Esempio n. 1
        public DocumentSearchClient(IConfiguration configuration, bool videoIndexerTimeRefs = false)
                _configuration = configuration;
                searchServiceName = configuration.GetSection("SearchServiceName")?.Value;
                apiKey = configuration.GetSection("SearchApiKey")?.Value;
                IndexName = videoIndexerTimeRefs ? configuration.GetSection("SearchIndexNameVideoIndexerTimeRef")?.Value : configuration.GetSection("SearchIndexName")?.Value;

                IndexerName = configuration.GetSection("SearchIndexerName")?.Value;
                idField = configuration.GetSection("KeyField")?.Value;
                telemetryClient.InstrumentationKey = configuration.GetSection("InstrumentationKey")?.Value;

                // Options used to get a search id for reporting
                SearchClientOptions clientOptions = new SearchClientOptions();
                clientOptions.AddPolicy(new SearchIdPipelinePolicy(), HttpPipelinePosition.PerCall);

                // Create an HTTP reference to the catalog index
                _searchIndexClient = new SearchIndexClient(new Uri($"https://{searchServiceName}"), new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey), options: clientOptions);
                _searchClient = _searchIndexClient.GetSearchClient(IndexName);

                Schema = new SearchSchema().AddFields(_searchIndexClient.GetIndex(IndexName).Value.Fields);
                Model = new SearchModel(Schema);

                _isPathBase64Encoded = (configuration.GetSection("IsPathBase64Encoded")?.Value == "True");

            catch (Exception e)
                // If you get an exception here, most likely you have not set your
                // credentials correctly in appsettings.json
                throw new ArgumentException(e.Message.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries an index of mountains.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endpoint">The Search service URI.</param>
        /// <param name="key">The query key for the Search service.</param>
        /// <param name="query">Keywords to query. The default is "*".</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task Main(Uri endpoint, string key, string query = "*")
            using var cts           = new CancellationTokenSource();
            Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, args) =>
                args.Cancel = true;

            var credential = new AzureKeyCredential(key);
            var options    = new SearchClientOptions
                Serializer = new NewtonsoftJsonObjectSerializer(
                    new JsonSerializerSettings
                    Converters =
                        new NewtonsoftJsonMicrosoftSpatialGeoJsonConverter(),

            var client  = new SearchClient(endpoint, Mountain.IndexName, credential, options);
            var results = await client.SearchAsync <Mountain>(query);

            await foreach (var result in results.Value.GetResultsAsync())
                var mountain = result.Document;
        public void DiagnosticsAreUnique()
            // Make sure we're not repeating Header/Query names already defined
            // in the base ClientOptions
            SearchClientOptions options = new SearchClientOptions();

        public IActionResult Search(SearchClientOptions options)
            var result = clientService_

Esempio n. 5
        public void SearchSample()
            // cspell:word Aragorn Sauron's
            MockResponse response = new MockResponse(200);

                ""value"": [
                        ""@search.score"": 1.0,
                        ""uuid"": ""efe8857f-1d74-41e2-9ff1-4943a9ad69d5"",
                        ""title"": ""The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"",
                        ""description"": ""Gandalf and Aragorn lead the World of Men against Sauron's army to draw his gaze from Frodo and Sam as they approach Mount Doom with the One Ring."",
                        ""rating"": 9.1

            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_ENDPOINT", "");
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_API_KEY", "sample");

            #region Snippet:Microsoft_Azure_Core_NewtonsoftJson_Samples_Readme_SearchSample
            // Get the Azure Cognitive Search endpoint and read-only API key.
            Uri endpoint = new Uri(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_ENDPOINT"));
            AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_API_KEY"));

            // Create serializer options with default converters for Azure SDKs.
            JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings = NewtonsoftJsonObjectSerializer.CreateJsonSerializerSettings();

            // Serialize property names using camelCase by default.
            serializerSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();

            SearchClientOptions clientOptions = new SearchClientOptions
                Transport = new MockTransport(response),
                Serializer = new NewtonsoftJsonObjectSerializer(serializerSettings)

            SearchClient client = new SearchClient(endpoint, "movies", credential, clientOptions);
            Response <SearchResults <Movie> > results = client.Search <Movie>("Return of the King");

            foreach (SearchResult <Movie> result in results.Value.GetResults())
                Movie movie = result.Document;

                Console.WriteLine($"Rating: {movie.Rating}\n");
            #endregion Snippet:Microsoft_Azure_Core_NewtonsoftJson_Samples_Readme_SearchSample

            Movie _movie = results.Value.GetResults().Single().Document;
            Assert.AreEqual("efe8857f-1d74-41e2-9ff1-4943a9ad69d5", _movie.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", _movie.Title);
            Assert.AreEqual("Gandalf and Aragorn lead the World of Men against Sauron's army to draw his gaze from Frodo and Sam as they approach Mount Doom with the One Ring.", _movie.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(9.1, _movie.Rating, 0.01);
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Create default client options for testing (and instrument them with
 /// the recording transports).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">Optional client options.</param>
 /// <returns>SearchClientOptions for testing</returns>
 public SearchClientOptions GetSearchClientOptions(SearchClientOptions options = null)
     options ??= new SearchClientOptions(ServiceVersion);
     options.Diagnostics.IsLoggingEnabled = true;
     options.Retry.Mode       = RetryMode.Exponential;
     options.Retry.MaxRetries = 10;
     options.Retry.Delay      = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Mode == RecordedTestMode.Playback ? 0.01 : 1);
     options.Retry.MaxDelay   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Mode == RecordedTestMode.Playback ? 0.1 : 600);
     options.Transport        = new HttpClientTransport(s_httpClient);
Esempio n. 7
        public ApiResult <Client> GetClientById(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(ApiResult <Client> .Failed(StatusCode.BadRequest, "Id is empty"));
            var options = new SearchClientOptions()
                ClientId = id.Value

            return(ApiResult <Client> .Successful(SearchClient(options).Data.SingleOrDefault()));
Esempio n. 8
        public static IServiceCollection AddAzureSearchClient <TResult>(
            this IServiceCollection services,
            Uri endpoint,
            string key,
            string indexName,
            Action <SearchClientOptions> configureOptions = null)
            var options = new SearchClientOptions();


            return(services.AddSingleton <ISearchClient <TResult> >(s =>
                                                                    new AzureSearchClient <TResult>(
                                                                        new SearchClient(endpoint, indexName, new AzureKeyCredential(key), options))));
Esempio n. 9
        public ApiResult <IQueryable <Client> > SearchClient(SearchClientOptions options)
            if (options == null)
                return(ApiResult <IQueryable <Client> > .Failed(StatusCode.BadRequest, "Null options"));

            var query = context_
                        .Set <Client>()

            if (options.ClientId != null)
                query = query.Where(c => c.ClientId == options.ClientId);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Firstname))
                query = query.Where(c => c.Firstname == options.Firstname);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Lastname))
                query = query.Where(c => c.Lastname == options.Lastname);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Email))
                query = query.Where(c => c.Email == options.Email);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Phone))
                query = query.Where(c => c.Phone == options.Phone);

            if (options.CreatedFrom != null)
                query = query.Where(c => c.Created >= options.CreatedFrom);

            if (options.CreatedTo != null)
                query = query.Where(c => c.Created < options.CreatedTo);

            return(ApiResult <IQueryable <Client> > .Successful(query.Take(500)));
        public async Task IndexSharesPipeline()
            await using SearchResources resources = await SearchResources.GetSharedHotelsIndexAsync(this);

            TestPipelinePolicy custom = new TestPipelinePolicy();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, custom.RequestCount);

            SearchClientOptions options = new SearchClientOptions(ServiceVersion);

            options.AddPolicy(custom, HttpPipelinePosition.PerCall);
            SearchServiceClient client = resources.GetServiceClient(options);

            SearchIndexClient index = client.GetSearchIndexClient(resources.IndexName);

            _ = await index.GetDocumentCountAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, custom.RequestCount);
        public void DefaultSerializerSettings()
            #region Snippet:Microsoft_Azure_Core_NewtonsoftJson_Samples_Readme_DefaultSerializerSettings
            JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings = NewtonsoftJsonObjectSerializer.CreateJsonSerializerSettings();

            // Serialize property names using camelCase by default.
            serializerSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();

            // Add converters as needed, for example, to convert movie genres to an enum.
            serializerSettings.Converters.Add(new StringEnumConverter());

            SearchClientOptions clientOptions = new SearchClientOptions
                Serializer = new NewtonsoftJsonObjectSerializer(serializerSettings)
            #endregion Snippet:Microsoft_Azure_Core_NewtonsoftJson_Samples_Readme_DefaultSerializerSettings

            Assert.AreEqual(2, serializerSettings.Converters.Count);
            Assert.That(serializerSettings.Converters, Has.Some.TypeOf(typeof(NewtonsoftJsonETagConverter)));
            Assert.That(serializerSettings.Converters, Has.Some.TypeOf(typeof(StringEnumConverter)));
Esempio n. 12
        public void SearchSample()
            MockResponse response = new MockResponse(200);

                ""value"": [
                        ""@search.score"": 1.0,
                        ""id"": ""1"",
                        ""name"": ""Mount Rainier"",
                        ""summit"": {
                            ""type"": ""Point"",
                            ""coordinates"": [

            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_ENDPOINT", "");
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_API_KEY", "sample");

            #region Snippet:Microsoft_Azure_Core_Spatial_NewtonsoftJson_Samples_Readme_SearchSample
            // Get the Azure Cognitive Search endpoint and read-only API key.
            Uri endpoint = new Uri(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_ENDPOINT"));
            AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_API_KEY"));

            // Create serializer options with our converter to deserialize geographic points.
            JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver(),
                Converters       =
                    new NewtonsoftJsonMicrosoftSpatialGeoJsonConverter()

            SearchClientOptions clientOptions = new SearchClientOptions
                /*@@*/ Transport = new MockTransport(response),
                Serializer       = new NewtonsoftJsonObjectSerializer(serializerSettings)

            SearchClient client = new SearchClient(endpoint, "mountains", credential, clientOptions);
            Response <SearchResults <Mountain> > results = client.Search <Mountain>("Rainier");

            foreach (SearchResult <Mountain> result in results.Value.GetResults())
                Mountain mountain = result.Document;
            #endregion Snippet:Microsoft_Azure_Core_Spatial_NewtonsoftJson_Samples_Readme_SearchSample

            Mountain _mountain = results.Value.GetResults().Single().Document;
            Assert.AreEqual("Mount Rainier", _mountain.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(-121.76044, _mountain.Summit.Longitude);
            Assert.AreEqual(46.85287, _mountain.Summit.Latitude);
Esempio n. 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string serviceName = "lynx-searchengine-jsancho";
            string indexName   = "hotels-quickstart-v11";
            string apiKey      = "6C88A8613367F73135756A4CCFE1C24C";

            // Create a SearchIndexClient to send create/delete index commands
            Uri serviceEndpoint           = new Uri($"https://{serviceName}");
            AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey);
            SearchIndexClient  idxclient  = new SearchIndexClient(serviceEndpoint, credential);

            // Create a SearchClient to load and query documents
            SearchClient srchclient = new SearchClient(serviceEndpoint, indexName, credential);

            // Delete index if it exists
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Deleting index...\n");
            DeleteIndexIfExists(indexName, idxclient);

            var searchClientOptions = new SearchClientOptions
                Serializer = new JsonObjectSerializer(
                    new JsonSerializerOptions
                    PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase

            var builder = new FieldBuilder
                Serializer = searchClientOptions.Serializer

            var index = new SearchIndex(indexName)
                Fields = builder.Build(typeof(Hotel))

            Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Creating index...\n");

            // Load documents (using a subset of fields for brevity)
            IndexDocumentsBatch <Hotel> batch = IndexDocumentsBatch.Create(
                IndexDocumentsAction.Upload(new Hotel {
                Id = "78", Name = "Upload Inn", Category = "hotel", Rate = 279, Updated = new DateTime(2018, 3, 1, 7, 0, 0)
                IndexDocumentsAction.Upload(new Hotel {
                Id = "54", Name = "Breakpoint by the Sea", Category = "motel", Rate = 162, Updated = new DateTime(2015, 9, 12, 7, 0, 0)
                IndexDocumentsAction.Upload(new Hotel {
                Id = "39", Name = "Debug Motel", Category = "motel", Rate = 159, Updated = new DateTime(2016, 11, 11, 7, 0, 0)
                IndexDocumentsAction.Upload(new Hotel {
                Id = "48", Name = "NuGet Hotel", Category = "hotel", Rate = 238, Updated = new DateTime(2016, 5, 30, 7, 0, 0)
                IndexDocumentsAction.Upload(new Hotel {
                Id = "12", Name = "Renovated Ranch", Category = "motel", Rate = 149, Updated = new DateTime(2020, 1, 24, 7, 0, 0)

            IndexDocumentsOptions idxoptions = new IndexDocumentsOptions {
                ThrowOnAnyError = true

            Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Loading index...\n");
            srchclient.IndexDocuments(batch, idxoptions);

            // Wait 2 secondsfor indexing to complete before starting queries (for demo and console-app purposes only)
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for indexing...\n");

            // Call the RunQueries method to invoke a series of queries
            Console.WriteLine("Starting queries...\n");

            // End the program
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Complete. Press any key to end this program...\n");
        public async Task CreateIndex()
            await using SearchResources resources = SearchResources.CreateWithNoIndexes(this);
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_ENDPOINT", resources.Endpoint.ToString());
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_API_KEY", resources.PrimaryApiKey);

            #region Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Sample2_FieldBuilderIgnore_CreateIndex
            Uri    endpoint = new Uri(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_ENDPOINT"));
            string key      = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_API_KEY");

            // Define client options to use camelCase when serializing property names.
            SearchClientOptions options = new SearchClientOptions(ServiceVersion)
                Serializer = new JsonObjectSerializer(
                    new JsonSerializerOptions
                    PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase

            // Create a service client.
            AzureKeyCredential credential  = new AzureKeyCredential(key);
            SearchIndexClient  indexClient = new SearchIndexClient(endpoint, credential, options);
            indexClient = resources.GetIndexClient(options);

            // Create the FieldBuilder using the same serializer.
            FieldBuilder fieldBuilder = new FieldBuilder
                Serializer = options.Serializer

            // Create the index using FieldBuilder.
            SearchIndex index = new SearchIndex("movies")
            SearchIndex index = new SearchIndex(Recording.Random.GetName())
                Fields     = fieldBuilder.Build(typeof(Movie)),
                Suggesters =
                    // Suggest query terms from the "name" field.
                    new SearchSuggester("n", "name")

            // Define the "genre" field as a string.
            SearchableField genreField = new SearchableField("genre")
                AnalyzerName = LexicalAnalyzerName.Values.EnLucene,
                IsFacetable  = true,
                IsFilterable = true

            // Create the index.
            #endregion Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Sample2_FieldBuilderIgnore_CreateIndex

            // Make sure the index is removed.
            resources.IndexName = index.Name;

            #region Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Sample2_FieldBuilderIgnore_UploadDocument
            Movie movie = new Movie
                Id     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n"),
                Name   = "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King",
                Genre  = MovieGenre.Fantasy,
                Year   = 2003,
                Rating = 9.1

            // Add a movie to the index.
            SearchClient searchClient = indexClient.GetSearchClient(index.Name);
            searchClient.UploadDocuments(new[] { movie });
            #endregion Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Sample2_FieldBuilderIgnore_UploadDocument
Esempio n. 15
 public BatchingSearchClient(Uri endpoint, string indexName, AzureKeyCredential credential, SearchClientOptions options)
     : base(endpoint, indexName, credential, options)