Esempio n. 1
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByInHouseMolecularPending()
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = "gwAccessionOrderListByInHouseMolecularPending_2";
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 2
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByPatientId(List <object> parameters)
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = "gwAccessionOrderListByPatientId_2";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("PatientId", parameters[0].ToString());
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 3
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByDateRange(List <object> parameters)
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = "gwAccessionOrderListByCurrentMonthFill_2";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("StartDate", parameters[0]);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("EndDate", parameters[1]);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("PanelSetId", parameters[2]);
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 4
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByPendingTests()
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT pso.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, a.AccessionTime AccessionDate,  pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(a.PFirstName, ' ', a.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "a.PLastName, a.PFirstName, a.ClientName, a.PhysicianName, a.PBirthdate,  pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy, " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo " +
                              "FROM tblAccessionOrder a JOIN tblPanelSetOrder pso ON a.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "Left Outer Join tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "WHERE pso.Final = 0 and pso.ExpectedFinalTime < curdate() order by pso.PanelSetId, pso.ReportNo;";
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 5
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByDrKurtzman()
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT pso.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, a.AccessionTime AccessionDate,  pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(a.PFirstName, ' ', a.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "a.PLastName, a.PFirstName, a.ClientName, a.PhysicianName, a.PBirthdate, pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy, " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo, pso.IsPosted " +
                              "FROM tblAccessionOrder a " +
                              "join tblPanelSetOrder pso ON a.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "Left Outer Join tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "where a.ClientId = 1520 Order By pso.OrderDate desc;";
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 6
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByITAudit(YellowstonePathology.Business.Test.ITAuditPriorityEnum itAuditPriority)
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT a.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, a.AccessionTime AccessionDate,  pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(a.PFirstName, ' ', a.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "a.PLastName, a.PFirstName, a.ClientName, a.PhysicianName, a.PBirthdate, pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy, " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo, pso.IsPosted " +
                              "FROM tblAccessionOrder a " +
                              "Left outer JOIN tblPanelSetOrder pso ON a.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "Left Outer JOIN tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "WHERE a.ITAuditRequired = 1 and a.ITAudited = 0 and a.ITAuditPriority = @ITAuditPriority;";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ITAuditPriority", (int)itAuditPriority);
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 7
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByChangesNotPosted()
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT pso.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, a.AccessionTime AccessionDate, pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(a.PFirstName, ' ', a.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "a.PLastName, a.PFirstName, a.ClientName, a.PhysicianName, a.PBirthdate, pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy,  " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo, pso.IsPosted " +
                              "FROM tblAccessionOrder a JOIN tblPanelSetOrder pso ON a.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "Left Outer Join tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "WHERE pso.Final = 1 and pso.IsPosted = 1 and pso.OrderDate >= '2018-06-01' and pso.IsBillable = 1 " +
                              "and exists (select null from tblPanelSetOrderCPTCode where postdate is null and ReportNo = pso.ReportNo) " +
                              "Order By pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetId, a.AccessionTime;";
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 8
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByPatientName(List <object> parameters)
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = "pReportSearchListByPatientName_2";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("PLastName", parameters[0].ToString());
            if (parameters[1] == null)
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("PFirstName", DBNull.Value);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("PFirstName", parameters[1].ToString());
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 9
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByAliquotOrderId(string aliquotOrderId)
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT pso.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, a.AccessionTime AccessionDate,  pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(a.PFirstName, ' ', a.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "a.PLastName, a.PFirstName, a.ClientName, a.PhysicianName, a.PBirthdate, pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy, " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo, pso.IsPosted " +
                              "FROM tblAccessionOrder a " +
                              "JOIN tblPanelSetOrder pso ON a.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "Left Outer Join tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "WHERE a.MasterAccessionNo in " +
                              "(Select MasterAccessionNo from tblSpecimenOrder so join tblAliquotOrder ao on so.SpecimenOrderId = ao.SpecimenOrderId " +
                              "where ao.AliquotOrderId = @AliquotOrderId);";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AliquotOrderId", aliquotOrderId);
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 10
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByAccessionDate(DateTime accessionDate, List <int> panelSetIdList)
            string       panelSetIdString = YellowstonePathology.Business.Helper.IdListHelper.ToIdString(panelSetIdList);
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT pso.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, a.AccessionTime AccessionDate,  pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(a.PFirstName, ' ', a.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "a.PLastName, a.PFirstName, a.ClientName, a.PhysicianName, a.PBirthdate, pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy, " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo, pso.IsPosted " +
                              "FROM tblAccessionOrder a JOIN tblPanelSetOrder pso ON a.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "Left Outer Join tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "WHERE a.AccessionDate = @AccessionDate " +
                              "And pso.PanelSetId in (" + panelSetIdString + ")" +
                              "ORDER BY AccessionTime desc;";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AccessionDate", accessionDate);
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 11
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByPostDate(DateTime postDate)
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT distinct pso.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, a.AccessionTime AccessionDate,  pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(a.PFirstName, ' ', a.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "a.PLastName, a.PFirstName, a.ClientName, a.PhysicianName, a.PBirthdate, pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy, " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo, pso.IsPosted " +
                              "FROM tblAccessionOrder a  " +
                              "JOIN tblPanelSetOrder pso ON a.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "join tblPanelSetOrderCPTCodeBill psocpt on pso.ReportNo = psocpt.ReportNo " +
                              "Left Outer Join tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "WHERE pso.IsPosted = 1 and psocpt.PostDate = @PostDate Order By pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetId, a.AccessionTime;";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PostDate", postDate);
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 12
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetPossibleRetrospectiveReviews(DateTime finalDate)
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT pso.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, a.AccessionTime AccessionDate,  pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(a.PFirstName, ' ', a.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "a.PLastName, a.PFirstName, a.ClientName, a.PhysicianName, a.PBirthdate, pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy, " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo, pso.IsPosted " +
                              "FROM tblAccessionOrder a " +
                              "JOIN tblPanelSetOrder pso ON a.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "Left Outer Join tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "WHERE pso.FinalDate = @FinalDate and pso.PanelSetId = 13 " +
                              "and exists (select null from tblPanelSetOrderCPTCode where reportNo = pso.ReportNo and cptCode = '88305') " +
                              "and exists (select null from tblSpecimenOrder where masterAccessionNo = a.MasterAccessionNo and LOWER(description) REGEXP 'esophagus|ge junction|gastroesophageal junction|stomach|small bowel|duodenum|jejunum|ampulla|common bile duct|ileum|terminal ileum|ileocecal valve|cecum|colon|rectum|anus|cervix|endocervix|endometrium|v****a|vulva|perineum|labia majora|labia minora|ovary|fallopian tube|skin|lung|bronchus|larynx|vocal cord|oral mucosa|oral cavity|tongue|gingiva|pharynx|epiglottis|kidney|nasopharynx|oropharynx|peritoneum|pleura|tonsil|trachea|ureter|urethra|bladder') " +
                              "ORDER BY AccessionTime desc;";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FinalDate", finalDate);
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 13
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByTest(int panelSetId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT pso.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, a.AccessionTime AccessionDate,  pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(a.PFirstName, ' ', a.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "a.PLastName, a.PFirstName, a.ClientName, a.PhysicianName, a.PBirthdate, pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy, " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo, pso.IsPosted " +
                              "FROM tblAccessionOrder a " +
                              "JOIN tblPanelSetOrder pso ON a.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "Left Outer Join tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "WHERE pso.PanelSetId  =  @PanelSetId " +
                              "and pso.OrderDate between @StartDate and @EndDate;";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PanelSetId", panelSetId);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", startDate);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EndDate", endDate);
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 14
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListBySVHFinalNotPosted()
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT pso.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, ao.AccessionTime AccessionDate,  pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(ao.PFirstName, ' ', ao.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "ao.PLastName, ao.PFirstName, ao.ClientName, ao.PhysicianName, ao.PBirthdate, pso.FinalTime FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy, " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo, pso.IsPosted " +
                              "from tblAccessionOrder ao " +
                              "join tblPanelSetOrder pso on ao.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "Left Outer Join tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "where pso.Final = 1 " +
                              "and ao.SvhMedicalRecord like 'V%' " +
                              "and exists (Select null from tblPanelSetOrderCPTCode where ReportNo = pso.ReportNo and postDate is null) " +
                              "and pso.panelSetId = 13 " +
                              "and pso.OrderDate >= '2014-1-1' " +
                              "Order By pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetId, ao.AccessionTime;";
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 15
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList BuildReportSearchList(MySqlCommand cmd)
            Search.ReportSearchList result = new Search.ReportSearchList();

            using (MySqlConnection cn = new MySqlConnection(YellowstonePathology.Properties.Settings.Default.CurrentConnectionString))
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                using (MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (dr.Read())
                        Search.ReportSearchItem reportSearchItem = new Search.ReportSearchItem();
                        YellowstonePathology.Business.Persistence.SqlDataReaderPropertyWriter sqlDataReaderPropertyWriter = new Persistence.SqlDataReaderPropertyWriter(reportSearchItem, dr);
Esempio n. 16
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListByPositiveHPylori(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT distinct pso.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, a.AccessionTime AccessionDate,  pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(a.PFirstName, ' ', a.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "a.PLastName, a.PFirstName, a.ClientName, a.PhysicianName, a.PBirthdate, pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy, " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo, pso.IsPosted " +
                              "FROM tblAccessionOrder a " +
                              "join tblPanelSetOrder pso ON a.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "join tblPanelOrder po on pso.ReportNo = po.ReportNo " +
                              "join tblTestOrder t on po.panelOrderId = t.panelOrderId " +
                              "join tblStainResult sr on t.TestOrderId = sr.TestOrderId " +
                              "Left Outer Join tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "where t.TestId = 107 and sr.Result = 'Positive' and a.AccessionDate between @StartDate and @EndDate;";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", startDate);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EndDate", endDate);
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 17
        public static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList GetReportSearchListBySpecimenKeyword(string specimenDescription, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT pso.MasterAccessionNo, pso.ReportNo, a.AccessionTime AccessionDate,  pso.PanelSetId, " +
                              "concat(a.PFirstName, ' ', a.PLastName) AS PatientName, " +
                              "a.PLastName, a.PFirstName, a.ClientName, a.PhysicianName, a.PBirthdate, pso.FinalDate, pso.PanelSetName, su.UserName as OrderedBy, " +
                              "'' ForeignAccessionNo, pso.IsPosted " +
                              "FROM tblAccessionOrder a " +
                              "JOIN tblPanelSetOrder pso ON a.MasterAccessionNo = pso.MasterAccessionNo " +
                              "Left Outer Join tblSystemUser su on pso.OrderedById = su.UserId " +
                              "WHERE a.MasterAccessionNo in " +
                              "(Select MasterAccessionNo from tblSpecimenOrder so where so.masterAccessionNo = a.masterAccessionNo " +
                              "and locate(@SpecimenDescription, so.Description) > 0) " +
                              "and a.AccessionDate between @StartDate and @EndDate;";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SpecimenDescription", specimenDescription);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", startDate);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EndDate", endDate);
            Search.ReportSearchList reportSearchList = BuildReportSearchList(cmd);
Esempio n. 18
        private static YellowstonePathology.Business.Search.ReportSearchList BuildReportSearchList(SqlCommand cmd)
            Search.ReportSearchList result = new Search.ReportSearchList();

            using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(YellowstonePathology.Properties.Settings.Default.CurrentConnectionString))
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (dr.Read())
                        Search.ReportSearchItem reportSearchItem = new Search.ReportSearchItem();
                        YellowstonePathology.Business.Persistence.SqlDataReaderPropertyWriter sqlDataReaderPropertyWriter = new Persistence.SqlDataReaderPropertyWriter(reportSearchItem, dr);
            return result;