private static int GetScriptPriority(ScriptInjectOrder scriptPosition)
            switch (scriptPosition)
            case ScriptInjectOrder.a_BeforejQuery:

            case ScriptInjectOrder.b_BeforeDnnXml:

            case ScriptInjectOrder.c_BeforeDomPositioning:

            case ScriptInjectOrder.d_BeforeDnnControls:

        /// <summary>
        /// Inject a js Library reference into the page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">The page object of the page to add the script reference to</param>
        /// <param name="name">Unique name for the script</param>
        /// <param name="lib">Url to the script library (can be relative/absolute)</param>
        /// <param name="inHeader">True if to go in the page header, false if to go into the page body</param>
        /// <param name="scriptPosition">Enumerated position for calculating where to place the script.  Works for DNN 6.1 and later only, ignored in earlier versions</param>
        public static void InjectJsLibrary(System.Web.UI.Page page, string name, string lib, bool inHeader, ScriptInjectOrder scriptPosition)
            var major                  = default(int);
            var minor                  = default(int);
            var build                  = default(int);
            var revision               = default(int);
            var allowInHeader          = false;
            var useDotNetNukeWebClient = false;
            var dnnWebClientOk         = false;

            if (DNNUtilities.SafeDNNVersion(major, minor, revision, build))
                switch (major)
                case 4:
                case 5:
                    allowInHeader = true;

                    //6.0 and above
                    if (minor >= 1)
                        //6.1 and abpve
                        if (revision < 1)
                            //6.1.0 - work with change in order that means no placement of scripts in header
                            allowInHeader          = false;
                            useDotNetNukeWebClient = true;
                            //6.1.1 and above - use client dependency framework
                            useDotNetNukeWebClient = true;
                        allowInHeader = true;

            if (useDotNetNukeWebClient)
                //use the dotnetnuke web client methods
                var priority = GetScriptPriority(scriptPosition);
                //get the imbibe type
                var imbibe = Type.GetType("DotNetNuke.Web.Client.ClientResourceManagement.ClientResourceManager, DotNetNuke.Web.Client");
                if (imbibe != null)
                    //create arrays of both types and values for the parameters, in readiness for the reflection call
                    var paramTypes  = new Type[4];
                    var paramValues = new object[4];
                    paramTypes[0]  = typeof(System.Web.UI.Page);
                    paramValues[0] = page;
                    paramTypes[1]  = typeof(string);
                    paramValues[1] = lib;
                    paramTypes[2]  = typeof(int);
                    paramValues[2] = priority;
                    paramTypes[3]  = typeof(string);
                    if (inHeader && allowInHeader)
                        paramValues[3] = "PageHeaderProvider";
                        paramValues[3] = "DnnBodyProvider";
                    //call the method to register the script via reflection
                    var registerScriptMethod = imbibe.GetMethod("RegisterScript", paramTypes);
                    if (registerScriptMethod != null)
                        registerScriptMethod.Invoke(null, paramValues);
                        //worked OK
                        dnnWebClientOk = true;

            if (!useDotNetNukeWebClient || dnnWebClientOk == false)
                //earlier versions or failed with reflection call, inject manually
                if (inHeader && allowInHeader)
                    if (page.Header.FindControl(name) == null)
                        var jsLib = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("script");
                        jsLib.Attributes.Add("src", lib);
                        jsLib.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript");
                        jsLib.ID = name;
                    //register a script block - doesn't go in the header
                    if (page.ClientScript != null)
                        page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude(name, lib);