public void AddSearchSpace_EmptyName_Failure()
            SearchSpace oSearchSpace;
            var         res = SearchSpace.AddSearchSpace(_mockServer, out oSearchSpace, "");

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Static method for add SearchSpace did not fail with empty name");
        public void GetSearchSpaces_NullConnectionServer_Failure()
            List <SearchSpace> oSpaces;
            var res = SearchSpace.GetSearchSpaces(null, out oSpaces, 1, 10, "params");

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Calling GetSearchSpaces member did not fail with null Connection server ");
        public void AddSearchSpace_NullConnectionServer_Failure()
            SearchSpace oSearchSpace;
            var         res = SearchSpace.AddSearchSpace(null, out oSearchSpace, "name");

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Static method for add SearchSpace did not fail with null ConnectionServer");
        public void SearchSpace_Constructor_DisplayNameNotFound_Success()
            SearchSpace oTest = new SearchSpace(_mockServer, "", "Name");

        public void CFO_should_find_maximum_value_when_function_is_convex()
            var    searchSpace = new SearchSpace <LSE3DSearchSpace>();
            var    initValues  = searchSpace.SampleFromFeatureSpace(searchSpace.Default);
            var    cfo         = new CostFrugalTuner(searchSpace, Parameter.FromObject(initValues), false);
            double bestMetric  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i)
                var trialSettings = new TrialSettings()
                    TrialId = 0,

                var param  = cfo.Propose(trialSettings).AsType <LSE3DSearchSpace>();
                var x      = param.X;
                var y      = param.Y;
                var z      = param.Z;
                var metric = LSE3D(x, y, z);
                bestMetric = Math.Max(bestMetric, metric);
                Output.WriteLine($"{i} x: {x} y: {y} z: {z}");
                if (x == 10 && y == 10 && z == 10)
                cfo.Update(new TrialResult()
                    DurationInMilliseconds = 1 * 1000,
                    Metric        = metric,
                    TrialSettings = trialSettings,

            bestMetric.Should().BeGreaterThan(LSE3D(10, 10, 10) - 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// For each block, check whether all hidden dimensions in hiddenList are the same (except for 0).
        /// If all hidden dimensions in one block are 0, it will be set to the last hidden dimension
        /// (if exists) or the maximum hidden dimension (if not exist).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The list of hidden dimensions in blocks.</returns>
        private List <int> CheckBlockHiddenSize(int blockPerLayer)
            var hiddenSizePerBlock = new List <int>();

            for (var i = 0; i < DistillBlocks; ++i)
                var hiddenSizesPerBlock = Enumerable.Range(i * blockPerLayer, blockPerLayer)
                                          .Select(j => SearchSpace.ArchHiddenSize[DiscreteArches[j]]).ToArray();
                var nextHiddenSize = SearchSpace.CheckHiddenDimensionsAndReturnMax(hiddenSizesPerBlock);
                if (nextHiddenSize == 0)
                    if (hiddenSizePerBlock.Count == 0)
                        nextHiddenSize = SearchSpace.ArchHiddenSize[SearchSpace.ArchHiddenSize.Length - 1];
                        nextHiddenSize = hiddenSizePerBlock[hiddenSizePerBlock.Count - 1];

        public void CFO_e2e_test()
            var searchSpace = new SearchSpace <LbfgsOption>();
            var initValues  = searchSpace.SampleFromFeatureSpace(searchSpace.Default);
            var cfo         = new CostFrugalTuner(searchSpace, Parameter.FromObject(initValues));

            for (int i = 0; i != 1000; ++i)
                var trialSettings = new TrialSettings()
                    TrialId = i,

                var param  = cfo.Propose(trialSettings);
                var option = param.AsType <CodeGen.LbfgsOption>();

                option.L1Regularization.Should().BeInRange(0.03125f, 32768.0f);
                option.L2Regularization.Should().BeInRange(0.03125f, 32768.0f);

                cfo.Update(new TrialResult()
                    DurationInMilliseconds = i * 1000,
                    Metric        = i,
                    TrialSettings = trialSettings,
        public void SearchSpace_Constructor_ObjectId_Success()
            SearchSpace oTest = new SearchSpace(_mockServer, "ObjectId");

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        ///  Initializes the solver so that the optimization can be run.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
        /// If not all target nodes are connected to the start node.
        /// </exception>
        public void Initialize()

            _searchSpace =
                _searchGraph.NodeDict.Values.Where(n => IncludeNode(n) && n != StartNodes && !TargetNodes.Contains(n))

            var consideredNodes = SearchSpace.Concat(TargetNodes).ToList();


            if (_targetNodes.Any(node => !Distances.AreConnected(StartNodes, node)))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The graph is disconnected.");

            // Saving the leastSolution as initial solution. Makes sure there is always a
            // solution even if the search space is empty or MaxGeneration is 0.
            BestSolution = SpannedMstToSkillnodes(CreateLeastSolution());

            var removedNodes   = new List <GraphNode>();
            var newSearchSpace = new List <GraphNode>();

            foreach (var node in SearchSpace)
                if (IncludeNodeUsingDistances(node))
            _searchSpace = newSearchSpace;

            var remainingNodes = SearchSpace.Concat(TargetNodes).ToList();

            Distances.RemoveNodes(removedNodes, remainingNodes);

            if (_targetNodes.Count / (double)remainingNodes.Count >= PreFilledSpanThreshold)
                var prioQueue = new LinkedListPriorityQueue <LinkedGraphEdge>(100);
                for (var i = 0; i < remainingNodes.Count; i++)
                    for (var j = i + 1; j < remainingNodes.Count; j++)
                        prioQueue.Enqueue(new LinkedGraphEdge(i, j), Distances[i, j]);
                _firstEdge = prioQueue.First;


            _isInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 10
        public Parameter Propose(SearchSpace searchSpace)
            var d          = searchSpace.FeatureSpaceDim;
            var featureVec = Enumerable.Repeat(0, d).Select(i => _rnd.NextDouble()).ToArray();

        public void DeleteSearchSpaceMember_EmptyClassData_Failure()
            SearchSpace oSpace = new SearchSpace(_mockServer);
            var         res    = oSpace.DeleteSearchSpaceMember("PartitionObjectId");

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Calling DeleteSearchSpaceMember from empty class instance should fail");
Esempio n. 12
        public void GridSearchTuner_should_search_entire_naive_search_space()
            // the behavior of a grid search tuner is it will exhaustively generate
            // candidates from a grid of parameter value. And once exhausted, it will start
            // over again.
            // So we use the following way to test a grid search tuner: we go through the grid search
            // twice, and check if all candidates are repeated twice. By doing so we know if grid search
            // tuner either search grid of parameter value exhaustively or or generate candidates exactly one
            // time in each search.

            // default step is used when an option is continous, like double option or single option.
            var defaultStep = 10;
            var searchSpace = new SearchSpace <NaiveSearchSpace>();
            var tuner       = new GridSearchTuner(searchSpace, defaultStep);
            var parameters  = new List <Parameter>();

            // calculate the total steps, which is the sum of all grid points.
            var steps = 1;

            foreach (var step in searchSpace.Step)
                steps *= step ?? defaultStep;

            foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, steps * 2))
                var settings = new TrialSettings();

        public void Update_EmptyClassData_Failure()
            SearchSpace oSpace = new SearchSpace(_mockServer);
            var         res    = oSpace.Update("New Name", "New Description");

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Calling Update from empty class instance should fail");
        public void Delete_EmptyClassData_Failure()
            SearchSpace oSpace = new SearchSpace(_mockServer);
            var         res    = oSpace.Delete();

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Calling Delete from empty class instance should fail");
Esempio n. 15
        public void AddSearchSpace_InvalidLocationId_Failure()
            SearchSpace oSearchSpace;

            //invalid locaiton
            var res = SearchSpace.AddSearchSpace(_connectionServer, out oSearchSpace, "name", "description", "boguslocation");

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Static method for add SearchSpace did not fail with invalid Location");
Esempio n. 16
        public void SearchSpace_Test()
            _errorString = "";
            List <SearchSpace> oSearchSpaces;
            var res = SearchSpace.GetSearchSpaces(_connectionServer, out oSearchSpaces, 1, 2);

            Assert.IsTrue(res.Success & oSearchSpaces.Count > 0, "Failed to fetch SearchSpace:" + res);
            Assert.IsTrue(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_errorString), _errorString);
        public void SearchSpace_Constructor_EmptyObjectIdAndName_Success()
            SearchSpace oTest = new SearchSpace(_mockServer);

 private void ResetSearch()
     if (SearchResults != null)
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a list of <see cref="SweepableEstimator"/> for multiclass classification.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labelColumnName">label column name.</param>
        /// <param name="featureColumnName">feature column name.</param>
        /// <param name="exampleWeightColumnName">example weight column name.</param>
        /// <param name="useFastForest">true if use fast forest as available trainer.</param>
        /// <param name="useLgbm">true if use lgbm as available trainer.</param>
        /// <param name="useFastTree">true if use fast tree as available trainer.</param>
        /// <param name="useLbfgs">true if use lbfgs as available trainer.</param>
        /// <param name="useSdca">true if use sdca as available trainer.</param>
        /// <param name="fastTreeOption">if provided, use it as initial option for fast tree, otherwise the default option will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="lgbmOption">if provided, use it as initial option for lgbm, otherwise the default option will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="fastForestOption">if provided, use it as initial option for fast forest, otherwise the default option will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="lbfgsOption">if provided, use it as initial option for lbfgs, otherwise the default option will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="sdcaOption">if provided, use it as initial option for sdca, otherwise the default option will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="fastTreeSearchSpace">if provided, use it as search space for fast tree, otherwise the default search space will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="lgbmSearchSpace">if provided, use it as search space for lgbm, otherwise the default search space will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="fastForestSearchSpace">if provided, use it as search space for fast forest, otherwise the default search space will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="lbfgsSearchSpace">if provided, use it as search space for lbfgs, otherwise the default search space will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="sdcaSearchSpace">if provided, use it as search space for sdca, otherwise the default search space will be used.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SweepableEstimator[] MultiClassification(string labelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label, string featureColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Features, string exampleWeightColumnName = null, bool useFastForest = true, bool useLgbm = true, bool useFastTree = true, bool useLbfgs = true, bool useSdca = true,
                                                        FastTreeOption fastTreeOption = null, LgbmOption lgbmOption = null, FastForestOption fastForestOption = null, LbfgsOption lbfgsOption = null, SdcaOption sdcaOption = null,
                                                        SearchSpace <FastTreeOption> fastTreeSearchSpace = null, SearchSpace <LgbmOption> lgbmSearchSpace = null, SearchSpace <FastForestOption> fastForestSearchSpace = null, SearchSpace <LbfgsOption> lbfgsSearchSpace = null, SearchSpace <SdcaOption> sdcaSearchSpace = null)
            var res = new List <SweepableEstimator>();

            if (useFastTree)
                fastTreeOption = fastTreeOption ?? new FastTreeOption();
                fastTreeOption.LabelColumnName         = labelColumnName;
                fastTreeOption.FeatureColumnName       = featureColumnName;
                fastTreeOption.ExampleWeightColumnName = exampleWeightColumnName;
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateFastTreeOva(fastTreeOption, fastTreeSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <FastTreeOption>(fastTreeOption)));

            if (useFastForest)
                fastForestOption = fastForestOption ?? new FastForestOption();
                fastForestOption.LabelColumnName         = labelColumnName;
                fastForestOption.FeatureColumnName       = featureColumnName;
                fastForestOption.ExampleWeightColumnName = exampleWeightColumnName;
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateFastForestOva(fastForestOption, fastForestSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <FastForestOption>(fastForestOption)));

            if (useLgbm)
                lgbmOption = lgbmOption ?? new LgbmOption();
                lgbmOption.LabelColumnName         = labelColumnName;
                lgbmOption.FeatureColumnName       = featureColumnName;
                lgbmOption.ExampleWeightColumnName = exampleWeightColumnName;
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateLightGbmMulti(lgbmOption, lgbmSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <LgbmOption>(lgbmOption)));

            if (useLbfgs)
                lbfgsOption = lbfgsOption ?? new LbfgsOption();
                lbfgsOption.LabelColumnName         = labelColumnName;
                lbfgsOption.FeatureColumnName       = featureColumnName;
                lbfgsOption.ExampleWeightColumnName = exampleWeightColumnName;
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateLbfgsLogisticRegressionOva(lbfgsOption, lbfgsSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <LbfgsOption>(lbfgsOption)));
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateLbfgsMaximumEntropyMulti(lbfgsOption, lbfgsSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <LbfgsOption>(lbfgsOption)));

            if (useSdca)
                sdcaOption = sdcaOption ?? new SdcaOption();
                sdcaOption.LabelColumnName         = labelColumnName;
                sdcaOption.FeatureColumnName       = featureColumnName;
                sdcaOption.ExampleWeightColumnName = exampleWeightColumnName;
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateSdcaMaximumEntropyMulti(sdcaOption, sdcaSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <SdcaOption>(sdcaOption)));
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateSdcaLogisticRegressionOva(sdcaOption, sdcaSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <SdcaOption>(sdcaOption)));

Esempio n. 20
        internal SweepableEstimator[] Regression(string labelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label, string featureColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Features, string exampleWeightColumnName = null, bool useFastForest = true, bool useLgbm = true, bool useFastTree = true, bool useLbfgs = true, bool useSdca = true,
                                                 FastTreeOption fastTreeOption = null, LgbmOption lgbmOption = null, FastForestOption fastForestOption = null, LbfgsOption lbfgsOption = null, SdcaOption sdcaOption = null,
                                                 SearchSpace <FastTreeOption> fastTreeSearchSpace = null, SearchSpace <LgbmOption> lgbmSearchSpace = null, SearchSpace <FastForestOption> fastForestSearchSpace = null, SearchSpace <LbfgsOption> lbfgsSearchSpace = null, SearchSpace <SdcaOption> sdcaSearchSpace = null)
            var res = new List <SweepableEstimator>();

            if (useFastTree)
                fastTreeOption = fastTreeOption ?? new FastTreeOption();
                fastTreeOption.LabelColumnName         = labelColumnName;
                fastTreeOption.FeatureColumnName       = featureColumnName;
                fastTreeOption.ExampleWeightColumnName = exampleWeightColumnName;
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateFastTreeRegression(fastTreeOption, fastTreeSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <FastTreeOption>()));
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateFastTreeTweedieRegression(fastTreeOption, fastTreeSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <FastTreeOption>()));

            if (useFastForest)
                fastForestOption = fastForestOption ?? new FastForestOption();
                fastForestOption.LabelColumnName         = labelColumnName;
                fastForestOption.FeatureColumnName       = featureColumnName;
                fastForestOption.ExampleWeightColumnName = exampleWeightColumnName;
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateFastForestRegression(fastForestOption, fastForestSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <FastForestOption>()));

            if (useLgbm)
                lgbmOption = lgbmOption ?? new LgbmOption();
                lgbmOption.LabelColumnName         = labelColumnName;
                lgbmOption.FeatureColumnName       = featureColumnName;
                lgbmOption.ExampleWeightColumnName = exampleWeightColumnName;
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateLightGbmRegression(lgbmOption, lgbmSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <LgbmOption>()));

            if (useLbfgs)
                lbfgsOption = lbfgsOption ?? new LbfgsOption();
                lbfgsOption.LabelColumnName         = labelColumnName;
                lbfgsOption.FeatureColumnName       = featureColumnName;
                lbfgsOption.ExampleWeightColumnName = exampleWeightColumnName;
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateLbfgsPoissonRegressionRegression(lbfgsOption, lbfgsSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <LbfgsOption>()));

            if (useSdca)
                sdcaOption = sdcaOption ?? new SdcaOption();
                sdcaOption.LabelColumnName         = labelColumnName;
                sdcaOption.FeatureColumnName       = featureColumnName;
                sdcaOption.ExampleWeightColumnName = exampleWeightColumnName;
                res.Add(SweepableEstimatorFactory.CreateSdcaRegression(sdcaOption, sdcaSearchSpace ?? new SearchSpace <SdcaOption>()));

Esempio n. 21
        public void Nest_search_space_mapping_to_feature_space_test()
            var ss       = new SearchSpace <NestSearchSpace>();
            var param    = ss.SampleFromFeatureSpace(new[] { 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
            var features = ss.MappingToFeatureSpace(param);

            features.Should().Equal(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            param    = ss.SampleFromFeatureSpace(new[] { 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 });
            features = ss.MappingToFeatureSpace(param);
            features.Should().Equal(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
Esempio n. 22
        public new static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)

            string        strName = "Temp_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            WebCallResult res     = SearchSpace.AddSearchSpace(_connectionServer, out _searchSpace, strName, "SearchSpace added by Unit Test");

            Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "Creation of new SearchSpace failed");

            strName = "Temp_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            res     = Partition.AddPartition(_connectionServer, out _partition, strName, "Partition added by Unit Test");
            Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "Creation of new partition failed");
Esempio n. 23
        public void Search_space_add_option_test()
            var ss = new SearchSpace();


            ss.Add("A", new UniformIntOption(-1000, 1000));

            var param = ss.SampleFromFeatureSpace(new[] { 0.5 });

            param["A"].AsType <int>().Should().Be(0);
Esempio n. 24
 private void SetSearchSpace()
     if (searchSpace == null || !searchSpace.enabled)
         foreach (SearchSpace ss in GetComponents <SearchSpace>())
             if (ss.enabled)
                 searchSpace = ss;
Esempio n. 25
        public void Parameter_AsType_should_be_culture_invariant()
            var originalCuture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
            var culture        = new CultureInfo("ru", false);

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
            var ss = new SearchSpace();

            ss.Add("_SampleSize", new UniformDoubleOption(10000, 20000));
            var parameter = ss.SampleFromFeatureSpace(new[] { 0.5 });

            parameter["_SampleSize"].AsType <double>().Should().Be(15000.0);
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = originalCuture;
Esempio n. 26
        public void Search_space_default_value_test()
            var ss           = new SearchSpace <NestSearchSpace>();
            var defaultTuner = new DefaultValueTuner(ss);
            var param        = defaultTuner.Propose().AsType <NestSearchSpace>();

        public void AddSearchSpaceMember_ErrorResponse_Failure()
            _mockTransport.Setup(x => x.GetCupiResponse(It.IsAny <string>(), MethodType.POST, It.IsAny <ConnectionServerRest>(),
                                                        It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>())).Returns(new WebCallResult
                Success      = false,
                ResponseText = "error text",
                StatusCode   = 404

            var res = SearchSpace.AddSearchSpaceMember(_mockServer, "SSObjectId", "PartitionObjectID", 1);

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Calling AddSearchSpaceMember with ErrorResponse did not fail");
        public void UpdateSearchSpace_ErrorResponse_Failure()
            _mockTransport.Setup(x => x.GetCupiResponse(It.IsAny <string>(), MethodType.PUT, It.IsAny <ConnectionServerRest>(),
                                                        It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>())).Returns(new WebCallResult
                Success      = false,
                ResponseText = "error text",
                StatusCode   = 404

            var res = SearchSpace.UpdateSearchSpace(_mockServer, "ObjectId", "New Name", "New Description");

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Calling UpdateSearchSpace with ErrorResponse did not fail");
        public void GetSearchSpaces_EmptyResult_Failure()
            _mockTransport.Setup(x => x.GetCupiResponse(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <MethodType>(), It.IsAny <ConnectionServerRest>(),
                                                        It.IsAny <string>(), true)).Returns(new WebCallResult
                Success      = true,
                ResponseText = ""

            List <SearchSpace> oSpaces;
            var res = SearchSpace.GetSearchSpaces(_mockServer, out oSpaces, 1, 5, null);

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Calling GetSearchSpaces with EmptyResultText did not fail");
Esempio n. 30
        public void SearchSpace_sample_from_feature_space_test()
            var ss    = new SearchSpace <BasicSearchSpace>();
            var param = ss.SampleFromFeatureSpace(new[] { 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });


            param = ss.SampleFromFeatureSpace(new[] { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 });
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     SearchSpaceObj = GameObject.Find("SearchSpace");
     searchScript = SearchSpaceObj.GetComponent("SearchSpace") as SearchSpace;
Esempio n. 32
 private void SetSearchSpace()
     if (searchSpace == null || !searchSpace.enabled)
         foreach (SearchSpace ss in GetComponents<SearchSpace>())
             if (ss.enabled)
                 searchSpace = ss;
 void Start()
     ssScript = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(SearchSpace)) as SearchSpace;
        path = ssScript.getPathToSubDataFile();
     pinching_ = false;
     grabbed_ = null;