/// <summary> /// Load sales transactions using the search criteria. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Request containing the criteria used to retrieve sales transactions.</param> /// <returns>Instance of <see cref="GetSalesTransactionsServiceResponse"/>.</returns> private static GetSalesTransactionsServiceResponse GetSalesTransactions(GetSalesTransactionsServiceRequest request) { ThrowIf.Null(request, "request"); IDictionary <string, IList <SalesLine> > linesWithUnavailableProducts; // Try to load the transaction GetCartsDataRequest getSalesTransactionDatasetDataRequest = new GetCartsDataRequest(request.SearchCriteria, request.QueryResultSettings); PagedResult <SalesTransaction> salesTransactions = request.RequestContext.Execute <EntityDataServiceResponse <SalesTransaction> >(getSalesTransactionDatasetDataRequest).PagedEntityCollection; if (salesTransactions != null) { // Only search remote in case of customer order. SearchLocation productSearchLocation = salesTransactions.Results.Any(t => t.CartType == CartType.CustomerOrder) ? SearchLocation.All : SearchLocation.Local; linesWithUnavailableProducts = PopulateProductOnSalesLines(request.RequestContext, salesTransactions.Results, request.MustRemoveUnavailableProductLines, productSearchLocation); } else { salesTransactions = PagedResult <SalesTransaction> .Empty(); linesWithUnavailableProducts = new Dictionary <string, IList <SalesLine> >(); } GetSalesTransactionsServiceResponse response = new GetSalesTransactionsServiceResponse(salesTransactions, linesWithUnavailableProducts); return(response); }
private Task<NugetResult> findDependenciesFor(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, int depth, SearchLocation location, List<Dependency> dependencies) { var result = findLocal(dependency, location); return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { if (result.Found) { processNuget(result.Nuget, dependency, mode, depth, location, dependencies); return result; } var search = NugetSearch.Find(_solution, dependency); search.ContinueWith(task => { if (!task.Result.Found) { return; } result.Import(task.Result); var nuget = task.Result.Nuget; processNuget(nuget, dependency, mode, depth, location, dependencies); }, TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnFaulted | TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent); return result; }, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent); }
public async Task <Result <Location> > GetLocation(SearchLocation searchLocation, string languageCode) { var id = Guid.Parse(searchLocation.PredictionResult.Id); var location = await _context.Locations .Where(l => l.Id == id) .Select(l => new Location(l.Name, l.Locality, l.Country, new GeoPoint(l.Coordinates), l.DistanceInMeters, l.Source, l.Type, l.Suppliers)) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (location.Equals(default))
public void SearchLocationTest() { mockRepository.Setup(x => x.SearchLocation(1)) .Returns(listaLocations.Where(y => y.LocationId == 1).First); var handler = new SearchLocationHandler(mockRepository.Object); SearchLocation sl = new SearchLocation(1); var res = handler.Handle(sl, ct); Assert.IsNotNull(res.Result); }
void Add(SearchLocation loc, Key key) { var command = new RelayCommand(a => { this.vmSearch.SearchLocationVM.SelectedItem = loc; if (!this.searchControl.SearchTextBox.IsKeyboardFocusWithin) { this.searchControl.SearchTextBox.SelectAll(); } this.searchControl.SearchTextBox.Focus(); }); this.searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(command, new KeyGesture(key, ModifierKeys.Control))); }
// Almost entirely covered by integration tests public IEnumerable<Dependency> DependenciesFor(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, SearchLocation location = SearchLocation.Remote) { var cache = mode == UpdateMode.Fixed ? _dependenciesForFixedCache : _dependenciesForFloatCache; IEnumerable<Dependency> dependencies; if (cache.TryGetValue(dependency, out dependencies) == false) { dependencies = findDependenciesFor(dependency, mode, 0, location); cache[dependency] = dependencies; } return dependencies.ToArray(); }
static void JpegHandler(String file, SearchLocation config, Archive archive) { DateTime createTime = File.GetCreationTime(file); using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(file)) using (Bitmap image = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(stream)) { createTime = TagParser.Parse <ExifTags>(image.PropertyItems.ToList()) .FileChangeDateTime .GetValueOrDefault(createTime); } Archive(file, createTime, archive); }
/** use this location to search for a location on the site if a recent location, set that as the id else search for the number */ public async Task<LocationResult> SelectLocation(SearchLocation location) { await LoadLocationPage(); var data = new NameValueCollection(); // will get correct value based on if it's recent or manual data.Add(location.GetWebFormData()); data.Add(Constants.ChooseLocation.NextButton, Constants.ChooseLocation.NextButtonValue); var doc = await MyApi.CallApi("ChooseLocation.aspx", true, data); // process this result and return the correct info var result = ParseLocationResult(doc, MyApi); return result; }
public void PrintTitleTestMethod() { try { log.Info("PrintTitleTestMethod test Started."); Thread.Sleep(3000); SearchLocation searchLocation = new SearchLocation(driver); searchLocation.PrintSearch(); log.Info("PrintTitleTestMethod test Ended."); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception(exception.Message); } }
public void SearchLocationTestMethod() { try { log.Info("SearchLocationTestMethod test Started."); Thread.Sleep(3000); SearchLocation searchLocation = new SearchLocation(driver); searchLocation.SearchLocationMethod(JsonData.data.PropertySearchName); Assert.AreEqual(JsonData.data.PropertyLocationTitle, driver.Title); log.Info("SearchLocationTestMethod test Ended."); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception(exception.Message); } }
public BuildUrl SetLocation(string region = null, string suburb = null, string area = null, string postcode = null, string loc = null, State?state = State.NSW) { var location = new SearchLocation { Suburb = suburb, Region = region, State = state, PostCode = postcode, Area = area // RB: it can be replaced by different type of SearchLocationCategory with the ? //Category = SearchLocationCategory.Area, }; SearchLocation = location; return(this); }
private void PlacePictureOnMap(Picture picture) { SearchLocation a = new SearchLocation { Longitude = picture.GPSLongitude, Latitude = picture.GPSLatitude, PushPinDescription = String.Format("<IMG SRC=\"{0}\" ALT=\"{0}\" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200>", picture.FileName), PushPinLayer = "Photos", PushPinTitle = picture.Name }; locations.Add(a); ucVEarth.VE_AddPushPin(a); ucVEarth.VE_SetCenter(a); }
public void AddOrUpdateLocation(Location location) { // The lat and long of the position Class need to be reversed to get them stored correctly var position = new Position(location.Longitude, location.Latitude); var newLocation = new SearchLocation() { id = location.Id, Name = location.Name, Point = new Point(position), Physical_Addresses = location.Physical_Addresses }; var batch = IndexBatch.Upload(new List <SearchLocation> { newLocation }); _searchIndexClient.Documents.Index(batch); }
internal SearchLocation GetLocation() { SearchLocation location = SearchLocation.Invalid; if (radioButtonSelection.Checked) { location = SearchLocation.Selection; } else if (radioButtonBook.Checked) { location = SearchLocation.Workbook; } else if (radioButtonSheet.Checked) { location = SearchLocation.Worksheet; } return(location); }
private NugetResult findLocal(Dependency dependency, SearchLocation location) { var result = new NugetResult(); if (location == SearchLocation.Local && _solution.HasLocalCopy(dependency.Name)) { try { // Try to hit the local zip and read it. Mostly for testing but it'll detect a corrupted local package as well result.Nuget = _solution.LocalNuget(dependency.Name); result.Nuget.Dependencies().ToList(); RippleLog.Debug(dependency.Name + " already installed"); } catch { result.Nuget = null; } } return(result); }
public async Task <Result <Location> > GetLocation(SearchLocation searchLocation, string languageCode) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchLocation.PredictionResult.SessionId)) { return(Result.Failure <Location>( "A session must be provided. The session begins when the user starts typing a query, and concludes when they select a place. " + "Each session can have multiple queries, followed by one place selection. Once a session has concluded, the token is no longer valid; " + "your app must generate a fresh token for each session.")); } var url = $"place/details/json?key={_options.ApiKey}&placeid={searchLocation.PredictionResult.Id}&" + $"sessiontoken={searchLocation.PredictionResult.SessionId}" + "&language=en&fields=address_component,adr_address,formatted_address,geometry,name,place_id,type,vicinity"; var maybePlaceContainer = await GetResponseContent <PlaceContainer>(url); if (maybePlaceContainer.HasNoValue) { return(Result.Failure <Location>("A network error has been occurred. Please retry your request after several seconds.")); } var place = maybePlaceContainer.Value.Place; if (place.Equals(default))
/*public static PDBWebClient GetWebClientWithCookie(Match ProxyMatch) * { * * PDBWebClient specialWebClient = * (ProxyMatch != null ? * new PDBWebClient(ProxyMatch.Groups["proxyAddress"].Value, * ProxyMatch.Groups["username"].Value, * ProxyMatch.Groups["password"].Value, * (ProxyMatch.Groups["domain"] != null ? ProxyMatch.Groups["domain"].Value : String.Empty)) : new PDBWebClient()); * * AddHeadersIfNecessary(specialWebClient); * return specialWebClient; * }*/ /* * public static PDBWebClient GetWebClientWithCookie() * { * PDBWebClient specialWebClient = new PDBWebClient(); * if (specialWebClient.Headers["User-Agent"] == null) * { * specialWebClient.Headers.Add("User-Agent", Constants.userAgentHeader); * } * if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(EulaContents.GetEulaCookie())) * { * if (specialWebClient.Headers["Cookie"] == null) * { * specialWebClient.Headers.Add("Cookie", EulaContents.GetEulaCookie()); * } * } * return specialWebClient; * } */ public static SearchLocation ExtractFromByteArray(byte[] searchArray, string beginHexaDecimalString, string endHexaDecimalString, int searchBeginPosition) { SearchLocation resultLocation; String searchArrayAsHex = ByteArrayToHex(searchArray); int beginLocation = searchArrayAsHex.IndexOf(beginHexaDecimalString, searchBeginPosition); int endLocation = searchArrayAsHex.IndexOf(endHexaDecimalString, beginLocation); if (beginLocation < endLocation) { resultLocation = new SearchLocation( HexToByte(searchArrayAsHex.Substring(beginLocation, endLocation - beginLocation)), beginLocation); } else { resultLocation = new SearchLocation(null, -1); } return(resultLocation); }
private IEnumerable<Dependency> findDependenciesFor(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, SearchLocation location) { var dependencies = new List<Dependency>(); var task = findDependenciesFor(dependency, mode, 0, location, dependencies); try { task.Wait(); if (!task.Result.Found) { RippleAssert.Fail("Could not find " + dependency.Name); } } catch (AggregateException ex) { var flat = ex.Flatten(); if (flat.InnerException != null) { RippleLog.Debug(flat.InnerException.Message); } } return dependencies.OrderBy(x => x.Name); }
public AppInfoCollection FindApps( SearchLocation location, AppGroup appData, DeletedAppCollection recycleBin, bool excludeExisting, bool excludeBin) { if (location == SearchLocation.None) { return(new AppInfoCollection()); } var searchPaths = new List <string>(); if ((location & SearchLocation.QuickLaunch) == SearchLocation.QuickLaunch) { searchPaths.AddRange(_SearchPaths[SearchLocation.QuickLaunch]); } if ((location & SearchLocation.AllProgramsMenu) == SearchLocation.AllProgramsMenu) { searchPaths.AddRange(_SearchPaths[SearchLocation.AllProgramsMenu]); } return(FindApps( searchPaths, new List <string>() { "lnk" }, appData, recycleBin, excludeExisting, excludeBin )); }
private void processNuget(IRemoteNuget nuget, Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, int depth, SearchLocation location, List<Dependency> dependencies) { if (depth != 0) { var dep = dependency; var markAsFixed = mode == UpdateMode.Fixed || !FeedRegistry.IsFloat(_solution, dependency); if (dep.IsFloat() && markAsFixed) { dep = new Dependency(nuget.Name, nuget.Version, UpdateMode.Fixed); } dependencies.Add(dep); } nuget .Dependencies() .Each(x => findDependenciesFor(x, mode, depth + 1, location, dependencies)); }
public static DependencyCacheKey For(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, SearchLocation location) { return(new DependencyCacheKey { Dependency = dependency, Mode = mode, Location = location }); }
public NugetAssemblyLocator AddLocation(int index, SearchLocation location) { this.Locations.Insert(index, location); return(this); }
public IEnumerable<IFileSystemInfo> SearchDirectory(string directory, string searchPattern, SearchOptions searchOptions, SearchLocation searchLocation) { using (var tranHandle = GetKtmTransactionHandle()) { NativeMethods.WIN32_FIND_DATA win32findData; var directoriesToBeSearched = new List<string>(8) {directory}; var output = new List<IFileSystemInfo>(); while (directoriesToBeSearched.Count > 0) { var count = directoriesToBeSearched.Count; directory = directoriesToBeSearched[count - 1]; directoriesToBeSearched.RemoveAt(count - 1); using (var directoryHandle = GetFileHandleForInfo( directory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + @"*", tranHandle, out win32findData)) { while (NativeMethods.FindNextFile(directoryHandle, out win32findData)) { if (win32findData.cFileName.Equals("..") || win32findData.cFileName.Equals(".")) continue; bool isFile = 0 == (win32findData.dwFileAttributes & 0x10); string relative = directory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + win32findData.cFileName; if (isFile & (searchOptions & SearchOptions.File) != 0) output.Add(factory.CreateFileWithProxy(this, relative, win32findData)); else if (!isFile) { if (searchLocation == SearchLocation.Recursive) directoriesToBeSearched.Add(relative); if ((searchOptions & SearchOptions.Directory) != 0) output.Add(factory.CreateDirectoryWithProxy(this, relative)); } } } } SortListByTypeAndName(output); return new ReadOnlyCollection<IFileSystemInfo>(output); } }
void Add(SearchLocation loc, Key key) { var command = new RelayCommand(a => { this.vmSearch.SearchLocationVM.SelectedItem = loc; if (!this.searchControl.SearchTextBox.IsKeyboardFocusWithin) this.searchControl.SearchTextBox.SelectAll(); this.searchControl.SearchTextBox.Focus(); }); this.searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(command, new KeyGesture(key, ModifierKeys.Control))); }
private async void SelectLocation() { var location = new SearchLocation(); location.LocationId = "123"; var res = await _api.SelectLocation(location); if (res is SingleLocationResult) { // selected location } else { MultipleLocationResult mlr = (MultipleLocationResult) res; res = await mlr.RefineSelection(mlr.Locations.First()); } }
// Almost entirely covered by integration tests public IEnumerable <Dependency> DependenciesFor(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, SearchLocation location = SearchLocation.Remote) { return(_dependenciesCache[DependencyCacheKey.For(dependency, mode, location)]); }
private IEnumerable <Dependency> findDependenciesFor(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, SearchLocation location) { var dependencies = new List <Dependency>(); var task = findDependenciesFor(dependency, mode, 0, location, dependencies); try { task.Wait(); if (!task.Result.Found) { RippleAssert.Fail("Could not find " + dependency.Name); } } catch (AggregateException ex) { var flat = ex.Flatten(); if (flat.InnerException != null) { RippleLog.Debug(flat.InnerException.Message); } } return(dependencies.OrderBy(x => x.Name)); }
private Task <NugetResult> findDependenciesFor(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, int depth, SearchLocation location, List <Dependency> dependencies) { var result = findLocal(dependency, location); return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { if (result.Found) { processNuget(result.Nuget, dependency, mode, depth, location, dependencies); return result; } var search = NugetSearch.Find(_solution, dependency); search.ContinueWith(task => { if (!task.Result.Found) { return; } result.Import(task.Result); var nuget = task.Result.Nuget; processNuget(nuget, dependency, mode, depth, location, dependencies); }, TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnFaulted | TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent); return result; }, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent)); }
private void processNuget(IRemoteNuget nuget, Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, int depth, SearchLocation location, List <Dependency> dependencies) { if (depth != 0) { var dep = dependency; var markAsFixed = mode == UpdateMode.Fixed || !FeedRegistry.IsFloat(_solution, dependency); if (dep.IsFloat() && markAsFixed) { dep = new Dependency(nuget.Name, nuget.Version, UpdateMode.Fixed); } dependencies.Add(dep); } nuget .Dependencies() .Each(x => findDependenciesFor(x, mode, depth + 1, location, dependencies)); }
private IEnumerable <Dependency> findDependenciesFor(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, int depth, SearchLocation location) { IRemoteNuget nuget = null; if (location == SearchLocation.Local && _solution.HasLocalCopy(dependency.Name)) { try { // Try to hit the local zip and read it. Mostly for testing but it'll detect a corrupted local package as well nuget = _solution.LocalNuget(dependency.Name); nuget.Dependencies().ToList(); RippleLog.Debug(dependency.Name + " already installed"); } catch { nuget = null; } } if (nuget == null) { nuget = NugetFor(dependency); } var dependencies = new List <Dependency>(); if (depth != 0) { var dep = dependency; var markAsFixed = mode == UpdateMode.Fixed || !isFloated(dependency); if (dep.IsFloat() && markAsFixed) { dep = new Dependency(nuget.Name, nuget.Version, UpdateMode.Fixed); } dependencies.Add(dep); } nuget .Dependencies() .Each(x => dependencies.AddRange(findDependenciesFor(x, mode, depth + 1, location))); return(dependencies.OrderBy(x => x.Name)); }
// Almost entirely covered by integration tests public IEnumerable <Dependency> DependenciesFor(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, SearchLocation location = SearchLocation.Remote) { var cache = mode == UpdateMode.Fixed ? _dependenciesForFixedCache : _dependenciesForFloatCache; IEnumerable <Dependency> dependencies; if (cache.TryGetValue(dependency, out dependencies) == false) { dependencies = findDependenciesFor(dependency, mode, 0, location); cache[dependency] = dependencies; } return(dependencies.ToArray()); }
public async ValueTask <Result <Models.Locations.Location, ProblemDetails> > Get(SearchLocation searchLocation, string languageCode) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchLocation.PredictionResult.Id)) { return(Result.Success <Models.Locations.Location, ProblemDetails>(new Models.Locations.Location(searchLocation.Coordinates, searchLocation.DistanceInMeters))); } if (searchLocation.PredictionResult.Type == LocationTypes.Unknown) { return(ProblemDetailsBuilder.Fail <Models.Locations.Location>( "Invalid prediction type. It looks like a prediction type was not specified in the request.")); } var cacheKey = _flow.BuildKey(nameof(LocationService), GeoCoderKey, searchLocation.PredictionResult.Source.ToString(), searchLocation.PredictionResult.Id); if (_flow.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out Models.Locations.Location result, DefaultLocationCachingTime)) { return(Result.Success <Models.Locations.Location, ProblemDetails>(result)); } Result <Models.Locations.Location> locationResult; switch (searchLocation.PredictionResult.Source) { case PredictionSources.Google: locationResult = await _googleGeoCoder.GetLocation(searchLocation, languageCode); break; case PredictionSources.Interior: locationResult = await _interiorGeoCoder.GetLocation(searchLocation, languageCode); break; // ReSharper disable once RedundantCaseLabel case PredictionSources.NotSpecified: default: locationResult = Result.Failure <Models.Locations.Location>( $"'{nameof(searchLocation.PredictionResult.Source)}' is empty or wasn't specified in your request."); break; } if (locationResult.IsFailure) { return(ProblemDetailsBuilder.Fail <Models.Locations.Location>(locationResult.Error, HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable)); } result = locationResult.Value; await _flow.SetAsync(cacheKey, result, DefaultLocationCachingTime); return(Result.Success <Models.Locations.Location, ProblemDetails>(result)); }
static void MovHandler(String file, SearchLocation config, Archive archive) { //DateTime createTime = File.GetCreationTime(file); //Archive(file, createTime, archive); }
/// <summary> /// This method will used to Get the List of Locations of the Florist /// </summary> public async Task <IEnumerable <Location> > GetLocations(SearchLocation searchLocation) { return(await _adminRepository.GetLocations(searchLocation)); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <Location> > GetLocations(SearchLocation searchLocation) { return(await Query <Location>("Flo.GetLocations", searchLocation)); }
private NugetResult findLocal(Dependency dependency, SearchLocation location) { var result = new NugetResult(); if (location == SearchLocation.Local && _solution.HasLocalCopy(dependency.Name)) { try { // Try to hit the local zip and read it. Mostly for testing but it'll detect a corrupted local package as well result.Nuget = _solution.LocalNuget(dependency.Name); result.Nuget.Dependencies().ToList(); RippleLog.Debug(dependency.Name + " already installed"); } catch { result.Nuget = null; } } return result; }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; }
public static DependencyCacheKey For(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, SearchLocation location) { return new DependencyCacheKey { Dependency = dependency, Mode = mode, Location = location}; }
public async Task<LocationResult> SelectLocation(SearchLocation location) { return await _myLocationManager.SelectLocation(location); }
// Almost entirely covered by integration tests public IEnumerable<Dependency> DependenciesFor(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, SearchLocation location = SearchLocation.Remote) { return _dependenciesCache[DependencyCacheKey.For(dependency, mode, location)]; }
private IEnumerable<Dependency> findDependenciesFor(Dependency dependency, UpdateMode mode, int depth, SearchLocation location) { IRemoteNuget nuget = null; if (location == SearchLocation.Local && _solution.HasLocalCopy(dependency.Name)) { try { // Try to hit the local zip and read it. Mostly for testing but it'll detect a corrupted local package as well nuget = _solution.LocalNuget(dependency.Name); nuget.Dependencies().ToList(); RippleLog.Debug(dependency.Name + " already installed"); } catch { nuget = null; } } if(nuget == null) { nuget = NugetFor(dependency); } var dependencies = new List<Dependency>(); if (depth != 0) { var dep = dependency; var markAsFixed = mode == UpdateMode.Fixed || !isFloated(dependency); if (dep.IsFloat() && markAsFixed) { dep = new Dependency(nuget.Name, nuget.Version, UpdateMode.Fixed); } dependencies.Add(dep); } nuget .Dependencies() .Each(x => dependencies.AddRange(findDependenciesFor(x, mode, depth + 1, location))); return dependencies.OrderBy(x => x.Name); }
public NugetAssemblyLocator AddLocation(SearchLocation location) { return(this.AddLocation(this.Locations.Count, location)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Get([FromQuery] SearchLocation searchLocation) { var list = await _adminService.GetLocations(searchLocation); return(Ok(list)); }
public void TestPutIdentity() { string jsonRpcCallId = "2767c2bc-6e83-4cba-9b60-5b874dbadb2a"; RogerthatSystem.PutIdentityRequest request = new RogerthatSystem.PutIdentityRequest(); request.AppData = "{\"xmpp_room\": \"chatroom1\"}"; Beacon beacon = new Beacon(); beacon.Uuid = "110E8400-E29B-11D4-A716-446655440000"; beacon.Major = "123"; beacon.Minor = "987"; beacon.Tag = "Meeting room 1"; request.Beacons.Add(beacon); request.Description = "This is your personal fully customizable Rogerthat service identity."; request.DescriptionBranding = null; request.DescriptionBrandingUseDefault = false; request.EmailStatistics = false; request.EmailStatisticsUseDefault = false; request.Identifier = "i1"; request.MenuBranding = null; request.MenuBrandingUseDefault = false; request.AdminEmails.Add("*****@*****.**"); request.AdminEmails.Add("*****@*****.**"); request.Name = "My cool service identity"; request.PhoneCallPopup = null; request.PhoneCallPopupUseDefault = false; request.PhoneNumber = "+32 9 324 25 64"; request.PhoneNumberUseDefault = false; request.QualifiedIdentifier = "*****@*****.**"; request.RecommendEnabled = true; SearchConfig sc = new SearchConfig(); sc.Enabled = true; sc.Keywords = "test example cool new"; SearchLocation sl = new SearchLocation(); sl.Address = "Antwerpsesteenweg 19, 9080 Lochristi"; sl.Latitude = 51092000; sl.Longitude = 3820000; sc.Locations.Add(sl); request.SearchConfig = sc; request.SearchUseDefault = false; RogerthatSystem.PutIdentityResponse response = this.Api.PutIdentity(request, jsonRpcCallId); Assert.IsNotNull(response); }