public static void SaveHostData(MCMHost host) { var filePath = HostFilePath(host); // Open it for writing try { Scribe.InitWriting(filePath, "ModConfigurationData"); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.Saving) { // Write this library version as the one saved with string version = Version.Current.ToString(); Scribe_Values.LookValue <string>(ref version, "ccl_version"); // Call the worker scribe Scribe_Deep.LookDeep <MCMHost>(ref host, host.key); } } catch (Exception e) { CCL_Log.Trace( Verbosity.NonFatalErrors, string.Format("Unexpected error scribing data for mod {0}\n{1}", host.Label, e.ToString()), "Mod Configuration Menu"); } finally { // Finish Scribe.FinalizeWriting(); Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.Inactive; Messages.Message("ModConfigurationSaved".Translate(host.Label), MessageSound.Standard); } host.OpenedThisSession = false; }
public static void SaveToXML(Blueprint blueprint) { try { try { Scribe.InitWriting(FullSaveLocation(, "Blueprint"); } catch (Exception ex) { GenUI.ErrorDialog("ProblemSavingFile".Translate(ex.ToString())); throw; } ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.WriteMetaHeader(); Scribe_Deep.LookDeep(ref blueprint, "Blueprint"); } catch (Exception ex2) { Log.Error("Exception while saving blueprint: " + ex2); } finally { Scribe.FinalizeWriting(); } // set exported flag. blueprint.exported = true; }
private void DoExport(string name) { try { try { Scribe.InitWriting(FilePath(name), "ManagerJobs"); } catch (Exception ex) { GenUI.ErrorDialog("ProblemSavingFile".Translate(ex.ToString())); throw; } ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.WriteMetaHeader(); _jobStackIO = Manager.For(manager).JobStack; Scribe_Deep.LookDeep(ref _jobStackIO, "JobStack"); } catch (Exception ex2) { Log.Error("Exception while saving jobstack: " + ex2); } finally { Scribe.FinalizeWriting(); Messages.Message("FM.JobsExported".Translate(_jobStackIO.FullStack().Count), MessageSound.Standard); Refresh(); } }
public static void save(List <Thing> thingsToSave, string fileLocation, Thing source) { Log.Message("Saving to: " + fileLocation); Scribe.InitWriting(fileLocation, "Stargate"); //Log.Message("Starting Save"); //Save Pawn //Scribe_Collections.LookList<Thing>(ref thingsToSave, "things", LookMode.Deep, (object)null); //Scribe.EnterNode("map"); //Scribe.EnterNode("things"); //source.ExposeData(); Scribe_Collections.LookList <Thing>(ref thingsToSave, "things", LookMode.Deep, (object)null); //Scribe.ExitNode(); //Scribe.ExitNode(); /* * for (int i = 0; i < thingsToSave.Count; i++) * { * Scribe_Deep.LookDeep<Thing>(ref thingsToSave[i], thingsToSave[i].ThingID); * }*/ Scribe.FinalizeWriting(); Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.Inactive; //Log.Message("End Save"); }
// // Static Methods // public static void SaveToFile(PrepareCarefully data, string presetName) { try { Scribe.InitWriting(PresetFiles.FilePathForSavedPreset(presetName), "preset"); string versionStringFull = "3"; Scribe_Values.LookValue <string>(ref versionStringFull, "version", null, false); bool usePoints = data.Config.pointsEnabled; int startingPoints = PrepareCarefully.Instance.StartingPoints; Scribe_Values.LookValue <bool>(ref usePoints, "usePoints", false, true); Scribe_Values.LookValue <int>(ref startingPoints, "startingPoints", 0, true); string modString = GenText.ToCommaList(Enumerable.Select <ModContentPack, string>(LoadedModManager.RunningMods, (Func <ModContentPack, string>)(mod => mod.Name)), true); Scribe_Values.LookValue <string>(ref modString, "mods", null, false); Scribe.EnterNode("colonists"); foreach (CustomPawn customPawn in data.Pawns) { SaveRecordPawnV3 pawn = new SaveRecordPawnV3(customPawn); Scribe_Deep.LookDeep <SaveRecordPawnV3>(ref pawn, "colonist"); } Scribe.ExitNode(); Scribe.EnterNode("relationships"); foreach (var r in data.RelationshipManager.ExplicitRelationships) { SaveRecordRelationshipV3 s = new SaveRecordRelationshipV3(r); Scribe_Deep.LookDeep <SaveRecordRelationshipV3>(ref s, "relationship"); } Scribe.ExitNode(); Scribe.EnterNode("equipment"); foreach (var e in data.Equipment) { SelectedEquipment customPawn = e; Scribe_Deep.LookDeep <SelectedEquipment>(ref customPawn, "equipment"); } Scribe.ExitNode(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Failed to save preset file"); throw e; } finally { Scribe.FinalizeWriting(); Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.Inactive; } }
public static void SaveToFile(ref Blueprint bp, string fileName) { try { Scribe.InitWriting(BlueprintFiles.FilePathForSavedBlueprint(fileName), "blueprint"); bp.BpName = fileName; Scribe_Deep.LookDeep(ref bp, "Blueprint"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Failed to save blueprint"); throw e; } finally { Scribe.FinalizeWriting(); Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.Inactive; } }
// // Static Methods // public static void SaveToFile(PrepareCarefully loadout, Page_ConfigureStartingPawnsCarefully page, string colonistName) { try { Scribe.InitWriting(ColonistFiles.FilePathForSavedColonist(colonistName), "colonist"); string versionStringFull = "3"; Scribe_Values.LookValue <string>(ref versionStringFull, "version", null, false); string modString = GenText.ToCommaList(Enumerable.Select <ModContentPack, string>(LoadedModManager.RunningMods, (Func <ModContentPack, string>)(mod => mod.Name)), true); Scribe_Values.LookValue <string>(ref modString, "mods", null, false); SaveRecordPawnV3 pawn = new SaveRecordPawnV3(page.SelectedPawn); Scribe_Deep.LookDeep <SaveRecordPawnV3>(ref pawn, "colonist"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Failed to save preset file"); throw e; } finally { Scribe.FinalizeWriting(); Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.Inactive; } }
public static void SaveFromPathCall(Map map, IntVec3 startVec, LocalTargetInfo dest, TraverseParms traverseParms, PathEndMode peMode) { CellRect destinationRect; if (dest.HasThing && peMode != PathEndMode.OnCell) { destinationRect = dest.Thing.OccupiedRect(); } else { destinationRect = CellRect.SingleCell(dest.Cell); } var dumper = new PathDataLog { mapSize = map.Size, start = startVec, dest = destinationRect, peMode = peMode, tpMode = traverseParms.mode, tpMaxDanger = traverseParms.maxDanger, tpCanBash = traverseParms.canBash, tpMoveCardinal = traverseParms.pawn?.TicksPerMoveCardinal ?? -1, tpMoveDiagonal = traverseParms.pawn?.TicksPerMoveDiagonal ?? -1, pathGrid = map.pathGrid.pathGrid, fakeEdificeGrid = new ByteGrid(map), avoidGrid = traverseParms.pawn?.GetAvoidGrid(), allowedArea = traverseParms.pawn?.playerSettings?.AreaRestrictionInPawnCurrentMap }; foreach (var cell in map.AllCells) { var rb = cell.GetRegionBarrier(map); int value = Edifice_None; if (rb != null) { var door = rb as Building_Door; if (door != null) { switch (traverseParms.mode) { case TraverseMode.ByPawn: if (!traverseParms.canBash && door.IsForbiddenToPass(traverseParms.pawn)) { value = Edifice_NonTraversableDoor; } else if (!door.FreePassage) { value = door.PawnCanOpen(traverseParms.pawn) ? door.TicksToOpenNow : Edifice_NonTraversableDoor; } else { value = 0; } break; case TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors: value = !door.FreePassage ? Edifice_NonTraversableDoor : 0; break; } } else if ((rb as Building)?.PathFindCostFor(traverseParms.pawn) > 0) { value = Edifice_KnownArmedTrap; } else { value = Edifice_Impassible; } } dumper.fakeEdificeGrid[cell] = (byte)value; } var savePath = Path.Combine(GenFilePaths.DevOutputFolderPath, $"{traverseParms.pawn} - {Find.TickManager.TicksAbs}"); if (File.Exists(savePath + ".xml")) { savePath = savePath + " "; int saveNum = 1; while (File.Exists(savePath + saveNum + ".xml")) { saveNum++; } savePath = savePath + saveNum; } try { SaveGame(savePath); try { Scribe.InitWriting(savePath + ".xml", "PathDataLog"); } catch (Exception ex) { GenUI.ErrorDialog("Stuff went wrong " + ex); throw; } ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.WriteMetaHeader(); Scribe_Deep.LookDeep(ref dumper, "PathData"); } catch (Exception ex2) { Log.Error("Exception while saving: " + ex2); } finally { Scribe.FinalizeWriting(); } }