Esempio n. 1
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            // generate sample heights are based on
            Random rand = new(0);

            double[] heights = ScottPlot.DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1234, mean: 178.4, stdDev: 7.6);

            // create a histogram
            var hist = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(heights, min: 140, max: 220, binSize: 1);

            // display histogram probabability as a bar plot
            var bar = plt.AddBar(values: hist.countsFrac, positions: hist.bins);

            bar.FillColor   = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#9bc3eb");
            bar.BorderColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#82add9");
            bar.BarWidth    = hist.binSize;

            // display histogram distribution curve as a line plot
                xs: hist.bins,
                ys: hist.probability,
                color: Color.Black,
                lineWidth: 2,
                lineStyle: LineStyle.Dash);

            // customize the plot style
            plt.Title("Adult Male Height");
            plt.XAxis.Label("Height (cm)");
            plt.SetAxisLimits(yMin: 0);
Esempio n. 2
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            // create sample data for two datasets
            Random rand = new Random(0);

            double[] values1 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1000, mean: 50, stdDev: 20);
            double[] values2 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1000, mean: 45, stdDev: 25);
            var      hist1   = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values1, min: 0, max: 100);
            var      hist2   = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values2, min: 0, max: 100);

            // display datasets as step plots
            var sp1 = plt.AddScatter(hist1.bins, hist1.cumulativeFrac);

            sp1.Label       = "Sample A";
            sp1.StepDisplay = true;
            sp1.MarkerSize  = 0;

            var sp2 = plt.AddScatter(hist2.bins, hist2.cumulativeFrac);

            sp2.Label       = "Sample B";
            sp2.StepDisplay = true;
            sp2.MarkerSize  = 0;

            // decorate the plot
            plt.SetAxisLimits(yMin: 0, yMax: 1);
            plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
            plt.Title("Cumulative Probability Histogram");
            plt.XAxis.Label("Probability (fraction)");
            plt.YAxis.Label("Value (units)");
Esempio n. 3
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            Random rand = new Random(0);

            double[] values = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1000, mean: 50, stdDev: 20);
            var      hist   = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values, min: 0, max: 100);

            // plot the bins as a bar graph (on the primary Y axis)
            var bar = plt.AddBar(hist.counts, hist.bins);

            bar.BarWidth        = hist.binSize * 1.2; // oversize to reduce render artifacts
            bar.BorderLineWidth = 0;
            bar.YAxisIndex      = 0;
            plt.YAxis.Label("Count (#)");

            // plot the mean curve as a scatter plot (on the secondary Y axis)
            var sp = plt.AddScatter(hist.bins, hist.countsFracCurve);

            sp.MarkerSize = 0;
            sp.LineWidth  = 2;
            sp.YAxisIndex = 1;

            // decorate the plot
            plt.XAxis2.Label("Normal Random Data", bold: true);
            plt.XAxis.Label("Value (units)");
            plt.SetAxisLimits(yMin: 0);
            plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
Esempio n. 4
        void PlotHistogram()
            double[] values   = { 0, 20, 25, 28, 39, 59 };
            var      his      = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values, min: 0, max: 70);
            double   barWidth = his.binSize * 1.2;

            plt.PlotBar(his.bins, his.countsFracCurve, barWidth: barWidth, outlineWidth: 0);
            plt.PlotScatter(his.bins, his.countsFracCurve, markerSize: 0, lineWidth: 2, color: Color.Black);
            plt.Axis(null, null, 0, null);
Esempio n. 5
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            // male and female heights are based on
            Random rand = new(0);

            double[] heightsMale   = ScottPlot.DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 2345, mean: 178.4, stdDev: 7.6);
            double[] heightsFemale = ScottPlot.DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1234, mean: 164.7, stdDev: 7.1);

            // calculate histograms for male and female datasets
            var histMale   = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(heightsMale, min: 140, max: 210, binSize: 1);
            var histFemale = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(heightsFemale, min: 140, max: 210, binSize: 1);

            // plot histograms
            var barMale = plt.AddBar(values: histMale.countsFrac, positions: histMale.bins);

            barMale.BarWidth        = histMale.binSize;
            barMale.FillColor       = Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Blue);
            barMale.BorderLineWidth = 0;

            var barFemale = plt.AddBar(values: histFemale.countsFrac, positions: histFemale.bins);

            barFemale.BarWidth        = histFemale.binSize;
            barFemale.FillColor       = Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Red);
            barFemale.BorderLineWidth = 0;

            // plot probability function curves
                xs: histMale.bins,
                ys: histMale.probability,
                color: Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Blue),
                lineWidth: 3,
                label: $"Male (n={heightsMale.Length:N0})");

                xs: histFemale.bins,
                ys: histFemale.probability,
                color: Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Red),
                lineWidth: 3,
                label: $"Female (n={heightsFemale.Length:N0})");

            // customize styling
            plt.Title("Human Height by Sex");
            plt.XLabel("Height (cm)");
            plt.Legend(location: ScottPlot.Alignment.UpperLeft);
            plt.SetAxisLimits(yMin: 0);
Esempio n. 6
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                Random rand = new Random(0);

                double[] values = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1000, mean: 50, stdDev: 20);
                var      hist   = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values, min: 0, max: 100);

                double barWidth = hist.binSize * 1.2; // slightly over-side to reduce anti-alias rendering artifacts

                plt.PlotBar(hist.bins, hist.countsFrac, barWidth: barWidth, outlineWidth: 0);
                plt.PlotScatter(hist.bins, hist.countsFracCurve, markerSize: 0, lineWidth: 2, color: Color.Black);
                plt.Title("Normal Random Data");
                plt.YLabel("Frequency (fraction)");
                plt.XLabel("Value (units)");
                plt.Axis(null, null, 0, null);
                plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
Esempio n. 7
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                // create sample data for two datasets
                Random rand = new Random(0);

                double[] values1 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1000, mean: 50, stdDev: 20);
                double[] values2 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1000, mean: 45, stdDev: 25);
                var      hist1   = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values1, min: 0, max: 100);
                var      hist2   = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values2, min: 0, max: 100);

                // display datasets as step plots
                plt.Title("Cumulative Probability Histogram");
                plt.YLabel("Probability (fraction)");
                plt.XLabel("Value (units)");
                plt.PlotStep(hist1.bins, hist1.cumulativeFrac, lineWidth: 1.5, label: "sample A");
                plt.PlotStep(hist2.bins, hist2.cumulativeFrac, lineWidth: 1.5, label: "sample B");
                plt.Axis(null, null, 0, 1);
Esempio n. 8
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            // generate sample heights are based on
            Random rand = new(0);

            double[] heights = ScottPlot.DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1234, mean: 178.4, stdDev: 7.6);

            // create a histogram
            var hist = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(heights, min: 140, max: 220, binSize: 1);

            // display the histogram counts as a bar plot
            var bar = plt.AddBar(hist.counts, hist.bins);

            bar.BarWidth = hist.binSize;

            // customize the plot style
            plt.YAxis.Label("Count (#)");
            plt.XAxis.Label("Height (cm)");
            plt.SetAxisLimits(yMin: 0);
Esempio n. 9
        private void PlotResults(double[] timesMsec)
            double mean = timesMsec.Sum() / timesMsec.Length;

            double median = timesMsec[(int)(timesMsec.Length / 2)];

            var hist = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(timesMsec);

            formsPlot2.plt.PlotBar(hist.bins, hist.counts);
            formsPlot2.plt.PlotVLine(mean, lineWidth: 3, label: "mean");
            formsPlot2.plt.PlotVLine(median, lineWidth: 3, label: "median", lineStyle: ScottPlot.LineStyle.Dot);
            formsPlot2.plt.Axis(y1: 0);
            formsPlot2.plt.XLabel("Render Time (ms)");
            formsPlot2.plt.Title($"Median: {median} ms");
        private WpfPlot DisplayNormalDistribution(DataColumn column, int columnIndex, int columnsCount)
            var wpfPlot = new WpfPlot
                Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(columnIndex * (1800 / columnsCount), 0, 1800 - (columnIndex + 1) * (1800 / columnsCount), 500)

            (var minimum, var maximum) = DistributionProcessor.GetColumnBoundaries(column);

            var    normalDistributionEmpirical = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(column.Data.ToArray(), binCount: 10, min: minimum, max: maximum);
            double barWidth = normalDistributionEmpirical.binSize * 1.2;

            wpfPlot.plt.PlotBar(normalDistributionEmpirical.bins, normalDistributionEmpirical.countsFrac.Select(v => v / normalDistributionEmpirical.binSize).ToArray(), barWidth: barWidth, outlineWidth: 0, fillColor: Color.Gray);
            wpfPlot.plt.PlotScatter(column.NormalDistribution.Select(nd => nd.x).ToArray(), column.NormalDistribution.Select(nd => nd.y).ToArray(), markerSize: 0, lineWidth: 2);
            wpfPlot.plt.AxisAutoY(margin: 0);
            wpfPlot.plt.Axis(x1: minimum);
            wpfPlot.plt.Ticks(numericFormatStringY: "0.00");

Esempio n. 11
        public static Mat MakeHistogram(Mat mat)
            double[] array;
                var span = new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(mat.Data.ToPointer(), (int)mat.Total() * mat.Channels());
                array = new double[span.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
                    array[i] = span[i];

            var plt  = new Plot(640, 480);
            var hist = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(array, min: 0, max: 255, binSize: 1);

            plt.PlotBar(hist.bins, hist.counts, barWidth: hist.binSize, outlineWidth: 0);
            plt.Axis(null, null, 0, null);
            plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
            var bitmap = plt.GetBitmap();

Esempio n. 12
        public void RenderPlot()
            bool containsDateAxis = false;

            foreach (PlotParameters curr in ((App)App.Current).GetSeries())
                if (curr.drawSettings.label == "")
                    curr.drawSettings.label = null;//Prevents it from showing up in the legend

                if (curr.drawSettings.dateXAxis)
                    containsDateAxis = true;
                    object timeUnit;
                    object numTimeUnitsObj;
                    curr.metaData.TryGetValue("timeUnit", out timeUnit);
                    curr.metaData.TryGetValue("numTimeUnits", out numTimeUnitsObj);
                    ScottPlot.Config.DateTimeUnit dateTimeUnit = (ScottPlot.Config.DateTimeUnit)timeUnit;
                    int numTimeUnits = (int)numTimeUnitsObj;

                    dateUnit        = dateTimeUnit;
                    dateUnitSpacing = numTimeUnits;

                    if (dateTimeUnit == ScottPlot.Config.DateTimeUnit.Year)//Grid spacing of one year is currently unsupported -_-
                        plotFrame.plt.Grid(xSpacing: 12, xSpacingDateTimeUnit: ScottPlot.Config.DateTimeUnit.Month);
                        plotFrame.plt.Grid(xSpacing: numTimeUnits, xSpacingDateTimeUnit: dateTimeUnit);
                    plotFrame.plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: true, xTickRotation: 30, fontSize: 10); // Default fontSize is 12

                switch (curr.drawSettings.type)
                case PlotType.scatter:
                    double[] xsScatter = ((double[][])[0];
                    double[] ysScatter = ((double[][])[1];
                    if (logAxis)
                        ysScatter = ScottPlot.Tools.Log10(ysScatter);

                    if (!curr.hasErrorData)
                        plotFrame.plt.PlotScatterHighlight(xsScatter, ysScatter, curr.drawSettings.colour, curr.drawSettings.drawLine ? 1 : 0, label: curr.drawSettings.label, markerShape: curr.drawSettings.markerShape, highlightedColor: curr.drawSettings.colour);
                        double[] errorX = ((double[][])curr.errorData)[0];
                        double[] errorY = ((double[][])curr.errorData)[1];
                        plotFrame.plt.PlotScatterHighlight(xsScatter, ysScatter, curr.drawSettings.colour, curr.drawSettings.drawLine ? 1 : 0, label: curr.drawSettings.label, markerShape: curr.drawSettings.markerShape, errorX: errorX, errorY: errorY, highlightedColor: curr.drawSettings.colour);

                    if (curr.drawSettings.drawLinearRegression)
                        var    model = new ScottPlot.Statistics.LinearRegressionLine(xsScatter, ysScatter);
                        double x1    = xsScatter[0];
                        double x2    = xsScatter[xsScatter.Length - 1];
                        double y1    = model.GetValueAt(x1);
                        double y2    = model.GetValueAt(x2);
                        plotFrame.plt.PlotLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, lineWidth: 3, label: $"ŷ = {model.offset:f9} + {model.slope:f9}x");

                case PlotType.signal:
                    object sampleRate = 100;
                    curr.metaData.TryGetValue("sampleRate", out sampleRate);
                    object xOffset = 0;
                    curr.metaData.TryGetValue("xOffset", out xOffset);
                    double[] data = (double[]);

                    if (logAxis)
                        data = ScottPlot.Tools.Log10(data);
                    plotFrame.plt.PlotSignalConst(data, (double)sampleRate, (double)xOffset, color: curr.drawSettings.colour, lineWidth: curr.drawSettings.drawLine ? 1 : 0, label: curr.drawSettings.label, markerSize: 0);

                    double[] xsBar = ((double[][])[0];
                    double[] ysBar = ((double[][])[1];
                    if (logAxis)
                        ysBar = ScottPlot.Tools.Log10(ysBar);
                    if (!curr.hasErrorData)
                        plotFrame.plt.PlotBar(xsBar, ysBar, fillColor: curr.drawSettings.colour, outlineColor: curr.drawSettings.colour, errorColor: curr.drawSettings.colour, label: curr.drawSettings.label);
                        double[] errorY = ((double[])curr.errorData);
                        plotFrame.plt.PlotBar(xsBar, ysBar, fillColor: curr.drawSettings.colour, outlineColor: curr.drawSettings.colour, errorColor: curr.drawSettings.colour, label: curr.drawSettings.label, errorY: errorY);

                case PlotType.histogram:
                    ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram histogram = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram((double[]);
                    double[] yData = histogram.counts;

                    switch (curr.drawSettings.histogramType)
                    case HistogramType.fraction | HistogramType.density:
                        yData = histogram.countsFrac;

                    case HistogramType.fraction | HistogramType.cumulative:
                        yData = histogram.cumulativeFrac;

                    case HistogramType.count | HistogramType.cumulative:
                        yData = histogram.cumulativeCounts;

                    plotFrame.plt.PlotBar(histogram.bins, yData, fillColor: curr.drawSettings.colour, outlineColor: curr.drawSettings.colour, errorColor: curr.drawSettings.colour, label: curr.drawSettings.label);

                case PlotType.horizontal_line:
                    double hLineData = (double);
                    plotFrame.plt.PlotHLine(hLineData, color: curr.drawSettings.colour, label: curr.drawSettings.label);

                case PlotType.vertical_line:
                    double vLineData = (double);
                    plotFrame.plt.PlotVLine(vLineData, color: curr.drawSettings.colour, label: curr.drawSettings.label);

                case PlotType.horizontal_span:
                    (double hSpanMin, double hSpanMax) = (ValueTuple <double, double>);
                    plotFrame.plt.PlotHSpan(hSpanMin, hSpanMax, color: curr.drawSettings.colour, label: curr.drawSettings.label);

                case PlotType.vertical_span:
                    (double vSpanMin, double vSpanMax) = (ValueTuple <double, double>);
                    plotFrame.plt.PlotVSpan(vSpanMin, vSpanMax, color: curr.drawSettings.colour, label: curr.drawSettings.label);

                case PlotType.box_whisker:
                    var plotObj = plotFrame.plt.PlotPopulations((ScottPlot.Statistics.Population), label: curr.drawSettings.label);
                    plotObj.boxStyle = PlottablePopulations.BoxStyle.BoxMedianQuartileOutlier;
                    plotObj.displayDistributionCurve = false;

                case PlotType.function:
                    var f = (Func <double, double?>);
                    plotFrame.plt.PlotFunction(f, label: curr.drawSettings.label, markerShape: MarkerShape.none, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dash);

                case PlotType.bar_grouped:
                    var      plotData     = ((double[][]);
                    string[] groupLabels  = (string[])curr.metaData.GetValueOrDefault("group_names");
                    string[] seriesLabels = (string[])curr.metaData.GetValueOrDefault("series_names");
                    if (!curr.hasErrorData)
                        plotFrame.plt.PlotBarGroups(groupLabels, seriesLabels, plotData);
                        plotFrame.plt.PlotBarGroups(groupLabels, seriesLabels, plotData, (double[][])curr.errorData);

            isDateAxis = containsDateAxis;

            (double highlightX, double highlightY) = (plotFrame.plt.Axis()[0], plotFrame.plt.Axis()[3]);

            foreach (var curr in rawPlottables)
                if (curr != snappedCoordinates || showCoordinates)
                    plotFrame.plt.Add(curr);//Got axed when we cleared everything

Esempio n. 13
        private void PlotHistogram()
            double?min = (double)nudMin.Value;
            double?max = (double)nudMax.Value;

            if (cbMinAuto.Checked)
                min = null;
            if (cbMaxAuto.Checked)
                max = null;

            double?binSize  = (double)nudBinSize.Value;
            double?binCount = (double)nudBinCount.Value;

            if (cbBinSizeAuto.Checked)
                binSize = null;
            if (cbBinCountAuto.Checked)
                binCount = null;

            // ignore binCount if both binSize and binCount are given
            if ((binSize != null) && (binCount != null))
                binCount = null;

            bool ignoreOutOfBounds = cbIgnoreOutOfBounds.Checked;

            var hist = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values, min, max, binSize, binCount, ignoreOutOfBounds);

            binSize = hist.bins[1] - hist.bins[0];
            if (nudMin.Enabled == false)
                nudMin.Value = (decimal)hist.bins[0];
            if (nudMax.Enabled == false)
                nudMax.Value = (decimal)(hist.bins[hist.bins.Length - 1] + binSize);
            if (nudBinSize.Enabled == false)
                nudBinSize.Value = (decimal)binSize;
            if (nudBinCount.Enabled == false)
                nudBinCount.Value = (decimal)hist.bins.Length;

            foreach (double bin in hist.bins)

            if (cbCount.Checked)
                PlotHistogramCount(hist.bins, hist.counts);
            else if (cbNorm.Checked)
                PlotHistogramFrac(hist.bins, hist.countsFrac);
            else if (cbCph.Checked)
                PlotHistogramCumulative(hist.bins, hist.cumulativeFrac);