Esempio n. 1
        public override Resource LoadResourceData(ScummBinaryReader reader, string resourceId, IDictionary <string, object> parameters)
            var charset = new Charset(resourceId);

            uint blockSize = reader.FindDataBlock("CHAR");

            if (blockSize == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find the script header block.");

            // Load the room palette associated with the charset
            // (huge hack - I have no idea what to do when room is 0)
            if ((byte)parameters["RoomId"] == 0)
                parameters["RoomId"] = (byte)10;

            long keepPos     = reader.BaseStream.Position;
            var  roomPalette = this.resourceManager.Load <Room>("ROOM", (byte)parameters["RoomId"]).Palette;

            reader.BaseStream.Position = keepPos;

            // Read charset header information
            var unknown = reader.ReadBytes(6);

            byte[] colormap = new byte[16];
            colormap[0] = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
                colormap[i + 1] = reader.ReadByte();

            long initPosition = reader.BaseStream.Position;

            byte numBitsPerPixel = reader.ReadByte();
            byte bitMask         = (byte)(0xFF << (8 - numBitsPerPixel));

            byte  fontHeight = reader.ReadByte();
            short numChars   = reader.ReadInt16();

            uint[] offsets = new uint[numChars];
            for (int i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
                offsets[i] = reader.ReadUInt32();

            // Read each char
            for (int i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
                if (offsets[i] == 0)

                reader.BaseStream.Position = initPosition + offsets[i];

                charset.Chars[i].width  = reader.ReadByte();
                charset.Chars[i].height = reader.ReadByte();
                // a flag is needed to disable offX
                charset.Chars[i].offX = 0; reader.ReadByte();
                charset.Chars[i].offY = reader.ReadByte();
                charset.Chars[i].pic  = new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, charset.Chars[i].width, charset.Chars[i].height);

                byte[] bytes = new byte[charset.Chars[i].width * charset.Chars[i].height * 4];

                Byte bits          = reader.ReadByte();
                Byte remainingBits = 8;
                for (int y = 0; y < charset.Chars[i].height; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < charset.Chars[i].width; ++x)
                        long colorId = (bits & bitMask) >> (8 - numBitsPerPixel);
                        long color   = colormap[colorId];

                        byte alpha = 255;
                        if (colorId == 0)
                            alpha = 0;

                        bytes[(y * charset.Chars[i].width + x) * 4]     = roomPalette[color].R;
                        bytes[(y * charset.Chars[i].width + x) * 4 + 1] = roomPalette[color].G;
                        bytes[(y * charset.Chars[i].width + x) * 4 + 2] = roomPalette[color].B;
                        bytes[(y * charset.Chars[i].width + x) * 4 + 3] = alpha;

                        bits           = (byte)(bits << numBitsPerPixel);
                        remainingBits -= numBitsPerPixel;
                        if (remainingBits <= 0)
                            bits          = reader.ReadByte();
                            remainingBits = 8;


Esempio n. 2
        private CostumeAnimation LoadAnimation(ScummBinaryReader reader, string resourceId, int animationIndex, long startOffset, ushort[] animationOffsets, ushort[] limbOffsets, ushort animationCommandOffset, byte[] palette, Color[] roomPalette, bool containsRedirection, bool mirror)
            if (animationOffsets[animationIndex] == 0)

            reader.BaseStream.Position = startOffset + animationOffsets[animationIndex];

            var costumeAnimation = new CostumeAnimation();

            costumeAnimation.IsMirrored = mirror;

            var currentFrameIndex      = 0;
            var framesCount            = 0;
            var startAnimationPosition = reader.BaseStream.Position;

            while (currentFrameIndex < framesCount || currentFrameIndex == 0)
                var mask = reader.ReadUInt16();

                var costumeFrame = new CostumeFrame();
                var imageData    = new LayeredImageData();

                var i = 0;

                    if ((mask & 0x8000) != 0)
                        var startAnimationCommandOffset = reader.ReadUInt16();

                        if (startAnimationCommandOffset != 0xFFFF)
                            var flags = reader.ReadByte();

                            var loop     = flags & 0x8000;
                            var endFrame = flags & 0x7F;

                            if (currentFrameIndex == 0 && framesCount == 0)
                                framesCount = Math.Max(framesCount, endFrame) + 1;

                            var oldStreamPosition = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                            reader.BaseStream.Position = startOffset + animationCommandOffset + startAnimationCommandOffset + Math.Min(currentFrameIndex, endFrame);

                            var animationCommandValue = reader.ReadByte();

                            if (animationCommandValue == 0x71)
                                // TODO: Handle special commands (sounds, etc.)

                            else if (animationCommandValue == 0x7A)
                                // TODO: Implement start command

                            else if (animationCommandValue == 0x79)
                                // TODO: Implement stopped command

                                reader.BaseStream.Position = startOffset + limbOffsets[i] + animationCommandValue * 2;
                                var pictOffset = reader.ReadUInt16();

                                reader.BaseStream.Position = startOffset + pictOffset;

                                var width     = reader.ReadUInt16();
                                var height    = reader.ReadUInt16();
                                var relativeX = reader.ReadInt16();
                                var relativeY = reader.ReadInt16();
                                var movementX = reader.ReadInt16();
                                var movementY = reader.ReadInt16();

                                if (containsRedirection)
                                    var redirectionLimb = reader.ReadByte();
                                    var redirectionPict = reader.ReadByte();

                                imageData.CreateLayer(width, height, new Vector2(relativeX, relativeY));

                                DecodeImageData(reader, imageData, width, height, palette, roomPalette);

                            reader.BaseStream.Position = oldStreamPosition;

                    mask = (ushort)(mask << 1);
                } while ((mask & 0xFFFF) != 0);

                costumeFrame.FrameType = CostumeFrameType.Frame;

                // TODO: Fill offset and movement vector

                var textureData = imageData.GetBytes();
                costumeFrame.Data = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D(this.graphicsDevice, imageData.Width, imageData.Height, false, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SurfaceFormat.Color);


                if (!Directory.Exists("DebugAnims\\" + resourceId))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory("DebugAnims\\" + resourceId);
                costumeFrame.Data.SaveAsPng(File.Create(string.Format("DebugAnims\\" + resourceId + "\\Anim{0}_{1}.png", animationIndex, currentFrameIndex)), costumeFrame.Data.Width, costumeFrame.Data.Height);

                reader.BaseStream.Position = startAnimationPosition;
