public InGameMenuWiring(ScriptClient client, InGameMenu inGameMenu, ExitMenu exitMenu, WaitScreen waitScreen, Login.Login login, CharacterList characterList, LeaveGameSender leaveMsgSender) { inGameMenu.BackToMainMenu += sender => { leaveMsgSender.SendLeaveGameMessage(); waitScreen.Message = "Lade Charakterliste..."; waitScreen.Open(); sender.Close(); characterList.RefreshFromServer(); }; inGameMenu.BackToLoginSelected += sender => { sender.Close(); waitScreen.Message = "Logout läuft..."; waitScreen.Open(); login.StartLogout(); }; inGameMenu.ExitGameSelected += sender => { sender.Close(); exitMenu.Open(); }; inGameMenu.OnEscape += sender => sender.Close(); }
public CloudServiceClientBase( ILogger logger, IHttpClientFactory clientFactory, IHttpPlatformHelperService http_helper, IToast toast, IAuthHelper authHelper, ICloudServiceSettings settings, IModelValidator validator) : base(logger, http_helper, clientFactory) { this.authHelper = authHelper; this.toast = toast; this.settings = settings; ApiBaseUrl = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.ApiBaseUrl) ? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ApiBaseUrl)) : settings.ApiBaseUrl; connection = new ApiConnection(logger, this, http_helper, validator); #region SetClients Account = new AccountClient(connection); Manage = new ManageClient(connection); AuthMessage = new AuthMessageClient(connection); Version = new VersionClient(connection); ActiveUser = new ActiveUserClient(connection); Accelerate = new AccelerateClient(connection); Script = new ScriptClient(connection); DonateRanking = new DonateRankingClient(connection); #endregion }
public void HandleMessage(ScriptClient sender, PacketReader stream) { if (sender == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sender)); } if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream)); } try { //Get the id of the last active character and the amount of characters that are encoded in the script message. int activeCharacterId = stream.ReadInt(); int characterCount = stream.ReadByte(); //Read all characters that are encoded in the message. var characters = new List <Character.Character>(characterCount); for (int i = 0; i < characterCount; i++) { characters.Add(_CharacterVisualsReader.ReadCharacter(stream)); } CharacterListReceived?.Invoke(this, new CharacterListReceivedArgs(characters, activeCharacterId)); } catch (Exception e) { string msg = $"Something went wrong while handling a script message of type '{SupportedMessage}'"; _Log.Error(msg); throw new ScriptMessageHandlingException(msg, e); } }
public void HandleMessage(ScriptClient sender, PacketReader stream) { if (sender == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sender)); } if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream)); } try { bool success = stream.ReadBit(); if (success) { JoinGameSuccessReceived?.Invoke(this); } else { JoinGameFailedReason reason = (JoinGameFailedReason)stream.ReadByte(); JoinGameFailedReceived?.Invoke(this, reason); } } catch (Exception e) { _Log.Error($"Failed to handle a script message of typ {SupportedMessage}. Exception: {e}"); JoinGameFailedReceived?.Invoke(this, JoinGameFailedReason.MessageHandlingError); } }
public void HandleMessage(ScriptClient sender, PacketReader stream) { if (sender == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sender)); } if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream)); } try { bool success = stream.ReadBit(); if (success) { CharacterCreationSuccessful?.Invoke(this); } else { CharacterCreationFailure reason = (CharacterCreationFailure)stream.ReadByte(); CharacterCreationFailed?.Invoke(this, reason); } } catch (Exception e) { string msg = $"Something went wrong while handling a '{SupportedMessage}' script message from the server."; _Log.Error(msg); throw new ScriptMessageHandlingException(msg, e); } }
public Script( ScriptOptions options, LookupClientProvider dnsClient, ILogService log, string identifier) : base(dnsClient, log, options, identifier) { _scriptClient = new ScriptClient(log); }
/// <summary> /// 获取服务中的所有函数列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <IItemBox> FromServerGetIItemboxInfos(string url) { ScriptClient scriptClient = new ScriptClient(); string json = scriptClient.GetStringAsync(url); scriptClient.Dispose(); scriptClient = null; return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <IItemBox> >(json)); }
public Script( ScriptOptions options, LookupClientProvider dnsClient, ScriptClient client, ILogService log, ISettingsService settings, string identifier) : base(dnsClient, log, settings) { _identifier = identifier; _options = options; _scriptClient = client; }
public Script( ScriptOptions options, LookupClientProvider dnsClient, ScriptClient client, ILogService log, DomainParseService domainParseService, ISettingsService settings) : base(dnsClient, log, settings) { _options = options; _scriptClient = client; _domainParseService = domainParseService; }
public Network.GameClient CreateClient() { //throw new Exception("Why should the base script need to create a script client?"); ////return new ScriptClient().BaseClient; //; /// if (_DiContainer == null) { _DiContainer = _DiBuilder.Build(); } _Client = _DiContainer.Resolve <ScriptClient>(); return(_Client.BaseClient); }
public async Task Connect(ConnectionSettings settings) { if (_session != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot connect because the client is already connected"); } _commonClient = new CommonClient(); _hashClient = new HashClient(); _listClient = new ListClient(); _scriptClient = new ScriptClient(); _stringClient = new StringClient(); _transactionClient = new TransactionClient(); _setClient = new SetClient(); _subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient(); _session = await _commonClient.Connect(settings).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!_session.IsOpen) { throw new IOException("Session could not be opened"); } OnConnected?.Invoke(this); }
public Script(Target target, ScriptOptions options, ILogService log, string identifier) : base(log, options, identifier) { _scriptClient = new ScriptClient(log); }
public Script(Renewal renewal, ScriptOptions options, ScriptClient client) { _options = options; _renewal = renewal; _client = client; }
public void RunScript() { ScriptClient.RunScript(ScriptFileLocation, Api); }
public Script(Target target, ScriptOptions options, DomainParser domainParser, ILookupClientProvider lookupClientProvider, ILogService log, string identifier) : base(domainParser, lookupClientProvider, log, options, identifier) { _scriptClient = new ScriptClient(log); }
public MainMenuEventWiring( MainMenu mainMenu, CharCreationMenu charCreationMenu, ExitMenu exitMenu, ScriptClient client, LoginMenu loginMenu, Login.Login login, WaitScreen waitScreen, CharacterSelectionMenu selectionMenu, JoinGameSender joinGameSender, CharacterList characterList, ErrorScreenManager errorScreenManager) { mainMenu.CharacterCreationSelected += sender => { sender.Close(); charCreationMenu.Open(); }; mainMenu.JoinGameSelected += sender => { if (!characterList.TryGetActiveCharacter(out Character.Character character)) { mainMenu.Close(); errorScreenManager.ShowError("Kein Character gewählt!", mainMenu.Open); return; } joinGameSender.StartJoinGame(character); waitScreen.Message = "Trete Spiel bei..."; waitScreen.Open(); mainMenu.Close(); //client.SendSpectateMessage(); }; mainMenu.BackToLoginSelected += sender => { sender.Close(); waitScreen.Message = "Logout läuft..."; waitScreen.Open(); login.StartLogout(); }; mainMenu.CharacterSelectionSelected += sender => { selectionMenu.Open(); sender.Close(); }; mainMenu.ExitGameSelected += sender => { sender.Close(); exitMenu.Open(); }; joinGameSender.JoinGameRequestSuccessful += sender => { //The server accepted the join request, close the ui, from here on the server does most of the controlling. waitScreen.Close(); }; joinGameSender.JoinGameFailed += (sender, args) => { //Something went wrong show an error message to the player and then return to the main menu. waitScreen.Close(); errorScreenManager.ShowError(args.ReasonText, mainMenu.Open); }; }
public void RunScript() { ScriptClient.RunScript(ScriptFileName, Api); }
public Script(Target target) { _dnsScriptOptions = target.DnsScriptOptions; _scriptClient = new ScriptClient(); }
public DnsScript(Target target, ILogService log, string identifier) : base(log, identifier) { _dnsScriptOptions = target.DnsScriptOptions; _scriptClient = new ScriptClient(log); }
public ArenaControl(ScriptClient client, ChatMenu chatMenu, InGameMenu inGameMenu) { _Client = client ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(client)); _ChatMenu = chatMenu ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(chatMenu)); _InGameMenu = inGameMenu ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(inGameMenu)); _PlayerControls = new KeyDictionary() { { KeyBind.Jump, Jump }, { KeyBind.DrawFists, d => { if (d) { NPCInst.Requests.DrawFists(ScriptClient.Client.Character); } } }, { KeyBind.MoveForward, d => CheckFightMove(d, FightMoves.Fwd) }, { KeyBind.TurnLeft, d => CheckFightMove(d, FightMoves.Left) }, { KeyBind.TurnRight, d => CheckFightMove(d, FightMoves.Right) }, { KeyBind.MoveBack, d => CheckFightMove(d, FightMoves.Parry) }, { KeyBind.MoveLeft, d => CheckFightMove(d, FightMoves.Left) }, { KeyBind.MoveRight, d => CheckFightMove(d, FightMoves.Right) }, { KeyBind.Action, PlayerActionButton }, { KeyBind.DrawWeapon, DrawWeapon }, { KeyBind.ScoreBoard, ToggleScoreBoard }, { KeyBind.ChatAll, d => { if (d) { _ChatMenu.OpenAllChat(); } } }, { KeyBind.ChatTeam, d => { if (d) { _ChatMenu.OpenTeamChat(); } } }, { KeyBind.Inventory, d => { if (d) { Sumpfkraut.Menus.PlayerInventory.Menu.Open(); } } }, { VirtualKeys.P, PrintPosition }, { VirtualKeys.F2, d => Menus.PlayerList.TogglePlayerList() }, { VirtualKeys.F3, ToggleG1Camera }, { VirtualKeys.F5, ToggleScreenInfo }, { VirtualKeys.N1, DrawMeleeWeapon }, { VirtualKeys.N2, DrawRangedWeapon }, { VirtualKeys.RightButton, FreeAim }, { KeyBind.StatusMenu, OpenStatusMenu } }; _SpectatorControls = new KeyDictionary() { { VirtualKeys.Shift, down => speedMultiplier = !down ? defaultSpeed : fastSpeed }, { KeyBind.ChatAll, d => { if (d) { _ChatMenu.OpenAllChat(); } } }, { KeyBind.ChatTeam, d => { if (d) { _ChatMenu.OpenTeamChat(); } } }, { KeyBind.ScoreBoard, ToggleScoreBoard }, { VirtualKeys.F2, d => Menus.PlayerList.TogglePlayerList() }, { VirtualKeys.F3, ToggleG1Camera }, { VirtualKeys.F5, ToggleScreenInfo }, }; }