Esempio n. 1
        public override bool Update(ScreenCoordinates mouseS)
            if (mouseS.MapID == MapManager.NULLSPACE)

            mouseScreen = mouseS;
            mouseCoords = CluwneLib.ScreenToCoordinates(mouseScreen);

            if (pManager.CurrentPermission.IsTile)

            currentTile = mouseCoords.Grid.GetTile(mouseCoords);

            if (!RangeCheck())

            var manager = IoCManager.Resolve <IClientEntityManager>();

            IOrderedEnumerable <IEntity> snapToEntities =
                from IEntity entity in manager.GetEntitiesInRange(mouseCoords, snapToRange)
                where entity.Prototype == pManager.CurrentPrototype &&
                entity.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().MapID == mouseCoords.MapID
                    (entity.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>(
                        ).WorldPosition - mouseCoords.ToWorld().Position).LengthSquared
                select entity;

            if (snapToEntities.Any())
                IEntity closestEntity = snapToEntities.First();
                if (closestEntity.TryGetComponent <ISpriteRenderableComponent>(out var component))
                    var closestSprite = component.GetCurrentSprite();
                    var closestBounds = closestSprite.LocalBounds;

                    var closestRect =
                            closestEntity.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.X - closestBounds.Width / 2f,
                            closestEntity.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.Y - closestBounds.Height / 2f,
                            closestBounds.Width, closestBounds.Height);

                    var sides = new Vector2[]
                        new Vector2(closestRect.Left + (closestRect.Width / 2f), closestRect.Top - closestBounds.Height / 2f),
                        new Vector2(closestRect.Left + (closestRect.Width / 2f), closestRect.Bottom + closestBounds.Height / 2f),
                        new Vector2(closestRect.Left - closestBounds.Width / 2f, closestRect.Top + (closestRect.Height / 2f)),
                        new Vector2(closestRect.Right + closestBounds.Width / 2f, closestRect.Top + (closestRect.Height / 2f))

                    Vector2 closestSide =
                        (from Vector2 side in sides orderby(side - mouseCoords.Position).LengthSquared ascending select side).First();

                    mouseCoords = new LocalCoordinates(closestSide, mouseCoords.Grid);
                    mouseScreen = CluwneLib.WorldToScreen(mouseCoords);

            if (CheckCollision())
Esempio n. 2
 public override void AlignPlacementMode(ScreenCoordinates mouseScreen)
     MouseCoords = ScreenToCursorGrid(mouseScreen);
     CurrentTile = pManager.MapManager.GetGrid(MouseCoords.GridID).GetTileRef(MouseCoords);
Esempio n. 3
        protected override void FrameUpdate(RenderFrameEventArgs args)
            if (!VisibleInTree)

            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            var mouseScreenPos = inputManager.MouseScreenPosition;
            var screenSize     = _displayManager.ScreenSize;

            int               mouseWorldMap;
            int               mouseWorldGrid;
            GridCoordinates   mouseWorldPos;
            ScreenCoordinates worldToScreen;
            IEntity           mouseEntity = null;
            TileRef           tile;

                var coords = eyeManager.ScreenToWorld(new ScreenCoordinates(mouseScreenPos));
                mouseWorldMap  = (int)_mapManager.GetGrid(coords.GridID).ParentMapId;
                mouseWorldGrid = (int)coords.GridID;
                mouseWorldPos  = coords;
                worldToScreen  = eyeManager.WorldToScreen(coords);
                if (stateManager.CurrentState is GameScreen gameScreen)
                    mouseEntity = gameScreen.GetEntityUnderPosition(coords);

                tile = _mapManager.GetGrid(coords.GridID).GetTileRef(coords);
                mouseWorldPos  = eyeManager.ScreenToWorld(mouseScreenPos);
                mouseWorldGrid = 0;
                mouseWorldMap  = 0;
                worldToScreen  = new ScreenCoordinates();
                tile           = new TileRef();

            stringBuilder.AppendFormat(@"Positioning Debug:
Screen Size: {0}
Mouse Pos:
    Screen: {1}
    World: {2}
    W2S: {3}
    Grid: {4}
    Tile: {8}
    Map: {5}
    Entity: {6}
    GUI: {7}
", screenSize, mouseScreenPos, mouseWorldPos, worldToScreen, mouseWorldGrid, mouseWorldMap, mouseEntity,
                                       UserInterfaceManager.CurrentlyHovered, tile);

            stringBuilder.AppendLine("\nAttached Entity:");
            if (playerManager.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity == null)
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("No attached entity.");
                var entityTransform   = playerManager.LocalPlayer.ControlledEntity.Transform;
                var playerWorldOffset = entityTransform.WorldPosition;
                var playerScreen      = eyeManager.WorldToScreen(playerWorldOffset);

                stringBuilder.AppendFormat(@"    World: {0}
    Screen: {1}
    Grid: {2}
    Map: {3}", playerWorldOffset, playerScreen, entityTransform.GridID, entityTransform.MapID);

            contents.Text = stringBuilder.ToString();
Esempio n. 4
 public virtual bool Update(ScreenCoordinates mouseScreen)
Esempio n. 5
 public override void AlignPlacementMode(ScreenCoordinates mouseScreen)
     MouseCoords = ScreenToCursorGrid(mouseScreen);
     CurrentTile = GetTileRef(MouseCoords);
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates an instance of <see cref="FullInputCmdMessage"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tick">Client tick this was created.</param>
 /// <param name="inputSequence"></param>
 /// <param name="inputFunctionId">Function this command is changing.</param>
 /// <param name="state">New state of the Input Function.</param>
 /// <param name="coordinates">Local Coordinates of the pointer when the command was created.</param>
 /// <param name="screenCoordinates"></param>
 public FullInputCmdMessage(GameTick tick, ushort subTick, int inputSequence, KeyFunctionId inputFunctionId, BoundKeyState state, GridCoordinates coordinates, ScreenCoordinates screenCoordinates)
     : this(tick, subTick, inputFunctionId, state, coordinates, screenCoordinates, EntityUid.Invalid)
 public CursorPopupLabel(ScreenCoordinates screenCoords) : base()
     InitialPos = screenCoords.Position / UIScale - DesiredSize / 2;
Esempio n. 8
 protected MouseEventArgs(ScreenCoordinates position)
     Position = position;
Esempio n. 9
 // ALL the parameters!
 public MouseButtonEventArgs(Mouse.Button button, ScreenCoordinates position)
     : base(position)
     Button = button;
Esempio n. 10
 public void PopupMessage(ScreenCoordinates coordinates, string message)
     PopupMessage(coordinates, message, null);
Esempio n. 11
 public virtual bool FrameUpdate(RenderFrameEventArgs e, ScreenCoordinates mouseScreen)
Esempio n. 12
        public virtual void Render(Vector2 topLeft, Vector2 bottomRight)
            //Render slaves beneath
            IEnumerable <SpriteComponent> renderablesBeneath = from SpriteComponent c in slaves
                                                               orderby c.DrawDepth ascending
                                                               where c.DrawDepth < DrawDepth
                                                               select c;

            foreach (SpriteComponent component in renderablesBeneath.ToList())
                component.Render(topLeft, bottomRight);

            //Render this sprite
            if (!visible)
            if (currentBaseSprite == null)

            Sprite spriteToRender = GetActiveDirectionalSprite();

            ScreenCoordinates renderPos = CluwneLib.WorldToScreen(Owner.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().LocalPosition);
            var bounds = spriteToRender.GetLocalBounds();

            SetSpriteCenter(spriteToRender, renderPos.Position);

            if (Owner.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.X + bounds.Left + bounds.Width < topLeft.X ||
                Owner.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.X > bottomRight.X ||
                Owner.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.Y + bounds.Top + bounds.Height < topLeft.Y ||
                Owner.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.Y > bottomRight.Y)

            spriteToRender.Scale = new Vector2f(HorizontalFlip ? -1 : 1, 1);
            spriteToRender.Color = this.Color.Convert();
            spriteToRender.Color = Color4.White.Convert();

            //Render slaves above
            IEnumerable <SpriteComponent> renderablesAbove = from SpriteComponent c in slaves
                                                             orderby c.DrawDepth ascending
                                                             where c.DrawDepth >= DrawDepth
                                                             select c;

            foreach (SpriteComponent component in renderablesAbove.ToList())
                component.Render(topLeft, bottomRight);

            //Draw AABB
            var aabb = LocalAABB;

            if (CluwneLib.Debug.DebugColliders)
                CluwneLib.drawRectangle((int)(renderPos.X - aabb.Width / 2), (int)(renderPos.Y - aabb.Height / 2), aabb.Width, aabb.Height, Color4.Blue);
Esempio n. 13
        public override bool Update(ScreenCoordinates mouseS)
            if (mouseS.MapID == MapId.Nullspace)

            MouseScreen = mouseS;
            MouseCoords = CluwneLib.ScreenToCoordinates(MouseScreen);

            if (pManager.CurrentPermission.IsTile)

            CurrentTile = MouseCoords.Grid.GetTile(MouseCoords);

            if (!RangeCheck())

            var manager = IoCManager.Resolve <IClientEntityManager>();

            var snapToEntities = manager.GetEntitiesInRange(MouseCoords, SnapToRange)
                                 .Where(entity => entity.Prototype == pManager.CurrentPrototype && entity.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().MapID == MouseCoords.MapID)
                                 .OrderBy(entity => (entity.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition - MouseCoords.ToWorld().Position).LengthSquared)

            if (snapToEntities.Any())
                var closestEntity = snapToEntities.First();
                if (closestEntity.TryGetComponent <ISpriteRenderableComponent>(out var component))
                    var closestSprite = component.GetCurrentSprite();
                    var closestBounds = closestSprite.LocalBounds;

                    var closestRect =
                            closestEntity.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.X - closestBounds.Width / 2f,
                            closestEntity.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.Y - closestBounds.Height / 2f,
                            closestBounds.Width, closestBounds.Height);

                    var sides = new[]
                        new Vector2(closestRect.Left + closestRect.Width / 2f, closestRect.Top - closestBounds.Height / 2f),
                        new Vector2(closestRect.Left + closestRect.Width / 2f, closestRect.Bottom + closestBounds.Height / 2f),
                        new Vector2(closestRect.Left - closestBounds.Width / 2f, closestRect.Top + closestRect.Height / 2f),
                        new Vector2(closestRect.Right + closestBounds.Width / 2f, closestRect.Top + closestRect.Height / 2f)

                    var closestSide =
                        (from Vector2 side in sides orderby(side - MouseCoords.Position).LengthSquared select side).First();

                    MouseCoords = new LocalCoordinates(closestSide, MouseCoords.Grid);
                    MouseScreen = CluwneLib.WorldToScreen(MouseCoords);

            if (CheckCollision())
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 ///     Constructs a new instance of <see cref="BoundKeyEventArgs"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="function">Bound key that that is changing.</param>
 /// <param name="state">New state of the function.</param>
 /// <param name="pointerLocation">Current Pointer location in screen coordinates.</param>
 public BoundKeyEventArgs(BoundKeyFunction function, BoundKeyState state, ScreenCoordinates pointerLocation)
     Function        = function;
     State           = state;
     PointerLocation = pointerLocation;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates an instance of <see cref="FullInputCmdMessage"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tick">Client tick this was created.</param>
 /// <param name="inputFunctionId">Function this command is changing.</param>
 /// <param name="state">New state of the Input Function.</param>
 /// <param name="coordinates">Local Coordinates of the pointer when the command was created.</param>
 public FullInputCmdMessage(uint tick, KeyFunctionId inputFunctionId, BoundKeyState state, GridLocalCoordinates coordinates, ScreenCoordinates screenCoordinates)
     : this(tick, inputFunctionId, state, coordinates, screenCoordinates, EntityUid.Invalid)
Esempio n. 16
 // ALL the parameters!
 public MouseWheelEventArgs(Vector2 delta, ScreenCoordinates position)
     : base(position)
     Delta = delta;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates an instance of <see cref="FullInputCmdMessage"/> with an optional Entity reference.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tick">Client tick this was created.</param>
 /// <param name="inputFunctionId">Function this command is changing.</param>
 /// <param name="state">New state of the Input Function.</param>
 /// <param name="coordinates">Local Coordinates of the pointer when the command was created.</param>
 /// <param name="uid">Entity that was under the pointer when the command was created.</param>
 public FullInputCmdMessage(uint tick, KeyFunctionId inputFunctionId, BoundKeyState state, GridLocalCoordinates coordinates, ScreenCoordinates screenCoordinates, EntityUid uid)
     : base(tick, inputFunctionId)
     State             = state;
     Coordinates       = coordinates;
     ScreenCoordinates = screenCoordinates;
     Uid = uid;
Esempio n. 18
 // ALL the parameters!
 public MouseMoveEventArgs(Vector2 relative, ScreenCoordinates position)
     : base(position)
     Relative = relative;
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates an instance of <see cref="FullInputCmdMessage"/> with an optional Entity reference.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tick">Client tick this was created.</param>
 /// <param name="inputFunctionId">Function this command is changing.</param>
 /// <param name="state">New state of the Input Function.</param>
 /// <param name="coordinates">Local Coordinates of the pointer when the command was created.</param>
 /// <param name="screenCoordinates"></param>
 /// <param name="uid">Entity that was under the pointer when the command was created.</param>
 public FullInputCmdMessage(GameTick tick, ushort subTick, KeyFunctionId inputFunctionId, BoundKeyState state, GridCoordinates coordinates, ScreenCoordinates screenCoordinates, EntityUid uid)
     : base(tick, subTick, inputFunctionId)
     State             = state;
     Coordinates       = coordinates;
     ScreenCoordinates = screenCoordinates;
     Uid = uid;
Esempio n. 20
        public override void AlignPlacementMode(ScreenCoordinates mouseScreen)
            const float SearchBoxSize = 1.5f; // size of search box in meters

            MouseCoords = ScreenToCursorGrid(mouseScreen);

            var mapGrid = pManager.MapManager.GetGrid(MouseCoords.GridID);

            if (mapGrid.IsDefaultGrid)
                // check if we are on an edge of a grid
                // create a box around the cursor
                DebugTools.Assert(mapGrid.WorldPosition == Vector2.Zero); // assert that LocalPos == WorldPos
                var gridSearchBox = Box2.UnitCentered.Scale(SearchBoxSize).Translated(MouseCoords.Position);

                // find grids in search box
                var gridsInArea = mapGrid.ParentMap.FindGridsIntersecting(gridSearchBox);

                // find closest grid intersecting our search box.
                IMapGrid closest   = null;
                var      distance  = float.PositiveInfinity;
                var      intersect = new Box2();
                foreach (var grid in gridsInArea)
                    // figure out closest intersect
                    var gridIntersect = gridSearchBox.Intersect(grid.WorldBounds);
                    var gridDist      = (gridIntersect.Center - MouseCoords.Position).LengthSquared;

                    if (gridDist >= distance)

                    distance  = gridDist;
                    closest   = grid;
                    intersect = gridIntersect;

                if (closest != null) // stick to existing grid
                    // round to nearest cardinal dir
                    var normal = new Angle(MouseCoords.Position - intersect.Center).GetCardinalDir().ToVec();

                    // round coords to center of tile
                    var tileIndices     = closest.WorldToTile(intersect.Center);
                    var tileCenterLocal = closest.GridTileToLocal(tileIndices);
                    var tileCenterWorld = tileCenterLocal.ToWorld(pManager.MapManager).Position;

                    // move mouse one tile out along normal
                    var newTilePos = tileCenterWorld + normal * closest.TileSize;
                    MouseCoords = new GridCoordinates(closest.WorldToLocal(newTilePos), closest.Index);
                //else free place

            CurrentTile = mapGrid.GetTileRef(MouseCoords);
            float tileSize = mapGrid.TileSize; //convert from ushort to float

            GridDistancing = tileSize;

            if (pManager.CurrentPermission.IsTile)
                if (!mapGrid.IsDefaultGrid)
                    MouseCoords = new GridCoordinates(CurrentTile.X + tileSize / 2,
                                                      CurrentTile.Y + tileSize / 2,
                // else we don't modify coords
                MouseCoords = new GridCoordinates(CurrentTile.X + tileSize / 2 + pManager.PlacementOffset.X,
                                                  CurrentTile.Y + tileSize / 2 + pManager.PlacementOffset.Y,
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Aligns the location of placement based on cursor location
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mouseScreen"></param>
 /// <returns>Returns whether the current position is a valid placement position</returns>
 public abstract void AlignPlacementMode(ScreenCoordinates mouseScreen);
Esempio n. 22
 protected GridCoordinates ScreenToCursorGrid(ScreenCoordinates coords)
     return pManager.eyeManager.ScreenToWorld(coords.Position);
Esempio n. 23
 public override void AlignPlacementMode(ScreenCoordinates mouseScreen)
     MouseCoords = ScreenToPlayerGrid(mouseScreen);
     CurrentTile = MouseCoords.Grid.GetTile(MouseCoords);
Esempio n. 24
        public override void Render(Vector2 topLeft, Vector2 bottomRight)
            if (IsCurrentlyWorn && currentSprite == baseSprite)
                base.Render(topLeft, bottomRight);
            else if (IsCurrentlyCarried && currentSprite != CarriedSprite)
                base.Render(topLeft, bottomRight);

            //Render slaves beneath
            IEnumerable <SpriteComponent> renderablesBeneath = from SpriteComponent c in slaves
                                                               orderby c.DrawDepth ascending
                                                               where c.DrawDepth < DrawDepth
                                                               select c;

            foreach (SpriteComponent component in renderablesBeneath.ToList())
                component.Render(topLeft, bottomRight);

            //Render this sprite
            if (!visible)
            if (NotWornSprite == null)

            Sprite spriteToRender = NotWornSprite;
            var    bounds         = spriteToRender.GetLocalBounds();

            ScreenCoordinates renderPos = CluwneLib.WorldToScreen(Owner.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().LocalPosition);

            spriteToRender.Position = new Vector2f(renderPos.X - (bounds.Width / 2),
                                                   renderPos.Y - (bounds.Height / 2));

            if (Owner.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.X + bounds.Left + bounds.Width < topLeft.X ||
                Owner.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.X > bottomRight.X ||
                Owner.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.Y + bounds.Top + bounds.Height < topLeft.Y ||
                Owner.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().WorldPosition.Y > bottomRight.Y)

            spriteToRender.Scale = new Vector2f(HorizontalFlip ? -1 : 1, 1);

            //Render slaves above
            IEnumerable <SpriteComponent> renderablesAbove = from SpriteComponent c in slaves
                                                             orderby c.DrawDepth ascending
                                                             where c.DrawDepth >= DrawDepth
                                                             select c;

            foreach (SpriteComponent component in renderablesAbove.ToList())
                component.Render(topLeft, bottomRight);

            //Draw AABB
            var aabb = LocalAABB;

            if (CluwneLib.Debug.DebugColliders)
                CluwneLib.drawRectangle((int)(renderPos.X - aabb.Width / 2), (int)(renderPos.Y - aabb.Height / 2), aabb.Width, aabb.Height, Color4.Blue);