Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the Search function that will iterate through all of the created objects and returns all results.
        /// It receives a Universe to search through and a SearchDefaultSettings to apply the settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="universe"></param>
        /// <param name="searchDefaultSettings"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Return the entire set of results
        /// </returns>
        public static List <IEntity> SearchUniverseList(Universe universe, SearchDefaultSettings searchDefaultSettings)
            // Use an IQueryable to retrieve all of te items that match the search result
            var query = GetSearchQuery(universe, searchDefaultSettings);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the Search function that will iterate through all of the created objects and returns the specified
        /// index. It receives a Universe to search through and a SearchDefaultSettings to apply the settings.
        /// Example: if a search yields 5 results and you ask for the index of 3, it will return the third item
        /// in the list. Going above or below the range of the search results will return "No results found".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="universe"></param>
        /// <param name="searchDefaultSettings"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Return the single SearchResult.
        /// </returns>
        public static SearchResult SearchUniverse(Universe universe, SearchDefaultSettings searchDefaultSettings)
            // Set the count of what result number is requested. Default to 0
            var c = searchDefaultSettings.Index == 0
                ? 0
                : searchDefaultSettings.Index - 1;

            var maxCount = GetSearchQuery(universe, searchDefaultSettings).Count();

            // Use a Linq query to find all of the IDs in the list that match your search query and take the specified index
            var item = GetSearchQuery(universe, searchDefaultSettings)

            // If there were no results then return null
            if (maxCount == 0 || maxCount <= c || maxCount < 0 || item == null)
                return(new SearchResult(null, 0, 0));

            return(new SearchResult(item, c + 1, maxCount));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the query to search through all sets of data in the Universe
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="universe"></param>
        /// <param name="searchDefaultSettings"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// IQueryable of type IEntity
        /// </returns>
        private static IQueryable <IEntity> GetSearchQuery(Universe universe,
                                                           SearchDefaultSettings searchDefaultSettings)
            // Check if the ID or Name tags have values and set those. Default to empty arrays.
            var id = searchDefaultSettings.Id ?? new string[] { };
            var n  = searchDefaultSettings.Name ?? new string[] { };
            var t  = searchDefaultSettings.Tag ?? new string[] { };
            var l  = searchDefaultSettings.Location ?? new string[] { };

            // Set a regular expression for the Name
            var nrgx = "";

            if (n.Length != 0)
                foreach (var i in n)
                    nrgx += "" + i + "|";
                nrgx = nrgx.Substring(0, nrgx.Length - 1);
                nrgx = "^$";

            // Set a regular expression for the ID
            var idrgx = "";

            if (id.Length != 0)
                foreach (var i in id)
                    idrgx += "" + i + "|";
                idrgx = idrgx.Substring(0, idrgx.Length - 1);
                idrgx = "^$";

            // Set a regular expression for the ID
            var lrgx = "";

            if (l.Length != 0)
                foreach (var i in l)
                    lrgx += "" + i + "|";
                lrgx = lrgx.Substring(0, lrgx.Length - 1);
                lrgx = "^$";

            // Set the tags for more specific searches
            var includePlanets = t.Contains("p") || t.Length == 0;
            var includeChars   = t.Contains("ch") || t.Length == 0;
            var includeStars   = t.Contains("s") || t.Length == 0;
            var includeProbs   = (t.Contains("pr") || t.Length == 0) &&
                                 searchDefaultSettings.Permission != SearchDefaultSettings.PermissionType.Player;
            var includePoi    = t.Contains("poi") || t.Length == 0;
            var includeZones  = t.Contains("z") || t.Length == 0;
            var includeShips  = t.Contains("sh") || t.Length == 0;
            var includeAliens = t.Contains("a") || t.Length == 0;

            return((from p in universe.Planets
                    where (Regex.IsMatch(p.Name, nrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ||
                           Regex.IsMatch(p.Id, idrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) &&
                    select(IEntity) p)
                   .Union(from ch in universe.Characters
                          where (Regex.IsMatch(ch.Name, nrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ||
                                 Regex.IsMatch(ch.Id, idrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ||
                                 Regex.IsMatch(ch.CurrentLocation, lrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) &&
                          select(IEntity) ch)
                   .Union(from s in universe.Stars
                          where (Regex.IsMatch(s.Name, nrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ||
                                 Regex.IsMatch(s.Id, idrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) &&
                          select(IEntity) s)
                   .Union(from pr in universe.Problems
                          where Regex.IsMatch(pr.Id, idrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) &&
                          select(IEntity) pr)
                   .Union(from poi in universe.PointsOfInterest
                          where (Regex.IsMatch(poi.Id, idrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ||
                                 Regex.IsMatch(poi.StarId, lrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) &&
                          select(IEntity) poi)
                   .Union(from ship in universe.Ships
                          where Regex.IsMatch(ship.Id, idrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) &&
                          select(IEntity) ship)
                   .Union(from alien in universe.Aliens
                          where Regex.IsMatch(alien.Id, idrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) && includeAliens
                          select(IEntity) alien)
                   .Union(from z in universe.Zones
                          where Regex.IsMatch(z.Id, idrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ||
                          Regex.IsMatch(z.Name, nrgx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) &&
                          select(IEntity) z)