Esempio n. 1
    static void Main(string[] args)

        Console.WriteLine($"Excel path = {AppSettings.SurveyResultFilePath}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Template path = {AppSettings.ReportTemplatePath}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Scoring config = {AppSettings.ScoringRulesConfigPath}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Output directory = {AppSettings.OutputDirectory}");
        Console.WriteLine("Press `Enter` to continue...");

        string        scoringXml = File.ReadAllText(AppSettings.ScoringRulesConfigPath);
        ScoringConfig config     = XmlHelper.DeserializeData <ScoringConfig>(scoringXml);
        var           outputDir  = FileHelper.CreateDirectoryWithTimestamp(AppSettings.OutputDirectory, null);

        //here is the actual application logic
        var scores = new SurveyExcelReader().ReadFromExcelFile(AppSettings.SurveyResultFilePath, config);

        var excelSummary = SurveySummaryGenerator.CreateExcel(scores);

        FileHelper.CreateFileWithTimestampAndWrite(excelSummary, outputDir, AppSettings.OutputFilePrefix, "xlsx");

        //var html = SurveyReportGenerator.Create(scores[0], AppSettings.ReportTemplatePath);
        SurveyReportGenerator.Process(scores, AppSettings.ReportTemplatePath, outputDir);

        Console.WriteLine("Scores calculated & reports generated. See output directory.");
        Console.WriteLine("Press `Enter` to exit...");
Esempio n. 2
        //TODO: overall RED-GREEN rules are hard coded as 70% and 85% - should be configurable
        internal static (decimal RedScore, decimal GreenScore) GetAggregateRules(ScoringConfig scoringConfig)
            var maxPossibleScore = scoringConfig.Questions
                                   .Aggregate(0.0m, (current, next) =>
                                              current + (next.SingleAnswerOnly ?
                                                         next.Options.Max(op => op.Score) :
                                                         next.Options.Sum(op => op.Score)));
            var redScore   = maxPossibleScore * (scoringConfig.AggregateYellowPercentage / 100m);
            var greenScore = maxPossibleScore * (scoringConfig.AggregateGreenPercentage / 100m);

            return(redScore, greenScore);
Esempio n. 3
        private static void PopulateMetaColumnNumbers(ScoringConfig ruleConfig, ExcelWorksheet worksheet, int totalColumns)
            for (int col = 1; col <= totalColumns; col++)
                var colHeader    = worksheet.GetCellValue(1, col);
                var metaToUpdate = ruleConfig.Metadata
                                   .FirstOrDefault(m => m.Query.Trim().ToLower() == colHeader.Trim().ToLower());

                if (metaToUpdate != null)
                    metaToUpdate.ColumnNumber = col;
Esempio n. 4
        public List <ScoreCard> ReadFromExcelFile(string excelFilePath, ScoringConfig scoringConfig)

            var allScores = new List <ScoreCard>();

            var excel = new FileInfo(excelFilePath);

            using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(excel))

                var worksheet    = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.First();
                var totalRows    = worksheet.Dimension.End.Row;
                var totalColumns = worksheet.Dimension.End.Column;

                PopulateMetaColumnNumbers(scoringConfig, worksheet, totalColumns);
                PopulateColumnNumbers(scoringConfig, worksheet, totalColumns);

                var aggregateRules = ScoreCalculator.GetAggregateRules(scoringConfig);

                for (int rowNum = 2; rowNum <= totalRows; rowNum++)
                    var scorecard = GetScorecardWithMetadata(worksheet, scoringConfig, rowNum);
                    foreach (var rule in scoringConfig.Questions)
                        var response = worksheet.GetCellValue(rowNum, rule.ColumnNumber.Value);
                        var result   = ScoreCalculator.GetScore(rule, response);
                        scorecard.ScoreItems.Add(new CategoryScore
                            Query      = rule.Query,
                            ReportTag  = rule.ReportTag,
                            Response   = response,
                            Score      = result.Score,
                            StateColor = result.StateColor

                    var aggregateResult = ScoreCalculator.GetAggregate(scorecard, aggregateRules.RedScore, aggregateRules.GreenScore);
                    scorecard.Aggregate   = aggregateResult.Sum;
                    scorecard.ResultColor = aggregateResult.Color;
Esempio n. 5
        private static ScoreCard GetScorecardWithMetadata(ExcelWorksheet worksheet, ScoringConfig scoringConfig, int rowNum)
            var scorecard = new ScoreCard()
                ScoreItems = new List <CategoryScore>(),
                Metadata   = new List <MetaResponse>()

            foreach (var rule in scoringConfig.Metadata)
                scorecard.Metadata.Add(new MetaResponse
                    Query     = rule.Query,
                    ReportTag = rule.ReportTag,
                    Response  = worksheet.GetCellValue(rowNum, rule.ColumnNumber.Value)
Esempio n. 6
 internal static void TestSerialization()
     var test = new ScoringConfig
         Questions = new Question[]
             new Question
                 Options = new Option[]
                     new Option
                         Score = 10,
                         Value = "First option"
                     new Option
                         Score = 20,
                         Value = "Second option"
                 Query       = "Select an option",
                 ReportTag   = "opt1",
                 ScoringRule = new ScoringRule
                     GreenScore = 10,
                     RedScore   = null
                 SingleAnswerOnly = true
             new Question
                 Options = new Option[]
                     new Option
                         Score = 100,
                         Value = "Good option"
                     new Option
                         Score = 20,
                         Value = "Bad option"
                 Query       = "Select another option",
                 ReportTag   = "opt2",
                 ScoringRule = new ScoringRule
                     GreenScore = 100,
                     RedScore   = 20
                 SingleAnswerOnly = true
         Metadata = new Metadata[]
             new Metadata
                 Query     = "Project name",
                 ReportTag = "project"
             new Metadata
                 Query     = "Project BU",
                 ReportTag = "bu"
     var xml = XmlHelper.SerializeData(test);