public override bool OnHeartbeat(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { var c_time = Council.council_time(); if ((attachee.GetMap() == 5048 && ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) != 0 && c_time == 1)) { // Townhall if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 1) { ScriptDaemon.set_v(435, 3); Council_Script(attachee, triggerer); } } if ((attachee.GetMap() == 5048)) { // Townhall if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(436) == 3 && ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) < 4)) { // you've found the trap, initiate dialogue with rufus to GTFO foreach (var npc in ObjList.ListVicinity(attachee.GetLocation(), ObjectListFilter.OLC_NPC)) { if ((npc.GetNameId() == 8071)) { SelectedPartyLeader.BeginDialog(npc, 2000); } } } } return(RunDefault); }
public override bool OnEndCombat(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if (attachee.GetNameId() == 14811) // The Beacon { attachee.FloatMesFileLine("mes/script_activated.mes", 16, TextFloaterColor.Red); var countt_encroachers = 1; var countt_all = 1; foreach (var npc in ObjList.ListVicinity(attachee.GetLocation(), ObjectListFilter.OLC_NPC)) { attachee.FloatMesFileLine("mes/test.mes", countt_all, TextFloaterColor.Red); countt_all += 1; if (ScriptDaemon.is_far_from_party(npc, 48) && !npc.IsUnconscious()) { attachee.FloatMesFileLine("mes/test.mes", countt_encroachers, TextFloaterColor.Green); countt_encroachers += 1; var joe = Utilities.party_closest(npc); } } // encroach(npc, joe) attachee.FloatMesFileLine("mes/script_activated.mes", 16, TextFloaterColor.Red); if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("Beacon_Active") > 0) { ScriptDaemon.set_v("Beacon_Active", ScriptDaemon.get_v("Beacon_Active") - 1); } attachee.Destroy(); // so combat won't get stuck attachee.FloatMesFileLine("mes/script_activated.mes", 16, TextFloaterColor.Red); return(RunDefault); } return(RunDefault); }
public static bool join_temple(string temple_name_input) { var temple_name = temple_name_input.ToString(); if (temple_name == "water") { SetGlobalFlag(112, true); // Oohlgrist has joined water temple if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 2) == 2) // Water has already regrouped { ScriptDaemon.set_v(454, ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) | 0x40); } } else if (temple_name == "fire") { SetGlobalFlag(118, true); // Oohlgrist has joined fire temple if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 0x8) == 0x8) // Fire has already regrouped { ScriptDaemon.set_v(454, ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) | 0x10); } } else { SelectedPartyLeader.Damage(null, DamageType.Subdual, Dice.Parse("500d1")); SelectedPartyLeader.FloatMesFileLine("mes/skill_ui.mes", 155); } return(SkipDefault); }
public static int council_time() { // returns 1 if the time is the first day of the month, between 22:00 and 22:30, the month after Burne said he'd address the council // returns 2 if it's on that day, between 22:30 and 23:00 // returns 3 if it's between 19 and 22 // returns 4 if it's after the coucil events have played out, and it isn't the time for an ordinary council // returns 5 if it's the time for an ordinary council // can be used to create council meetings in general! var currentCalendar = CurrentCalendar; var g_year = currentCalendar.Year; var g_month = currentCalendar.Month; var g_day = currentCalendar.Day; var g_hour = currentCalendar.Hour; var g_minute = currentCalendar.Minute; var c_month = (ScriptDaemon.get_v(438) & 31); var c_year = (ScriptDaemon.get_v(438) & (32768 - 1 - 31)) / 32; // uses a bit mask to filter the year, and brings it 5 bits down // explanation: // 32768 = 1000000000000000 // 32768 - 1 = 1000000000000000 - 1 = 0111111111111111 // 32768 - 1 - 31 = 111111111111111 - 11111 = 111111111100000 if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 0) { c_year = 2097; if (g_year >= 2097) { c_year = g_year + 1; } } if (g_year == c_year && g_month == c_month && g_day == 1 && g_hour == 22 && g_minute >= 0 && g_minute <= 30) { return(1); } else if ((g_year == c_year && g_month == c_month && g_day == 1 && g_hour == 22 && g_minute > 30)) { return(2); } else if (g_month == c_month && g_day == 1 && g_hour >= 19 && g_hour < 22) { return(3); } else if ((g_year > c_year) || (g_year == c_year && g_month > c_month) || (g_year == c_year && g_month == c_month && g_day > 1) || (g_year == c_year && g_month == c_month && g_day == 1 && g_hour >= 23)) { if (g_day == 1 && g_hour == 22 && g_minute >= 0 && g_minute <= 30) { return(5); } return(4); } else if (g_day == 1 && g_hour == 22 && g_minute >= 0 && g_minute <= 30) { return(5); } return(0); }
public override bool OnDying(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(505); ScriptDaemon.set_v(499, ScriptDaemon.get_v(499) + 1); if (Math.Pow((ScriptDaemon.get_v(498) / 75f), 3) + Math.Pow((ScriptDaemon.get_v(499) / 38f), 3) + Math.Pow((ScriptDaemon.get_v(500) / 13f), 3) >= 1) { ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(510); } return(RunDefault); }
public override bool OnWillKos(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 1) != 0 && GetGlobalFlag(104)) { // Earth Temple was on alert, and you killed Romag; don't expect to be safe in the Earth Temple anymore! return(RunDefault); } if ((GetGlobalFlag(347))) { // KOS override return(SkipDefault); } var saw_ally_robe = false; var saw_greater_robe = false; var saw_enemy_robe = false; foreach (var obj in triggerer.GetPartyMembers()) { var robe = obj.ItemWornAt(EquipSlot.Robes); if ((robe != null)) { if ((robe.GetNameId() == 3010)) { // Earth robe saw_ally_robe = true; } else if ((robe.GetNameId() == 3021)) { saw_greater_robe = true; break; } else if (((robe.GetNameId() == 3020) || (robe.GetNameId() == 3016) || (robe.GetNameId() == 3017))) { saw_enemy_robe = true; } } } if ((saw_greater_robe)) { return(SkipDefault); } else if (((saw_ally_robe) && (!saw_enemy_robe))) { return(SkipDefault); } else { return(RunDefault); } }
public override bool OnStartCombat(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if ((attachee.AddCondition("Rend"))) { Logger.Info("Added Rend to Oohlgrist"); } if (((Utilities.obj_percent_hp(attachee) < 50) && (!GetGlobalFlag(350)) && ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & (0x20 + (1 << 7))) == 0))) // if he hasn't already been intimidated or regrouped { GameObject found_pc = null; foreach (var pc in GameSystems.Party.PartyMembers) { if (pc.type == ObjectType.pc) { found_pc = pc; attachee.AIRemoveFromShitlist(pc); } } if (found_pc != null) { SetGlobalFlag(349, true); found_pc.BeginDialog(attachee, 70); return(SkipDefault); } } // THIS IS USED FOR BREAK FREE foreach (var obj in PartyLeader.GetPartyMembers()) { if ((obj.DistanceTo(attachee) <= 9 && obj.GetStat(Stat.hp_current) >= -9)) { return(RunDefault); } } while ((attachee.FindItemByName(8903) != null)) { attachee.FindItemByName(8903).Destroy(); } // if (attachee.d20_query(Q_Is_BreakFree_Possible)): # workaround no longer necessary! // create_item_in_inventory( 8903, attachee ) // attachee.d20_send_signal(S_BreakFree) if (attachee.GetLeader() != null) // Don't wanna f**k up charmed enemies { return(RunDefault); } return(RunDefault); }
public override bool OnFirstHeartbeat(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if ((GetGlobalFlag(199))) { attachee.ClearObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.OFF); } if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(436) == 1 || ScriptDaemon.get_v(436) == 2 || ScriptDaemon.get_v(436) == 6 || ScriptDaemon.get_v(436) == 7)) { attachee.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.OFF); } return(RunDefault); }
public override bool OnDialog(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if (attachee.GetNameId() == 14181) // Water Temple Sentry { if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("water_sentry_pester") < 7) { var lll = RandomRange(0, 3); attachee.FloatLine(lll + 1100, triggerer); ScriptDaemon.set_v("water_sentry_pester", ScriptDaemon.get_v("water_sentry_pester") + 1); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("water_sentry_pester") == 7) { var lll = RandomRange(0, 1); attachee.FloatLine(1104 + lll, triggerer); ScriptDaemon.set_v("water_sentry_pester", ScriptDaemon.get_v("water_sentry_pester") + 1); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("water_sentry_pester") == 8) { attachee.FloatLine(1150, triggerer); ScriptDaemon.set_v("water_sentry_pester", ScriptDaemon.get_v("water_sentry_pester") + 1); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("water_sentry_pester") > 8) { attachee.SetCritterFlag(CritterFlag.MUTE); } } else if ((!attachee.HasMet(triggerer))) { ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(501); if ((GetGlobalFlag(91))) { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 100); } else { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 1); } } else { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 300); } return(SkipDefault); }
public static void initialize_council_events() { // sets persistent variable 'Varrr438' to store the time of the council if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.set_v(435, 1); var c_month = CurrentCalendar.Month + 1; var c_year = CurrentCalendar.Year; if (c_month == 13) { c_month = 1; c_year = c_year + 1; } ScriptDaemon.set_v(438, c_month + 32 * c_year); } return; }
public override bool OnHeartbeat(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if (attachee.GetNameId() == 14181) // Water Temple Bugbear { if ((!GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive() && (ScriptDaemon.get_v(453) & 2) == 0)) { foreach (var pc in GameSystems.Party.PartyMembers) { if (pc.type == ObjectType.pc && is_safe_to_talk2(attachee, pc, 20)) { // attachee.turn_towards(pc) // pc.begin_dialog(attachee, 1) // game.particles('ef-minocloud', attachee) attachee.ClearCritterFlag(CritterFlag.MUTE); attachee.SetScriptId(ObjScriptEvent.Dialog, 445); ScriptDaemon.set_v(453, ScriptDaemon.get_v(453) | 2); // escorting to Water flag var trueCount = (ScriptDaemon.tsc(456, 475) ? 1 : 0) + (ScriptDaemon.tsc(458, 475) ? 1 : 0) + (ScriptDaemon.tsc(459, 475) ? 1 : 0); if (trueCount >= 2) { attachee.FloatLine(1000, pc); } else if (ScriptDaemon.tsc(456, 475)) { attachee.FloatLine(1001, pc); } else if (ScriptDaemon.tsc(458, 475)) { attachee.FloatLine(1002, pc); } else if (ScriptDaemon.tsc(459, 475)) { attachee.FloatLine(1003, pc); } } } } } return(RunDefault); }
public static void council_heartbeat() { var c_time = council_time(); // 1 - between 22:00 and 22:30 on council day // 2 - between 22:30 and 23:00 // 3 - between 19:00 and 22:00 // 4 - after council events ( >23:00 and beyond that day), but without ordinary council // 5 - ordinary council time // 0 - otherwise if (traders_awol() == 1) { ScriptDaemon.set_v(435, 6); } if (c_time == 5) { ScriptDaemon.set_v(440, 1); } else if (c_time == 1) { if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 1) { ScriptDaemon.set_v(435, 3); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) >= 5 || ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 0 && ScriptDaemon.get_v(440) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.set_v(440, 1); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 4) { // council_events() var dummy = 1; } } else if (c_time == 2) { if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 3 || ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 1) { ScriptDaemon.set_v(435, 4); ScriptDaemon.set_v(436, 1); SetGlobalFlag(432, true); } } // council_events() else if (c_time == 3) { if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 2) { ScriptDaemon.set_v(435, 5); ScriptDaemon.set_v(436, 5); SetGlobalVar(750, 3); SetGlobalVar(751, 3); if ((!PartyLeader.HasReputation(23) && (!GetGlobalFlag(814) || !GetGlobalFlag(815)))) { PartyLeader.AddReputation(23); } } } else if ((c_time == 0 || c_time == 4)) { if (c_time == 0 && GetGlobalFlag(336) && (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 1 || ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 2)) { ScriptDaemon.set_v(435, 0); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 3 || ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 4 || (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 1 && c_time == 4)) { // chiefly used for the case where the whole thing played out without you if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(436) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.set_v(436, 1); } ScriptDaemon.set_v(435, 5); if ((!PartyLeader.HasReputation(23) && (!GetGlobalFlag(814) || !GetGlobalFlag(815)))) { PartyLeader.AddReputation(23); } } if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 2 && c_time == 4) { ScriptDaemon.set_v(435, 5); ScriptDaemon.set_v(436, 5); SetGlobalVar(750, 3); SetGlobalVar(751, 3); if ((!PartyLeader.HasReputation(23) && (!GetGlobalFlag(814) || !GetGlobalFlag(815)))) { PartyLeader.AddReputation(23); } } ScriptDaemon.set_v(440, 0); } return; }
public override bool OnHeartbeat(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if ((!GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { foreach (var obj in ObjList.ListVicinity(attachee.GetLocation(), ObjectListFilter.OLC_PC)) { if ((!attachee.HasMet(obj))) { if ((Utilities.is_safe_to_talk(attachee, obj))) { ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(517); if ((triggerer.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasFollowerByName(8031)))) { // Thrommel in Party obj.TurnTowards(attachee); // added by Livonya attachee.TurnTowards(obj); // added by Livonya obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 700); } else if ((triggerer.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasFollowerByName(8040)) && (!GetGlobalFlag(192)))) { // Ashrem in Party obj.TurnTowards(attachee); // added by Livonya attachee.TurnTowards(obj); // added by Livonya obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 860); } else if (((GetGlobalFlag(104)) || (GetGlobalFlag(105)) || (GetGlobalFlag(106)))) { // Killed one of the other priests obj.TurnTowards(attachee); // added by Livonya attachee.TurnTowards(obj); // added by Livonya obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 730); } else if ((GetGlobalFlag(92))) { // Recruited by Wat obj.TurnTowards(attachee); // added by Livonya attachee.TurnTowards(obj); // added by Livonya obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 200); } else { obj.TurnTowards(attachee); // added by Livonya attachee.TurnTowards(obj); // added by Livonya obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 1); } } } } } // game.new_sid = 0 ## removed by Livonya // Prebuffing self and Underpriests # // Added by Livonya, modified by S.A. Oct-2009 # if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 2 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { attachee.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.ResistElements, attachee); attachee.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 6 && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { var Tubal = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 14212); if (Tubal != null && Tubal.GetLeader() == null) { Tubal.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.ResistElements, Tubal); Tubal.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } var Antonio = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 14211); if (Antonio != null && Antonio.GetLeader() == null) { Antonio.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.ResistElements, Antonio); Antonio.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } } if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 8 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { attachee.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.ProtectionFromElements, attachee); attachee.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 10 && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { var Tubal = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 14212); if (Tubal != null && Tubal.GetLeader() == null) { Tubal.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.EndureElements, Tubal); Tubal.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } } if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 11 && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { var Antonio = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 14211); if (Antonio != null && Antonio.GetLeader() == null) { Antonio.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.EndureElements, Antonio); Antonio.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } } if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 12 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { attachee.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.FreedomOfMovement, attachee); attachee.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } // Prebuffing other critters when on Fire Temple Alert # // Added by S.A. Oct-2009 # if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 8) != 0 && GetGlobalVar(713) > 12 && GetGlobalVar(713) < 100) { if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 16 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { var buff_list = new[] { 14344, 14195, 14343 }; // Werewolf, Oohlgrist, Hydra var mang1 = ScriptDaemon.buffee(attachee.GetLocation(), 20, buff_list, new List <GameObject>()); if (mang1 == null) { SetGlobalVar(713, GetGlobalVar(713) + 1); return(RunDefault); } attachee.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.FreedomOfMovement, mang1); attachee.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 17 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { var buff_list = new[] { 14344, 14195, 14343 }; // Werewolf, Oohlgrist, Hydra var Tubal = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 14212); var mang1 = ScriptDaemon.buffee(Tubal.GetLocation(), 20, buff_list, new List <GameObject>()); if (mang1 == null) { SetGlobalVar(713, GetGlobalVar(713) + 1); return(RunDefault); } if (Tubal != null && Tubal.GetLeader() == null) { Tubal.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.EndureElements, mang1); Tubal.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } } if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 18 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { var buff_list = new[] { 14344, 14224 }; // Werewolf, Aern var Antonio = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 14211); var mang1 = ScriptDaemon.buffee(Antonio.GetLocation(), 20, buff_list, new List <GameObject>()); if (mang1 == null) { SetGlobalVar(713, GetGlobalVar(713) + 1); return(RunDefault); } if (Antonio != null && Antonio.GetLeader() == null) { Antonio.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.EndureElements, mang1); Antonio.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } } if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 20 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { var buff_list = new[] { 14344, 14195, 14343 }; // Werewolf, Oohlgrist, Hydra var mang1 = ScriptDaemon.buffee(attachee.GetLocation(), 20, buff_list, new List <GameObject>()); if (mang1 == null) { SetGlobalVar(713, GetGlobalVar(713) + 1); return(RunDefault); } attachee.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.ResistElements, mang1); attachee.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 24 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { var Tubal = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 14212); Tubal.TurnTowards(attachee); var buff_list = new[] { 14344, 14195, 14343 }; // Werewolf, Oohlgrist, Hydra var mang1 = ScriptDaemon.buffee(attachee.GetLocation(), 20, buff_list, new List <GameObject>()); if (mang1 == null) { SetGlobalVar(713, GetGlobalVar(713) + 1); return(RunDefault); } attachee.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.MagicCircleAgainstGood, mang1); attachee.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 28 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { var buff_list = new[] { 14344, 14195, 14343 }; // Werewolf, Oohlgrist, Hydra var mang1 = ScriptDaemon.buffee(attachee.GetLocation(), 20, buff_list, new List <GameObject>()); var mang2 = ScriptDaemon.buffee(attachee.GetLocation(), 20, buff_list, new[] { mang1 }); if (mang2 == null) { SetGlobalVar(713, GetGlobalVar(713) + 1); return(RunDefault); } attachee.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.EndureElements, mang2); attachee.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } if ((GetGlobalVar(713) == 32 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { var Antonio = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 14211); if (Antonio != null) { attachee.TurnTowards(Antonio); } } } // End of section # SetGlobalVar(713, GetGlobalVar(713) + 1); return(RunDefault); }
public override bool OnStartCombat(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if (attachee.GetMap() == 5067 && (new[] { 14174, 14175, 14177, 13002 }).Contains(attachee.GetNameId())) // ToEE level 2 - big bugbear room scripting { var(xx, yy) = attachee.GetLocation(); if (xx >= 416 && xx <= 434 && yy >= 350 && yy <= 398) // big bugbear room { if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("bugbear_room_timevent_count") < 5) { StartTimer(750, () => bugbear_room_increment_turn_counter(ScriptDaemon.get_v("bugbear_room_turn_counter") + 1)); // reset flag in 750ms; in this version, time is frozen, so it will only take place next turn ScriptDaemon.inc_v("bugbear_room_timevent_count"); } var pcs_in_east_hallway = 0; var pcs_in_south_hallway = 0; var pcs_in_inner_south_hallway = 0; var yyp_east_max = 355; var xxp_inner_max = 416; foreach (var obj in PartyLeader.GetPartyMembers()) { var(xxp, yyp) = obj.GetLocation(); if (yyp >= 355 && yyp <= 413 && xxp >= 405 && xxp <= 415 && !obj.IsUnconscious()) { pcs_in_east_hallway += 1; if (yyp > yyp_east_max) { yyp_east_max = yyp; } } if (yyp >= 414 && yyp <= 422 && xxp >= 405 && xxp <= 455) { pcs_in_south_hallway += 1; } if (yyp >= 391 && yyp <= 413 && xxp >= 416 && xxp <= 455) { pcs_in_inner_south_hallway += 1; if (xxp > xxp_inner_max) { xxp_inner_max = xxp; } } } var bugbears_near_door = new List <GameObject>(); var bugbears_near_south_entrance = new List <GameObject>(); foreach (var bugbear_dude in ObjList.ListVicinity(new locXY(416, 359), ObjectListFilter.OLC_NPC)) { if ((new[] { 14174, 14175, 14177 }).Contains(bugbear_dude.GetNameId()) && Utilities.willing_and_capable(bugbear_dude)) { var(xxb, yyb) = bugbear_dude.GetLocation(); if (xxb >= 416 && xxb <= 434 && yyb >= 350 && yyb < 372) { bugbears_near_door.Add(bugbear_dude); } } } // TODO - fear foreach (var bugbear_dude in ObjList.ListVicinity(new locXY(425, 383), ObjectListFilter.OLC_NPC)) { if ((new[] { 14174, 14175, 14177 }).Contains(bugbear_dude.GetNameId()) && Utilities.willing_and_capable(bugbear_dude)) { var(xxb, yyb) = bugbear_dude.GetLocation(); if (xxb >= 416 && xxb <= 434 && yyb >= 372 && yyb <= 399) { bugbears_near_south_entrance.Add(bugbear_dude); } } } if (pcs_in_inner_south_hallway == 0 && pcs_in_south_hallway == 0 && pcs_in_east_hallway > 0) { // PCs in east hallway only - take 3 turns to get there if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("bugbear_room_turn_counter") >= 3) { int xxb_base, yyb_base; if (yyp_east_max <= 395) { yyb_base = yyp_east_max + 20; xxb_base = 406; } else { xxb_base = 416; yyb_base = 415; } var bb_index = 0; var bb_x_offset_array = new[] { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, -1, -1 }; var bb_y_offset_array = new[] { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }; foreach (var bugbear_dude in bugbears_near_south_entrance) { if (bugbear_dude != attachee && bb_index <= 7) { bugbear_dude.Move(new locXY(xxb_base + bb_x_offset_array[bb_index], yyb_base + bb_y_offset_array[bb_index]), 0f, 0f); bugbear_dude.Attack(SelectedPartyLeader); bb_index += 1; } } } } else if (pcs_in_inner_south_hallway > 0 && pcs_in_south_hallway == 0 && pcs_in_east_hallway == 0) { // PCs in inner south hallway only - take 3 turns to reach if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("bugbear_room_turn_counter") >= 3) { int xxb_base; int yyb_base; int[] bb_x_offset_array; int[] bb_y_offset_array; if (xxp_inner_max <= 440) { xxb_base = xxp_inner_max + 15; yyb_base = 406; bb_x_offset_array = new[] { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0 }; bb_y_offset_array = new[] { 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 1, 2 }; } else { xxb_base = 450; yyb_base = 415; bb_x_offset_array = new[] { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, -1, -1 }; bb_y_offset_array = new[] { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }; } var bb_index = 0; foreach (var bugbear_dude in bugbears_near_door) { if (bugbear_dude != attachee && bb_index <= 7) { bugbear_dude.Move(new locXY(xxb_base + bb_x_offset_array[bb_index], yyb_base + bb_y_offset_array[bb_index]), 0f, 0f); bugbear_dude.Attack(SelectedPartyLeader); bb_index += 1; } } } } } } // THIS IS USED FOR BREAK FREE // found_nearby = 0 // for obj in[0].group_list(): // if (obj.distance_to(attachee) <= 3 and obj.stat_level_get(stat_hp_current) >= -9): // found_nearby = 1 // if found_nearby == 0: // while(attachee.item_find(8903) != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL): // attachee.item_find(8903).destroy() // if (attachee.d20_query(Q_Is_BreakFree_Possible)): # workaround no longer necessary! // create_item_in_inventory( 8903, attachee ) // attachee.d20_send_signal(S_BreakFree) // Spiritual Weapon Shenanigens # CombatStandardRoutines.Spiritual_Weapon_Begone(attachee); return(RunDefault); }
public override bool OnDialog(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 2) != 0 && !GetGlobalFlag(108)) // Water Temple regrouped, and he's stuck there { if ((!attachee.HasMet(triggerer))) { if ((triggerer.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasEquippedByName(3017)))) { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 140); } else { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 1000); } } else { if (ScriptDaemon.get_f("realized_grurz_new_situation")) { if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("grurz_float_counter") < 5) { var rand1 = RandomRange(0, 1); attachee.FloatLine(1100 + rand1, triggerer); ScriptDaemon.inc_v("grurz_float_counter"); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("grurz_float_counter") == 5) { attachee.FloatLine(1102, triggerer); ScriptDaemon.inc_v("grurz_float_counter"); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("grurz_float_counter") == 6) { attachee.FloatLine(1103, triggerer); ScriptDaemon.inc_v("grurz_float_counter"); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("grurz_float_counter") == 7) { attachee.FloatLine(1104, triggerer); ScriptDaemon.inc_v("grurz_float_counter"); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("grurz_float_counter") == 8) { attachee.FloatLine(1105, triggerer); attachee.Attack(triggerer); } } else { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 900); } } } else if ((!attachee.HasMet(triggerer))) { if ((triggerer.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasFollowerByName(8023)))) { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 60); } else if ((triggerer.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasEquippedByName(3020)))) { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 120); } else if ((triggerer.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasEquippedByName(3017)))) { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 140); } else { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 1); } } else { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 100); } return(SkipDefault); }
// Script contains: // -Hommlet: DH spawns, Council spawns (maps 5001 - Hommlet exterior, 5048 - Town Hall, 5049 - Stonemason) // -Moathouse: Moathouse respawns // -delayed DH spawn in Town Hall until after council meeting public override bool OnFirstHeartbeat(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if (((GetGlobalVar(972) == 2) && (attachee.GetMap() == 5004))) { Moathouse_Respawn(attachee, triggerer); return(RunDefault); } if (((attachee.GetMap() == 5001 || attachee.GetMap() == 5048 || attachee.GetMap() == 5049) && ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) != 0)) { Council_Script(attachee, triggerer); } return(RunDefault); }
public static void Council_Script(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if ((attachee.GetMap() == 5048 && !GetGlobalFlag(432))) { if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 3)) { // full council assembly spawn var burne = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14004, new locXY(477, 470)); burne.Move(new locXY(477, 470), 0f, 15f); burne.Rotation = 2.3f; burne.SetInt(obj_f.critter_description_unknown, 20000); ScriptDaemon.destroy_weapons(burne, 4058, 0, 0); var rufus = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14006, new locXY(474, 472)); rufus.Move(new locXY(474, 472), 15f, -10f); rufus.Rotation = 2.5f; rufus.SetInt(obj_f.critter_description_unknown, 8071); var jaroo = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14005, new locXY(474, 476)); jaroo.Rotation = 5.5f; ScriptDaemon.destroy_weapons(jaroo, 4047, 4111, 0); jaroo.SetInt(obj_f.critter_description_unknown, 20001); var renton = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14012, new locXY(477, 475)); renton.Move(new locXY(477, 475), 0f, -8f); renton.Rotation = 5.4f; var terjon = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14007, new locXY(480, 474)); terjon.Move(new locXY(480, 474), -25f, 0f); terjon.Rotation = 5.8f; ScriptDaemon.destroy_weapons(terjon, 4124, 6054, 0); var badger1 = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14371, new locXY(482, 474)); badger1.Move(new locXY(482, 474), 0f, 0f); badger1.Rotation = 2.1f; var nevets = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14102, new locXY(475, 477)); nevets.Move(new locXY(475, 477), -8f, 0f); nevets.Rotation = 5.2f; var miller = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14031, new locXY(477, 477)); miller.Move(new locXY(477, 477), 3f, 0f); miller.Rotation = 5.3f; var gundi = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14016, new locXY(479, 477)); gundi.Move(new locXY(479, 477), 0f, 0f); gundi.Rotation = 5.8f; SetGlobalFlag(432, true); SelectedPartyLeader.BeginDialog(burne, 7000); } else if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 2)) { // only badgers spawn, if you suspected R&G var badger1 = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14371, new locXY(476, 477)); badger1.Rotation = 2.5f; var badger2 = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14371, new locXY(479, 477)); badger2.Rotation = 2.6f; var badger3 = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14371, new locXY(474, 476)); badger3.Rotation = 2.5f; SetGlobalFlag(432, true); } } else if ((attachee.GetMap() == 5048 && ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) >= 4)) { // this should delete everyone after it's all over foreach (var npc in ObjList.ListVicinity(attachee.GetLocation(), ObjectListFilter.OLC_NPC)) { if ((to_be_deleted(npc) == 1 && npc.GetLeader() == null)) { npc.Destroy(); } } } return; }
public static void council_events() { // this script is fired from first_heartbeat in the Hommlet Exterior map 5001 if ((SelectedPartyLeader.GetMap() == 5001 && GetGlobalVar(435) == 4 && !GetGlobalFlag(435) && GetGlobalFlag(432))) { // spawns everyone that was inside Towne Hall SetGlobalFlag(435, true); var burne = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14453, new locXY(578, 406)); burne.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat); burne.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat); burne.SetInt(obj_f.critter_description_unknown, 20000); burne.Move(new locXY(578, 406), 0f, 0f); burne.Rotation = 1; ScriptDaemon.destroy_weapons(burne, 4058, 0, 0); var jaroo = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14005, new locXY(583, 412)); jaroo.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat); jaroo.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat); jaroo.SetInt(obj_f.critter_description_unknown, 20001); jaroo.Move(new locXY(583, 412), 0f, 0f); jaroo.Rotation = 0; ScriptDaemon.destroy_weapons(jaroo, 4047, 4111, 0); var rufus = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14006, new locXY(571, 407)); rufus.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat); rufus.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat); rufus.SetInt(obj_f.critter_description_unknown, 8071); rufus.Move(new locXY(571, 407), 0f, 0f); rufus.Rotation = 3; var terjon = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14007, new locXY(570, 412)); terjon.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat); terjon.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat); terjon.SetInt(obj_f.critter_description_unknown, 20003); terjon.Move(new locXY(570, 412), 0f, 0f); terjon.Rotation = 4.5f; ScriptDaemon.destroy_weapons(terjon, 4124, 6054, 0); var renton = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14012, new locXY(583, 409)); renton.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat); renton.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat); renton.SetInt(obj_f.critter_description_unknown, 20007); renton.Move(new locXY(583, 409), 0f, 0f); renton.Rotation = 1; ScriptDaemon.destroy_weapons(renton, 4096, 4036, 6074); var nevets = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14102, new locXY(576, 407)); nevets.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat); nevets.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat); nevets.SetInt(obj_f.critter_description_unknown, 20058); nevets.Move(new locXY(576, 407), 0f, 0f); nevets.Rotation = 3; var miller = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14031, new locXY(571, 412)); miller.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat); miller.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat); miller.SetInt(obj_f.critter_description_unknown, 20026); miller.Move(new locXY(571, 412), 3f, 0f); miller.Rotation = 3; miller.AddCondition("Prone", 0, 0); var gundi = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14016, new locXY(582, 411)); gundi.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat); gundi.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat); gundi.SetInt(obj_f.critter_description_unknown, 20011); gundi.Move(new locXY(582, 411), -10f, -10f); gundi.Rotation = 3; gundi.AddCondition("Prone", 0, 0); var crybaby = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14002, new locXY(575, 417)); crybaby.Move(new locXY(575, 417), 0f, 0f); crybaby.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat); crybaby.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat); crybaby.Rotation = 5.5f; crybaby.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat); crybaby.ClearObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.OFF); if ((GetGlobalVar(436) == 4)) { StartTimer(2000, () => proactivity(crybaby, 3000)); } else { StartTimer(7000, () => proactivity(crybaby, 3000)); } var randy1 = RandomRange(1, 2); randy1 = 2; // remove randomness for testing purposes if ((randy1 == 1)) { var gremag = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14014, new locXY(365, 653)); gremag.AddCondition("Invisible", 0, 0); gremag.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.DONTDRAW); var rannos = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14018, new locXY(366, 655)); rannos.AddCondition("Invisible", 0, 0); rannos.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.DONTDRAW); var dlg_popup = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14806, new locXY(364, 653)); } else { var gremag = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14014, new locXY(318, 495)); gremag.AddCondition("Invisible", 0, 0); gremag.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.DONTDRAW); var rannos = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14018, new locXY(320, 496)); rannos.AddCondition("Invisible", 0, 0); rannos.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.DONTDRAW); var dlg_popup = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14806, new locXY(317, 494)); } // dlg_popup.object_flag_unset(OF_DONTDRAW) // dlg_popup.object_flag_unset(OF_CLICK_THROUGH) // damage section, tough ones: if ((GetGlobalVar(436) != 4)) { lightly_damage(renton); lightly_damage(terjon); lightly_damage(rufus); lightly_damage(jaroo); lightly_damage(burne); StartTimer(8500, () => heal_script(terjon, rufus)); StartTimer(9500, () => heal_script(jaroo, renton)); } // damage section, frail but important ones: if ((GetGlobalVar(436) != 4)) { if ((GetGlobalVar(436) != 6 && GetGlobalVar(436) != 7)) { lightly_damage(nevets); lightly_damage(gundi); StartTimer(700, () => heal_script(jaroo, gundi)); StartTimer(5800, () => heal_script(jaroo, nevets)); } else { heavily_damage(nevets); heavily_damage(gundi); } } // damage section, frail and unimportant ones: if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(436) != 4)) { if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(436) == 3)) { lightly_damage(miller); StartTimer(3500, () => float_comment(terjon, 3000)); StartTimer(3510, () => heal_script(terjon, miller)); } else { heavily_damage(miller); } } } return; }
public bool CheckPrecondition(GameObject npc, GameObject pc, int lineNumber, out string originalScript) { switch (lineNumber) { case 11: case 14: originalScript = "game.quests[46].state == qs_unknown"; return(GetQuestState(46) == QuestState.Unknown); case 12: case 13: case 15: case 16: originalScript = "game.quests[46].state != qs_unknown"; return(GetQuestState(46) != QuestState.Unknown); case 41: case 42: originalScript = "game.quests[46].state == qs_unknown and game.global_flags[105] == 0"; return(GetQuestState(46) == QuestState.Unknown && !GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 43: case 44: originalScript = "game.quests[52].state == qs_unknown and game.global_flags[107] == 0"; return(GetQuestState(52) == QuestState.Unknown && !GetGlobalFlag(107)); case 61: case 62: case 91: case 92: originalScript = "( get_v(454) & (2**1) == 0 )"; return((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & (0x2)) == 0); case 93: case 94: originalScript = "( get_v(454) & (2**1) != 0 )"; return((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & (0x2)) != 0); case 161: case 162: case 1601: case 1602: originalScript = "game.global_flags[105] == 0"; return(!GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 163: case 1603: originalScript = "game.global_flags[105] == 1"; return(GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 164: case 165: case 1604: case 1605: originalScript = "game.global_flags[108] == 1 and game.global_vars[11] < 5"; return(GetGlobalFlag(108) && GetGlobalVar(11) < 5); case 171: case 172: originalScript = "get_v(454) & (2**2) == 0"; return((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & (0x4)) == 0); case 173: originalScript = "( get_v(454) & (2**2) != 0 ) and should_open_sw_doors() == 0"; return(((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & (0x4)) != 0) && should_open_sw_doors() == 0); case 174: originalScript = "( get_v(454) & (2**2) != 0 ) and should_open_sw_doors() == 0"; return(((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & (0x4)) != 0) && should_open_sw_doors() == 0); case 175: originalScript = "( get_v(454) & (2**2) != 0 ) and should_open_sw_doors() == 1"; return(((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & (0x4)) != 0) && should_open_sw_doors() == 1); case 176: originalScript = "( get_v(454) & (2**2) != 0 ) and should_open_sw_doors() == 1"; return(((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & (0x4)) != 0) && should_open_sw_doors() == 1); case 181: case 185: case 1201: case 1205: originalScript = "game.global_vars[11] > 0 and game.global_vars[11] < 5"; return(GetGlobalVar(11) > 0 && GetGlobalVar(11) < 5); case 182: case 186: case 1202: case 1206: originalScript = "game.global_vars[11] == 5"; return(GetGlobalVar(11) == 5); case 231: case 232: originalScript = "game.global_flags[104] == 0"; return(!GetGlobalFlag(104)); case 233: originalScript = "game.global_flags[104] == 1"; return(GetGlobalFlag(104)); case 281: case 282: originalScript = "(game.quests[49].state == qs_mentioned or game.quests[49].state == qs_accepted) and game.global_vars[11] == 5"; return((GetQuestState(49) == QuestState.Mentioned || GetQuestState(49) == QuestState.Accepted) && GetGlobalVar(11) == 5); case 283: case 284: case 285: case 286: originalScript = "game.quests[49].state == qs_mentioned"; return(GetQuestState(49) == QuestState.Mentioned); case 287: case 288: originalScript = "game.quests[49].state == qs_accepted and game.global_flags[108] == 1 and game.global_vars[11] < 5"; return(GetQuestState(49) == QuestState.Accepted && GetGlobalFlag(108) && GetGlobalVar(11) < 5); case 289: case 290: originalScript = "game.quests[50].state == qs_mentioned"; return(GetQuestState(50) == QuestState.Mentioned); case 291: case 292: originalScript = "game.quests[50].state == qs_accepted and game.global_flags[109] == 1"; return(GetQuestState(50) == QuestState.Accepted && GetGlobalFlag(109)); case 293: case 294: case 295: case 296: originalScript = "game.quests[51].state == qs_mentioned"; return(GetQuestState(51) == QuestState.Mentioned); case 297: case 298: originalScript = "game.quests[51].state == qs_accepted and game.global_flags[105] == 1 and game.global_flags[107] == 1"; return(GetQuestState(51) == QuestState.Accepted && GetGlobalFlag(105) && GetGlobalFlag(107)); case 299: case 300: originalScript = "game.quests[51].state == qs_accepted and game.global_flags[105] == 1 and game.global_flags[107] == 0"; return(GetQuestState(51) == QuestState.Accepted && GetGlobalFlag(105) && !GetGlobalFlag(107)); case 301: case 302: originalScript = "game.quests[51].state == qs_accepted and game.global_flags[105] == 0 and game.global_flags[107] == 1"; return(GetQuestState(51) == QuestState.Accepted && !GetGlobalFlag(105) && GetGlobalFlag(107)); case 303: case 304: originalScript = "game.quests[51].state == qs_completed"; return(GetQuestState(51) == QuestState.Completed); case 305: case 306: originalScript = "get_f('realized_grurz_new_situation') and (game.quests[49].state == qs_accepted or game.quests[49].state == qs_mentioned)"; return(ScriptDaemon.get_f("realized_grurz_new_situation") && (GetQuestState(49) == QuestState.Accepted || GetQuestState(49) == QuestState.Mentioned)); case 341: case 346: originalScript = "game.global_flags[105] == 1 and game.global_flags[107] == 1"; return(GetGlobalFlag(105) && GetGlobalFlag(107)); case 342: case 347: originalScript = "game.global_flags[105] == 1 and game.global_flags[107] == 0"; return(GetGlobalFlag(105) && !GetGlobalFlag(107)); case 343: case 348: originalScript = "game.global_flags[105] == 0 and game.global_flags[107] == 1"; return(!GetGlobalFlag(105) && GetGlobalFlag(107)); case 344: case 345: case 349: case 350: originalScript = "game.global_flags[105] == 0 and game.global_flags[107] == 0"; return(!GetGlobalFlag(105) && !GetGlobalFlag(107)); case 413: case 414: originalScript = "game.global_vars[11] > 0"; return(GetGlobalVar(11) > 0); case 415: case 416: originalScript = "game.global_vars[11] == 0"; return(GetGlobalVar(11) == 0); case 442: case 591: case 592: originalScript = "pc.skill_level_get(npc,skill_listen) <= 5"; throw new NotSupportedException("Conversion failed."); case 443: case 593: case 594: originalScript = "pc.skill_level_get(npc,skill_listen) >= 6"; throw new NotSupportedException("Conversion failed."); case 471: case 484: case 485: originalScript = "game.global_flags[104] == 1 and game.global_flags[107] == 0 and game.global_flags[105] == 0"; return(GetGlobalFlag(104) && !GetGlobalFlag(107) && !GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 472: case 493: case 495: originalScript = "game.global_flags[104] == 0 and game.global_flags[107] == 1 and game.global_flags[105] == 0"; return(!GetGlobalFlag(104) && GetGlobalFlag(107) && !GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 473: case 501: case 505: originalScript = "game.global_flags[104] == 0 and game.global_flags[107] == 0 and game.global_flags[105] == 1"; return(!GetGlobalFlag(104) && !GetGlobalFlag(107) && GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 474: case 494: case 496: originalScript = "game.global_flags[104] == 1 and game.global_flags[107] == 1 and game.global_flags[105] == 0"; return(GetGlobalFlag(104) && GetGlobalFlag(107) && !GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 475: case 502: case 506: originalScript = "game.global_flags[104] == 1 and game.global_flags[107] == 0 and game.global_flags[105] == 1"; return(GetGlobalFlag(104) && !GetGlobalFlag(107) && GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 476: case 491: case 503: case 507: originalScript = "game.global_flags[104] == 0 and game.global_flags[107] == 1 and game.global_flags[105] == 1"; return(!GetGlobalFlag(104) && GetGlobalFlag(107) && GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 477: case 492: case 504: case 508: originalScript = "game.global_flags[104] == 1 and game.global_flags[107] == 1 and game.global_flags[105] == 1"; return(GetGlobalFlag(104) && GetGlobalFlag(107) && GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 481: originalScript = "game.global_flags[107] == 1 and game.global_flags[105] == 0"; return(GetGlobalFlag(107) && !GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 482: originalScript = "game.global_flags[107] == 0 and game.global_flags[105] == 1"; return(!GetGlobalFlag(107) && GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 483: originalScript = "game.global_flags[107] == 1 and game.global_flags[105] == 1"; return(GetGlobalFlag(107) && GetGlobalFlag(105)); case 521: originalScript = "get_v(454) & 2**2 == 0"; return((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 0x4) == 0); case 522: originalScript = "get_v(454) & 2**2 != 0"; return((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 0x4) != 0); case 561: case 562: originalScript = "( get_v(454) & (2**1) == 0)"; return((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & (0x2)) == 0); case 563: case 564: originalScript = "( get_v(454) & (2**1) != 0)"; return((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & (0x2)) != 0); default: originalScript = null; return(true); } }
public override bool OnDying(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if (CombatStandardRoutines.should_modify_CR(attachee)) { CombatStandardRoutines.modify_CR(attachee, CombatStandardRoutines.get_av_level()); } if (attachee.GetNameId() == 14248) { // Ogre Chief ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(505); ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(508); ScriptDaemon.set_v(499, ScriptDaemon.get_v(499) + 1); if (Math.Pow((ScriptDaemon.get_v(498) / 75f), 3) + Math.Pow((ScriptDaemon.get_v(499) / 38f), 3) + Math.Pow((ScriptDaemon.get_v(500) / 13f), 3) >= 1) { ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(510); } } else if (attachee.GetNameId() == 14156) { // Earth Commander ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(506); ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(507); ScriptDaemon.set_v(500, ScriptDaemon.get_v(500) + 1); if (Math.Pow((ScriptDaemon.get_v(498) / 75f), 3) + Math.Pow((ScriptDaemon.get_v(499) / 38f), 3) + Math.Pow((ScriptDaemon.get_v(500) / 13f), 3) >= 1) { ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(511); } } else if (attachee.GetNameId() == 8045) { // Romag // actually, he already has a san_dying of his own, so no need for this one // we'll keep it as "infrastructure" ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(456); } else if (attachee.GetNameId() == 14154) { // Hartsch ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(506); ScriptDaemon.set_v(500, ScriptDaemon.get_v(500) + 1); if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(500) >= 10) { ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(511); } } else if (attachee.GetNameId() == 14244) { // Juggernaut; makes it go kaboom and fade out attachee.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.SEE_THROUGH); attachee.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.FLAT); attachee.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.TRANSLUCENT); attachee.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.CLICK_THROUGH); attachee.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.NOHEIGHT); attachee.FadeTo(0, 1, 10); // attachee.scripts[14] = 444 # so that upon end of combat the Jug will become click-through AttachParticles("sp-polymorph other", attachee); AttachParticles("sp-unholy water", attachee); AttachParticles("sp-enervation-hit", attachee); AttachParticles("sp-pyrotechnics-fireworks", attachee); AttachParticles("sp-ray of enfeeblement-end", attachee); AttachParticles("mon-earthelem-unconceal", attachee); AttachParticles("Ass Sunburst", attachee); AttachParticles("ef-minocloud", attachee); AttachParticles("sp-flare", attachee); AttachParticles("sp-mage hand", attachee); Sound(15122, 1); Sound(15122, 1); } return(RunDefault); }
public static void quickstart(int simulated_game_state = 0, bool cheat_items = true, bool autokill_on = true) { gearup(simulated_game_state, true); Logger.Info("{0}", simulated_game_state.ToString()); if (simulated_game_state >= 0) { SetQuestState(18, QuestState.Completed); // Catch Furnok quest SetQuestState(100, QuestState.Accepted); // Fetch Giant's head SetGlobalFlag(21, true); // Enable Terjon MakeAreaKnown(2); // Moathouse MakeAreaKnown(5); // Emridy } if (simulated_game_state >= 1) { Logger.Info("Executing WB..."); // Having just completed Welkwood Bog, going on Moathouse + Emridy StoryState = 1; MakeAreaKnown(7); // Welkwood Bog SetGlobalVar(970, 2); // Talked to Smyth about WB // game.global_flags[66] = 1 # Paid Elmo - do NOT set this flag, else he won't get his better gear SetGlobalFlag(67, true); // Have spoken to vignette's relevant figure SetGlobalFlag(605, true); // WB description box fired SetGlobalFlag(976, true); // Mathel dead SetQuestState(73, QuestState.Completed); // Welkwood Bog quest if (PartyAlignment == Alignment.NEUTRAL) { SetQuestState(27, QuestState.Accepted); // Find Terjon's pendant } // Kill section # if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") & (((1 << 11)) - 1)) != (((1 << 11)) - 1)) { ScriptDaemon.set_v("qs_welkwood", ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") | 1); if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") & 2) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.cnk(14785); // Mathel ScriptDaemon.set_v("qs_welkwood", ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") | 2); } if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") & 0x4) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.cnk(14183); // Goblin Leader ScriptDaemon.set_v("qs_welkwood", ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") | 0x4); } if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") & 0x8) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.cnk(14641); // Kobold Sergeant ScriptDaemon.set_v("qs_welkwood", ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") | 0x8); } if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") & 0x10) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.cnk(14631); // Gnoll ScriptDaemon.set_v("qs_welkwood", ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") | 0x10); } if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") & 0x20) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.cnk(14081); // Skeleton Gnoll ScriptDaemon.set_v("qs_welkwood", ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") | 0x20); } if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") & 0x40) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.cnk(14640, how_many: 10, timer: 200); // Kobolds ScriptDaemon.set_v("qs_welkwood", ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") | 0x40); } if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") & (1 << 7)) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.cnk(14187, how_many: 18, timer: 800); // Goblins ScriptDaemon.set_v("qs_welkwood", ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") | (1 << 7)); } if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") & 0x100) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.cnk(14183); // Goblin Leader ScriptDaemon.set_v("qs_welkwood", ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") | 0x100); } if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") & 0x200) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.cnk(14640, how_many: 9, timer: 1800); // Kobolds ScriptDaemon.set_v("qs_welkwood", ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") | 0x200); } if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") & 0x400) == 0) { ScriptDaemon.cnk(14641); // Kobold Sergeant ScriptDaemon.set_v("qs_welkwood", ScriptDaemon.get_v("qs_welkwood") | (1 << 10)); } Logger.Info("WB executed!"); } } // for pc in[0].group_list(): // if pc.stat_level_get(stat_experience) <= 820: // pc.stat_base_set(stat_experience, 820) if (simulated_game_state >= 2) { if (autokill_on) { ScriptDaemon.set_f("qs_autokill_moathouse", true); } // Having just completed Moathouse + Emridy + Welkwood Bog // for pc in[0].group_list(): // if pc.stat_level_get(stat_experience) <= 6000: // pc.stat_base_set(stat_experience, 6000) StoryState = 2; MakeAreaKnown(8); // Moathouse Cave Exit MakeAreaKnown(10); // Deklo Logger.Info("Executing Moathouse + Emridy Meadows..."); } if (simulated_game_state >= 3) { // Having Finished Nulb + HB // I.E. auto-kill Nulb and HB // preparing for "legitimate" AoH + Revenge Encounter + Moathouse Respawn ( + Temple ) // for pc in[0].group_list(): // if pc.stat_level_get(stat_experience) <= 16000: // pc.stat_base_set(stat_experience, 16000) Logger.Info("Executing Nulb, HB"); StoryState = 3; MakeAreaKnown(3); // Nulb MakeAreaKnown(6); // Imeryds MakeAreaKnown(9); // HB SetQuestState(35, QuestState.Accepted); // Grud's story SetQuestState(41, QuestState.Accepted); // Preston's tooth ache SetQuestState(42, QuestState.Accepted); // Assassinate Lodriss SetQuestState(59, QuestState.Accepted); // Free Serena SetQuestState(60, QuestState.Accepted); // Mona's Orb SetQuestState(63, QuestState.Accepted); // Bribery for justice if (autokill_on) { ScriptDaemon.set_f("qs_autokill_nulb", true); } } if (simulated_game_state >= 3.5f) { SetQuestState(65, QuestState.Accepted); // Hero's Prize Quest SetGlobalVar(972, 2); // Have talked to Kent about Witch ScriptDaemon.set_f("qs_arena_of_heroes_enable"); } if (simulated_game_state >= 4) { // Autokill Temple, AoH, Revenge Encounter, MR Logger.Info("Executing Temple, AoH, Moathouse Respawn, Revenge Encounter"); if (autokill_on) { ScriptDaemon.set_f("qs_autokill_temple"); } StoryState = 4; MakeAreaKnown(4); // Temple SetQuestState(65, QuestState.Accepted); // Hero's Prize Quest SetGlobalFlag(944, true); } if (simulated_game_state >= 5) { // Autokill Greater Temple, Verbobonc (minus slavers) Logger.Info("Executing Greater Temple, Verbobonc"); if (autokill_on) { ScriptDaemon.set_f("qs_autokill_greater_temple"); } StoryState = 5; MakeAreaKnown(11); // Temple Burnt Farmhouse MakeAreaKnown(14); // Verbobonc } if (simulated_game_state >= 6) { Logger.Info("Executing Nodes, WotGS"); if (autokill_on) { ScriptDaemon.set_f("qs_autokill_nodes"); } StoryState = 6; } }
public static bool san_enter_combat_backup_with_beacon_shit(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { Livonya.tag_strategy(attachee); if (attachee.GetNameId() == 14811) // The Beacon { attachee.SetScriptId(ObjScriptEvent.EndCombat, 446); // end combat round script attachee.FloatMesFileLine("mes/script_activated.mes", 13, TextFloaterColor.Red); return(RunDefault); } if ((!ScriptDaemon.can_see_party(attachee) && ScriptDaemon.is_far_from_party(attachee, 10)) || ScriptDaemon.is_far_from_party(attachee, 40)) { if (ScriptDaemon.is_far_from_party(attachee, 70)) { var joe = Utilities.party_closest(attachee); ScriptDaemon.encroach(attachee, joe); } attachee.SetInt(obj_f.critter_strategy, 119); // Seek out low ac beacon AttachParticles("sp-Hold Person", attachee); if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("Beacon_Active") == 0) { var top_path = 0; var bottom_path = 0; foreach (var pc in GameSystems.Party.PartyMembers) { if (ScriptDaemon.within_rect_by_corners(pc, 467, 360, 467, 388) && !pc.IsUnconscious()) { top_path = top_path + 1; } if (ScriptDaemon.within_rect_by_corners(pc, 504, 355, 504, 385) && !pc.IsUnconscious()) { bottom_path = bottom_path + 1; } } int primary_beacon_x; int primary_beacon_y; int tertiary_beacon_x; int tertiary_beacon_y; if (top_path > bottom_path) { primary_beacon_x = 470; primary_beacon_y = 388; tertiary_beacon_x = 492; tertiary_beacon_y = 387; } else { primary_beacon_x = 492; primary_beacon_y = 387; tertiary_beacon_x = 470; tertiary_beacon_y = 388; } var beacon_loc = new locXY(primary_beacon_x, primary_beacon_y); var beacon3_loc = new locXY(tertiary_beacon_x, tertiary_beacon_y); var beacon = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14811, beacon_loc); beacon.Move(new locXY(470, 388), 0, 0); beacon.SetInt(obj_f.npc_ac_bonus, -50); beacon.SetBaseStat(Stat.dexterity, -70); // causes problems at end of round, or does it? // beacon.object_flag_set(OF_DONTDRAW) # this causes combat to lag at the beacon's turn beacon.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.CLICK_THROUGH); beacon.AddToInitiative(); beacon.SetInitiative(-20); UiSystems.Combat.Initiative.UpdateIfNeeded(); beacon.SetScriptId(ObjScriptEvent.EndCombat, 446); // end combat round // beacon.scripts[14] = 446 # exit combat AttachParticles("sp-hold person", beacon); var beacon2 = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14811, new locXY(483, 395)); beacon2.Move(new locXY(483, 395), 0, 0); beacon2.SetInt(obj_f.npc_ac_bonus, -40); // beacon2.object_flag_set(OF_DONTDRAW) beacon2.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.CLICK_THROUGH); beacon2.AddToInitiative(); beacon2.SetInitiative(-21); UiSystems.Combat.Initiative.UpdateIfNeeded(); AttachParticles("sp-hold person", beacon2); var beacon3 = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14811, beacon3_loc); beacon3.Move(beacon3_loc, 0, 0); beacon3.SetInt(obj_f.npc_ac_bonus, -30); // beacon3.object_flag_set(OF_DONTDRAW) beacon3.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.CLICK_THROUGH); beacon3.AddToInitiative(); beacon3.SetInitiative(-23); UiSystems.Combat.Initiative.UpdateIfNeeded(); AttachParticles("sp-hold person", beacon3); ScriptDaemon.set_v("Beacon_Active", 3); } } else if (ScriptDaemon.is_far_from_party(attachee, 75)) { var joe = Utilities.party_closest(attachee); ScriptDaemon.encroach(attachee, joe); } else { Livonya.get_melee_strategy(attachee); } // Tried changing their standpoint midfight, didn't work. // attachee.standpoint_set(STANDPOINT_DAY, attachee.obj_get_int(obj_f_npc_pad_i_3) - 342 + 500) // attachee.standpoint_set(STANDPOINT_NIGHT, attachee.obj_get_int(obj_f_npc_pad_i_3) - 342 + 500) // if attachee.obj_get_int(obj_f_npc_pad_i_3) == 361 or attachee.obj_get_int(obj_f_npc_pad_i_3) == 362: #sentry standpoints // hl(attachee) // xx = 482 // yy = 417 // for npc in game.obj_list_vicinity(location_from_axis(xx,yy), OLC_NPC ): // if npc.leader_get() == OBJ_HANDLE_NULL: // npc.standpoint_set(STANDPOINT_DAY, npc.obj_get_int(obj_f_npc_pad_i_3) - 342 + 500) // npc.standpoint_set(STANDPOINT_NIGHT, npc.obj_get_int(obj_f_npc_pad_i_3) - 342 + 500) // npc.npc_flag_set(ONF_KOS) // npc.npc_flag_unset(ONF_KOS_OVERRIDE) return(RunDefault); }
public static int tptc() { // time passage till council, in seconds // game.fade_and_teleport and game.fade use seconds in their passage of time fields if (ScriptDaemon.get_v(438) == 13) { var council_month = 1; } else { var council_month = ScriptDaemon.get_v(438) + 1; } var currentCalendar = CurrentCalendar; var this_month = currentCalendar.Month; var this_day = currentCalendar.Day; var this_hour = currentCalendar.Hour; var this_minute = currentCalendar.Minute; var ttw = 0; if (this_minute > 0) { ttw = ttw + (60 - this_minute) * 60; if (this_hour == 23) { this_hour = 0; if (this_day == 28) { this_day = 1; if (this_month == 13) { this_month = 1; } else { this_month = this_month + 1; } } else { this_day = this_day + 1; } } else { this_hour = this_hour + 1; } } bool TED; if (this_hour == 23) { this_hour = 0; ttw = ttw + 1 * (60) * 60; if (this_day == 28) { TED = true; this_day = 1; if (this_month == 13) { this_month = 1; } else { this_month = this_month + 1; } } else { TED = false; this_day = this_day + 1; } } else { TED = false; } ttw = ttw + (22 - this_hour) * 60 * 60; if (!TED) { ttw = ttw + (29 - this_day) * 24 * 60 * 60; } return(ttw); }
public override bool OnHeartbeat(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { var(xx, yy) = attachee.GetLocation(); if ((!GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { if (xx == 545 && yy == 497) // Kelno is in his usual place { foreach (var obj in ObjList.ListVicinity(attachee.GetLocation(), ObjectListFilter.OLC_PC)) { if ((!attachee.HasMet(obj))) { if ((Utilities.is_safe_to_talk(attachee, obj))) { ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(516); if (((GetGlobalFlag(104)) || (GetGlobalFlag(105)) || (GetGlobalFlag(107)))) { obj.TurnTowards(attachee); // added by Livonya attachee.TurnTowards(obj); // added by Livonya obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 460); } else { obj.TurnTowards(attachee); // added by Livonya attachee.TurnTowards(obj); // added by Livonya obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 1); } } } } } else { // game.new_sid = 0 ## removed by Livonya // else: #Kelno is in the Air Altar room - Air is on alert foreach (var obj in GameSystems.Party.PartyMembers) { // attachee.turn_towards(obj) if ((!attachee.HasMet(obj) && is_safe_to_talk2(attachee, obj, 25) == 1 && obj.type == ObjectType.pc)) { ScriptDaemon.record_time_stamp(516); if (((ScriptDaemon.get_v(453) & 4) == 0 && (ScriptDaemon.get_v(453) & 8) == 0 && (ScriptDaemon.get_v(453) & 16) == 0)) // Air Escort Variables { // How the hell did you get here? GTFO! (not escorted by anyone, probably dropped in from ceiling or snuck in) // For now, ordinary dialogue if (((GetGlobalFlag(104)) || (GetGlobalFlag(105)) || (GetGlobalFlag(107)))) { obj.TurnTowards(attachee); // added by Livonya attachee.TurnTowards(obj); // added by Livonya obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 460); } else { obj.TurnTowards(attachee); // added by Livonya attachee.TurnTowards(obj); // added by Livonya obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 1); } } else { if (((GetGlobalFlag(104)) || (GetGlobalFlag(105)) || (GetGlobalFlag(107)))) { obj.TurnTowards(attachee); // added by Livonya attachee.TurnTowards(obj); // added by Livonya obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 460); } else { obj.TurnTowards(attachee); // added by Livonya attachee.TurnTowards(obj); // added by Livonya obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 1); } } } } } } if ((GetGlobalVar(715) == 0 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { attachee.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.ProtectionFromElements, attachee); attachee.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } if ((GetGlobalVar(715) == 4 && attachee.GetLeader() == null && !GameSystems.Combat.IsCombatActive())) { attachee.CastSpell(WellKnownSpells.ShieldOfFaith, attachee); attachee.PendingSpellsToMemorized(); } SetGlobalVar(715, GetGlobalVar(715) + 1); return(RunDefault); }
public static int traders_awol() { // this script determines whether the traders fled after being attacked - // the condition being that they surmise they are about to be exposed // it uses the time stamps to determine whether they knew this stuff BEFORE you assaulted them if (!GetGlobalFlag(426)) { return(0); } var a = 0; if ((GetQuestState(15) == QuestState.Completed && ScriptDaemon.tsc(427, 426))) { // laborer spy revealed to Burne a = a + 1; } if ((GetQuestState(16) == QuestState.Completed && ScriptDaemon.tsc(431, 426))) { // confronted traders about laborer spy a = a + 1; } if (GetGlobalFlag(444) || GetGlobalFlag(422) || (GetGlobalFlag(428) && (GetGlobalFlag(7) || (CurrentTimeSeconds >= ScriptDaemon.get_v(423) + 24 * 60 * 60 && GetGlobalFlag(4))))) { // Discussed things with badger arrestor, or Confronted Traders about assassination attempt, with either presented hard evidence (Assassin's letter) or Corl was killed too a = a + 1; } if ((GetQuestState(17) == QuestState.Completed && ScriptDaemon.tsc(430, 426))) { // found out the courier a = a + 1; } if (a >= 1) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }
public bool CheckPrecondition(GameObject npc, GameObject pc, int lineNumber, out string originalScript) { switch (lineNumber) { case 4: case 5: originalScript = "game.story_state >= 5"; return(StoryState >= 5); case 6: case 7: case 1001: case 1002: originalScript = "pc.skill_level_get(npc, skill_sense_motive) >= 10"; return(pc.GetSkillLevel(npc, SkillId.sense_motive) >= 10); case 10: case 11: case 21: case 23: case 61: case 62: case 121: case 122: case 131: case 132: case 1041: case 1043: originalScript = "game.quests[49].state == qs_accepted"; return(GetQuestState(49) == QuestState.Accepted); case 22: case 24: case 1042: case 1044: originalScript = "game.quests[46].state >= qs_accepted"; return(GetQuestState(46) >= QuestState.Accepted); case 43: case 44: originalScript = "( get_v(454) & (2**1) == 0)"; return((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & (0x2)) == 0); case 45: case 46: originalScript = "pc.money_get() >= 50000 and pc.skill_level_get(npc, skill_diplomacy) >= 13"; return(pc.GetMoney() >= 50000 && pc.GetSkillLevel(npc, SkillId.diplomacy) >= 13); case 71: case 72: case 163: case 164: case 221: case 222: case 241: case 242: originalScript = "pc.money_get() >= 50000"; return(pc.GetMoney() >= 50000); case 73: case 74: case 223: case 224: originalScript = "pc.skill_level_get(npc, skill_intimidate) >= 12"; return(pc.GetSkillLevel(npc, SkillId.intimidate) >= 12); case 101: case 102: originalScript = "game.quests[49].state == qs_accepted and game.global_flags[172] == 0 and game.global_flags[108] == 0"; return(GetQuestState(49) == QuestState.Accepted && !GetGlobalFlag(172) && !GetGlobalFlag(108)); case 103: case 104: originalScript = "game.global_flags[108] == 1"; return(GetGlobalFlag(108)); case 105: case 106: originalScript = "game.global_flags[108] == 0 and ( game.quests[46].state >= qs_accepted or anyone( pc.group_list(), \"has_wielded\", 3016 ) )"; return(!GetGlobalFlag(108) && (GetQuestState(46) >= QuestState.Accepted || pc.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasEquippedByName(3016)))); case 107: case 108: originalScript = "( game.global_flags[108] == 0 ) and ( not anyone( pc.group_list(), \"has_wielded\", 3016 ) )"; return((!GetGlobalFlag(108)) && (!pc.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasEquippedByName(3016)))); case 109: case 110: case 903: case 904: originalScript = "game.quests[49].state == qs_accepted and game.global_flags[172] == 1"; return(GetQuestState(49) == QuestState.Accepted && GetGlobalFlag(172)); case 145: case 146: originalScript = "( get_v(454) & 2**1 == 0 )"; return((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 0x2) == 0); case 165: case 166: originalScript = "pc.skill_level_get(npc, skill_diplomacy) >= 13"; return(pc.GetSkillLevel(npc, SkillId.diplomacy) >= 13); case 901: case 902: originalScript = "game.quests[49].state == qs_accepted and game.global_flags[172] == 0"; return(GetQuestState(49) == QuestState.Accepted && !GetGlobalFlag(172)); case 905: case 906: originalScript = "pc.skill_level_get(npc, skill_sense_motive) >= 5 and game.quests[49].state == qs_accepted and ( ( get_v(454) & 2**6 != 0 and get_v(454) & 2**7 != 0 ) or ( get_v(454) & 2**6 == 0 and game.global_flags[112] == 1 ) )"; return(pc.GetSkillLevel(npc, SkillId.sense_motive) >= 5 && GetQuestState(49) == QuestState.Accepted && (((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 0x40) != 0 && (ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 0x80) != 0) || ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 0x40) == 0 && GetGlobalFlag(112)))); default: originalScript = null; return(true); } }
public override bool OnFirstHeartbeat(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if ((attachee.GetMap() == 5049)) { // stonemason var a = attachee.GetInt(obj_f.npc_pad_i_5); if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 5 && ScriptDaemon.get_v(436) != 5 && ScriptDaemon.get_v(436) != 8)) { foreach (var npc in ObjList.ListVicinity(attachee.GetLocation(), ObjectListFilter.OLC_NPC)) { if (((npc.GetNameId() == 14801 || npc.GetNameId() == 14039) && npc.GetLeader() == null)) { npc.Destroy(); } } } else if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(435) == 4 && a == 0)) { attachee.SetInt(obj_f.npc_pad_i_5, 1); GameObject gister = null; foreach (var npc in ObjList.ListVicinity(attachee.GetLocation(), ObjectListFilter.OLC_NPC)) { if (npc.GetNameId() == 14039) { gister = npc; } } var bad1 = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14801, new locXY(471, 485)); bad1.Move(new locXY(471, 485), 0f, 0f); bad1.Rotation = 4; var bad2 = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14801, new locXY(474, 481)); bad2.Move(new locXY(474, 481), 0f, 0f); bad2.Rotation = 3.5f; var bad3 = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14801, new locXY(473, 483)); bad3.Move(new locXY(473, 483), 7f, 0f); bad3.Rotation = 3.9f; heavily_damage(gister); StartTimer(200, () => proactivity(bad3, 400)); } } else if (attachee.GetMap() == 5009) { // traders' barn var ggv435 = ScriptDaemon.get_v(435); AttachParticles("sp-Bless Water", attachee); Council.council_heartbeat(); var a = attachee.GetInt(obj_f.npc_pad_i_3); if ((ggv435 >= 3 || (ggv435 == 2 && Council.council_time() == 3)) && (a & 1) == 0) { a = a | 1; ScriptDaemon.npc_set(attachee, 1); var courier = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 14063); courier.Destroy(); if (GetQuestState(17) == QuestState.Mentioned || GetQuestState(17) == QuestState.Accepted) { SetQuestState(17, QuestState.Botched); } } if ((a & 2) == 0 && (GetGlobalFlag(438)) && !(GetGlobalFlag(814) && GetGlobalFlag(815))) { a = a | 2; ScriptDaemon.npc_set(attachee, 2); var badger = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14371, new locXY(493, 487)); GameObject pc = null; foreach (var obj in ObjList.ListVicinity(attachee.GetLocation(), ObjectListFilter.OLC_PC)) { if ((obj.DistanceTo(badger) <= 25 && !Utilities.critter_is_unconscious(obj))) { pc = obj; } } pc?.BeginDialog(badger, 5000); } } else if (attachee.GetMap() == 5051 && ScriptDaemon.get_v(437) == 100) { // Nulb exterior AttachParticles("sp-Bless Water", attachee); foreach (var obj in ObjList.ListVicinity(attachee.GetLocation(), ObjectListFilter.OLC_PC)) { if ((obj.DistanceTo(attachee) <= 25 && !Utilities.critter_is_unconscious(obj))) { DetachScript(); obj.BeginDialog(attachee, 2000); } } } else if (attachee.GetMap() == 5007) { // Inn, first floor var ggv435 = ScriptDaemon.get_v(435); var c = attachee.GetInt(obj_f.npc_pad_i_3); // c & 1 - spawned mickey // c & 2 - Glora, the new innkeeper // c & 4 - switched gundigoot off // c & 8 - destroyed gundigoot // c & 16 - switched Turuko off (since you killed him) // c & 32 - switched Kobort off (since you killed him) AttachParticles("sp-Bless Water", attachee); var c_time = Council.council_time(); Council.council_heartbeat(); if (GetGlobalFlag(45) && (c & 16) == 0) { c = c | 16; ScriptDaemon.npc_set(attachee, 5); var turuko = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 8004); if (turuko != null) { turuko.Destroy(); } } if (GetGlobalFlag(44) && (c & 32) == 0) { c = c | 32; ScriptDaemon.npc_set(attachee, 6); var kobort = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 8005); if (kobort != null) { kobort.Destroy(); AttachParticles("orb-summon-water-elemental", GameSystems.Party.GetPartyGroupMemberN(1)); } } if ((c & 1) == 0) { c = c | 1; ScriptDaemon.npc_set(attachee, 1); var mecr = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(14637, new locXY(475, 475)); mecr.Rotation = 2.5f; mecr.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.OFF); } if ((c & 2) == 0 && (GetGlobalVar(436) == 6 || GetGlobalVar(436) == 7)) { c = c | 2; ScriptDaemon.npc_set(attachee, 2); var glora = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 14100); if (glora != null) { glora.SetStandpoint(StandPointType.Day, 340); glora.SetStandpoint(StandPointType.Night, 340); glora.Rotation = 5f; } } if ((c_time == 1 || c_time == 2 || c_time == 5) && ((c & 4) == 0 || Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 8008) != null) && (c & 8) == 0) { c = c | 4; ScriptDaemon.npc_set(attachee, 3); var gundi = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 8008); if (GetGlobalVar(436) == 6 || GetGlobalVar(436) == 7) { gundi.Destroy(); c = c | 8; ScriptDaemon.npc_set(attachee, 4); } else { // gundi.move(location_from_axis(476,445),0.0,0.0) gundi.SetScriptId(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat, 73); gundi.SetScriptId(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat, 73); gundi.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.OFF); } } else if ((c & 4) == 4 && (c & 8) == 0 && c_time != 1 && c_time != 2 && c_time != 5) { var gundi = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 8008); if ((GetGlobalVar(436) == 6 || GetGlobalVar(436) == 7) && gundi != null) { gundi.Destroy(); c = c | 8; c = c - 4; attachee.SetInt(obj_f.npc_pad_i_3, c); } else if (gundi != null) { gundi.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat); gundi.RemoveScript(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat); } } } else if (attachee.GetMap() == 5063) { // The Renton Residence (village militia captain) AttachParticles("orb-summon-water-elemental", attachee); var c_time = Council.council_time(); Council.council_heartbeat(); if ((c_time == 1 || c_time == 2 || c_time == 5) && Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 20007) != null) { var renton = Utilities.find_npc_near(attachee, 20007); renton.SetScriptId(ObjScriptEvent.FirstHeartbeat, 6); renton.SetScriptId(ObjScriptEvent.Heartbeat, 6); renton.SetObjectFlag(ObjectFlag.OFF); } } return(SkipDefault); }