Esempio n. 1
        private static void BackgroundDownloader_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
            foreach (var serviceLogo in StationLogosToDownload)
                var logoPath = serviceLogo.Value[0];
                if (DownloadSdLogo(serviceLogo.Value[1], logoPath) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceLogo.Key.LogoImage))
                    serviceLogo.Key.mxfGuideImage = SdMxf.GetGuideImage("file://" + logoPath, GetStringEncodedImage(logoPath));

                    if (File.Exists(logoPath))
                        // update dimensions
                        var image = Image.FromFile(logoPath);
                        serviceLogo.Key.extras["logo"].Height = image.Height;
                        serviceLogo.Key.extras["logo"].Width  = image.Width;

                if (!BackgroundDownloader.CancellationPending)
                e.Cancel = true;
Esempio n. 2
        private static MxfGuideImage GetGuideImageAndUpdateCache(List <ProgramArtwork> artwork, ImageType type, string cacheKey = null)
            if (artwork.Count == 0)
                if (cacheKey != null)
                    epgCache.UpdateAssetImages(cacheKey, string.Empty);
            if (cacheKey != null)
                using (var writer = new StringWriter())
                    var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                    serializer.Serialize(writer, artwork);
                    epgCache.UpdateAssetImages(cacheKey, writer.ToString());

            ProgramArtwork image = null;

            if (type == ImageType.Movie)
                image = artwork.FirstOrDefault();
            else if (config.SeriesPosterArt || config.SeriesWsArt)
                image = artwork.SingleOrDefault(arg =>
                                                arg.Aspect.ToLower().Equals(config.SeriesPosterArt ? "2x3" : "16x9"));
                image = artwork.SingleOrDefault(arg => arg.Aspect.ToLower().Equals("4x3"));

            if (image == null && type == ImageType.Series)
                image = artwork.SingleOrDefault(arg => arg.Aspect.ToLower().Equals("4x3"));
            return(image != null?SdMxf.GetGuideImage(Helper.Standalone?image.Uri : image.Uri.Replace($"{SdApi.JsonBaseUrl}{SdApi.JsonApi}", $"http://{Environment.MachineName}:{Helper.TcpPort}/")) : null);
Esempio n. 3
        private static bool BuildLineupServices()
            // query what lineups client is subscribed to
            var clientLineups = SdApi.GetSubscribedLineups();

            if (clientLineups == null)

            // determine if there are custom lineups to consider
            if (File.Exists(Helper.Epg123CustomLineupsXmlPath))
                CustomLineups customLineups;
                using (var stream = new StreamReader(Helper.Epg123CustomLineupsXmlPath, Encoding.Default))
                    var        serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CustomLineups));
                    TextReader reader     = new StringReader(stream.ReadToEnd());
                    customLineups = (CustomLineups)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

                foreach (var lineup in customLineups.CustomLineup.Where(lineup => config.IncludedLineup.Contains(lineup.Lineup)))
                    customLineup = lineup;

                    clientLineups.Lineups.Add(new SubscribedLineup
                        Lineup    = lineup.Lineup,
                        Name      = lineup.Name,
                        Transport = "CUSTOM",
                        Location  = lineup.Location,
                        Uri       = "CUSTOM",
                        IsDeleted = false

                    customMap = new StationChannelMap
                        Map      = new List <LineupChannel>(),
                        Stations = new List <LineupStation>(),
                        Metadata = new LineupMetadata {
                            Lineup = lineup.Lineup

            // reset counters
            processedObjects = 0; totalObjects = clientLineups.Lineups.Count;

            // process lineups
            Logger.WriteMessage($"Entering BuildLineupServices() for {clientLineups.Lineups.Count} lineups.");
            foreach (var clientLineup in clientLineups.Lineups)
                var flagCustom = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientLineup.Uri) && clientLineup.Uri.Equals("CUSTOM");
                ++processedObjects; ReportProgress();

                // request the lineup's station maps
                StationChannelMap lineupMap = null;
                if (!flagCustom)
                    lineupMap = SdApi.GetStationChannelMap(clientLineup.Lineup);
                    if (lineupMap == null)

                    foreach (var station in lineupMap.Stations.Where(station => !AllStations.ContainsKey(station.StationId)))
                        AllStations.Add(station.StationId, station);

                if (!config.IncludedLineup.Contains(clientLineup.Lineup))
                    Logger.WriteVerbose($"Subscribed lineup {clientLineup.Lineup} has been EXCLUDED from download and processing.");
                if (clientLineup.IsDeleted)
                    Logger.WriteWarning($"Subscribed lineup {clientLineup.Lineup} has been DELETED at the headend.");
                if (flagCustom)
                    foreach (var station in customLineup.Station.Where(station => station.StationId != null))
                        if (AllStations.TryGetValue(station.StationId, out var lineupStation))
                            customMap.Map.Add(new LineupChannel
                                StationId = station.StationId,
                                AtscMajor = station.Number,
                                AtscMinor = station.Subnumber,
                                MatchName = station.MatchName
                        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(station.Alternate) && AllStations.TryGetValue(station.Alternate, out lineupStation))
                            customMap.Map.Add(new LineupChannel
                                StationId = station.Alternate,
                                AtscMajor = station.Number,
                                AtscMinor = station.Subnumber,
                                MatchName = station.MatchName
                    lineupMap = customMap;
                    Logger.WriteVerbose($"Successfully retrieved the station mapping for lineup {clientLineup.Lineup}.");
                if (lineupMap == null)

                var lineupIndex = SdMxf.With.Lineups.Count;
                SdMxf.With.Lineups.Add(new MxfLineup
                    Index    = lineupIndex + 1,
                    LineupId = clientLineup.Lineup,
                    Name     = $"EPG123 {clientLineup.Name} ({clientLineup.Location})"

                // use hashset to make sure we don't duplicate channel entries for this station
                var channelNumbers = new HashSet <string>();

                // build the services and lineup
                foreach (var station in lineupMap.Stations)
                    // check if station should be downloaded and processed
                    if (!flagCustom)
                        if (station == null || (ExcludedStations.Contains(station.StationId) && !CustomStations.Contains(station.StationId)))
                        if (!IncludedStations.Contains(station.StationId) && !config.AutoAddNew)
                            Logger.WriteWarning($"**** Lineup {clientLineup.Name} ({clientLineup.Location}) has added station {station.StationId} ({station.Callsign}). ****");

                    // build the service if necessary
                    var mxfService = SdMxf.GetService(station.StationId);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mxfService.CallSign))
                        // instantiate stationLogo and override uid
                        StationImage stationLogo = null;
                        mxfService.UidOverride = $"EPG123_{station.StationId}";

                        // determine station name for ATSC stations
                        var atsc  = false;
                        var names = station.Name.Replace("-", "").Split(' ');
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(station.Affiliate) && names.Length == 2 && names[0] == station.Callsign && $"({names[0]})" == $"{names[1]}")
                            atsc = true;

                        // add callsign and station name
                        mxfService.CallSign = CheckCustomCallsign(station.StationId) ?? station.Callsign;
                        mxfService.Name     = CheckCustomServicename(station.StationId) ?? (atsc ? $"{station.Callsign} ({station.Affiliate})" : null) ?? station.Name;

                        // add affiliate if available
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(station.Affiliate))
                            mxfService.mxfAffiliate = SdMxf.GetAffiliate(station.Affiliate);

                        // add station logo if available and allowed
                        var logoPath    = $"{Helper.Epg123LogosFolder}\\{station.Callsign}.png";
                        var urlLogoPath = logoPath.Replace($"{Helper.Epg123LogosFolder}\\", $"http://{Environment.MachineName}:{Helper.TcpPort}/logos/");
                        var customPath  = $"{Helper.Epg123LogosFolder}\\{station.Callsign}_c.png";
                        if (config.IncludeSdLogos)
                            // make sure logos directory exists
                            if (!Directory.Exists(Helper.Epg123LogosFolder))

                            if (station.StationLogos != null)
                                stationLogo = station.StationLogos.FirstOrDefault(arg => arg.Category != null && arg.Category.Equals(config.PreferredLogoStyle, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ??
                                              station.StationLogos.FirstOrDefault(arg => arg.Category != null && arg.Category.Equals(config.AlternateLogoStyle, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                                if (stationLogo != null)
                                    switch (stationLogo.Category)
                                    case "dark":
                                        logoPath = logoPath.Replace(".png", "_d.png");

                                    case "gray":
                                        logoPath = logoPath.Replace(".png", "_g.png");

                                    case "light":
                                        logoPath = logoPath.Replace(".png", "_l.png");

                                    case "white":
                                        logoPath = logoPath.Replace(".png", "_w.png");
                            if (stationLogo == null && !config.PreferredLogoStyle.Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !config.AlternateLogoStyle.Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                stationLogo = station.Logo;

                            // download the logo from SD if not present in the .\logos folder
                            if (stationLogo != null && !File.Exists(logoPath))
                                var url = stationLogo.Url;

                                // download, crop & resize logo image, save and add
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                                    StationLogosToDownload.Add(new KeyValuePair <MxfService, string[]>(mxfService, new[] { logoPath, url }));

                            // add the existing logo; custom logo overrides downloaded logos
                            if (File.Exists(customPath))
                                logoPath = customPath;
                            urlLogoPath = logoPath.Replace($"{Helper.Epg123LogosFolder}\\", $"http://{Environment.MachineName}:{Helper.TcpPort}/logos/");

                            if (File.Exists(logoPath))
                                mxfService.mxfGuideImage = SdMxf.GetGuideImage(Helper.Standalone ? $"file://{logoPath}" : urlLogoPath, GetStringEncodedImage(logoPath));

                        // handle xmltv logos
                        if (config.XmltvIncludeChannelLogos.Equals("url"))
                            if (stationLogo != null)
                                mxfService.extras.Add("logo", stationLogo);
                            else if (station.Logo?.Url != null)
                                mxfService.extras.Add("logo", station.Logo);
                        else if (config.XmltvIncludeChannelLogos.Equals("local") && config.IncludeSdLogos)
                            if (File.Exists(logoPath))
                                var image = Image.FromFile(logoPath);
                                mxfService.extras.Add("logo", new StationImage
                                    Url    = Helper.Standalone ? logoPath : urlLogoPath,
                                    Height = image.Height,
                                    Width  = image.Width
                            else if (stationLogo != null)
                                mxfService.extras.Add("logo", new StationImage
                                    Url = Helper.Standalone ? logoPath : urlLogoPath

                    // match station with mapping for lineup number and subnumbers
                    foreach (var map in lineupMap.Map)
                        var number    = -1;
                        var subnumber = 0;
                        if (!map.StationId.Equals(station.StationId))

                        // QAM
                        if (map.ChannelMajor != 0)
                            number    = map.ChannelMajor;
                            subnumber = map.ChannelMinor;

                        // ATSC (and CUSTOM) or NTSC
                        else if (map.AtscMajor != 0)
                            number    = map.AtscMajor;
                            subnumber = map.AtscMinor;
                        else if (map.UhfVhf != 0)
                            number = map.UhfVhf;

                        // Cable or Satellite
                        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(map.Channel))
                            subnumber = 0;
                            if (Regex.Match(map.Channel, @"[A-Za-z]{1}[\d]{4}").Length > 0)
                                // 4dtv has channels starting with 2 character satellite identifier
                                number = int.Parse(map.Channel.Substring(2));
                            else if (!int.TryParse(Regex.Replace(map.Channel, "[^0-9.]", ""), out number))
                                // if channel number is not a whole number, must be a decimal number
                                var numbers = Regex.Replace(map.Channel, "[^0-9.]", "").Replace('_', '.').Replace('-', '.').Split('.');
                                if (numbers.Length == 2)
                                    number    = int.Parse(numbers[0]);
                                    subnumber = int.Parse(numbers[1]);

                        string matchName = null;
                        switch (clientLineup.Transport)
                        case "CUSTOM":
                            matchName = map.MatchName;

                        case "DVB-S":
                            var m = Regex.Match(lineupMap.Metadata.Lineup, @"\d+\.\d+");
                            if (m.Success && map.FrequencyHz > 0 && map.NetworkId > 0 && map.TransportId > 0 && map.ServiceId > 0)
                                while (map.FrequencyHz > 13000)
                                    map.FrequencyHz /= 1000;
                                matchName = $"DVBS:{m.Value.Replace(".", "")}:{map.FrequencyHz}:{map.NetworkId}:{map.TransportId}:{map.ServiceId}";
                            number    = -1;
                            subnumber = 0;

                        case "DVB-T":
                            if (map.NetworkId > 0 && map.TransportId > 0 && map.ServiceId > 0)
                                matchName = $"DVBT:{map.NetworkId}:{map.TransportId}:{map.ServiceId}";

                        case "Antenna":
                            if (map.AtscMajor > 0 && map.AtscMinor > 0)
                                matchName = $"OC:{map.AtscMajor}:{map.AtscMinor}";

                        var channelNumber = $"{number}{(subnumber > 0 ? $".{subnumber}" : "")}";
                        if (channelNumbers.Add($"{channelNumber}:{station.StationId}"))
                            SdMxf.With.Lineups[lineupIndex].channels.Add(new MxfChannel
                                mxfLineup  = SdMxf.With.Lineups[lineupIndex],
                                mxfService = mxfService,
                                Number     = number,
                                SubNumber  = subnumber,
                                MatchName  = matchName

            if (StationLogosToDownload.Count > 0)
                StationLogosDownloadComplete = false;
                Logger.WriteInformation($"Kicking off background worker to download and process {StationLogosToDownload.Count} station logos.");
                BackgroundDownloader                            = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker();
                BackgroundDownloader.DoWork                    += BackgroundDownloader_DoWork;
                BackgroundDownloader.RunWorkerCompleted        += BackgroundDownloader_RunWorkerCompleted;
                BackgroundDownloader.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;

            if (SdMxf.With.Services.Count > 0)
                // report specific stations that are no longer available
                var missing = (from station in IncludedStations where SdMxf.With.Services.FirstOrDefault(arg => arg.StationId.Equals(station)) == null select config.StationId.Single(arg => arg.StationId.Equals(station)).CallSign).ToList();
                if (missing.Count > 0)
                    MissingStations = missing.Count;
                    Logger.WriteInformation($"Stations no longer available since last configuration save are: {string.Join(", ", missing)}");

                Logger.WriteMessage("Exiting BuildLineupServices(). SUCCESS.");

            Logger.WriteError($"There are 0 stations queued for download from {clientLineups.Lineups.Count} subscribed lineups. Exiting.");
            Logger.WriteError("Check that lineups are 'INCLUDED' and stations are selected in the EPG123 GUI.");