackgroundColor;

            // Projects list view.
            projectsListViewVBox        = new VBox();
            projectsListViewVBox.Margin = new WidgetSpacing();
            packageInfoVBox.PackStart(projectsListViewVBox, true, true);

            // Package description.
            packageDescription                 = new Label();
            packageDescription.Wrap            = WrapMode.Word;
            packageDescription.Font            = packageNameLabel.Font.WithSize(packageInfoFontSize);
            packageDescription.BackgroundColor = Styles.PackageInfoBackgroundColor;

            // Package id.
            var packageIdHBox = new HBox();

            packageIdHBox.MarginTop = 7;

            var packageIdLabel = new Label();

            packageIdLabel.Font = packageInfoBoldFont;
            packageIdLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("ID");

            packageId                            = new Label();
            packageId.Ellipsize                  = EllipsizeMode.End;
            packageId.TextAlignment              = Alignment.End;
            packageId.Font                       = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageId.Accessible.LabelWidget     = packageIdLabel;
            packageIdLink                        = new LinkLabel();
            packageIdLink.Ellipsize              = EllipsizeMode.End;
            packageIdLink.TextAlignment          = Alignment.End;
            packageIdLink.Font                   = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageIdLink.Accessible.LabelWidget = packageIdLabel;
            packageIdHBox.PackEnd(packageIdLink, true);
            packageIdHBox.PackEnd(packageId, true);

            // Package author
            var packageAuthorHBox = new HBox();


            var packageAuthorLabel = new Label();

            packageAuthorLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("Author");
            packageAuthorLabel.Font = packageInfoBoldFont;

            packageAuthor = new Label();
            packageAuthor.TextAlignment          = Alignment.End;
            packageAuthor.Ellipsize              = EllipsizeMode.End;
            packageAuthor.Font                   = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageAuthor.Accessible.LabelWidget = packageAuthorLabel;
            packageAuthorHBox.PackEnd(packageAuthor, true);

            // Package published
            var packagePublishedHBox = new HBox();


            var packagePublishedLabel = new Label();

            packagePublishedLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("Published");
            packagePublishedLabel.Font = packageInfoBoldFont;

            packagePublishedDate      = new Label();
            packagePublishedDate.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packagePublishedDate.Accessible.LabelWidget = packagePublishedLabel;

            // Package downloads
            var packageDownloadsHBox = new HBox();


            var packageDownloadsLabel = new Label();

            packageDownloadsLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("Downloads");
            packageDownloadsLabel.Font = packageInfoBoldFont;

            packageDownloads      = new Label();
            packageDownloads.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageDownloads.Accessible.LabelWidget = packageDownloadsLabel;

            // Package license.
            var packageLicenseHBox = new HBox();


            var packageLicenseLabel = new Label();

            packageLicenseLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("License");
            packageLicenseLabel.Font = packageInfoBoldFont;

            packageLicenseLink      = new LinkLabel();
            packageLicenseLink.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("View License");
            packageLicenseLink.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;

            // Package project page.
            var packageProjectPageHBox = new HBox();


            var packageProjectPageLabel = new Label();

            packageProjectPageLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("Project Page");
            packageProjectPageLabel.Font = packageInfoBoldFont;

            packageProjectPageLink                  = new LinkLabel();
            packageProjectPageLink.Text             = GettextCatalog.GetString("Visit Page");
            packageProjectPageLink.Font             = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageProjectPageLink.Accessible.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Visit Project Page");

            // Package dependencies
            packageDependenciesHBox = new HBox();

            var packageDependenciesLabel = new Label();

            packageDependenciesLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("Dependencies");
            packageDependenciesLabel.Font = packageInfoBoldFont;

            packageDependenciesNoneLabel      = new Label();
            packageDependenciesNoneLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("None");
            packageDependenciesNoneLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageDependenciesNoneLabel.Accessible.LabelWidget = packageDependenciesLabel;

            // Package dependencies list.
            packageDependenciesListHBox         = new HBox();
            packageDependenciesListHBox.Visible = false;

            packageDependenciesList        = new Label();
            packageDependenciesList.Wrap   = WrapMode.WordAndCharacter;
            packageDependenciesList.Margin = new WidgetSpacing(5);
            packageDependenciesList.Font   = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageDependenciesList.Accessible.LabelWidget = packageDependenciesLabel;
            packageDependenciesListHBox.PackStart(packageDependenciesList, true);

            // Current package version.
            currentPackageVersionHBox                 = new HBox();
            currentPackageVersionHBox.Spacing         = 15;
            currentPackageVersionHBox.Visible         = false;
            currentPackageVersionHBox.BackgroundColor = Styles.PackageInfoBackgroundColor;
            currentPackageVersionHBox.Margin          = new WidgetSpacing(15, 0, 15, 0);
            currentPackageVersionLabel                = new Label();
            currentPackageVersionLabel.BoundsChanged += PackageVersionLabelBoundsChanged;
            currentPackageVersionLabel.Font           = packageInfoSmallFont;
            currentPackageVersionLabel.Text           = GettextCatalog.GetString("Current Version:");
            currentPackageVersionLabel.TextAlignment  = Alignment.End;

            var currentPackageVersionWithInfoPopoverHBox = new HBox();

            currentPackageVersionWithInfoPopoverHBox.Margin  = new WidgetSpacing();
            currentPackageVersionWithInfoPopoverHBox.Spacing = 0;

            currentPackageVersion      = new Label();
            currentPackageVersion.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
            currentPackageVersion.Accessible.LabelWidget = currentPackageVersionLabel;

            currentPackageVersionInfoPopoverWidget          = new InformationPopoverWidget();
            currentPackageVersionInfoPopoverWidget.Severity = Ide.Tasks.TaskSeverity.Information;
            currentPackageVersionInfoPopoverWidget.Margin   = new WidgetSpacing(5, 0, 0, 2);
            currentPackageVersionInfoPopoverWidget.Accessible.LabelWidget = currentPackageVersionLabel;


            // Package versions.
            packageVersionsHBox                 = new HBox();
            packageVersionsHBox.Visible         = false;
            packageVersionsHBox.BackgroundColor = Styles.PackageInfoBackgroundColor;
            packageVersionsHBox.Margin          = new WidgetSpacing(15, 0, 15, 12);
            packageVersionsLabel                = new Label();
            packageVersionsLabel.Font           = packageInfoSmallFont;
            packageVersionsLabel.Text           = GettextCatalog.GetString("New Version:");
            packageVersionsLabel.TextAlignment  = Alignment.End;

            packageVersionComboBox      = new ComboBox();
            packageVersionComboBox.Name = "packageVersionComboBox";
            packageVersionComboBox.Accessible.LabelWidget = packageVersionsLabel;
            packageVersionsHBox.Spacing = 15;
            packageVersionsHBox.PackStart(packageVersionComboBox, true, true);

            var packageInfoAndVersionsVBox = new VBox();

            packageInfoAndVersionsVBox.Margin          = new WidgetSpacing();
            packageInfoAndVersionsVBox.BackgroundColor = Styles.PackageInfoBackgroundColor;
            packageInfoAndVersionsVBox.PackStart(packageInfoScrollViewFrame, true, true);
            packageInfoAndVersionsVBox.PackStart(currentPackageVersionHBox, false, false);
            packageInfoAndVersionsVBox.PackStart(packageVersionsHBox, false, false);

            // Bottom part of dialog:
            // Show pre-release packages and Close/Add to Project buttons.
            var bottomHBox = new HBox();

            bottomHBox.Margin  = new WidgetSpacing(8, 5, 14, 10);
            bottomHBox.Spacing = 5;

            showPrereleaseCheckBox       = new CheckBox();
            showPrereleaseCheckBox.Name  = "managePackagesDialogShowPreReleaseCheckBox";
            showPrereleaseCheckBox.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show pre-release packages");

            addPackagesButton           = new Button();
            addPackagesButton.Name      = "managePackagesDialogAddPackageButton";
            addPackagesButton.MinWidth  = 120;
            addPackagesButton.MinHeight = 25;
            addPackagesButton.Label     = GettextCatalog.GetString("Add Package");

            closeButton           = new Button();
            closeButton.Name      = "managePackagesDialogCloseButton";
            closeButton.MinWidth  = 120;
            closeButton.MinHeight = 25;
            closeButton.Label     = GettextCatalog.GetString("Close");

            packageInfoVBox.Visible = false;
Esempio n. 8
		public TextEntries ()
			TextEntry te1 = new TextEntry ();
			PackStart (te1);
			te1.BackgroundColor = Xwt.Drawing.Colors.Red;
			Label la = new Label ();
			PackStart (la);
			te1.Changed += delegate {
				la.Text = "Text: " + te1.Text;

			HBox selBox = new HBox ();

			Label las = new Label ("Selection:");
			selBox.PackStart (las);
			Button selReplace = new Button ("Replace");
			selReplace.Clicked += delegate {
				te1.SelectedText = "[TEST]";
			selBox.PackEnd (selReplace);
			Button selAll = new Button ("Select all");
			selAll.Clicked += delegate {
				te1.SelectionStart = 0;
				te1.SelectionLength = te1.Text.Length;
			selBox.PackEnd (selAll);
			Button selPlus = new Button ("+");
			selPlus.Clicked += delegate {
			selBox.PackEnd (selPlus);
			Button selRight = new Button (">");
			selRight.Clicked += delegate {
			selBox.PackEnd (selRight);
			PackStart (selBox);

			te1.SelectionChanged += delegate {
				las.Text = "Selection: (" + te1.CursorPosition + " <-> " + te1.SelectionStart + " + " + te1.SelectionLength + ") " + te1.SelectedText;
			PackStart (new Label ("Entry with small font"));
			TextEntry te2 = new TextEntry ();
			te2.Font = te2.Font.WithScaledSize (0.5);
			te2.PlaceholderText = "Placeholder text";
			PackStart (te2);

			PackStart (new TextEntry { Text = "Entry with custom height", MinHeight = 50 });

			PackStart (new TextEntry { Text = "Readonly text", ReadOnly = true });
			PackStart (new Label ("Entry with placeholder text"));
			TextEntry te3 = new TextEntry ();
			te3.PlaceholderText = "Placeholder text";
			PackStart (te3);

			PackStart (new Label ("Entry with no frame"));
			TextEntry te4 = new TextEntry();
			te4.ShowFrame = false;
			PackStart (te4);

			PackStart (new Label ("Entry with custom frame"));
			FrameBox teFrame = new FrameBox ();
			teFrame.BorderColor = Xwt.Drawing.Colors.Red;
			teFrame.BorderWidth = 1;
			teFrame.Content = new TextEntry () { ShowFrame = false };
			PackStart (teFrame);

			TextEntry te5 = new TextEntry ();
			te5.Text = "I should be centered!";
			te5.TextAlignment = Alignment.Center;
			te5.PlaceholderText = "Placeholder text";
			PackStart (te5);

			TextEntry te6 = new TextEntry ();
			te6.Text = "I should have" + Environment.NewLine + "multiple lines!";
			te6.PlaceholderText = "Placeholder text";
			te6.MultiLine = true;
			te6.MinHeight = 40;
			PackStart (te6);

			try {
				SearchTextEntry te7 = new SearchTextEntry ();
				te7.PlaceholderText = "Type to search ...";
				PackStart (te7);

				SearchTextEntry te8 = new SearchTextEntry ();
				te8.PlaceholderText = "I should have no frame";
				te8.ShowFrame = false;
				PackStart (te8);
			} catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {
				Console.WriteLine (ex);
Esempio n. 9
        public TextEntries()
            TextEntry te1 = new TextEntry();

            te1.BackgroundColor = Xwt.Drawing.Colors.Red;

            Label la = new Label();

            te1.Changed += delegate {
                la.Text = "Text: " + te1.Text;

            HBox selBox = new HBox();

            Label las = new Label("Selection:");

            Button selReplace = new Button("Replace");

            selReplace.Clicked += delegate {
                te1.SelectedText = "[TEST]";
            Button selAll = new Button("Select all");

            selAll.Clicked += delegate {
                te1.SelectionStart  = 0;
                te1.SelectionLength = te1.Text.Length;
            Button selPlus = new Button("+");

            selPlus.Clicked += delegate {
            Button selRight = new Button(">");

            selRight.Clicked += delegate {

            te1.SelectionChanged += delegate {
                las.Text = "Selection: (" + te1.CursorPosition + " <-> " + te1.SelectionStart + " + " + te1.SelectionLength + ") " + te1.SelectedText;

            PackStart(new Label("Entry with small font"));
            TextEntry te2 = new TextEntry();

            te2.Font            = te2.Font.WithScaledSize(0.5);
            te2.PlaceholderText = "Placeholder text";

            PackStart(new TextEntry {
                Text = "Entry with custom height", MinHeight = 50

            PackStart(new TextEntry {
                Text = "Readonly text", ReadOnly = true

            PackStart(new Label("Entry with placeholder text"));
            TextEntry te3 = new TextEntry();

            te3.PlaceholderText = "Placeholder text";

            PackStart(new Label("Entry with no frame"));
            TextEntry te4 = new TextEntry();

            te4.ShowFrame = false;

            PackStart(new Label("Entry with custom frame"));
            FrameBox teFrame = new FrameBox();

            teFrame.BorderColor = Xwt.Drawing.Colors.Red;
            teFrame.BorderWidth = 1;
            teFrame.Content     = new TextEntry()
                ShowFrame = false

            TextEntry te5 = new TextEntry();

            te5.Text            = "I should be centered!";
            te5.TextAlignment   = Alignment.Center;
            te5.PlaceholderText = "Placeholder text";

            TextEntry te6 = new TextEntry();

            te6.Text            = "I should have" + Environment.NewLine + "multiple lines!";
            te6.PlaceholderText = "Placeholder text";
            te6.MultiLine       = true;
            te6.MinHeight       = 40;

            try {
                SearchTextEntry te7 = new SearchTextEntry();
                te7.PlaceholderText = "Type to search ...";

                SearchTextEntry te8 = new SearchTextEntry();
                te8.PlaceholderText = "I should have no frame";
                te8.ShowFrame       = false;
            } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {