Esempio n. 1
    /******************************* MOUSE CLICK MANAGER *******************************/

    public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData data)
        if (!thisSlotHasACombinationPending)
            if (data.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
                if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) && currentlyAssigned != null)
            else if (data.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Right)
                if (mainSlotManager.GetItemInControlByMouse() == null)
                    if (currentlyAssigned != null)
                        int amountOfItemToAssign = (currentlyAssigned.stack - currentlyAssigned.stack % 2) / 2;
                        if (amountOfItemToAssign != 0)
                            mainSlotManager.AssignItemToMouseControl(new ResourceReferenceWithStack(currentlyAssigned.uiSlotContent, amountOfItemToAssign));
                        currentlyAssigned.stack -= amountOfItemToAssign;
                        Debug.Log("Assigned " + amountOfItemToAssign + " of " + currentlyAssigned.uiSlotContent.itemScreenName + " to mouse control.");
                else if (mainSlotManager.GetItemInControlByMouse() != null)
                    if (currentlyAssigned == null)
                        if (mainSlotManager.GetItemInControlByMouse().stack == 1)
                            AssignNewItem(new ResourceReferenceWithStack(mainSlotManager.GetItemInControlByMouse().uiSlotContent, 1));
                            mainSlotManager.ChangeStackOfItemInControlByMouse(mainSlotManager.GetItemInControlByMouse().stack - 1);
                    else if (currentlyAssigned != null)
                        if (ScriptingUtilities.CheckUIResourceReferencesForEquality(currentlyAssigned, mainSlotManager.GetItemInControlByMouse()))
                            currentlyAssigned.stack += 1;
                            mainSlotManager.ChangeStackOfItemInControlByMouse(mainSlotManager.GetItemInControlByMouse().stack - 1);
Esempio n. 2
 protected override void OnDeath()
     //Note: Application.Quit() does not work for the Web Player or the Unity Editor.
     //Application.Quit ();
     //The following does work for the editor.
     Debug.Log("Quitting the game");
Esempio n. 3
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void Initialize()

            // When in the editor, check for the DotNetWinRT dll and define the appropriate
            // preprocessor sybmol
                new string[] { "DOTNETWINRT_PRESENT" });
#endif // UNITY_EDITOR
Esempio n. 4
 //Should be called by PurchasePanelManager.
 public void DefinePanelItem(ResourceReferenceWithStack item, int requiredCost)
     if (item != null && item.stack != 0)
         heldItem = item;
         //Get sprite without pivot point.
         currentItemIcon.sprite = ScriptingUtilities.GetSpriteWithoutPivotPoint(item.uiSlotContent.itemIcon);
         cost.text = requiredCost.ToString();
         Debug.LogError("Cannot define panel item to be null or have a stack of 0!!");
Esempio n. 5
    /******************************* ASSIGNING *******************************/

    public virtual void AssignNewItem(ResourceReferenceWithStack itemToAssign)
        if (itemToAssign.stack != 0)
            Sprite itemWithoutPivotPoint = ScriptingUtilities.GetSpriteWithoutPivotPoint(itemToAssign.uiSlotContent.itemIcon);
            childIcon.enabled = true;
            currentlyAssigned = itemToAssign;
            childIcon.sprite  = itemWithoutPivotPoint;
            Debug.LogError("Could not assign item with 0 stack!");
Esempio n. 6
    public void InitializeProjectileWithThresholdAndDeviation(Vector3 positionToFireToward, float velocity, float currentHeading, float headingThreshold, float maxRandomDeviation, float ctorArrowPower)
        playerObject = CurrentLevelVariableManagement.GetPlayerReference();

        //Set physics of the projectile.
        rb2d = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();
        //Returned in radians.
        float radianAngleToTarget = Mathf.Atan2((positionToFireToward.y - transform.position.y), (positionToFireToward.x - transform.position.x));
        float degreeAngleToTarget = ScriptingUtilities.RadiansToDegrees(radianAngleToTarget);

        //Used to set the threshold angles that the arrow can be shot at.
        if (currentHeading == 0)
            if (180 >= degreeAngleToTarget && degreeAngleToTarget >= headingThreshold)
                degreeAngleToTarget = headingThreshold;
            else if (-180 <= degreeAngleToTarget && degreeAngleToTarget <= -headingThreshold)
                degreeAngleToTarget = -headingThreshold;
        else if (currentHeading == 180)
            if (0 <= degreeAngleToTarget && degreeAngleToTarget <= 180 - headingThreshold)
                degreeAngleToTarget = 180 - headingThreshold;
            else if (0 >= degreeAngleToTarget && degreeAngleToTarget >= -180 + headingThreshold)
                degreeAngleToTarget = -180 + headingThreshold;

        degreeAngleToTarget += Random.Range(0, maxRandomDeviation) - maxRandomDeviation / 2;

        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, degreeAngleToTarget));
        rb2d.velocity           = new Vector2(velocity * Mathf.Cos(ScriptingUtilities.DegreesToRadians(degreeAngleToTarget)), velocity * Mathf.Sin(ScriptingUtilities.DegreesToRadians(degreeAngleToTarget)));

        arrowPower = ctorArrowPower;

        //Start the coroutine that checks when the arrow should be destroyed (takes up memory space)
Esempio n. 7
    public virtual void Initialize(Vector2 positionToFireToward, float velocity, float power)
        playerObject = InstanceDatabase.GetPlayerReference();
        //Get the Rigidbody component so that physics can be used.
        rb2d = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();

        //Calculate the heading to the fire location.
        float radianAngleToTarget = Mathf.Atan2((positionToFireToward.y - transform.position.y), (positionToFireToward.x - transform.position.x));
        float degreeAngleToTarget = radianAngleToTarget * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

        //Turn to the heading and move in that direction.
        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, degreeAngleToTarget));
        rb2d.velocity           = new Vector2(velocity * Mathf.Cos(ScriptingUtilities.DegreesToRadians(degreeAngleToTarget)), velocity * Mathf.Sin(ScriptingUtilities.DegreesToRadians(degreeAngleToTarget)));

        //Set the strength of the arrow.
        this.power = power;

        //Start the coroutine that checks when the arrow should be destroyed (takes up memory space)
Esempio n. 8
    //Called from the public AddIngredient function.
    void ManageCombination()
        // Check the createdIngredientArray to see whether the ResourceReference components match.
        ResourceReference[] createdIngredientResourceReferenceArray =

        //For every combination in the database.
        for (int i = 0; i < ResourceDatabase.masterItemCombinationList.Count; i++)
            //Convert the two database ingredients in use into an array.
            ResourceReference[] combinationDatabaseItemRequirements =

            //Check whether the local and database arrays are equal.
            if (ScriptingUtilities.CheckArraysForEquality(createdIngredientResourceReferenceArray, combinationDatabaseItemRequirements))
                //Create an integer array that defines the stack of each local item.
                int[] createdIngredientStackArray =
                //Create an integer array that defines the stack of each database ingredient.
                int[] combinationDatabaseStackRequirements =

                //Determine whether the stacks satisfy the minimum requirement.
                if (
                    createdIngredientStackArray[0] >= combinationDatabaseStackRequirements[0] && createdIngredientStackArray[1] >= combinationDatabaseStackRequirements[1]
                    int maxPossibleItemStack = DetermineMaxPossibleStackOfItem(combinationDatabaseStackRequirements, createdIngredientStackArray);
                    if (maxPossibleItemStack != 0)
                        assigner1.ModifyCurrentItemStack(-1 * maxPossibleItemStack * combinationDatabaseStackRequirements[0]);
                        Debug.Log("Deducted " + maxPossibleItemStack * combinationDatabaseStackRequirements[0] + " from assigner 1.");
                        assigner2.ModifyCurrentItemStack(-1 * maxPossibleItemStack * combinationDatabaseStackRequirements[1]);
                        Debug.Log("Deducted " + maxPossibleItemStack * combinationDatabaseStackRequirements[1] + " from assigner 2, stack is now.");

                        ResourceReferenceWithStack finalProduct = new ResourceReferenceWithStack(ResourceDatabase.masterItemCombinationList[i].product.uiSlotContent, ResourceDatabase.masterItemCombinationList[i].product.stack * maxPossibleItemStack);
                        Debug.Log("Max possible item stack was 0");
                    Debug.LogError("Stack did not satisfy the minimum number required.");

            if (i == ResourceDatabase.masterItemCombinationList.Count - 1)
                Debug.LogError("Combination ingredients not found");
Esempio n. 9
    //Takes the transfer segments defined earlier and instantiates them based on sprite size.
    TerrainReferenceClass InitializeTerrain()
        //Make sure that the level length is not less than what has to be instantiated.
        if (levelLength < transferSegments.endVariations.Length + transferSegments.introductoryVariations.Length)
            Debug.Log("The level length is not large enough to hold all of the required variations, changing to " + (transferSegments.endVariations.Length + transferSegments.introductoryVariations.Length));
            levelLength = transferSegments.endVariations.Length + transferSegments.introductoryVariations.Length;

        //This is recorded and changed as more terrain is added.
        float currentXPosition = 0;
        //This will be returned once filled in.
        TerrainReferenceClass createdMaze = new TerrainReferenceClass(levelLength + transferSegments.introductoryVariations.Length + transferSegments.introductoryVariations.Length);
        //This holds the main maze part.
        Transform parentMaze = new GameObject("Maze").transform;

        parentMaze.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, -8);

        //Instantiate the starting point.
        GameObject instantiatedStartPoint = LayTerrainAsset(transferSegments.startSegment,, Quaternion.identity, parentMaze);

        instantiatedStartPoint.transform.localPosition =;
        currentXPosition += GetSpriteSizeFromGameObject(instantiatedStartPoint).x / 2f;

        //Apparently this can be null (weird error)
        for (int i = 0; i < transferSegments.introductoryVariations.Length; i++)
            //Instantiate the next introductory variation.
            float halfWidth = GetSpriteSizeFromGameObject(transferSegments.introductoryVariations [i].variationReference.gameObject).x / 2f;
            currentXPosition += halfWidth;
            GameObject createdAsset = LayTerrainAsset(transferSegments.introductoryVariations [i].variationReference.gameObject, new Vector3(currentXPosition, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity, parentMaze);
            createdMaze.layer1[i] = createdAsset.transform;
            currentXPosition     += halfWidth;

        //For all levelLength values.  Start at the length of introductory variations and move on from there to the level length minus the number of .
        for (int i = transferSegments.introductoryVariations.Length; i < levelLength - transferSegments.endVariations.Length; i++)
            //Half-Width and currentX position are used for all variations.
            VariationReference chosenVariationLayer1 = ScriptingUtilities.GetRandomObjectFromArray(transferSegments.l1Variations);
            GameObject         chosenObjectLayer1    = chosenVariationLayer1.variationReference;
            float halfWidth = GetSpriteSizeFromGameObject(chosenObjectLayer1).x / 2f;
            currentXPosition += halfWidth;
            //Layer 1
            Vector3    pointToInstantiateLayer1Object = new Vector3(currentXPosition, 0, 0);
            GameObject instantiatedObjectLayer1       = LayTerrainAsset(chosenObjectLayer1, pointToInstantiateLayer1Object, Quaternion.identity, parentMaze);
            if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 1 && chosenVariationLayer1.canBeFlipped)
                instantiatedObjectLayer1.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-1, 1, 1);
            createdMaze.layer1[i + transferSegments.introductoryVariations.Length] = instantiatedObjectLayer1.transform;
            //Layer 2
            //Make sure that layer 2 objects do exist.
            if (transferSegments.l2Variations.Length != 0)
                VariationReference chosenVariationLayer2          = ScriptingUtilities.GetRandomObjectFromArray(transferSegments.l2Variations);
                GameObject         chosenObjectLayer2             = chosenVariationLayer2.variationReference;
                Vector3            pointToInstantiateLayer2Object = new Vector3(currentXPosition, -(GetSpriteSizeFromGameObject(chosenObjectLayer1).y / 2f + GetSpriteSizeFromGameObject(chosenObjectLayer2).y / 2f), 0);
                GameObject         instantiatedObjectLayer2       = LayTerrainAsset(chosenObjectLayer2, pointToInstantiateLayer2Object, Quaternion.identity, parentMaze);
                if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 1 && chosenVariationLayer2.canBeFlipped)
                    instantiatedObjectLayer2.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-1, 1, 1);
                createdMaze.layer2[i] = instantiatedObjectLayer2.transform;
                //Layer 3
                //Make sure that layer 3 objects do exist (dependent on whether layer 2 objects exist as well).
                if (transferSegments.l3Variations.Length != 0)
                    VariationReference chosenVariationLayer3          = ScriptingUtilities.GetRandomObjectFromArray(transferSegments.l3Variations);
                    GameObject         chosenObjectLayer3             = chosenVariationLayer3.variationReference;
                    Vector3            pointToInstantiateLayer3Object = new Vector3(currentXPosition, instantiatedObjectLayer2.transform.position.y - (GetSpriteSizeFromGameObject(chosenObjectLayer2).y / 2f + GetSpriteSizeFromGameObject(chosenObjectLayer3).y / 2f), 0);
                    GameObject         instantiatedObjectLayer3       = LayTerrainAsset(chosenObjectLayer3, pointToInstantiateLayer3Object, Quaternion.identity, parentMaze);
                    if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 1 && chosenVariationLayer3.canBeFlipped)
                        instantiatedObjectLayer3.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-1, 1, 1);
                    createdMaze.layer3[i] = instantiatedObjectLayer3.transform;
            //Add current X position
            currentXPosition += halfWidth;

        //Apparently this can be null (weird error)
        for (int i = 0; i < transferSegments.endVariations.Length; i++)
            //Instantiate the next introductory variation.
            float halfWidth = GetSpriteSizeFromGameObject(transferSegments.endVariations [i].variationReference.gameObject).x / 2f;
            currentXPosition += halfWidth;
            GameObject createdAsset = LayTerrainAsset(transferSegments.endVariations [i].variationReference.gameObject, new Vector3(currentXPosition, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity, parentMaze);
            createdMaze.layer1[i + levelLength + transferSegments.introductoryVariations.Length] = createdAsset.transform;
            currentXPosition += halfWidth;

        //Instantiate the end segment.
        currentXPosition += GetSpriteSizeFromGameObject(transferSegments.startSegment).x / 2f;
        GameObject instantiatedEndPoint = LayTerrainAsset(transferSegments.startSegment, new Vector3(currentXPosition, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity, parentMaze);

        instantiatedEndPoint.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-1, 1, 1);

        instantiatedEndPoint.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(instantiatedEndPoint.transform.position.x, instantiatedEndPoint.transform.position.y, 0);

        //Calculate the float level length, then send it over to CurrentLevelVariableManagement.
        float levelLengthX = instantiatedEndPoint.transform.position.x - instantiatedStartPoint.transform.position.x;

        //Set the level length (will be used for things like the particle effect).

Esempio n. 10
    //Parse through all enemy item points.
    void CreateTerrainItems(TerrainReferenceClass mazeSegments)
        //This list will hold the positions of all of the enemy item positions.
        List <Transform> allEnemyItemPoints = new List <Transform> ();

        //This prevents a ton of future errors and if-checking.
        if (initialGameElements.Length != 0)
            //Instantiate all items
            for (int i = 0; i < mazeSegments.layer1.Length; i++)
                //Preventing future errors.
                if (mazeSegments.layer1[i] != null)
                    if (mazeSegments.layer1[i].Find("Points") != null)
                        Transform enemyItemsTransform = mazeSegments.layer1[i].Find("Points").Find("EnemyItems");
                        //Check to make sure enemy item points exist.
                        if (enemyItemsTransform != null)
                            //Find the points
                            Transform[] enemyItemPoints = ScriptingUtilities.ParseChildrenFromTransform(enemyItemsTransform);
                            for (int j = 0; j < enemyItemPoints.Length; j++)
                                //Add all transforms to the master list.
                        Debug.Log("Did not find points upon which to instantiate enemies on increment " + i + " with variation name " + mazeSegments.layer1[i];
                    Debug.LogError("MazeSegments.layer1[" + i + "] is null!!!!");
            Debug.LogError("No initial game elements are set!");

        //Make sure that the previous step added transforms to the list.
        if (allEnemyItemPoints.Count > 0)
            //Sort the object references
            //Make sure that the variations have the capacity to fill all required items.
            if (requiredItems.Length <= allEnemyItemPoints.Count)
                //List of empty points
                List <int> emptyPoints = new List <int> ();
                //Populate the list of points.
                for (int j = 0; j < allEnemyItemPoints.Count; j++)

                //All required items.
                for (int j = 0; j < requiredItems.Length; j++)
                    int chosenLoc = Random.Range(0, emptyPoints.Count);
                    //Choose a point out of the existing points.
                    int pointToInstantiateRequiredItem = emptyPoints [chosenLoc];
                    //Instantiate the object
                    GameObject createdElement = InstantiateElementOnPoint(requiredItems [j].elementReference,
                                                                          allEnemyItemPoints [pointToInstantiateRequiredItem].position
                    createdElement.transform.SetParent(allEnemyItemPoints [pointToInstantiateRequiredItem]);

                    //Remove the point that was just used from the list.

                //For the rest of the points.
                while (emptyPoints.Count > 0)
                    int chosenLoc = Random.Range(0, emptyPoints.Count);
                    int pointToInstantiateRequiredItem = emptyPoints [chosenLoc];
                    //Instantiate the object
                    InstantiatableObjectReference chosenElement = ChooseElement();
                    //Check to make sure that it is not supposed to instantiate anything.
                    if (chosenElement != null)
                        //Instantiate element
                        GameObject createdElement = InstantiateElementOnPoint(chosenElement.elementReference,
                                                                              allEnemyItemPoints [pointToInstantiateRequiredItem].position
                        createdElement.transform.SetParent(allEnemyItemPoints [pointToInstantiateRequiredItem]);
                    //Remove the point that was just used from the list.