private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ((userfiles.ItemsSource as PagedList).Count < 1 || CoboxStair.SelectedValue == null || "".Equals(CoboxStair.SelectedValue)) { MessageBox.Show("请选择要修改用户和阶梯气价"); return; } ui_searchBusy.IsBusy = true; search.Search(); if (!"1=1".Equals(search.Condition.Trim()) && null != search.Condition) { if (ui_stairmonths.Text != "" || ui_stair1amount.Text != "" || ui_stair1price.Text != "" || ui_stair2amount.Text != "" || ui_stair2price.Text != "" || ui_stair3amount.Text != "" || ui_stair3price.Text != "" || CoboxStair.SelectedValue != null) { //提交更改 string sql = "update t_userinfo set f_stairtype='" + CoboxStair.SelectedValue + "', f_stair1amount=" + ui_stair1amount.Text + " , " + "f_stair1price=" + ui_stair1price.Text + " , f_stair2amount='" + ui_stair2amount.Text + "', f_stair2price=" + ui_stair2price.Text + ",f_stair3amount='" + ui_stair3amount.Text + "', f_stair3price=" + ui_stair3price.Text + ", f_stair4price=" + ui_stair4price.Text + " ,f_stairmonths=" + ui_stairmonths.Text + " where " + search.Condition + ""; HQLAction action = new HQLAction(); action.HQL = sql; action.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; action.Name = "t_userfiles"; action.Completed += action_Completed; action.Invoke(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("请先按照条件筛选出变更的用户,再确认变更!"); ui_searchBusy.IsBusy = false; } }
private void dansearchbutton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SearchObject so = daninfosearch.DataContext as SearchObject; if (null == so.GetPropertyValue("SecondStair")) { so.SetPropertyValue("org", so.GetPropertyValue("FirstStair"), false); } else { if (null == so.GetPropertyValue("ThirdStair")) { so.SetPropertyValue("org", so.GetPropertyValue("FirstStair") + "." + so.GetPropertyValue("SecondStair"), false); } else { if (null == so.GetPropertyValue("FourthStair")) { so.SetPropertyValue("org", so.GetPropertyValue("FirstStair") + "." + so.GetPropertyValue("SecondStair") + "." + so.GetPropertyValue("ThirdStair"), false); } else { if (null == so.GetPropertyValue("f_sgoperator")) { so.SetPropertyValue("org", so.GetPropertyValue("FirstStair") + "." + so.GetPropertyValue("SecondStair") + "." + so.GetPropertyValue("ThirdStair") + "." + so.GetPropertyValue("FourthStair"), false); } } } } so.Search(); }
private void dansearchbutton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_busys.IsBusy = true; userSearch.Search(); userList.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; userList.LoadOnPathChanged = false; string sql = "select f_userid,old,f_meternumber,f_username,f_usertype,f_cardid,f_gaswatchbrand,f_metertype," + "lastinputgasnum,f_zhye,f_address,f_districtname,f_apartment,f_phone,f_gasproperties,f_gaspricetype,f_gasprice," + "f_wallhangboiler,f_cumulativepurchase,f_metergasnums,CONVERT(varchar(12), f_beginfee, 111 ) f_beginfee," + "CONVERT(varchar(12), f_givecarddate, 111 ) f_givecarddate,f_whethergivecard,f_userstate,f_finallybought," + "CONVERT(varchar(12), f_finabuygasdate, 111 ) f_finabuygasdate,f_anzhuanguser,CONVERT(varchar(12), " + "f_watchinstalldate, 111 ) f_watchinstalldate,f_payment,f_bankname,f_usermc,f_idofcard,f_filiale,f_yytdepa," + "f_yytoper,CONVERT(varchar(12), f_yytdate, 111 ) f_yytdate,f_credentials,f_idnumber,f_dibaohu,f_gasmetermanufacturers," + "f_aroundmeter,f_gasmeteraccomodations,f_aliasname,f_stairtype,f_stair1amount,f_stair1price,f_stair2amount,f_stair2price,f_stair3amount,f_stair3price,f_stairmonths from t_userfiles " + "where " + userSearch.Condition + " order by id"; userList.LoadOnPathChanged = false; userList.Path = "sql"; userList.SumHQL = "select f_userid,old,f_meternumber,f_username,f_usertype,f_cardid,f_gaswatchbrand,f_metertype," + "lastinputgasnum,f_zhye,f_address,f_districtname,f_apartment,f_phone,f_gasproperties,f_gaspricetype,f_gasprice," + "f_wallhangboiler,f_cumulativepurchase,f_metergasnums,CONVERT(varchar(12), f_beginfee, 111 ) f_beginfee," + "CONVERT(varchar(12), f_givecarddate, 111 ) f_givecarddate,f_whethergivecard,f_userstate,f_finallybought," + "CONVERT(varchar(12), f_finabuygasdate, 111 ) f_finabuygasdate,f_anzhuanguser,CONVERT(varchar(12), " + "f_watchinstalldate, 111 ) f_watchinstalldate,f_payment,f_bankname,f_usermc,f_idofcard,f_filiale,f_yytdepa," + "f_yytoper,CONVERT(varchar(12), f_yytdate, 111 ) f_yytdate,f_credentials,f_idnumber,f_dibaohu,f_gasmetermanufacturers," + "f_aroundmeter,f_gasmeteraccomodations,f_aliasname,f_stairtype,f_stair1amount,f_stair1price,f_stair2amount,f_stair2price,f_stair3amount,f_stair3price,f_stairmonths from t_userfiles " + "where " + userSearch.Condition + ""; userList.HQL = sql; userList.PageSize = pager2.PageSize; userList.SumNames = ","; userList.DataLoaded += setList_DataLoaded; userList.PageIndex = pageIndex; userList.Load(); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SearchObject conditions = (criteriaPanel.DataContext as SearchObject); conditions.Search(); WebClientInfo wci = App.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; String dt = " 1=1"; if (StartDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME>='" + StartDate.Text + "'"; } if (EndDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { if (dt.Length > 3) { dt += " and DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59'"; } else { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59' "; } } dt = " and " + dt; checkerList.Path = "sql"; checkerList.Names = "precaution,road,unit_name,cus_dom,cus_dy,cus_floor,cus_room,user_name,telphone,departure_time,precaution_notified"; String sql = @"SELECT CAST (CASE f_heater_trapped WHEN 1 THEN '热水器直排或烟道未排出室外' ELSE '' END AS VARCHAR (50)) + CAST (CASE f_furnace_trapped WHEN 1 THEN '壁挂锅炉直排或烟道未排出室外' ELSE '' END AS VARCHAR (50)) + CAST ( CASE f_precaution_kitchen WHEN 1 THEN '开放式或密闭式厨房' ELSE '' END AS VARCHAR (50)) + CAST (CASE f_precaution_multisource WHEN 1 THEN '多种火源' ELSE '' END AS VARCHAR (50)) + CAST (CASE f_precaution_otheruse WHEN '卧室' THEN '更改用途(卧室)' WHEN '客厅' THEN '更改用途(客厅)' WHEN '浴室' THEN '更改用途(浴室)' ELSE '' END AS VARCHAR (50)) precaution, road,unit_name, cus_dom,cus_dy,cus_floor,cus_room,f_consumername user_name,f_consumerphone telphone,SUBSTRING (DEPARTURE_TIME, 1, 10) departure_time,CAST ( CASE ISNULL(f_renow_id, '') WHEN '' THEN '否' ELSE '是' END AS VARCHAR (50)) precaution_notified FROM T_INSPECTION WHERE 1=1 and {0}"; checkerList.HQL = String.Format(sql, new string[] { conditions.Condition + dt }).Replace("\t", " ").Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", " "); checkerList.Load(); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ui_SearchUserList.Count < 1 || CoboxStair.SelectedValue == null || "".Equals(CoboxStair.SelectedValue)) { MessageBox.Show("请选择要修改用户和阶梯水价"); return; } ui_searchBusy.IsBusy = true; search.Search(); string sql = "update t_userinfo set f_stairtype='" + CoboxStair.SelectedValue + "', f_stair1amount=" + ui_stair1amount.Text + " , " + "f_stair1price=" + ui_stair1price.Text + " , f_stair2amount='" + ui_stair2amount.Text + "', f_stair2price=" + ui_stair2price.Text + ",f_stair3amount='" + ui_stair3amount.Text + "', f_stair3price=" + ui_stair3price.Text + ", f_stair4price=" + ui_stair4price.Text + ", f_zongjiprice=" + ui_zongjiprice.Text + " ,f_stairmonths=" + ui_stairmonths.Text + " where " + search.Condition + ""; HQLAction action = new HQLAction(); action.HQL = sql; action.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; action.Name = "t_userfiles"; action.Completed += action_Completed; action.Invoke(); string sql1 = "update t_userfiles set f_stairtype='" + CoboxStair.SelectedValue + "', f_stair1amount=" + ui_stair1amount.Text + " , " + "f_stair1price=" + ui_stair1price.Text + " , f_stair2amount='" + ui_stair2amount.Text + "', f_stair2price=" + ui_stair2price.Text + ",f_stair3amount='" + ui_stair3amount.Text + "', f_stair3price=" + ui_stair3price.Text + ", f_stair4price=" + ui_stair4price.Text + ", f_zongjiprice=" + ui_zongjiprice.Text + " ,f_stairmonths=" + ui_stairmonths.Text + " where " + search.Condition + ""; HQLAction action1 = new HQLAction(); action1.HQL = sql1; action1.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; action1.Name = "t_userfiles"; action1.Invoke(); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SearchObject conditions = (criteriaPanel.DataContext as SearchObject); conditions.Search(); WebClientInfo wci = App.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; String dt = "1=1"; if (StartDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME>='" + StartDate.Text + "'"; } if (EndDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { if (dt.Length > 3) { dt += " and DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59'"; } else { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59' "; } } checkerList.LoadOnPathChanged = false; checkerList.Path = "sql"; checkerList.Names = "id,CONDITION,UNIT_NAME,CUS_DOM,CUS_DY,CUS_FLOOR,CUS_ROOM,USER_NAME,CARD_ID,TELPHONE,SAVE_PEOPLE,DEPARTURE_TIME,ARRIVAL_TIME,RQB_AROUND,REPAIRMAN,CONTENT,sn"; String sql = @"select,t.CONDITION,t.UNIT_NAME,t.CUS_DOM,t.CUS_DY,t.CUS_FLOOR,t.CUS_ROOM,t.USER_NAME,t.CARD_ID,t.TELPHONE,t.SAVE_PEOPLE,t.DEPARTURE_TIME,t.ARRIVAL_TIME,t.RQB_AROUND,t.REPAIRMAN,tt.CONTENT from T_INSPECTION t , T_INSPECTION_LINE tt where and (t.DELETED is null or t.DELETED <> '是') and tt.EQUIPMENT='燃气表' and tt.CONTENT in ('表不过气', '长通表', '死表') and {0} and {1}"; checkerList.HQL = String.Format(sql, new String[] { conditions.Condition, dt }).Replace("\r\n", " "); checkerList.Load(); }
private void dansearchbutton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_busys.IsBusy = true; userSearch.Search(); userList.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; userList.LoadOnPathChanged = false; string sql = "select f_userid,old,f_username,f_usertype,f_districtname,f_apartment,f_idnumber," + "lastinputgasnum,f_zhye,f_address,f_phone,f_gasproperties,f_stairtype,f_gasprice," + "f_cumulativepurchase,f_credentials,f_userstate," + "CONVERT(varchar(12), f_finabuygasdate, 111 ) f_finabuygasdate, " + "f_payment,f_bankname,f_usermc,f_idofcard,f_filiale,f_yytdepa," + "f_yytoper,CONVERT(varchar(12), f_yytdate, 111 ) f_yytdate,f_xiangou," + "f_stair1amount,f_stair1price,f_stair2amount,f_stair2price,f_stair3amount,f_stair3price,f_stairmonths from t_userinfo " + "where " + userSearch.Condition + " order by id"; userList.LoadOnPathChanged = false; userList.Path = "sql"; userList.SumHQL = "select f_userid,old,f_username,f_usertype,f_districtname,f_credentials,f_apartment,f_idnumber," + "lastinputgasnum,f_zhye,f_address,f_phone,f_gasproperties,f_stairtype,f_gasprice,f_cumulativepurchase," + "CONVERT(varchar(12), f_finabuygasdate, 111 ) f_finabuygasdate,f_userstate," + "f_payment,f_bankname,f_usermc,f_idofcard,f_filiale,f_yytdepa," + "f_yytoper,CONVERT(varchar(12), f_yytdate, 111 ) f_yytdate,f_xiangou," + "f_stair1amount,f_stair1price,f_stair2amount,f_stair2price,f_stair3amount,f_stair3price,f_stairmonths from t_userinfo " + "where " + userSearch.Condition + ""; userList.HQL = sql; userList.PageSize = pager2.PageSize; userList.SumNames = ","; userList.DataLoaded += setList_DataLoaded; userList.PageIndex = pageIndex; userList.Load(); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SearchObject conditions = (criteriaPanel.DataContext as SearchObject); conditions.Search(); WebClientInfo wci = App.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; String where = conditions.Condition; String dt = "1=1"; if (StartDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME>='" + StartDate.Text + "'"; } if (EndDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { if (dt.Length > 3) { dt += " and DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59'"; } else { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59'"; } } checkerList.Path = "sql"; checkerList.Names = "save_people,days,papers,notifications,notins,defects,leakages"; String sql = @"SELECT t0.save_people,days,papers,notifications,notins,defects,leakages FROM(SELECT save_people,SUM (ruhu) papers,COUNT (DISTINCT dt) days,SUM (notin) notins FROM(SELECT id,save_people,SUBSTRING (departure_time, 1, 10) dt,CAST (CASE condition WHEN '正常' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS INTEGER) ruhu,CAST (CASE condition WHEN '无人' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS INTEGER) notin FROM T_INSPECTION WHERE 1 = 1 AND {0} AND {1}) b GROUP BY save_people) t0 LEFT JOIN (SELECT save_people,COUNT (id) leakages FROM(SELECT id, save_people FROM T_INSPECTION WHERE (f_qblouqi = 1 OR f_jpglouqi = 1 OR f_lglouqi = 1 OR f_cooker_leakage = 1 OR f_heater_leakage = 1 OR f_furnace_leakage = 1 OR f_bhglouqi = 1 OR f_biaoqianfa = '漏气' OR f_zaoqianfa = '漏气' OR f_zibifa = '漏气' OR f_zjxianzhuang = '漏气' OR f_rshqxianzhuang = '漏气' OR f_bglxianzhuang = '漏气') AND {0} AND {1}) a GROUP BY save_people) t1 ON t0.save_people = t1.save_people LEFT JOIN (SELECT save_people,COUNT (id) notifications FROM(SELECT id, save_people FROM T_INSPECTION WHERE f_renow_id IS NOT NULL AND f_renow_id <> '' AND {0} AND {1}) c GROUP BY save_people) t2 ON t0.save_people = t2.save_people LEFT JOIN (SELECT save_people,COUNT (id) defects FROM(SELECT id,save_people FROM T_INSPECTION WHERE (f_sibiao = 1 OR f_changtong = 1 OR f_fanzhuang = 1 OR f_qblouqi = 1 OR f_reading_mismatch = 1 OR (f_qibiao IS NOT NULL AND f_qibiao <> '')) AND {0} AND {1}) d GROUP BY save_people) t3 ON t0.save_people = t3.save_people"; checkerList.HQL = String.Format(sql, new String[] { where, dt }); checkerList.Load(); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SearchObject conditions = (criteriaPanel.DataContext as SearchObject); conditions.Search(); WebClientInfo wci = App.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; String dt = "1=1"; if (StartDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME>='" + StartDate.Text + "'"; } if (EndDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { if (dt.Length > 3) { dt += " and DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59'"; } else { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59' "; } } checkerList.LoadOnPathChanged = false; checkerList.Path = "sql"; checkerList.Names = "id,CONDITION,UNIT_NAME,CUS_DOM,CUS_DY,CUS_FLOOR,CUS_ROOM,USER_NAME,TELPHONE,RQB_AROUND,CONTENT,SAVE_PEOPLE,DEPARTURE_TIME,REPAIRMAN"; String sql = @"SELECT id, CONDITION, UNIT_NAME, CUS_DOM, CUS_DY, CUS_FLOOR, CUS_ROOM, f_consumername USER_NAME, f_consumerphone TELPHONE, f_rqbiaoxing RQB_AROUND, CAST(CASE f_sibiao WHEN 1 THEN '死表' ELSE '' END AS VARCHAR (50)) + CAST(CASE f_changtong WHEN 1 THEN '常通' ELSE '' END AS VARCHAR (50)) + CAST(CASE f_fanzhuang WHEN 1 THEN '反装' ELSE '' END AS VARCHAR (50)) + CAST(CASE f_qblouqi WHEN 1 THEN '漏气' ELSE '' END AS VARCHAR (50)) + CAST(CASE f_reading_mismatch WHEN 1 THEN '气量不符' ELSE '' END AS VARCHAR (50)) + CAST(CASE f_qbqita WHEN 1 THEN f_qibiao ELSE '' END AS VARCHAR (50)) CONTENT, SAVE_PEOPLE, DEPARTURE_TIME, REPAIRMAN FROM T_INSPECTION WHERE 1=1 AND (f_sibiao = 1 OR f_changtong = 1 OR f_fanzhuang = 1 OR f_qblouqi = 1 OR f_reading_mismatch = 1 OR f_qbqita = 1) AND {0} AND {1}"; checkerList.HQL = String.Format(sql, new String[] { conditions.Condition, dt }).Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\t", " ").Replace("\n", " "); checkerList.Load(); }
private void dansearchbutton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_busys.IsBusy = true; userSearch.Search(); userList.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; userList.LoadOnPathChanged = false; string sql = "select f_userinfoid,f_userid,f_meternumber,f_username,f_usertype,f_gaswatchbrand,f_metertype," + "lastinputgasnum,f_phone,f_gasproperties,f_stairtype,f_yytdepa," + "f_metergasnums,f_metertitles,f_gasmeterstyle,f_gasmeteraccomodations," + "f_userstate,f_finallybought,f_weizhi,f_cumulativepurchase,f_filiale,f_yytoper," + "CONVERT(varchar(12), f_finabuygasdate, 111 ) f_finabuygasdate," + "CONVERT(varchar(12), f_yytdate, 111 ) f_yytdate,f_gasmetermanufacturers," + "f_aliasname from t_userfiles " + "where " + userSearch.Condition + " order by id"; userList.LoadOnPathChanged = false; userList.Path = "sql"; userList.SumHQL = "select f_userinfoid,f_userid,f_meternumber,f_username,f_usertype,f_gaswatchbrand,f_metertype," + "lastinputgasnum,f_phone,f_gasproperties,f_stairtype,f_filiale,f_yytdepa," + "f_metergasnums,f_metertitles,f_gasmeterstyle,f_gasmeteraccomodations," + "f_userstate,f_finallybought,f_weizhi,f_cumulativepurchase,f_yytoper," + "CONVERT(varchar(12), f_finabuygasdate, 111 ) f_finabuygasdate,f_anzhuanguser," + "CONVERT(varchar(12), f_yytdate, 111 ) f_yytdate,f_gasmetermanufacturers," + "f_aliasname from t_userfiles " + "where " + userSearch.Condition + ""; userList.HQL = sql; userList.PageSize = pager2.PageSize; userList.SumNames = ","; userList.DataLoaded += setList_DataLoaded; userList.PageIndex = pageIndex; userList.Load(); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SearchObject conditions = (criteriaPanel.DataContext as SearchObject); conditions.Search(); WebClientInfo wci = App.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; String where = conditions.Condition; String dt = "1=1"; if (StartDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME>='" + StartDate.Text + "'"; } if (EndDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { if (dt.Length > 3) { dt += " and DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59'"; } else { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59'"; } } String dt2 = "1=1"; if (StartDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { dt2 = " SAVE_DATE>='" + StartDate.Text + "'"; } if (EndDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { if (dt2.Length > 3) { dt2 += " and SAVE_DATE<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59'"; } else { dt2 = " SAVE_DATE<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59'"; } } checkerList.Path = "sql"; checkerList.Names = "save_people,papers,days,notifications,notins,leakages,defects"; String sql = @"SELECT t0.save_people, papers, days, notifications,notins, leakages, defects from (select save_people, sum(ruhu) papers, count(DISTINCT dt) days, sum(notin) notins from ( select id, save_people, substring(departure_time, 1, 10) dt,cast(case condition when '正常' then 1 else 0 end as INTEGER) ruhu, cast(case condition when '无人' then 1 else 0 end as INTEGER) notin from T_INSPECTION where (deleted is null or deleted!='是') and {0} and {1} ) b group by save_people) t0 left join (select save_people, count(save_people) leakages FROM( select save_people from T_INSPECTION_LINE where inspection_id is not null and content like '%漏气%' and {2} and {3} ) a group by save_people) t1 on t0.save_people = t1.save_people left join (select save_people, count(DISTINCT inspection_id) defects FROM( select inspection_id,save_people from T_INSPECTION_LINE where inspection_id is not null and equipment = '燃气表' and content in('长通表', '死表', '表不过气', '其他') and {4} and {5} ) c group by save_people) t2 on t1.save_people=t2.save_people left join (select save_people, count(save_people) notifications FROM( select save_people from T_INSPECTION_LINE where inspection_id is not null and content = '已发近期安检报告书' and {6} and {7} ) d group by save_people) t3 on t2.save_people = t3.save_people"; checkerList.HQL = String.Format(sql, new String[] { where, dt, where, dt2, where, dt2, where, dt2 }); checkerList.Load(); }
private void ui_StairSearchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_searchBusy.IsBusy = true; stairSearch.Search(); string sql = "from t_stairprice where " + stairSearch.Condition; stairList.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; stairList.LoadOnPathChanged = false; stairList.Path = "hql"; stairList.HQL = sql; stairList.PageSize = 100; stairList.DataLoaded += stairList_DataLoaded; stairList.PageIndex = 0; }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_searchBusy.IsBusy = true; search.Search(); string sql = "update t_repairsys set f_downloadstatus=NULL,f_accepter='" + f_accepter.SelectedValue + "' where " + search.Condition + ""; HQLAction action = new HQLAction(); action.HQL = sql; action.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; action.Name = "t_repairsys"; action.Completed += action_Completed; action.Invoke(); }
private void searchbutton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SearchObject conditions = (applysearch.DataContext as SearchObject); conditions.Search(); WebClientInfo wci = App.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; String where = conditions.Condition; checkerList.Path = "sql"; checkerList.Names = "f_cusDom,f_cusDy,f_cusFloor,f_apartment"; String sql = @"select f_cusDom,f_cusDy,f_cusFloor,f_apartment from t_gasaddress where {0} order by length(f_cusDom),f_cusDom,length(f_cusDy),f_cusDy,length(f_cusFloor),f_cusFloor,length(f_apartment),f_apartment"; checkerList.HQL = String.Format(sql, where); checkerList.Load(); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_searchBusy.IsBusy = true; search.Search(); string sql = "update t_userfiles set f_stairtype='" + CoboxStair.SelectedValue + "', f_stair1amount=" + ui_stair1amount.Text + " , " + "f_stair1price=" + ui_stair1price.Text + " , f_stair2amount='" + ui_stair2amount.Text + "', f_stair2price=" + ui_stair2price.Text + ",f_stair3amount='" + ui_stair3amount.Text + "', f_stair3price=" + ui_stair3price.Text + ", f_stair4price=" + ui_stair4price.Text + " ,f_stairmonths=" + ui_stairmonths.Text + " where " + search.Condition + ""; HQLAction action = new HQLAction(); action.HQL = sql; action.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; action.Name = "t_userfiles"; action.Completed += action_Completed; action.Invoke(); }
private void so_heji(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SearchObject so = daninfosearch.DataContext as SearchObject; PagedList hejilists = (PagedList)daninfos.ItemsSource; so.Search(); String sql = "" + //小区,安检情况 " count( hj, t1.f_meetunit f_meetunit,t1.f_accepter f_accepter,count( online,count(t3.online_zyj) online_zyj,count(h1.ywc) ywc,count(h2.dwc) dwc,count(h3.wwc) wwc,count(f1.fwmy) fwmy,count(f2.fwbmy) fwbmy,count(z1.zlmy) zlmy,count(z2.zlbmy) zlbmy" + " FROM t_repairsys t1" + " LEFT JOIN " + " (select id,count(f_dealtype) online from t_repairsys where f_dealtype ='电话处理' group by id) t2" + " ON" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,count(f_dealtype) online_zyj from t_repairsys where f_dealtype ='转交维修' group by id) t3" + " ON" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,count(f_havacomplete) ywc from t_repairsys where f_havacomplete ='已完成' group by id) h1" + " ON" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,count(f_havacomplete) dwc from t_repairsys where f_havacomplete ='待完成' group by id) h2" + " ON" + " LEFT JOIN " + " (select id,count(f_havacomplete) wwc from t_repairsys where f_havacomplete ='未完成' group by id) h3" + " ON" + " LEFT JOIN " + " (select id,count(f_fwtdmiqk) fwmy from t_repairsys where f_fwtdmiqk ='满意' group by id) f1" + " ON" + " LEFT JOIN " + " (select id,count(f_fwtdmiqk) fwbmy from t_repairsys where f_fwtdmiqk ='不满意' group by id) f2" + " ON" + " LEFT JOIN " + " (select id,count(f_zlmiqk) zlmy from t_repairsys where f_zlmiqk ='满意' group by id) z1" + " ON" + " LEFT JOIN " + " (select id,count(f_zlmiqk) zlbmy from t_repairsys where f_zlmiqk ='不满意' group by id) z2" + " ON "; hejilists.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; hejilists.LoadOnPathChanged = false; hejilists.Path = "sql"; hejilists.SumNames = "hj,"; hejilists.PageSize = 1000; hejilists.HQL = "select " + sql + " where " + so.Condition + " group by t1.f_meetunit, t1.f_accepter order by t1.f_meetunit"; hejilists.PageIndex = 0; hejilists.DataLoaded += hejilists_DataLoaded; //hejilists.LoadDetail(); }
// 查询按钮处理过程 private void dansearchbutton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_handBusy.IsBusy = true; // 掉用search对象的search方法,产生条件 SearchObject search = daninfosearch.DataContext as SearchObject; search.Search(); // 调用服务 WebClientInfo wci = Application.Current.Resources["server"] as WebClientInfo; string uri = wci.BaseAddress + "/handcharge/download" + "?uuid=" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.UploadStringCompleted += dansearch_UploadStringCompleted; client.UploadStringAsync(new Uri(uri), search.Condition); }
private void ui_SearchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_userBusy.IsBusy = true; userSearch.Search(); // 生成sql语句 sql = " from t_changmeter where " + userSearch.Condition + " order by id"; userList.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; userList.LoadOnPathChanged = false; userList.Path = "hql"; userList.SumHQL = " from t_changmeter where " + userSearch.Condition; userList.HQL = sql; userList.PageSize = ui_pager.PageSize; userList.SumNames = "id"; userList.PageIndex = pageIndex; userList.Load(); }
// 查询按钮处理过程 private void dansearchbutton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_handBusy.IsBusy = true; // 掉用search对象的search方法,产生条件 SearchObject search = daninfosearch.DataContext as SearchObject; search.Search(); // 调用服务 GeneralObject loginuser = (GeneralObject)FrameworkElementExtension.FindResource(this.saveButton, "LoginUser"); string fengongsi = loginuser.GetPropertyValue("f_fengongsi").ToString(); WebClientInfo wci = Application.Current.Resources["server"] as WebClientInfo; string uri = wci.BaseAddress + "/handcharge/download/" + fengongsi + "?uuid=" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.UploadStringCompleted += dansearch_UploadStringCompleted; client.UploadStringAsync(new Uri(uri), search.Condition); }
private void searchbutton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_userBusy.IsBusy = true; userSearch.Search(); // 生成sql语句 string sql = "select * from t_changmeter where " + userSearch.Condition + " and f_payfeevalid!='无效' and f_state='换表销账' and f_dengjistate='申请已处理' order by id"; userList.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; userList.LoadOnPathChanged = false; userList.Path = "sql"; userList.SumHQL = "select * from t_changmeter where " + userSearch.Condition + " and f_payfeevalid!='无效' and f_state='换表销账' and f_dengjistate='申请已处理'"; userList.HQL = sql; userList.PageSize = ui_pager.PageSize; userList.SumNames = "id"; userList.PageIndex = pageIndex; userList.Load(); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_searchBusy.IsBusy = true; search.Search(); if (!"1=1".Equals(search.Condition.Trim()) && null != search.Condition) { //提交更改 string sql = "update t_userfiles set f_operate_zl='" + f_operate_zl_zl.SelectedValue + "', f_returnvalueoperate=" + "'1' " + " where f_gasmeterstyle in ('物联网表','物联表','积成远传气表','远传表','短信表') and " + search.Condition + ""; HQLAction action = new HQLAction(); action.HQL = sql; action.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; action.Name = "t_userfiles"; action.Completed += action_Completed; action.Invoke(); } else { MessageBox.Show("请先按照条件筛选出进行阀门操作的用户,再确认执行!"); ui_searchBusy.IsBusy = false; } }
private void search_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SearchObject criteria = (applysearch.DataContext as SearchObject); criteria.Search(); WebClientInfo wci = App.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; String where = criteria.Condition; String dt = districtname.Text; String state = " 1=1 "; if ((cmbState.SelectedItem as ContentControl).Content.ToString().Length > 0) { state = " state='" + (cmbState.SelectedItem as ContentControl).Content + "'"; } applyslist.LoadOnPathChanged = false; applyslist.Path = "sql"; applyslist.Names = "state,road,districtname,cusDy,cusDom,cusFloor,apartment,placeholder"; String sql = @"select * from (select state,road,districtname,cusDy,cusDom,cusFloor,apartment from ( select case when a.f_districtname is null then '新增' when b.f_districtname is null then '已建' else '重复 ' end state, isnull( a.f_road, b.f_road) road, isnull( a.f_districtname, b.f_districtname) districtname, isnull(a.f_cusDy, b.f_cusDy) cusDy, isnull(a.f_cusDom, b.f_cusDom) cusDom, isnull(a.f_cusFloor, b.f_cusFloor) cusFloor, isnull( a.f_apartment, b.f_apartment) apartment from (select f_road, f_districtname, f_cusDy, f_cusDom, f_cusFloor, f_apartment from T_GASADDRESS where {0} and f_districtname='{1}') a full join (select f_road, f_districtname, f_cusDy, f_cusDom, f_cusFloor, f_apartment from T_GASADDRESSTEMP where {0}) b on a.f_road = b.f_road and a.f_districtname = b.f_districtname and a.f_cusDy=b.f_cusDy and a.f_cusDom=b.f_cusDom and a.f_cusFloor = b.f_cusFloor and a.f_apartment=b.f_apartment) t ) tt where {2} "; String orderBy = " order by len(road), road, len(districtname), districtname,len(cusDom), cusDom,len(cusDy), cusDy,len(cusFloor), cusFloor,len(apartment), apartment"; applyslist.SumHQL = String.Format(sql, new String[] { where, dt, state }).Replace("\r\n", " "); applyslist.HQL = (applyslist.SumHQL + orderBy).Replace("\r\n", " "); applyslist.Load(); }
private void dansearchbutton_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { searchbusy.IsBusy = true; search.Search(); // TODO: Add event handler implementation here. string sql = "select u.f_userid,u.f_username,u.f_cardid,u.f_gaswatchbrand,u.f_metertype,u.f_address,u.f_districtname,u.f_apartment " + ",u.f_phone,u.f_cumulativepurchase,u.f_metergasnums,CONVERT(varchar(100),u.f_dateofopening,23) f_dateofopening, CONVERT(varchar(100),d.f_deliverydate,23) f_deliverydate,d.f_pregas from (" + "select s.f_userid,t.f_deliverydate,t.f_pregas from" + "(select MAX(id) m,f_userid from t_sellinggas where f_payfeevalid = '有效' group by f_userid)s left join t_sellinggas t on s.m = left join t_userfiles u on d.f_userid = u.f_userid where f_gasmeterstyle = '卡表' and " + search.Condition + " order by u.f_userid"; list.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; list.LoadOnPathChanged = false; list.Path = "sql"; list.HQL = sql; list.SumHQL = "select u.f_userid,u.f_username,u.f_cardid,u.f_gaswatchbrand,u.f_metertype,u.f_address,u.f_districtname,u.f_apartment " + ",u.f_phone,u.f_cumulativepurchase,u.f_metergasnums,u.f_dateofopening,d.f_deliverydate,d.f_pregas from (" + "select s.f_userid,t.f_deliverydate,t.f_pregas from" + "(select MAX(id) m,f_userid from t_sellinggas where f_payfeevalid = '有效' group by f_userid)s left join t_sellinggas t on s.m = left join t_userfiles u on d.f_userid = u.f_userid where f_gasmeterstyle = '卡表' and " + search.Condition + ""; list.SumNames = ","; list.PageSize = pager.PageSize; list.PageIndex = PageIndex; list.Load(); }
private void btnSearchCore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SearchObject.Search(); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { /*SearchObject conditions = (criteriaPanel.DataContext as SearchObject); * conditions.Search(); * WebClientInfo wci = App.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; * WebClient wc = new WebClient(); * String precaution = ""; * if(cmbPrecaution.SelectedValue.ToString().Length>0) * precaution = " where precaution ='" + cmbPrecaution.SelectedValue + "'"; * String dt = " and departure_time >='" + StartDate.Text + "' and departure_time <= '" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59' "; * String HQL = @"select precaution, road, unit_name, cus_dom, cus_dy, cus_floor, cus_room, user_name, telphone, departure_time, precaution_notified, cast(row_number() over (partition by precaution order by precaution) as INTEGER) sn from * (select * cast(case content when '燃气设备安装在卧室' then '燃气设施安装在卧室' * when '燃气设施安装在卧室/卫生间' then '燃气设施安装在卧室' * when '安装在卧室' then '热水器或壁挂炉安装在卧室' * when '壁挂炉安装在卧室' then '热水器或壁挂炉安装在卧室' * when '直排热水器' then '使用直排式热水器' * else '热水器未安装烟道或烟道未接到室外' end as VARCHAR(50)) precaution, * t.ROAD,t.UNIT_NAME, t.CUS_DOM, t.CUS_DY, t.CUS_FLOOR,t.CUS_ROOM, t.USER_NAME, t.TELPHONE, SUBSTRING(t.DEPARTURE_TIME,1,10) DEPARTURE_TIME, NVL(t.PRECAUTION_NOTIFIED,'') precaution_notified * from T_INSPECTION t join T_INSPECTION_LINE tl on = tl.INSPECTION_ID where * CONTENT in ('燃气设备安装在卧室','燃气设施安装在卧室/卫生间','壁挂炉安装在卧室','安装在卧室','未安装到烟道', '烟道未排到室外', '直排热水器') and (t.DELETED is null or t.DELETED <> '是') and {0} * ) {1} order by precaution, road, unit_name, length(cus_dom), cus_dom, length(cus_dy), cus_dy, length(cus_floor), cus_floor, length(cus_room), cus_room "; * HQL = String.Format(HQL, new string[]{conditions.Condition + dt, precaution }).Replace("\r\n", " ").Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", " "); * wc.UploadStringCompleted += wc_UploadStringCompleted; * wc.UploadStringAsync(new Uri(wci.BaseAddress + "/sql/precaution,road,unit_name,cus_dom,cus_dy,cus_floor,cus_room,user_name,telphone,departure_time,precaution_notified,sn/0/999999999"), "POST", HQL);*/ SearchObject conditions = (criteriaPanel.DataContext as SearchObject); conditions.Search(); WebClientInfo wci = App.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; String precaution = ""; if (cmbPrecaution.SelectedValue.ToString().Length > 0) { precaution = " where precaution ='" + cmbPrecaution.SelectedValue + "'"; } String dt = " 1=1"; if (StartDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME>='" + StartDate.Text + "'"; } if (EndDate.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { if (dt.Length > 3) { dt += " and DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59'"; } else { dt = " DEPARTURE_TIME<='" + EndDate.Text + " 23:59:59' "; } } dt = " and " + dt; checkerList.Path = "sql"; checkerList.Names = "precaution,road,unit_name,cus_dom,cus_dy,cus_floor,cus_room,user_name,telphone,departure_time,precaution_notified,sn"; String sql = @"select precaution, road, unit_name, cus_dom, cus_dy, cus_floor, cus_room, user_name, telphone, departure_time, precaution_notified, cast(row_number() over (partition by precaution order by precaution) as INTEGER) sn from (select cast(case content when '燃气设备安装在卧室' then '燃气设施安装在卧室' when '燃气设施安装在卧室/卫生间' then '燃气设施安装在卧室' when '安装在卧室' then '热水器或壁挂炉安装在卧室' when '壁挂炉安装在卧室' then '热水器或壁挂炉安装在卧室' when '直排热水器' then '使用直排式热水器' else '热水器未安装烟道或烟道未接到室外' end as VARCHAR(50)) precaution, t.ROAD,t.UNIT_NAME, t.CUS_DOM, t.CUS_DY, t.CUS_FLOOR,t.CUS_ROOM, t.USER_NAME, t.TELPHONE, SUBSTRING(t.DEPARTURE_TIME,1,10) DEPARTURE_TIME, isnull(t.PRECAUTION_NOTIFIED,'') precaution_notified from T_INSPECTION t join T_INSPECTION_LINE tl on = tl.INSPECTION_ID where CONTENT in ('燃气设备安装在卧室','燃气设施安装在卧室/卫生间','壁挂炉安装在卧室','安装在卧室','未安装到烟道', '烟道未排到室外', '直排热水器') and (t.DELETED is null or t.DELETED <> '是') and {0} ) o {1} order by precaution, road, unit_name, len(cus_dom), cus_dom, len(cus_dy), cus_dy, len(cus_floor), cus_floor, len(cus_room), cus_room "; checkerList.HQL = String.Format(sql, new string[] { conditions.Condition + dt, precaution }).Replace("\r\n", " ").Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", " "); checkerList.Load(); }
private void so_heji(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SearchObject so = areafilesearch.DataContext as SearchObject; so.Search(); String sql = " select " + //小区,安检情况 " count(DISTINCT UNIT_NAME) xiaoqs,COUNT( yonghs, COUNT( yiaj,COUNT( wuren,COUNT( jujian," + //设备用途 " (COUNT( sbhj,COUNT( issb,COUNT( sbdj,COUNT( sbrsq,COUNT( sbbg,COUNT( sbqn," + //供暖方式 " (COUNT( gnhj,COUNT( isgn,COUNT( guablgn,COUNT( jizhgn,COUNT( qunqgn,COUNT( qit," + //重点户 " (COUNT( zdhj,COUNT( iszd,COUNT( qilcr,COUNT( zhongdyh,COUNT( guglr,COUNT( buszdh," + //小区性质 " (COUNT( xqxzhj,COUNT( isxqxz,COUNT( anzhxq,COUNT( qishiydw,COUNT( wuyxq,COUNT( zijf," + //租住 " (COUNT( zzhhj,COUNT( iszzh,COUNT( caiy,COUNT( putjz,COUNT( tuogpx,COUNT( bang,COUNT( jitss,COUNT( fou," + //报警器 " COUNT (CASE WHEN f_baojingqi='有' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) baojq,count(CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN f_alarm_expire_time is not null THEN substring(CONVERT(varchar(50),GETDATE(),120),1,7)- substring(CONVERT(varchar(50),f_alarm_expire_time,120),1,7) ELSE NULL END)>0 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) baojqdq," + //热水器 " count(CASE WHEN f_rshqshiyong=0 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) resq,count(CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN f_heater_expire_time is not null THEN substring(CONVERT(varchar(50),GETDATE(),120),1,7)- substring(CONVERT(varchar(50),f_heater_expire_time,120),1,7) ELSE NULL END)>0 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) resqdq," + //热水器隐患 " (count(CASE WHEN f_heater_overdue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_heater_softconnector=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_heater_trapped=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_heater_emit=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_heater_leakage=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)) resqyh,count(CASE WHEN f_heater_overdue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) resqcq,count(CASE WHEN f_heater_softconnector=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) resqrglj, count(CASE WHEN f_heater_trapped=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) resqwpsw,count(CASE WHEN f_heater_emit=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) resqzp, count(CASE WHEN f_heater_leakage=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) resqlq," + //灶具 " count(CASE WHEN f_zjshiyong=0 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) zaoj,count(CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN f_cooker_expire_time is not null THEN substring(CONVERT(varchar(50),GETDATE(),120),1,7)- substring(CONVERT(varchar(50),f_cooker_expire_time,120),1,7) ELSE NULL END)>0 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) zaojdq," + //灶具隐患 " (count(CASE WHEN f_cooker_overdue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_cooker_nofireprotection=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_cooker_leakage=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)) zaojyh,count(CASE WHEN f_cooker_overdue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) zaojcqsy,count(CASE WHEN f_cooker_nofireprotection=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) zaojwbh, count(CASE WHEN f_cooker_leakage=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) zaojlq," + //挂壁炉 " count(CASE WHEN f_bglshiyong=0 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) guabz,count(CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN f_furnace_expire_time is not null THEN substring(CONVERT(varchar(50),GETDATE(),120),1,7)- substring(CONVERT(varchar(50),f_furnace_expire_time,120),1,7) ELSE NULL END)>0 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) guabzdq," + //挂壁炉隐患 " (count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_overdue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_softconnector=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_emit=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_trapped=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) +count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_leakage=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)) guabzyh,count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_overdue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) guabzcqsy,count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_softconnector=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) guabzrglj,count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_emit=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) guabzzp,count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_trapped=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) guabzwpsw,count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_leakage=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) guabzlq," + //立管隐患 " (count(CASE WHEN f_lgbaoguo=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgguawu=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lghuoyuan=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgweiguding=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgchuanyue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgbubianweixiu=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgfushi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgsigai=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lglouqi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)) lgyh,count(CASE WHEN f_lgbaoguo=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) lgbg,count(CASE WHEN f_lgguawu=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) lggw,count(CASE WHEN f_lghuoyuan=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) lghyj,count(CASE WHEN f_lgweiguding=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) lgwgd,count(CASE WHEN f_lgchuanyue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) lgcyjq,count(CASE WHEN f_lgbubianweixiu=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) lgbbwx,count(CASE WHEN f_lgfushi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) lgfs,count(CASE WHEN f_lgsigai=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) lgsg,count(CASE WHEN f_lglouqi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) lglq," + //表后管隐患 " (count(CASE WHEN f_bhgbaoguan=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_bhglouqi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_bhgdianyuan=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)) bhgyh,count(CASE WHEN f_bhgbaoguan=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) bhgbg,count(CASE WHEN f_bhglouqi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) bhglq,count(CASE WHEN f_bhgdianyuan=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) bhgdyj, " + //表前阀隐患 " count(CASE WHEN f_biaoqianfa='漏气' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_biaoqianfa='失效' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) bqfyh,count(CASE WHEN f_biaoqianfa='漏气' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) bqflq,count(CASE WHEN f_biaoqianfa='失效' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) bqfsx," + //灶前阀隐患 " count(CASE WHEN f_zaoqianfa='漏气' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_zaoqianfa='失效' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) zqfyh,count(CASE WHEN f_zaoqianfa='漏气' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) zqflq,count(CASE WHEN f_zaoqianfa='失效' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) zqfsx," + //自闭阀隐患 " count(CASE WHEN f_zibifa='漏气' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_zibifa='失效' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) zbfyh,count(CASE WHEN f_zibifa='漏气' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) zbflq,count(CASE WHEN f_zibifa='失效' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) zbfsx," + //其他隐患 " (count(CASE WHEN f_precaution_kitchen=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_precaution_openkitchen=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_precaution_multisource=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(f_precaution_otheruse)) qtyh, count(CASE WHEN f_precaution_kitchen=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) qtfbcf,count(CASE WHEN f_precaution_openkitchen=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) qtkfs,count(CASE WHEN f_precaution_multisource=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) qtdzhy,count(f_precaution_otheruse) qtggyt," + //是否需要维修 " count(CASE WHEN NEEDS_REPAIR='是' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) NEEDS_REPAIR," + //是否维修 " count(CASE WHEN REPAIR_STATE='未维修' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) REPAIR_STATE,count(f_renow_id) f_renow_id," + //是否换表 " count(CASE WHEN f_newmeter=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) rqbhb," + //燃气表故障 " (count(CASE WHEN f_sibiao=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_changtong=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_fanzhuang=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_qblouqi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_reading_mismatch=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)) rqbgz, count(CASE WHEN f_sibiao=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) rqbsb, count(CASE WHEN f_changtong=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) rqbct, count(CASE WHEN f_fanzhuang=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) rqbfz, count(CASE WHEN f_qblouqi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) rqblq, count(CASE WHEN f_reading_mismatch=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) rqbds," + //燃气表隐患 " (count(CASE WHEN f_meter_wrapped=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_meter_hanger=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_meter_nearfire=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_meter_unfavorable=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)) rqbyh, count(CASE WHEN f_meter_wrapped=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) rqbbg, count(CASE WHEN f_meter_hanger=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) rqbgw, count(CASE WHEN f_meter_nearfire=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) rqbjhy, count(CASE WHEN f_meter_unfavorable=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) rqbbbwx," + //各项隐患合计 " ((count(CASE WHEN f_heater_overdue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_heater_softconnector=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_heater_trapped=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_heater_emit=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_heater_leakage=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END))" + "+(count(CASE WHEN f_cooker_overdue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_cooker_nofireprotection=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_cooker_leakage=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END))" + "+(count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_overdue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_softconnector=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_emit=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_trapped=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) +count(CASE WHEN f_furnace_leakage=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END))" + "+(count(CASE WHEN f_lgbaoguo=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgguawu=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lghuoyuan=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgweiguding=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgchuanyue=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgbubianweixiu=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgfushi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lgsigai=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_lglouqi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END))" + "+(count(CASE WHEN f_bhgbaoguan=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_bhglouqi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_bhgdianyuan=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END))" + "+count(CASE WHEN f_biaoqianfa='漏气' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_biaoqianfa='失效' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)" + "+count(CASE WHEN f_zaoqianfa='漏气' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_zaoqianfa='失效' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)" + "+count(CASE WHEN f_zibifa='漏气' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_zibifa='失效' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)" + "+(count(CASE WHEN f_precaution_kitchen=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_precaution_openkitchen=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_precaution_multisource=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(f_precaution_otheruse))" + "+(count(CASE WHEN f_meter_wrapped=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_meter_hanger=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_meter_nearfire=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+ count(CASE WHEN f_meter_unfavorable=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END))" + "+(count(CASE WHEN f_jpglouqi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_jpglaohua=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_jpgguochang=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_jpgwuguanjia=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_jpgdiaoding=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_jpganmai=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END))) yhhj," + //燃气表到期 " count(CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN f_meter_manufacture_date is not null THEN substring(CONVERT(varchar(50),GETDATE(),120),1,7)- substring(CONVERT(varchar(50),f_meter_manufacture_date,120),1,7) ELSE NULL END)>3650 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) rqbdq," + //灶具管隐患 " (count(CASE WHEN f_jpglouqi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_jpglaohua=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_jpgguochang=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_jpgwuguanjia=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_jpgdiaoding=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)+count(CASE WHEN f_jpganmai=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)) jbgyh,count(CASE WHEN f_jpglouqi=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) jbglq,count(CASE WHEN f_jpglaohua=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) jbglh,count(CASE WHEN f_jpgguochang=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) jbggc,count(CASE WHEN f_jpgwuguanjia=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) jbgwgj,count(CASE WHEN f_jpgdiaoding=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) jbgdd,count(CASE WHEN f_jpganmai=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) jbgam,count(CASE WHEN f_jpgzhengchang=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) jbgzc," + //各故障占比 " COUNT( id from (select * from T_INSPECTION where CONDITION is not null and " + so.Condition + " ) t1" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,F_GONGNUAN from T_INSPECTION where F_GONGNUAN is NULL) gn1" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,F_GONGNUAN from T_INSPECTION where F_GONGNUAN='壁挂炉供暖') gn2" + " on " + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,F_GONGNUAN from T_INSPECTION where F_GONGNUAN='集中供暖') gn3" + " on " + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,F_GONGNUAN from T_INSPECTION where F_GONGNUAN='燃气取暖器供暖') gn5" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,F_GONGNUAN from T_INSPECTION where F_GONGNUAN='其他') gn6" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_iszhongdian from T_INSPECTION where f_iszhongdian is NULL) zd1" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_iszhongdian from T_INSPECTION where f_iszhongdian='气量出入') zd2" + " on " + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_iszhongdian from T_INSPECTION where f_iszhongdian='重大隐患') zd3" + " on " + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_iszhongdian from T_INSPECTION where f_iszhongdian='孤寡老人') zd5" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_iszhongdian from T_INSPECTION where f_iszhongdian='否') zd6" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_property from T_INSPECTION where f_property is NULL) xqxz1" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_property from T_INSPECTION where f_property='安置小区') xqxz2" + " on " + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_property from T_INSPECTION where f_property='企事业单位') xqxz3" + " on " + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_property from T_INSPECTION where f_property='物业小区') xqxz5" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_property from T_INSPECTION where f_property='自建房') xqxz6" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_zuzhu from T_INSPECTION where f_zuzhu is NULL) zzh1" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_zuzhu from T_INSPECTION where f_zuzhu='餐饮') zzh2" + " on " + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_zuzhu from T_INSPECTION where f_zuzhu='普通居住') zzh3" + " on " + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_zuzhu from T_INSPECTION where f_zuzhu='托管培训') zzh5" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_zuzhu from T_INSPECTION where f_zuzhu='办公') zzh6" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_zuzhu from T_INSPECTION where f_zuzhu='集体宿舍') zzh7" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_zuzhu from T_INSPECTION where f_zuzhu='否') zzh8" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,CONDITION from T_INSPECTION where CONDITION='正常') zhuangt1" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,CONDITION from T_INSPECTION where CONDITION='无人') zhuangt2" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,CONDITION from T_INSPECTION where CONDITION='拒检') zhuangt3" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_devices from T_INSPECTION where f_devices is NULL) sb1" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_devices from T_INSPECTION where f_devices='单灶') sb2" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_devices from T_INSPECTION where f_devices='灶具+热水器') sb3" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_devices from T_INSPECTION where f_devices='灶具+壁挂炉') sb5" + " on" + " LEFT JOIN" + " (select id,f_devices from T_INSPECTION where f_devices='灶具+燃气取暖器') sb6" + " on"; hejilists.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; hejilists.LoadOnPathChanged = false; hejilists.Path = "sql"; hejilists.SumNames = "id,"; hejilists.PageSize = 10; hejilists.HQL = sql; hejilists.PageIndex = 0; hejilists.DataLoaded += hejilists_Completed; hejilists.Load(); }