/// <summary>
        /// Called by Unity.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            // Create domain
            domain = ScriptDomain.CreateDomain("Example Domain");

            // Compile and load code - Note that we use 'CompileAndLoadMainSource' which is the same as 'CompileAndLoadSource' but returns the main type in the compiled assembly
            ScriptType type = domain.CompileAndLoadMainSource(sourceCode, ScriptSecurityMode.UseSettings);

            // Create an instance of 'Example'
            ScriptProxy proxy = type.CreateInstance();

            // Create an instance of 'Example' using the overload constructor
            proxy = type.CreateInstance();

            // Call the method called 'ExampleMethod' and pass the string argument 'World'
            // Note that any exceptions thrown by the target method will not be caught
            proxy.Call("ExampleMethod", "World");

            // Call the method called 'ExampleMethod' and pass the string argument 'Safe World'
            // Note that any exceptions thrown by the target method will handled as indicated by the 'Safe' name
            proxy.SafeCall("ExampleMethod", "Safe World");
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by Unity.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            // Create domain
            domain = ScriptDomain.CreateDomain("Example Domain");

            // Compile and load code - Note that we use 'CompileAndLoadMainSource' which is the same as 'CompileAndLoadSource' but returns the main type in the compiled assembly
            ScriptType type = domain.CompileAndLoadMainSource(sourceCode, ScriptSecurityMode.UseSettings);

            // Create an instance of 'Example'
            ScriptProxy proxy = type.CreateInstance();

            // Create an instance of 'Example' using the overload constructor
            proxy = type.CreateInstance();

            // Get the field value from a field with the name 'exampleField' and cast it to a string value
            string fieldString = (string)proxy.Fields["exampleField"];

            // Check that the string we read has the expected value
            Debug.Log(fieldString == "Hello World");

            // Set a field value with the name 'exampleField'
            // An exception may occur if the assigned type canot be implicitly converted to the actual field type
            proxy.Fields["exampleField"] = "Goodbye World";

            // The safe version will handle any exceptions thrown when trying to access the field and return null if that is the case.
            fieldString = (string)proxy.SafeFields["exampleField"];

            proxy.SafeFields["exampleField"] = fieldString;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by Unity.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            // Create domain
            domain = ScriptDomain.CreateDomain("Example Domain");

            // Compile and load code - Note that we use 'CompileAndLoadMainSource' which is the same as 'CompileAndLoadSource' but returns the main type in the compiled assembly
            ScriptType type = domain.CompileAndLoadMainSource(sourceCode, ScriptSecurityMode.UseSettings);

            // Create an instance of 'Example'
            ScriptProxy proxy = type.CreateInstance();

            // Create an instance of 'Example' using the overload constructor
            proxy = type.CreateInstance();

            // Get the property value from a property with the name 'ExampleProperty' and cast it to a string value
            string propertyString = (string)proxy.Properties["ExampleProperty"];

            // Check that the string we read has the expected value
            Debug.Log(propertyString == "Hello World");

            // Set a property value with the name 'ExampleProperty'
            // Note that this will throw an 'TargetException' because the specified property does not define a 'set' accessor
            proxy.Properties["ExampleProperty"] = "Goodbye World";

            // The safe version will handle any exceptions thrown when trying to access the property and return null if that is the case.
            propertyString = (string)proxy.SafeProperties["ExampleProperty"];

            proxy.SafeProperties["ExampleProperty"] = propertyString;
    public void ExecuteCode()
         * {*/
        robotManagementCode = GetRobotManagementClass();
        ScriptDomain         domain = ScriptDomain.CreateDomain("MyDomain");
        ScriptType           type   = domain.CompileAndLoadMainSource(robotManagementCode);
        ScriptProxy          proxy  = type.CreateInstance(robot);
        Tuple <bool, string> result = (Tuple <bool, string>)proxy.Call("isTaskCompleted");

        if (result.Item1)
            UI.ResultField.text = "<color=green>Задание выполнено!</color>";
            Canvas.GetComponent <TaskCompletingActions>().MakeActions(taskNumber);
            UI.CloseTaskButton.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            UI.ResultField.text = "Есть ошибки. Попробуй ещё раз!";
        UI.OutputField.text = result.Item2;

         * {
         *  Debug.Log("Exception!!!");
         *  UI.ResultField.text = "Есть ошибки. Попробуй ещё раз!";
         * }*/
Esempio n. 5
        public void CreateObject(string abName, string prefabName, string scriptName, string layer, LuaFunction func = null, LuaFunction objCreatedCallback = null)
            abName = abName + AppConst.ExtName;

            ResManager.LoadPrefab(abName, prefabName, delegate(UnityEngine.Object[] objs)
                if (objs.Length == 0)
                // Get the asset.
                GameObject prefab = objs[0] as GameObject;
                if (prefab == null)
                GameObject go           = Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject;
                go.layer                = LayerMask.NameToLayer(layer);
                ScriptProxy scriptPorxy = go.AddComponent <ScriptProxy>();
                scriptPorxy.className   = scriptName;
                if (objCreatedCallback != null)
                if (func != null)
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the demo game and runs the tank with the specified C# code controlling it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The C# sorce code to run</param>
        public void RunTankScript(string source)
            if (tankObject != null)
                // Strip the old controller script
                TankController old = tankObject.GetComponent <TankController>();

                if (old != null)

                // Reposition the tank at its start position
            // Compile the script
            ScriptType type = domain.CompileAndLoadScriptSource(source);

            if (type == null)
                Debug.Log("Compile failed" + domain.GetErrorLineValue());
                // Debug.LogError("Compile failed");
                GameObject.Find("ErrorExplain").GetComponent <Text>().text    = "";
                GameObject.Find("ErrorShowLine").GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0f);

            // Make sure the type inherits from 'TankController'
            if (type.IsSubtypeOf <TankController>() == true && tankObject != null)
                // Attach the component to the object
                proxy = type.CreateInstance(tankObject);

                // Check for error
                if (proxy == null)
                    // Display error
                    Debug.LogError(string.Format("Failed to create an instance of '{0}'", type.RawType));
                // Assign the bullet prefab to the 'TankController' instance
                proxy.Fields["playBuSprite"]  = playBuSprite;
                proxy.Fields["buttonPlayimg"] = buttonPlayimg;
                proxy.Fields["bulletObject"]  = bulletObject;
                proxy.Fields["nextStage"]     = nextStage;
                // Call the run tank method   crash
                //proxy.Fields["crash"] = crash;
                //if(tankObject != null){
                //    Debug.LogError("The script must inherit from 'TankController'");
Esempio n. 7
        public static bool Exception(ScriptProxy proxy, Exception e)
            if (OnScriptError != null)
                OnScriptError(proxy, e);

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the ControlSpecific JavaScript. This script is safe to
        /// allow multiple callbacks to run simultaneously.
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateControlSpecificJavaScript()
            // Figure out the initial URL we're going to
            // Either it's the provided URL from the control or
            // we're posting back to the current page
            string Url = null;

            if (ServerUrl == null || ServerUrl == "")
                Url = Context.Request.Path;
                Url = ResolveUrl(ServerUrl);

            //Uri ExistingUrl = Context.Request.Url;

            //// Must fix up URL into fully qualified URL for XmlHttp
            //if (!ServerUrl.ToLower().StartsWith("http"))
            //    Url = ExistingUrl.Scheme + "://" + ExistingUrl.Authority + Url;

            string CallbackHandler = ClientCompleteHandler;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CallbackHandler))
                CallbackHandler = "null";

            string StartupCode =
                "function " + ClientID + @"_GetHoverPanel() {
    var hover = new HoverPanel(""#" + ClientID + @""");
    hover.serverUrl = """ + Url + @""";
    hover.timeout = " + Timeout.ToString() + @";
    hover.completed = " + CallbackHandler + @";
    hover.htmlTargetId = """ + (HtmlTargetClientId == "" ? ClientID : HtmlTargetClientId) + @""";
    hover.postbackMode = """ + PostBackMode.ToString() + @""";
    hover.navigateDelay = " + NavigateDelay.ToString() + @";
    hover.adjustWindowPosition = " + AdjustWindowPosition.ToString().ToLower() + @";
    hover.eventHandlerMode = """ + EventHandlerMode.ToString() + @""";
    hover.shadowOpacity = " + ShadowOpacity.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + @";
    hover.shadowOffset = " + ShadowOffset + @";
    hover.hoverOffsetRight = " + HoverOffsetRight.ToString() + @";
    hover.hoverOffsetBottom = " + HoverOffsetBottom.ToString() + @";
    return hover;
$( function() { 
    window." + ClientID + " = " + ClientID + @"_GetHoverPanel();

            ScriptProxy.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), ClientID + "_STARTUP", StartupCode, true);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the demo game and runs the tank with the specified C# code controlling it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The C# sorce code to run</param>
        public IEnumerator RunTankScript(string source)
            // Strip the old controller script
            TankController old = tankObject.GetComponent <TankController>();

            if (old != null)

            // Reposition the tank at its start position

            // Compile the script asynchronously
            AsyncCompileLoadOperation task = domain.CompileAndLoadScriptSourcesAsync(source);

            // Wait for compile to complete
            yield return(task);

            if (task.IsSuccessful == false)
                Debug.LogError("Compile failed");
                yield break;

            // Get the main compiled type
            ScriptType type = task.MainType;

            // Make sure the type inherits from 'TankController'
            if (type.IsSubtypeOf <TankController>() == true)
                // Attach the component to the object
                ScriptProxy proxy = type.CreateInstance(tankObject);

                // Check for error
                if (proxy == null)
                    // Display error
                    Debug.LogError(string.Format("Failed to create an instance of '{0}'", type.RawType));
                    yield break;

                // Assign the bullet prefab to the 'TankController' instance
                proxy.Fields["bulletObject"] = bulletObject;

                // Call the run tank method
                Debug.LogError("The script must inherit from 'TankController'");
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Causes the mouse crawler to stop moving and reset to its initial position.
        /// </summary>
        public void StopCrawler()
            if (activeCrawlerScript != null)
                // Get the maze crawler instance
                MazeCrawler mazeCrawler = activeCrawlerScript.GetInstanceAs <MazeCrawler>(false);

                // Call the restart method

                // Destroy script
                activeCrawlerScript = null;
Esempio n. 11
        protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)

            if (Closable)
                string script = "\r\n$( function() { $('#" + DragHandleID + "').find('img').click( function(e) { " + ClientID + ".hide(); } );})\r\n";
                ScriptProxy.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(ControlResources), ID + "_ModalCloseHandler", script, true);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShowScript))
                ScriptProxy.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(ControlResources), ID + "_ModalShow", ShowScript, true);
        public MainViewModel(object script)
            _scriptProxy  = new ScriptProxy(script);
            _settingsRepo = new SettingsRepository();

            OpenPatientContextCommand       = new RelayCommand(OpenPatientContext);
            RemovePatientContextCommand     = new RelayCommand(RemovePatientContext);
            RemoveAllPatientContextsCommand = new RelayCommand(RemoveAllPatientContexts);
            RunWithPatientContextCommand    = new RelayCommand(RunWithPatientContext);

            OpenPatientCommand = new RelayCommand(OpenPatient);
            RunScriptCommand   = new RelayCommand(RunScript);
            ExitCommand        = new RelayCommand(Exit);

Esempio n. 13
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            if (Visible)
                StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();

                script.Append("'#" + ClientID + "',{");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HeaderId))
                    script.Append("headerId: '" + HeaderId + "',");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentId))
                    script.Append("contentId: '" + ContentId + "',");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientDialogHandler))
                    script.Append("dialogHandler:" + ClientDialogHandler + ",");

                    // Clear out the handler so the dragpanel doesn't implement it
                    ClientDialogHandler = null;

                if (FadeinBackground)
                    script.Append("fadeInBackground: true,");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OverlayId))
                    script.Append("overlayId: '" + OverlayId + "',");

                script.Append("backgroundOpacity:" + BackgroundOpacity.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ",");

                string scrpt = "var " + ID + " =  new _ModalDialog(" + script.ToString().TrimEnd(',') + "});\r\n";

                ScriptProxy.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(ControlResources), ID + "_ModalStart", scrpt, true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the demo game and runs the tank with the specified C# code controlling it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The C# sorce code to run</param>
        public void RunTankScript(string source)
            // Strip the old controller script
            TankController old = tankObject.GetComponent <TankController>();

            if (old != null)

            // Reposition the tank at its start position

            // Compile the script
            ScriptType type = domain.CompileAndLoadScriptSource(source);

            if (type == null)
                Debug.LogError("Compile failed");

            // Make sure the type inherits from 'TankController'
            if (type.IsSubtypeOf <TankController>() == true)
                // Attach the component to the object
                ScriptProxy proxy = type.CreateInstance(tankObject);

                // Check for error
                if (proxy == null)
                    // Display error
                    Debug.LogError(string.Format("Failed to create an instance of '{0}'", type.RawType));

                // Assign the bullet prefab to the 'TankController' instance
                proxy.Fields["bulletObject"] = bulletObject;

                // Call the run tank method
                Debug.LogError("The script must inherit from 'TankController'");
Esempio n. 15
        public new ObjectGuid AddObject(object obj, bool postLoad, ObjectGuid objectId)
            if (obj is IScriptLogic)
                ScriptProxy proxy = new ScriptProxy();
                if (!proxy.SetLogic((IScriptLogic)obj, postLoad))
                Simulator_AddObjectImpl(proxy, objectId.Value);
                return(ExceptionTrap.ProcessObjectGuid(proxy.ObjectId, true));
            ITask task = (ITask)obj;

            Simulator_AddObjectImpl(task, objectId.Value);
            return(ExceptionTrap.ProcessObjectGuid(task.ObjectId, true));
Esempio n. 16
    public IEnumerator RunAsync(string source, TextMeshProUGUI textUI, List <int> list, List <double> listD)
        ScriptDomain          domain         = ScriptDomain.CreateDomain("resposta");
        AsyncCompileOperation compileRequest = domain.CompileAndLoadSourceAsync(source, ScriptSecurityMode.UseSettings);

        // Wait for operation to complete
        yield return(compileRequest);

        // Check for compiler errors
        if (compileRequest.IsSuccessful == false)
            // Get all errors
            foreach (CompilationError error in compileRequest.CompileDomain.CompileResult.Errors)
                if (error.IsError == true)
                    textUI.text = error.ToString();
                else if (error.IsWarning == true)
            type  = compileRequest.CompiledType;
            proxy = type.CreateInstance(this.gameObject);
            proxy.Fields["_inputs"]  = list;
            proxy.Fields["_Dinputs"] = listD;
            if ((string)proxy.Fields["_loopError"] != null)
                textUI.text = (string)proxy.Fields["_loopError"];
                textUI.text = (string)proxy.Fields["_output"];
Esempio n. 17
        void Start()
            // Should we enable the compiler for our domain
            // This is requried if we want to load C# scripts as opposed to assemblies
            bool initCompiler = true;

            // Create our domain
            domain = ScriptDomain.CreateDomain("ModDomain", initCompiler);

            // Load the source code into our domain
            ScriptType type = domain.CompileAndLoadScriptSource(sourceCode);

            // Create an instance of our type
            ScriptProxy proxy = type.CreateInstance();

            // Call the test method
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by Unity.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            // Create domain
            domain = ScriptDomain.CreateDomain("Example Domain");

            // Compile and load code - Note that we use 'CompileAndLoadMainSource' which is the same as 'CompileAndLoadSource' but returns the main type in the compiled assembly
            ScriptAssembly assembly = domain.CompileAndLoadSource(sourceCode, ScriptSecurityMode.UseSettings);

            // Find all types
            ScriptType type           = assembly.FindType("Example");
            ScriptType behaviourType  = assembly.FindSubTypeOf <MonoBehaviour>("ExampleBehaviour");
            ScriptType scriptableType = assembly.FindSubTypeOf <ScriptableObject>("ExampleScriptable");

            // Create an instance of 'Example'
            ScriptProxy proxy = type.CreateInstance();

            // Create an instance of 'Example' using the overload constructor
            proxy = type.CreateInstance(null, "Hello World");

            // Create an instance of 'ExampleBehaviour'
            // Note that we need to pass a game object to attach the component to because it inherits from 'MonoBehaviour'
            // Failing to provide a valid game object will case the result to be null
            // Awake, OnEnable, Start and other Unity callbacks will be triggered as you would expect
            ScriptProxy behaviourProxy = behaviourType.CreateInstance(gameObject);

            // Both outputs will be 'true'

            // Create an instance of 'ExampleScriptable'
            // this is much the same as creating a normal instance however it will be constructed using 'ScriptableObject.CreateInstance' because it inherits from 'ScriptableObject'
            ScriptProxy scriptableProxy = scriptableType.CreateInstance();

            // Both outputs will be 'true'
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Causes the mouse crawler to reset its initial position and start crawling again.
        /// </summary>
        public void RestartCrawler()
            if (activeCrawlerScript != null)
                ScriptType type = activeCrawlerScript.ScriptType;

                // Get the maze crawler instance
                MazeCrawler mazeCrawler = activeCrawlerScript.GetInstanceAs <MazeCrawler>(false);

                // Call the restart method

                // Remove and re-add script to reset it
                activeCrawlerScript = type.CreateInstance(mazeMouse);

                activeCrawlerScript.Fields["breadcrumbPrefab"] = breadcrumbPrefab;
                activeCrawlerScript.Fields["moveSpeed"]        = mouseSpeed;
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// This method just builds the various JavaScript blocks as strings
        /// and assigns them to the ClientScript object.
        /// MouseEvents to the panel to show/hide the panel on mouse out
        /// operations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
            if (!IsCallback)

                // On HoverPanel operation we need to hide the window when we move off
                if (EventHandlerMode == HoverEventHandlerModes.ShowHtmlAtMousePosition)
                    if (AutoCloseHoverWindow)
                        // Register hover out/in behavior on startup
                        ScriptProxy.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(ControlResources), ClientID + "_hpStartup",
                                                          @"$( function() { 
    $('#" + ClientID + @"')
        .hover( function() { " + ClientID + @".show(); },
                function() { " + ClientID + @".hide(); } );
", true);
                else if (EventHandlerMode == HoverEventHandlerModes.ShowIFrameAtMousePosition ||
                         EventHandlerMode == HoverEventHandlerModes.ShowIFrameInPanel)
                    LiteralControl Ctl = new LiteralControl();
                    Ctl.Text = "<iframe id='" + ClientID + "_IFrame' frameborder='0' width='" + Width.ToString() + "' height='" + IFrameHeight.ToString() + "'></iframe>";

                if (PanelOpacity != 1)
                    ScriptProxy.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(ControlResources), ClientID + "_hpOpacity",
                                                      @"$( function() {     
    $('#" + ClientID + @"').css('opacity'," + PanelOpacity.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + @"');
", true);
Esempio n. 21
        void Start()
            // Should we enable the compiler for our domain
            // This is required if we want to load C# scripts as opposed to assemblies.
            bool initCompiler = true;

            // Create our domain
            domain = ScriptDomain.CreateDomain("ModDomain", initCompiler);

            // Load the source code into our domain
            ScriptType type = domain.CompileAndLoadScriptSource(sourceCode);

            // Create an instance of our type - We need to pass a game object because 'Test' inherits from monobehaviour
            ScriptProxy proxy = type.CreateInstance(gameObject);

            // Coroutines are supported by default (true) but support can be disabled by specifying 'false' as the value.
            // Any method that returns 'IEnumerator' will be called as a coroutine.
            proxy.supportCoroutines = true;

            // Call the test method as a coroutine
Esempio n. 22
    public bool UpdateScript(Ship ship, StarSystem starSystem, string code)
        if (domain != null)

        domain = ScriptDomain.CreateDomain("ShipDomain", true);


        type = domain.CompileAndLoadMainSource(@code);

        if (proxy != null && !proxy.IsDisposed)


        proxy = type.CreateInstance(gameObject);

        if (type != null)
            proxy.Fields["ship"]       = ship;
            proxy.Fields["starSystem"] = starSystem;
        void Start()
            // Should we enable the compiler for our domain
            // This is requried if we want to load C# scripts as opposed to assemblies
            bool initCompiler = true;

            // Create our domain
            domain = ScriptDomain.CreateDomain("ModDomain", initCompiler);

            // Load the source code into our domain
            ScriptType type = domain.CompileAndLoadScriptSource(sourceCode);

            // Create an instance of our type
            ScriptProxy proxy = type.CreateInstance();

            // We know that the 'Test' class implements the 'IExampleInterface' so we can access the implementation like this:
            IExampleInterface instance = proxy.GetInstanceAs <IExampleInterface>(true);

            // Call the hello method on the instance

            // Call the goodbye method in the instance
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Main run method.
        /// This causes any modified code to be recompiled and executed on the mouse crawler.
        /// </summary>
        public void RunCrawler()
            // Get the C# code from the input field
            string cSharpSource = runCrawlerInput.text;

            // Dont recompile the same code
            if (activeCSharpSource != cSharpSource || activeCrawlerScript == null)
                // Remove any other scripts

                    // Compile code
                    ScriptType type = domain.CompileAndLoadMainSource(cSharpSource, ScriptSecurityMode.UseSettings, assemblyReferences);

                    // Check for null
                    if (type == null)
                        if (domain.RoslynCompilerService.LastCompileResult.Success == false)
                            throw new Exception("Maze crawler code contained errors. Please fix and try again");
                        else if (domain.SecurityResult.IsSecurityVerified == false)
                            throw new Exception("Maze crawler code failed code security verification");
                            throw new Exception("Maze crawler code does not define a class. You must include one class definition of any name that inherits from 'RoslynCSharp.Example.MazeCrawler'");

                    // Check for base class
                    if (type.IsSubTypeOf <MazeCrawler>() == false)
                        throw new Exception("Maze crawler code must define a single type that inherits from 'RoslynCSharp.Example.MazeCrawler'");

                    // Create an instance
                    activeCrawlerScript = type.CreateInstance(mazeMouse);
                    activeCSharpSource  = cSharpSource;

                    // Set speed value
                    activeCrawlerScript.Fields["breadcrumbPrefab"] = breadcrumbPrefab;
                    activeCrawlerScript.Fields["moveSpeed"]        = mouseSpeed;
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Show the code editor window
                    throw e;
                // Get the maze crawler instance
                MazeCrawler mazeCrawler = activeCrawlerScript.GetInstanceAs <MazeCrawler>(false);

                // Call the restart method