Esempio n. 1
 private static void ThrowUnableToRemoveScratch(ScratchBufferItem scratchBufferItem)
     throw new InvalidOperationException(
               $"Could not remove a scratch file from the scratch buffers collection. Number: {scratchBufferItem.Number}");
Esempio n. 2
        public PageFromScratchBuffer Allocate(Transaction tx, int numberOfPages)
            if (tx == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tx");

            var size = Utils.NearestPowerOfTwo(numberOfPages);

            PageFromScratchBuffer result;

            var current     = _current;
            var currentFile = current.File;

            if (currentFile.TryGettingFromAllocatedBuffer(tx, numberOfPages, size, out result))

            long sizeAfterAllocation;
            long oldestActiveTransaction = tx.Environment.OldestTransaction;

            if (_scratchBuffers.Count == 1)
                sizeAfterAllocation = currentFile.SizeAfterAllocation(size);
                sizeAfterAllocation = size * AbstractPager.PageSize;

                var scratchesToDelete = new List <int>();

                // determine how many bytes of older scratches are still in use (at least when this snapshot is taken)
                foreach (var scratch in _scratchBuffers.Values)
                    var bytesInUse = scratch.File.ActivelyUsedBytes(oldestActiveTransaction);

                    if (bytesInUse > 0)
                        sizeAfterAllocation += bytesInUse;
                        if (scratch != current)

                // delete inactive scratches
                foreach (var scratchNumber in scratchesToDelete)
                    ScratchBufferItem scratchBufferToRemove;
                    if (_scratchBuffers.TryRemove(scratchNumber, out scratchBufferToRemove))

            if (sizeAfterAllocation >= (_sizeLimit * 3) / 4 && oldestActiveTransaction > current.OldestTransactionWhenFlushWasForced)
                // we may get recursive flushing, so we want to avoid it
                if (tx.Environment.Journal.Applicator.IsCurrentThreadInFlushOperation == false)
                    // We are starting to force a flush to free scratch pages. We are doing it at this point (80% of the max scratch size)
                    // to make sure that next transactions will be able to allocate pages that we are going to free in the current transaction.
                    // Important notice: all pages freed by this run will get ValidAfterTransactionId == tx.Id (so only next ones can use it)

                    bool flushLockTaken = false;
                    using (tx.Environment.Journal.Applicator.TryTakeFlushingLock(ref flushLockTaken))
                        if (flushLockTaken) // if we are already flushing, we don't need to force a flush
                                tx.Environment.ForceLogFlushToDataFile(tx, allowToFlushOverwrittenPages: true);
                                current.OldestTransactionWhenFlushWasForced = oldestActiveTransaction;
                            catch (TimeoutException)
                                // we'll try next time
                            catch (InvalidJournalFlushRequest)
                                // journals flushing already in progress

            if (sizeAfterAllocation > _sizeLimit)
                var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Our problem is that we don't have any available free pages, probably because
                // there are read transactions that are holding things open. We are going to see if
                // there are any free pages that _might_ be freed for us if we wait for a bit. The idea
                // is that we let the read transactions time to complete and do their work, at which point
                // we can continue running. It is possible that a long running read transaction
                // would in fact generate enough work for us to timeout, but hopefully we can avoid that.

                while (sp.ElapsedMilliseconds < tx.Environment.Options.ScratchBufferOverflowTimeout)
                    if (currentFile.TryGettingFromAllocatedBuffer(tx, numberOfPages, size, out result))


                bool createNextFile = false;

                if (currentFile.HasDiscontinuousSpaceFor(tx, size, _scratchBuffers.Count))
                    // there is enough space for the requested allocation but the problem is its fragmentation
                    // so we will create a new scratch file and will allow to allocate new continuous range from there

                    createNextFile = true;
                else if (_scratchBuffers.Count == 1 && currentFile.Size < _sizeLimit &&
                         (currentFile.ActivelyUsedBytes(oldestActiveTransaction) + size * AbstractPager.PageSize) < _sizeLimit)
                    // there is only one scratch file that hasn't reach the size limit yet and
                    // the number of bytes being in active use allows to allocate the requested size
                    // let it create a new file

                    createNextFile = true;

                if (createNextFile)
                    // We need to ensure that _current stays constant through the codepath until return.
                    current = NextFile();


                        return(current.File.Allocate(tx, numberOfPages, size));
                        // That's why we update only after exiting.
                        _current = current;

                var debugInfoBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Current transaction id: {0}\r\n", tx.Id);
                debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Requested number of pages: {0} (adjusted size: {1} == {2:#,#;;0} KB)\r\n", numberOfPages, size, size * AbstractPager.PageSize / 1024);
                debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Oldest active transaction: {0} (snapshot: {1})\r\n", tx.Environment.OldestTransaction, oldestActiveTransaction);
                debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Oldest active transaction when flush was forced: {0}\r\n", current.OldestTransactionWhenFlushWasForced);
                debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Next write transaction id: {0}\r\n", tx.Environment.NextWriteTransactionId + 1);

                debugInfoBuilder.AppendLine("Active transactions:");
                foreach (var activeTransaction in tx.Environment.ActiveTransactions)
                    debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("\tId: {0} - {1}\r\n", activeTransaction.Id, activeTransaction.Flags);

                debugInfoBuilder.AppendLine("Scratch files usage:");
                foreach (var scratchBufferItem in _scratchBuffers.Values.OrderBy(x => x.Number))
                    debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("\t{0} - size: {1:#,#;;0} KB, in active use: {2:#,#;;0} KB\r\n", StorageEnvironmentOptions.ScratchBufferName(scratchBufferItem.File.Number), scratchBufferItem.File.Size / 1024, scratchBufferItem.File.ActivelyUsedBytes(oldestActiveTransaction) / 1024);

                debugInfoBuilder.AppendLine("Most available free pages:");
                foreach (var scratchBufferFile in _scratchBuffers.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                    debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("\t{0}\r\n", StorageEnvironmentOptions.ScratchBufferName(scratchBufferFile.Value.Number));

                    foreach (var freePage in scratchBufferFile.Value.File.GetMostAvailableFreePagesBySize())
                        debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("\t\tSize:{0}, ValidAfterTransactionId: {1}\r\n", freePage.Key, freePage.Value);

                debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Compression buffer size: {0:#,#;;0} KB\r\n", tx.Environment.Journal.CompressionBufferSize / 1024);

                string debugInfo = debugInfoBuilder.ToString();

                string message = string.Format("Cannot allocate more space for the scratch buffer.\r\n" +
                                               "Current file size is:\t{0:#,#;;0} KB.\r\n" +
                                               "Requested size for current file:\t{1:#,#;;0} KB.\r\n" +
                                               "Requested total size for all files:\t{2:#,#;;0} KB.\r\n" +
                                               "Limit:\t\t\t{3:#,#;;0} KB.\r\n" +
                                               "Already flushed and waited for {4:#,#;;0} ms for read transactions to complete.\r\n" +
                                               "Do you have a long running read transaction executing?\r\n" +
                                               "Debug info:\r\n{5}",
                                               currentFile.Size / 1024L,
                                               currentFile.SizeAfterAllocation(size) / 1024L,
                                               sizeAfterAllocation / 1024L,
                                               _sizeLimit / 1024L,

                throw new ScratchBufferSizeLimitException(message);

            // we don't have free pages to give out, need to allocate some
            result = currentFile.Allocate(tx, numberOfPages, size);

Esempio n. 3
        private void AddScratchBufferFile(ScratchBufferItem scratch)

            _scratchBuffers.AddOrUpdate(scratch.Number, scratch, (_, __) => scratch);
Esempio n. 4
 public ScratchBufferPool(StorageEnvironment env)
     _options   = env.Options;
     _sizeLimit = env.Options.MaxScratchBufferSize;
     _current   = NextFile();
        public PageFromScratchBuffer Allocate(LowLevelTransaction tx, int numberOfPages)
            if (tx == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tx));
            var size = Bits.NextPowerOf2(numberOfPages);

            PageFromScratchBuffer result;
            var current = _current;

            if (current.File.TryGettingFromAllocatedBuffer(tx, numberOfPages, size, out result))

            long sizeAfterAllocation;
            long oldestActiveTransaction = tx.Environment.OldestTransaction;

            if (_scratchBuffers.Count == 1)
                sizeAfterAllocation = current.File.SizeAfterAllocation(size);
                sizeAfterAllocation = size * tx.Environment.Options.PageSize;

                var scratchesToDelete = new List <int>();

                sizeAfterAllocation += current.File.ActivelyUsedBytes(oldestActiveTransaction);

                // determine how many bytes of older scratches are still in use
                foreach (var scratch in _scratchBuffers.Values)
                    var bytesInUse = scratch.File.ActivelyUsedBytes(oldestActiveTransaction);

                    if (bytesInUse <= 0)
                        if (scratch != current)

                // delete inactive scratches
                foreach (var scratchNumber in scratchesToDelete)
                    ScratchBufferItem scratchBufferToRemove;
                    if (_scratchBuffers.TryRemove(scratchNumber, out scratchBufferToRemove))

            if (sizeAfterAllocation >= (_sizeLimit * 3) / 4 && oldestActiveTransaction > current.OldestTransactionWhenFlushWasForced)
                // we may get recursive flushing, so we want to avoid it
                if (tx.Environment.Journal.Applicator.IsCurrentThreadInFlushOperation == false)
                    // We are starting to force a flush to free scratch pages. We are doing it at this point (80% of the max scratch size)
                    // to make sure that next transactions will be able to allocate pages that we are going to free in the current transaction.
                    // Important notice: all pages freed by this run will get ValidAfterTransactionId == tx.Id (so only next ones can use it)

                    bool flushLockTaken = false;
                    using (tx.Environment.Journal.Applicator.TryTakeFlushingLock(ref flushLockTaken))
                        if (flushLockTaken) // if we are already flushing, we don't need to force a flush
                                tx.Environment.ForceLogFlushToDataFile(tx, allowToFlushOverwrittenPages: true);
                                current.OldestTransactionWhenFlushWasForced = oldestActiveTransaction;
                            catch (TimeoutException)
                                // we'll try next time
                            catch (InvalidJournalFlushRequestException)
                                // journals flushing already in progress

            if (sizeAfterAllocation > _sizeLimit)
                var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Our problem is that we don't have any available free pages, probably because
                // there are read transactions that are holding things open. We are going to see if
                // there are any free pages that _might_ be freed for us if we wait for a bit. The idea
                // is that we let the read transactions time to complete and do their work, at which point
                // we can continue running. It is possible that a long running read transaction
                // would in fact generate enough work for us to timeout, but hopefully we can avoid that.

                while (tx.IsLazyTransaction == false && // lazy transaction is holding a read tx that will stop this, nothing to do here
                       tx.Environment.Options.ManualFlushing == false &&
                       sp.ElapsedMilliseconds < tx.Environment.Options.ScratchBufferOverflowTimeout)
                    if (current.File.TryGettingFromAllocatedBuffer(tx, numberOfPages, size, out result))


                bool createNextFile = false;

                if (tx.IsLazyTransaction)
                    // in lazy transaction when reaching full scratch buffer - we might still have continuous space, but because
                    // of high insertion rate - we reach scratch buffer full, so we will create new scratch anyhow

                    createNextFile = true;
                else if (current.File.HasDiscontinuousSpaceFor(tx, size, _scratchBuffers.Count))
                    // there is enough space for the requested allocation but the problem is its fragmentation
                    // so we will create a new scratch file and will allow to allocate new continuous range from there

                    createNextFile = true;
                else if (_scratchBuffers.Count == 1 && current.File.Size < _sizeLimit &&
                         (current.File.ActivelyUsedBytes(oldestActiveTransaction) + size * tx.Environment.Options.PageSize) < _sizeLimit)
                    // there is only one scratch file that hasn't reach the size limit yet and
                    // the number of bytes being in active use allows to allocate the requested size
                    // let it create a new file

                    createNextFile = true;

                if (createNextFile)
                    // We need to ensure that _current stays constant through the codepath until return.
                    current = NextFile();


                        return(current.File.Allocate(tx, numberOfPages, size));
                        // That's why we update only after exiting.
                        _current = current;

                ThrowScratchBufferTooBig(tx, numberOfPages, size, oldestActiveTransaction, sizeAfterAllocation, sp, current);

            // we don't have free pages to give out, need to allocate some
            result = current.File.Allocate(tx, numberOfPages, size);

        private void ThrowScratchBufferTooBig(LowLevelTransaction tx, int numberOfPages, long size, long oldestActiveTransaction,
                                              long sizeAfterAllocation, Stopwatch sp, ScratchBufferItem current)
            var debugInfoBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            var totalPages       = tx.GetTransactionPages().Count;

            debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Current transaction id: {0}\r\n", tx.Id);
            if ((totalPages + numberOfPages) * tx.Environment.Options.PageSize >= _sizeLimit / 2)
                debugInfoBuilder.Append("- - - - - - - - - - - - -\r\n");
                    "This transaction is VERY big, and requires {0:##,###;;0} kb out of {1:##,###;;0} kb allows!\r\n",
                    ((totalPages + numberOfPages) * tx.Environment.Options.PageSize) / 1024,
                    _sizeLimit / 1024
                debugInfoBuilder.Append("- - - - - - - - - - - - -\r\n");

            debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Requested number of pages: {0} (adjusted size: {1} == {2:#,#;;0} KB)\r\n", numberOfPages,
                                          size, size * tx.Environment.Options.PageSize / 1024);
            debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Total number of pages in tx: {0} (adjusted size: {1} == {2:#,#;;0} KB)\r\n", totalPages,
                                          totalPages, totalPages * tx.Environment.Options.PageSize / 1024);
            debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Oldest active transaction: {0} (snapshot: {1})\r\n", tx.Environment.OldestTransaction,
            debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Oldest active transaction when flush was forced: {0}\r\n",
            debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Next write transaction id: {0}\r\n", tx.Environment.NextWriteTransactionId + 1);

            debugInfoBuilder.AppendLine("Active transactions:");
            foreach (var activeTransaction in tx.Environment.ActiveTransactions)
                debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("\tId: {0} - {1}\r\n", activeTransaction.Id, activeTransaction.Flags);

            debugInfoBuilder.AppendLine("Scratch files usage:");
            foreach (var scratchBufferFile in _scratchBuffers.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("\t{0} - size: {1:#,#;;0} KB, in active use: {2:#,#;;0} KB\r\n",
                                              StorageEnvironmentOptions.ScratchBufferName(scratchBufferFile.Value.Number), scratchBufferFile.Value.File.Size / 1024,
                                              scratchBufferFile.Value.File.ActivelyUsedBytes(oldestActiveTransaction) / 1024);

            debugInfoBuilder.AppendLine("Most available free pages:");
            foreach (var scratchBufferFile in _scratchBuffers.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("\t{0}\r\n", StorageEnvironmentOptions.ScratchBufferName(scratchBufferFile.Value.Number));

                foreach (var freePage in scratchBufferFile.Value.File.GetMostAvailableFreePagesBySize())
                    debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("\t\tSize:{0}, ValidAfterTransactionId: {1}\r\n", freePage.Key, freePage.Value);

            debugInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("Compression buffer size: {0:#,#;;0} KB\r\n",
                                          tx.Environment.Journal.CompressionBufferSize / 1024);

            string debugInfo = debugInfoBuilder.ToString();

            string message = string.Format("Cannot allocate more space for the scratch buffer.\r\n" +
                                           "Current file size is:\t{0:#,#;;0} KB.\r\n" +
                                           "Requested size for current file:\t{1:#,#;;0} KB.\r\n" +
                                           "Requested total size for all files:\t{2:#,#;;0} KB.\r\n" +
                                           "Limit:\t\t\t{3:#,#;;0} KB.\r\n" +
                                           "Already flushed and waited for {4:#,#;;0} ms for read transactions to complete.\r\n" +
                                           "Do you have a long running read transaction executing?\r\n" +
                                           "Debug info:\r\n{5}",
                                           current.File.Size / 1024L,
                                           current.File.SizeAfterAllocation(size) / 1024L,
                                           sizeAfterAllocation / 1024L,
                                           _sizeLimit / 1024L,

            throw new ScratchBufferSizeLimitException(message);
Esempio n. 7
        private void AddScratchBufferFile(ScratchBufferItem scratch)
            RemoveInactiveScratches(scratch, updateCacheBeforeDisposingScratch: true);

            _scratchBuffers.AddOrUpdate(scratch.Number, scratch, (_, __) => scratch);
Esempio n. 8
        public void Free(LowLevelTransaction tx, int scratchNumber, long page, long?txId)
            var scratch = _scratchBuffers[scratchNumber];

            scratch.File.Free(page, txId);
            if (scratch.File.AllocatedPagesCount != 0)

            List <ScratchBufferFile> recycledScratchesToDispose = null;

            while (_recycleArea.First != null)
                var recycledScratch = _recycleArea.First.Value;

                if (IsLowMemory() == false &&
                    DateTime.UtcNow - recycledScratch.RecycledAt <= RecycledScratchFileTimeout)


                if (recycledScratch.File.HasActivelyUsedBytes(_env.PossibleOldestReadTransaction(tx)))
                    // even though this was in the recycle area, there might still be some transactions looking at it
                    // so we cannot dispose it right now, the disposal will happen in RemoveInactiveScratches
                    // when we are sure it's really no longer in use


                _scratchBuffers.TryRemove(recycledScratch.Number, out var _);

                if (recycledScratchesToDispose == null)
                    recycledScratchesToDispose = new List <ScratchBufferFile>();


            if (recycledScratchesToDispose != null)
                using (_env.IsInPreventNewTransactionsMode == false ? _env.PreventNewTransactions() : (IDisposable)null)
                    // we're about to dispose recycled scratch pagers, we need to update the cache so next transactions won't attempt to EnsurePagerStateReference() on them


                foreach (var recycledScratch in recycledScratchesToDispose)

                    _scratchSpaceMonitor.Decrease(recycledScratch.NumberOfAllocatedPages * Constants.Storage.PageSize);


            if (scratch == _current)
                if (scratch.File.Size <= _options.MaxScratchBufferSize)
                    // we'll take the chance that no one is using us to reset the memory allocations
                    // and avoid fragmentation, we can only do that if no transaction is looking at us
                    if (scratch.File.HasActivelyUsedBytes(_env.PossibleOldestReadTransaction(tx)) == false)


                // this is the current one, but the size is too big, let us trim it
                var newCurrent = NextFile(_options.InitialLogFileSize, _options.MaxScratchBufferSize);
                _current = newCurrent;
