protected override void ShowPage() { if (config.Enablemall == 0) //未启用交易模式 { AddErrLine("系统未开启交易模式, 当前页面暂时无法访问!"); return; } #region 临时帐号发帖 //int realuserid = -1; //string tempusername = DNTRequest.GetString("tempusername"); //if (tempusername != "" && tempusername != username) //{ // string temppassword = DNTRequest.GetString("temppassword"); // int question = DNTRequest.GetInt("question", 0); // string answer = DNTRequest.GetString("answer"); // realuserid = Users.CheckTempUserInfo(tempusername, temppassword, question, answer); // if (realuserid == -1) // { // AddErrLine("临时帐号登录失败,无法继续发帖。"); // return; // } // else // { // userid = realuserid; // username = tempusername; // usergroupinfo = UserGroups.GetUserGroupInfo(Users.GetShortUserInfo(userid).Groupid); // usergroupid = usergroupinfo.Groupid; // useradminid = Users.GetShortUserInfo(userid).Adminid; // } //} #endregion #region 获取分类对象信息 int categoryid = DNTRequest.GetInt("categoryid", -1); //如果是提交... if (ispost) { categoryid = DNTRequest.GetInt("goodscategoryid", -1); } if (categoryid > 0) { goodscategoryinfo = GoodsCategories.GetGoodsCategoryInfoById(categoryid); } if (goodscategoryinfo == null) { goodscategoryinfo = new Goodscategoryinfo(); goodscategoryinfo.Categoryid = -1; } if (goodscategoryinfo.Fid <= 0) { allowpostgoods = false; forumnav = ""; AddErrLine("错误的商品分类ID"); return; } #endregion canhtmltitle = config.Htmltitle == 1 && Utils.InArray(usergroupid.ToString(), config.Htmltitleusergroup); firstpagesmilies = Caches.GetSmiliesFirstPageCache(); //内容设置为空; message = ""; if (config.Enablemall == 1) //开启普通模式 { forumid = GoodsCategories.GetCategoriesFid(categoryid); forumnav = ""; if (forumid == -1) { allowpostgoods = false; AddErrLine("错误的商品分类ID"); return; } else { forum = Forums.GetForumInfo(forumid); if (forum == null || forum.Layer == 0) { allowpostgoods = false; AddErrLine("错误的商品分类ID"); return; } if (forum.Istrade <= 0) { allowpostgoods = false; AddErrLine("当前版块不允许发布商品"); return; } forumname = forum.Name; pagetitle = Utils.RemoveHtml(forum.Name); forumnav = ForumUtils.UpdatePathListExtname(forum.Pathlist.Trim(), config.Extname); enabletag = (config.Enabletag & forum.Allowtag) == 1; } } else if (config.Enablemall == 2) //当为高级模式时 { pagetitle = "发布商品"; forumnav = ""; enabletag = true; forum = new ForumInfo(); forum.Allowsmilies = 1; forum.Allowbbcode = 1; } //得到用户可以上传的文件类型 StringBuilder sbAttachmentTypeSelect = new StringBuilder(); if (!usergroupinfo.Attachextensions.Trim().Equals("")) { sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append("[id] in ("); sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append(usergroupinfo.Attachextensions); sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append(")"); } if (config.Enablemall == 1) //开启普通模式 { if (!forum.Attachextensions.Equals("")) { if (sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Length > 0) { sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append(" AND "); } sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append("[id] in ("); sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append(forum.Attachextensions); sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append(")"); } } attachextensions = Attachments.GetAttachmentTypeArray(sbAttachmentTypeSelect.ToString()); attachextensionsnosize = Attachments.GetAttachmentTypeString(sbAttachmentTypeSelect.ToString()); //得到今天允许用户上传的附件总大小(字节) int MaxTodaySize = 0; if (userid > 0) { MaxTodaySize = Attachments.GetUploadFileSizeByuserid(userid); //今天已上传大小 } attachsize = usergroupinfo.Maxsizeperday - MaxTodaySize; //今天可上传得大小 parseurloff = 0; bbcodeoff = 1; if (config.Enablemall == 1) //开启普通模式 { smileyoff = 1 - forum.Allowsmilies; allowimg = forum.Allowimgcode; if (forum.Allowbbcode == 1 && usergroupinfo.Allowcusbbcode == 1) { bbcodeoff = 0; } } // 如果当前用户非管理员并且论坛设定了禁止发布商品时间段,当前时间如果在其中的一个时间段内,不允许用户发布商品 if (useradminid != 1 && usergroupinfo.Disableperiodctrl != 1) { string visittime = ""; if (Scoresets.BetweenTime(config.Postbanperiods, out visittime)) { AddErrLine("在此时间段( " + visittime + " )内用户不可以发布商品"); return; } } if (config.Enablemall == 1) //开启普通模式 { if (forum.Password != "" && Utils.MD5(forum.Password) != ForumUtils.GetCookie("forum" + forumid.ToString() + "password")) { AddErrLine("本版块被管理员设置了密码"); SetBackLink(base.ShowForumAspxRewrite(forumid, 0)); return; } if (!Forums.AllowViewByUserId(forum.Permuserlist, userid)) //判断当前用户在当前版块浏览权限 { if (forum.Viewperm == null || forum.Viewperm == string.Empty) //当板块权限为空时,按照用户组权限 { if (useradminid != 1 && (usergroupinfo.Allowvisit != 1 || usergroupinfo.Allowtrade != 1)) { AddErrLine("您当前的身份 \"" + usergroupinfo.Grouptitle + "\" 没有发布商品的权限"); return; } } else//当板块权限不为空,按照板块权限 { if (!Forums.AllowView(forum.Viewperm, usergroupid)) { AddErrLine("您没有发布商品的权限"); return; } } } if (!Forums.AllowPostByUserID(forum.Permuserlist, userid)) //判断当前用户在当前版块发布商品权限 { if (forum.Postperm == null || forum.Postperm == string.Empty) //权限设置为空时,根据用户组权限判断 { // 验证用户是否有发布商品的权限 if (useradminid != 1 && usergroupinfo.Allowtrade != 1) { AddErrLine("您当前的身份 \"" + usergroupinfo.Grouptitle + "\" 没有发布商品的权限"); return; } } else//权限设置不为空时,根据板块权限判断 { if (!Forums.AllowPost(forum.Postperm, usergroupid)) { AddErrLine("您没有发布商品的权限"); return; } } } //是否有上传附件的权限 if (Forums.AllowPostAttachByUserID(forum.Permuserlist, userid)) { canpostattach = true; } else { if (forum.Postattachperm == "") { if (usergroupinfo.Allowpostattach == 1) { canpostattach = true; } } else { if (Forums.AllowPostAttach(forum.Postattachperm, usergroupid)) { canpostattach = true; } } } } else if (config.Enablemall == 2) //当为高级模式时 { canpostattach = true; allowimg = 1; smileyoff = 0; } ShortUserInfo user = Users.GetShortUserInfo(userid); if (canpostattach && user != null && apb != null && config.Enablealbum == 1 && (UserGroups.GetUserGroupInfo(user.Groupid).Maxspacephotosize - apb.GetPhotoSizeByUserid(userid) > 0)) { caninsertalbum = true; albumlist = apb.GetSpaceAlbumByUserId(userid); } else { caninsertalbum = false; } // 如果是受灌水限制用户, 则判断是否是灌水 AdminGroupInfo admininfo = AdminGroups.GetAdminGroupInfo(usergroupid); disablepost = 0; if (admininfo != null) { disablepost = admininfo.Disablepostctrl; } if (admininfo == null || admininfo.Disablepostctrl != 1) { int Interval = Utils.StrDateDiffSeconds(lastposttime, config.Postinterval); if (Interval < 0) { AddErrLine("系统规定发布商品间隔为" + config.Postinterval.ToString() + "秒, 您还需要等待 " + (Interval * -1).ToString() + " 秒"); return; } else if (userid != -1) { ShortUserInfo shortUserInfo = Discuz.Data.Users.GetShortUserInfo(userid); string joindate = (shortUserInfo != null) ? shortUserInfo.Joindate : ""; if (joindate == "") { AddErrLine("您的用户资料出现错误"); return; } Interval = Utils.StrDateDiffMinutes(joindate, config.Newbiespan); if (Interval < 0) { AddErrLine("系统规定新注册用户必须要在" + config.Newbiespan.ToString() + "分钟后才可以发布商品, 您还需要等待 " + (Interval * -1).ToString() + " 分"); return; } } } creditstrans = Scoresets.GetCreditsTrans(); userextcreditsinfo = Scoresets.GetScoreSet(creditstrans); if (userid > 0) { spaceid = Users.GetShortUserInfo(userid).Spaceid; } //如果不是提交... if (!ispost) { AddLinkCss(BaseConfigs.GetForumPath + "templates/" + templatepath + "/editor.css", "css"); smilies = Caches.GetSmiliesCache(); smilietypes = Caches.GetSmilieTypesCache(); customeditbuttons = Caches.GetCustomEditButtonList(); } else { SetBackLink(string.Format("postgoods.aspx?categoryid={0}&restore=1", categoryid)); string postmessage = DNTRequest.GetString("message"); ForumUtils.WriteCookie("postmessage", postmessage); if (ForumUtils.IsCrossSitePost()) { AddErrLine("您的请求来路不正确,无法提交。如果您安装了某种默认屏蔽来路信息的个人防火墙软件(如 Norton Internet Security),请设置其不要禁止来路信息后再试。"); return; } if (DNTRequest.GetString("title").Trim().Equals("")) { AddErrLine("商品标题不能为空"); } else if (DNTRequest.GetString("title").IndexOf(" ") != -1) { AddErrLine("商品标题不能包含全角空格符"); } else if (DNTRequest.GetString("title").Length > 60) { AddErrLine("商品标题最大长度为60个字符,当前为 " + DNTRequest.GetString("title").Length + " 个字符"); } if (postmessage.Equals("") || postmessage.Replace(" ", "").Equals("")) { AddErrLine("商品内容不能为空"); } if (admininfo != null && admininfo.Disablepostctrl != 1) { if (postmessage.Length < config.Minpostsize) { AddErrLine("您发表的内容过少, 系统设置要求商品内容不得少于 " + config.Minpostsize + " 字多于 " + config.Maxpostsize + " 字"); } else if (postmessage.Length > config.Maxpostsize) { AddErrLine("您发表的内容过多, 系统设置要求商品内容不得少于 " + config.Minpostsize + " 字多于 " + config.Maxpostsize + " 字"); } } //新用户广告强力屏蔽检查 if (config.Disablepostad == 1 || userid == -1) //如果开启新用户广告强力屏蔽检查或是游客 { if (userid == -1 || (config.Disablepostadpostcount != 0 && user.Posts <= config.Disablepostadpostcount) || (config.Disablepostadregminute != 0 && DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-config.Disablepostadregminute) <= Convert.ToDateTime(user.Joindate))) { foreach (string regular in config.Disablepostadregular.Replace("\r", "").Split('\n')) { if (Posts.IsAD(regular, DNTRequest.GetString("title"), postmessage)) { AddErrLine("发布商品失败,商品内容中似乎有广告信息,请检查标题和内容,如有疑问请与管理员联系"); return; } } } } if (IsErr()) { return; } // 如果用户上传了附件,则检测用户是否有上传附件的权限 if (ForumUtils.IsPostFile()) { if (Attachments.GetAttachmentTypeArray(sbAttachmentTypeSelect.ToString()).Trim() == "") { AddErrLine("系统不允许上传附件"); } if (config.Enablemall == 1) //开启普通模式 { if (!Forums.AllowPostAttachByUserID(forum.Permuserlist, userid)) { if (!Forums.AllowPostAttach(forum.Postattachperm, usergroupid)) { AddErrLine("您没有在该版块上传附件的权限"); } else if (usergroupinfo.Allowpostattach != 1) { AddErrLine(string.Format("您当前的身份 \"{0}\" 没有上传附件的权限", usergroupinfo.Grouptitle)); } } } } if (IsErr()) { return; } int iconid = DNTRequest.GetInt("iconid", 0); if (iconid > 15 || iconid < 0) { iconid = 0; } string curdatetime = Utils.GetDateTime(); Goodsinfo goodsinfo = new Goodsinfo(); //当在高级模式下则绑定相应店铺信息 if (config.Enablemall == 2) { Shopinfo shopinfo = Shops.GetShopByUserId(user.Uid); if (shopinfo != null) { goodsinfo.Shopid = shopinfo.Shopid; } } goodsinfo.Categoryid = goodscategoryinfo.Categoryid; goodsinfo.Parentcategorylist = goodscategoryinfo.Parentidlist; goodsinfo.Recommend = DNTRequest.GetString("recommend") == "on" ? 1 : 0; goodsinfo.Discount = DNTRequest.GetInt("discount", 0); goodsinfo.Selleruid = userid; goodsinfo.Seller = username; goodsinfo.Account = DNTRequest.GetString("account"); goodsinfo.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(DNTRequest.GetFormFloat("price", 1).ToString()); goodsinfo.Amount = DNTRequest.GetInt("amount", 0); goodsinfo.Quality = DNTRequest.GetInt("quality", 0); goodsinfo.Lid = DNTRequest.GetInt("locus_2", 0); goodsinfo.Locus = Locations.GetLocusByLID(goodsinfo.Lid); goodsinfo.Transport = DNTRequest.GetInt("transport", 0); if (goodsinfo.Transport != 0) { goodsinfo.Ordinaryfee = Convert.ToDecimal(DNTRequest.GetFormFloat("postage_mail", 0).ToString()); goodsinfo.Expressfee = Convert.ToDecimal(DNTRequest.GetFormFloat("postage_express", 0).ToString()); goodsinfo.Emsfee = Convert.ToDecimal(DNTRequest.GetFormFloat("postage_ems", 0).ToString()); } goodsinfo.Itemtype = DNTRequest.GetInt("itemtype", 0); DateTime dateline; switch (DNTRequest.GetInt("_now", 0)) { case 1: dateline = Convert.ToDateTime(string.Format("{0} {1}:{2}:00", DNTRequest.GetString("_date"), DNTRequest.GetInt("_hour", 0), DNTRequest.GetInt("_minute", 0))); break; //设定 case 2: dateline = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01 00:00:00"); break; //返回100年之后的日期作为"暂不设置" default: dateline = DateTime.Now; break; //立即 } goodsinfo.Dateline = dateline; goodsinfo.Expiration = Convert.ToDateTime(DNTRequest.GetString("expiration")); goodsinfo.Lastbuyer = ""; goodsinfo.Lasttrade = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01 00:00:00"); goodsinfo.Lastupdate = Convert.ToDateTime(Utils.GetDateTime()); goodsinfo.Totalitems = 0; goodsinfo.Tradesum = 0; goodsinfo.Closed = 0; goodsinfo.Aid = 0; goodsinfo.Costprice = Convert.ToDecimal(DNTRequest.GetFormFloat("costprice", 1).ToString()); goodsinfo.Invoice = DNTRequest.GetInt("invoice", 0); goodsinfo.Repair = DNTRequest.GetInt("repair", 0); if (useradminid == 1) { goodsinfo.Message = Utils.HtmlEncode(postmessage); } else { goodsinfo.Message = Utils.HtmlEncode(ForumUtils.BanWordFilter(postmessage)); } goodsinfo.Otherlink = ""; int readperm = DNTRequest.GetInt("readperm", 0); goodsinfo.Readperm = readperm > 255 ? 255 : readperm; goodsinfo.Tradetype = DNTRequest.GetInt("tradetype", 0); if (goodsinfo.Tradetype == 1 && Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(goodsinfo.Account)) //当为支付宝在线支付方式下,如果"支付宝账户"为空时 { AddErrLine("请输入支付宝帐号信息。"); return; } goodsinfo.Viewcount = 0; goodsinfo.Displayorder = DNTRequest.GetString("displayorder") == "on" ? 0 : -3; if (config.Enablemall == 1) //当为版块交易帖是时 { if (forum.Modnewposts == 1 && useradminid != 1) { if (useradminid > 1) { if (disablepost != 1) { goodsinfo.Displayorder = -2; disablepost = 0; } } else { goodsinfo.Displayorder = -2; disablepost = 0; } } } goodsinfo.Smileyoff = smileyoff; if (smileyoff == 0 && forum.Allowsmilies == 1) { goodsinfo.Smileyoff = Utils.StrToInt(DNTRequest.GetString("smileyoff"), 0); } goodsinfo.Bbcodeoff = 1; if (usergroupinfo.Allowcusbbcode == 1 && forum.Allowbbcode == 1) { goodsinfo.Bbcodeoff = Utils.StrToInt(DNTRequest.GetString("bbcodeoff"), 0); } goodsinfo.Parseurloff = Utils.StrToInt(DNTRequest.GetString("parseurloff"), 0); if (useradminid == 1) { goodsinfo.Title = Utils.HtmlEncode(DNTRequest.GetString("title")); } else { goodsinfo.Title = Utils.HtmlEncode(ForumUtils.BanWordFilter(DNTRequest.GetString("title"))); } string htmltitle = DNTRequest.GetString("htmltitle").Trim(); if (htmltitle != string.Empty && Utils.HtmlDecode(htmltitle).Trim() != goodsinfo.Title) { goodsinfo.Magic = 11000; //按照 附加位/htmltitle(1位)/magic(3位)/以后扩展(未知位数) 的方式来存储 //例: 11001 } //标签(Tag)操作 string tags = DNTRequest.GetString("tags").Trim(); string[] tagsArray = null; if (enabletag && tags != string.Empty) { tagsArray = Utils.SplitString(tags, " ", true, 2, 10); if (tagsArray.Length > 0) { if (goodsinfo.Magic == 0) { goodsinfo.Magic = 10000; } goodsinfo.Magic = Utils.StrToInt(goodsinfo.Magic.ToString() + "1", 0); } } goodsinfo.Goodsid = Goods.CreateGoods(goodsinfo); //保存htmltitle if (canhtmltitle && htmltitle != string.Empty && htmltitle != goodsinfo.Title) { Goods.WriteHtmlSubjectFile(htmltitle, goodsinfo.Goodsid); } if (enabletag && tagsArray != null && tagsArray.Length > 0) { DbProvider.GetInstance().CreateGoodsTags(string.Join(" ", tagsArray), goodsinfo.Goodsid, userid, curdatetime); GoodsTags.WriteGoodsTagsCacheFile(goodsinfo.Goodsid); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Remove(0, sb.Length); int watermarkstatus = (forum.Disablewatermark == 1) ? 0 : config.Watermarkstatus; Goodsattachmentinfo[] attachmentinfo = Discuz.Mall.MallUtils.SaveRequestFiles(categoryid, config.Maxattachments, usergroupinfo.Maxsizeperday, usergroupinfo.Maxattachsize, MaxTodaySize, attachextensions, watermarkstatus, config, "postfile"); if (attachmentinfo != null) { if (attachmentinfo.Length > config.Maxattachments) { AddErrLine("系统设置为每个商品附件不得多于" + config.Maxattachments + "个"); return; } int errorAttachment = GoodsAttachments.BindAttachment(attachmentinfo, goodsinfo.Goodsid, sb, goodsinfo.Categoryid, userid); int[] aid = GoodsAttachments.CreateAttachments(attachmentinfo); string tempMessage = GoodsAttachments.FilterLocalTags(aid, attachmentinfo, goodsinfo.Message); goodsinfo.Goodspic = (attachmentinfo.Length > 0) ? attachmentinfo[0].Filename : ""; if (!tempMessage.Equals(goodsinfo.Message)) { goodsinfo.Message = tempMessage; goodsinfo.Aid = aid[0]; } Goods.UpdateGoods(goodsinfo); UserCredits.UpdateUserExtCreditsByUploadAttachment(userid, aid.Length - errorAttachment); } //加入相册 #region 相册 if (config.Enablealbum == 1 && apb != null) { sb.Append(apb.CreateAttachment(attachmentinfo, usergroupid, userid, username)); } #endregion if (config.Enablemall == 1) //开启普通模式 { OnlineUsers.UpdateAction(olid, UserAction.PostTopic.ActionID, forumid, forumname, -1, ""); } if (sb.Length > 0) { SetShowBackLink(true); sb.Insert(0, "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\"><tr><td colspan=2 align=\"left\"><span class=\"bold\"><nobr>发布商品成功,但以下附件上传失败:</nobr></span><br /></td></tr>"); sb.Append("</table>"); SetUrlAndMsgLine(base.ShowGoodsAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Goodsid), sb.ToString()); } else { SetShowBackLink(false); if (config.Enablemall == 1 && forum.Modnewposts == 1 && useradminid != 1) { if (useradminid != 1) { if (disablepost == 1) { if (goodsinfo.Displayorder == -3) { SetUrlAndMsgLine(base.ShowGoodsListAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Categoryid, 1), "发布商品成功, 但未上架. 您可到用户中心进行上架操作!"); } else { SetUrlAndMsgLine(base.ShowGoodsAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Goodsid), "发布商品成功, 返回该商品<br />(<a href=\"" + base.ShowGoodsAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Goodsid) + "\">点击这里返回 " + forumname + "</a>)<br />"); } } else { SetUrlAndMsgLine(base.ShowGoodsListAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Categoryid, 1), "发布商品成功, 但需要经过审核才可以显示. 返回商品列表"); } } else { SetUrlAndMsgLine(base.ShowGoodsListAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Categoryid, 1), "发布商品成功, 返回商品列表"); } } else { if (goodsinfo.Displayorder == -3) { SetUrlAndMsgLine(base.ShowGoodsListAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Categoryid, 1), "发布商品成功, 但未上架. 您可到用户中心进行上架操作!"); } else { SetUrlAndMsgLine(base.ShowGoodsAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Goodsid), "发布商品成功, 返回该商品<br />(<a href=\"" + base.ShowGoodsAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Goodsid) + "\">点击这里返回</a>)<br />"); } } } ForumUtils.WriteCookie("postmessage", ""); } topicattachscorefield = 0; }
protected override void ShowPage() { topictitle = ""; forumnav = ""; ////加载帖内广告 //inpostad = Advertisements.GetInPostAd("", fid, templatepath, postlist.Count > ppp ? ppp : postlist.Count); //AdminGroupInfo admininfo = AdminGroups.GetAdminGroupInfo(useradminid); showpayments = DNTRequest.GetInt("showpayments", 0); buyit = DNTRequest.GetInt("buyit", 0); topicid = DNTRequest.GetInt("topicid", -1); // 如果主题ID非数字 if (topicid == -1) { AddErrLine(WRONG_TOPIC); return; } // 获取该主题的信息 TopicInfo topic = Topics.GetTopicInfo(topicid); // 如果该主题不存在 if (topic == null) { AddErrLine(NOT_EXIST_TOPIC); return; } if (topic.Posterid == userid) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(base.ShowTopicAspxRewrite(topic.Tid, 0)); return; } if (topic.Price <= 0) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(base.ShowTopicAspxRewrite(topic.Tid, 0)); return; } topictitle = topic.Title.Trim(); topicprice = topic.Price; poster = topic.Poster; posterid = topic.Posterid; pagetitle = topictitle.Trim(); forumid = topic.Fid; ForumInfo forum = Forums.GetForumInfo(forumid); forumname = forum.Name.Trim(); forumnav = ForumUtils.UpdatePathListExtname(forum.Pathlist.Trim(), config.Extname); //判断是否为回复可见帖, price=0为非购买可见(正常), price>0 为购买可见, price=-1为购买可见但当前用户已购买 price = 0; if (topic.Price > 0) { price = topic.Price; if (PaymentLogs.IsBuyer(topicid, userid) || (Utils.StrDateDiffHours(topic.Postdatetime, Scoresets.GetMaxChargeSpan()) > 0 && Scoresets.GetMaxChargeSpan() != 0))//判断当前用户是否已经购买 { price = -1; } } if (useradminid != 0) { ismoder = Moderators.IsModer(useradminid, userid, forumid) ? 1 : 0; } if (topic.Readperm > usergroupinfo.Readaccess && topic.Posterid != userid && useradminid != 1 && ismoder != 1) { AddErrLine(string.Format("本主题阅读权限为: {0}, 您当前的身份 \"{1}\" 阅读权限不够", topic.Readperm.ToString(), usergroupinfo.Grouptitle)); return; } if (topic.Displayorder == -1) { AddErrLine("此主题已被删除!"); return; } if (topic.Displayorder == -2) { AddErrLine("此主题未经审核!"); return; } if (forum.Password != "" && Utils.MD5(forum.Password) != ForumUtils.GetCookie("forum" + forumid.ToString() + "password")) { AddErrLine("本版块被管理员设置了密码"); //SetBackLink("showforum-" + forumid.ToString() + config.Extname); HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("showforum-" + forumid.ToString() + config.Extname, true); return; } if (!Forums.AllowViewByUserID(forum.Permuserlist, userid)) //判断当前用户在当前版块浏览权限 { if (forum.Viewperm == null || forum.Viewperm == string.Empty) //当板块权限为空时,按照用户组权限 { if (usergroupinfo.Allowvisit != 1) { AddErrLine("您当前的身份 \"" + usergroupinfo.Grouptitle + "\" 没有浏览该版块的权限"); return; } } else //当板块权限不为空,按照板块权限 { if (!Forums.AllowView(forum.Viewperm, usergroupid)) { AddErrLine("您没有浏览该版块的权限"); return; } } } userextcreditsinfo = Scoresets.GetScoreSet(Scoresets.GetCreditsTrans()); maxincpertopic = Scoresets.GetMaxIncPerTopic(); maxchargespan = Scoresets.GetMaxChargeSpan(); creditstax = Scoresets.GetCreditsTax() * 100; netamount = topicprice - topicprice * creditstax / 100; if (topicprice > maxincpertopic) { netamount = maxincpertopic - maxincpertopic * creditstax / 100; } if (price != -1) { IDataReader reader = Users.GetUserInfoToReader(userid); if (reader == null) { AddErrLine(NO_PERMISSION); return; } if (!reader.Read()) { AddErrLine(NO_PERMISSION); reader.Close(); return; } if (Utils.StrToFloat(reader["extcredits" + Scoresets.GetCreditsTrans().ToString()], 0) < topic.Price) { AddErrLine(string.Format(NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_TO, Utils.StrToFloat(reader["extcredits" + Scoresets.GetCreditsTrans().ToString()], 0), topic.Price)); reader.Close(); return; } userlastprice = Utils.StrToFloat(reader["extcredits" + Scoresets.GetCreditsTrans().ToString()], 0) - topic.Price; reader.Close(); } //如果不是提交... if (!ispost) { buyers = PaymentLogs.GetPaymentLogByTidCount(topic.Tid); //显示购买信息列表 if (showpayments == 1) { //得到当前用户请求的页数 pageid = DNTRequest.GetInt("page", 1); //获取主题总数 //获取总页数 pagecount = buyers % pagesize == 0 ? buyers / pagesize : buyers / pagesize + 1; if (pagecount == 0) { pagecount = 1; } //修正请求页数中可能的错误 if (pageid < 1) { pageid = 1; } if (pageid > pagecount) { pageid = pagecount; } //获取收入记录并分页显示 paymentloglist = PaymentLogs.GetPaymentLogByTid(pagesize, pageid, topic.Tid); } //判断是否为回复可见帖, hide=0为非回复可见(正常), hide>0为回复可见, hide=-1为回复可见但当前用户已回复 int hide = 0; if (topic.Hide == 1) { hide = topic.Hide; if (Posts.IsReplier(topicid, userid)) { hide = -1; } } PostpramsInfo _postpramsinfo = new PostpramsInfo(); _postpramsinfo.Fid = forum.Fid; _postpramsinfo.Tid = topicid; _postpramsinfo.Jammer = forum.Jammer; _postpramsinfo.Pagesize = 5; _postpramsinfo.Pageindex = 1; _postpramsinfo.Getattachperm = forum.Getattachperm; _postpramsinfo.Usergroupid = usergroupid; _postpramsinfo.Attachimgpost = config.Attachimgpost; _postpramsinfo.Showattachmentpath = config.Showattachmentpath; _postpramsinfo.Hide = hide; _postpramsinfo.Price = price; _postpramsinfo.Ubbmode = false; _postpramsinfo.Showimages = forum.Allowimgcode; _postpramsinfo.Smiliesinfo = Smilies.GetSmiliesListWithInfo(); _postpramsinfo.Customeditorbuttoninfo = Editors.GetCustomEditButtonListWithInfo(); _postpramsinfo.Smiliesmax = config.Smiliesmax; _postpramsinfo.Bbcodemode = config.Bbcodemode; lastpostlist = Posts.GetLastPostList(_postpramsinfo); } else { int reval = PaymentLogs.BuyTopic(userid, topic.Tid, topic.Posterid, topic.Price, netamount); if (reval > 0) { SetUrl(base.ShowTopicAspxRewrite(topic.Tid, 0)); SetMetaRefresh(); SetShowBackLink(false); AddMsgLine(PURCHASE_SUCCESS); return; } else { SetBackLink(base.ShowForumAspxRewrite(topic.Fid, 0)); if (reval == -1) { AddErrLine(NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY); return; } else if (reval == -2) { AddErrLine(NO_PERMISSION); return; } else { AddErrLine(UNKNOWN_REASON); return; } } } }
protected override void ShowPage() { if (config.Enablemall == 0) //未启用交易模式 { AddErrLine("系统未开启交易模式, 当前页面暂时无法访问!"); return; } #region 临时帐号发帖 //int realuserid = -1; //string tempusername = DNTRequest.GetString("tempusername"); //if (tempusername != "" && tempusername != username) //{ // string temppassword = DNTRequest.GetString("temppassword"); // int question = DNTRequest.GetInt("question", 0); // string answer = DNTRequest.GetString("answer"); // realuserid = Users.CheckTempUserInfo(tempusername, temppassword, question, answer); // if (realuserid == -1) // { // AddErrLine("临时帐号登录失败,无法继续发帖。"); // return; // } // else // { // userid = realuserid; // username = tempusername; // usergroupinfo = UserGroups.GetUserGroupInfo(Users.GetShortUserInfo(userid).Groupid); // usergroupid = usergroupinfo.Groupid; // useradminid = Users.GetShortUserInfo(userid).Adminid; // } //} #endregion canhtmltitle = true; firstpagesmilies = Caches.GetSmiliesFirstPageCache(); //内容设置为空; message = ""; int goodsid = DNTRequest.GetInt("goodsid", 0); // 如果商品交易日志不正确 if (goodsid <= 0) { AddErrLine("错误的商品ID."); return; } goodsinfo = Goods.GetGoodsInfo(goodsid); if (goodsinfo == null || goodsinfo.Goodsid <= 0) { AddErrLine("错误的商品ID."); return; } goodscategoryinfo = GoodsCategories.GetGoodsCategoryInfoById(goodsinfo.Categoryid); if (goodscategoryinfo == null && goodscategoryinfo.Fid <= 0) { goodscategoryinfo = new Goodscategoryinfo(); goodscategoryinfo.Categoryid = -1; } attachmentlist = GoodsAttachments.GetGoodsAttachmentsByGoodsid(goodsinfo.Goodsid); message = goodsinfo.Message; // 如果商品交易日志不正确 if (goodsinfo.Selleruid != userid) { AddErrLine("您不是当前商品的卖家!"); return; } allowpostgoods = true; if (config.Enablemall == 1) //开启普通模式 { forumid = GoodsCategories.GetCategoriesFid(goodsinfo.Categoryid); allowpostgoods = false; forumnav = ""; if (forumid == -1) { if (userid == goodsinfo.Selleruid) { forum = new ForumInfo(); forum.Attachextensions = ""; forum.Password = ""; forum.Permuserlist = ""; } else { AddErrLine("错误的商品分类ID"); return; } } else { forum = Forums.GetForumInfo(forumid); if (forum == null || forum.Layer == 0) { AddErrLine("错误的商品分类ID"); return; } if (forum.Istrade <= 0) { AddErrLine("当前版块不允许编辑商品"); return; } forumname = forum.Name; pagetitle = Utils.RemoveHtml(forum.Name); forumnav = ForumUtils.UpdatePathListExtname(forum.Pathlist.Trim(), config.Extname); enabletag = (config.Enabletag & forum.Allowtag) == 1; } } else if (config.Enablemall == 2) //当为高级模式时 { pagetitle = "编辑商品"; forumnav = ""; enabletag = true; forum = new ForumInfo(); forum.Allowsmilies = 1; forum.Allowbbcode = 1; } //得到用户可以上传的文件类型 StringBuilder sbAttachmentTypeSelect = new StringBuilder(); if (!usergroupinfo.Attachextensions.Trim().Equals("")) { sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append("[id] in ("); sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append(usergroupinfo.Attachextensions); sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append(")"); } if (config.Enablemall == 1) //开启普通模式 { if (!forum.Attachextensions.Equals("")) { if (sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Length > 0) { sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append(" AND "); } sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append("[id] in ("); sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append(forum.Attachextensions); sbAttachmentTypeSelect.Append(")"); } } attachextensions = Attachments.GetAttachmentTypeArray(sbAttachmentTypeSelect.ToString()); attachextensionsnosize = Attachments.GetAttachmentTypeString(sbAttachmentTypeSelect.ToString()); //得到今天允许用户上传的附件总大小(字节) int MaxTodaySize = 0; if (userid > 0) { MaxTodaySize = Attachments.GetUploadFileSizeByuserid(userid); //今天已上传大小 } attachsize = usergroupinfo.Maxsizeperday - MaxTodaySize; //今天可上传得大小 parseurloff = 0; bbcodeoff = 1; if (config.Enablemall == 1) //开启普通模式 { smileyoff = 1 - forum.Allowsmilies; if (forum.Allowbbcode == 1 && usergroupinfo.Allowcusbbcode == 1) { bbcodeoff = 0; } allowimg = forum.Allowimgcode; if (forum.Password != "" && Utils.MD5(forum.Password) != ForumUtils.GetCookie("forum" + forumid.ToString() + "password")) { AddErrLine("本版块被管理员设置了密码"); SetBackLink(base.ShowForumAspxRewrite(forumid, 0)); return; } if (!Forums.AllowViewByUserId(forum.Permuserlist, userid)) //判断当前用户在当前版块浏览权限 { if (forum.Viewperm == null || forum.Viewperm == string.Empty) //当板块权限为空时,按照用户组权限 { if (useradminid != 1 && (usergroupinfo.Allowvisit != 1 || usergroupinfo.Allowtrade != 1)) { AddErrLine("您当前的身份 \"" + usergroupinfo.Grouptitle + "\" 没有浏览该版块的权限"); return; } } else//当板块权限不为空,按照板块权限 { if (!Forums.AllowView(forum.Viewperm, usergroupid)) { AddErrLine("您没有浏览该商品分类的权限"); return; } } } //当前用户是卖家时 if (goodsinfo.Selleruid == userid) { //当前用户是否有允许下载附件权限 if (Forums.AllowGetAttachByUserID(forum.Permuserlist, userid)) { allowviewattach = true; } else { if (forum.Getattachperm == null || forum.Getattachperm == string.Empty)//权限设置为空时,根据用户组权限判断 { // 验证用户是否有有允许下载附件权限 if (usergroupinfo.Allowgetattach == 1) { allowviewattach = true; } } else if (Forums.AllowGetAttach(forum.Getattachperm, usergroupid)) { allowviewattach = true; } } //是否有上传附件的权限 if (Forums.AllowPostAttachByUserID(forum.Permuserlist, userid)) { canpostattach = true; } else { if (forum.Postattachperm == "") { if (usergroupinfo.Allowpostattach == 1) { canpostattach = true; } } else { if (Forums.AllowPostAttach(forum.Postattachperm, usergroupid)) { canpostattach = true; } } } } } else if (config.Enablemall == 2) //当为高级模式时 { canpostattach = true; allowimg = 1; smileyoff = 0; } ShortUserInfo user = Users.GetShortUserInfo(userid); if (canpostattach && user != null && apb != null && config.Enablealbum == 1 && (UserGroups.GetUserGroupInfo(user.Groupid).Maxspacephotosize - apb.GetPhotoSizeByUserid(userid) > 0)) { caninsertalbum = true; albumlist = apb.GetSpaceAlbumByUserId(userid); } else { caninsertalbum = false; } if (Topics.GetMagicValue(goodsinfo.Magic, MagicType.HtmlTitle) == 1) { htmltitle = Goods.GetHtmlTitle(goodsinfo.Goodsid).Replace("\"", "\\\"").Replace("'", "\\'"); } if (enabletag && Topics.GetMagicValue(goodsinfo.Magic, MagicType.TopicTag) == 1) { foreach (TagInfo tag in GoodsTags.GetTagsListByGoods(goodsinfo.Goodsid)) { if (tag.Orderid > -1) { goodstags += string.Format(" {0}", tag.Tagname); } } goodstags = goodstags.Trim(); } // 如果是受灌水限制用户, 则判断是否是灌水 AdminGroupInfo admininfo = AdminGroups.GetAdminGroupInfo(usergroupid); disablepost = (admininfo != null) ? admininfo.Disablepostctrl : 0; creditstrans = Scoresets.GetCreditsTrans(); userextcreditsinfo = Scoresets.GetScoreSet(creditstrans); if (userid > 0) { spaceid = Users.GetShortUserInfo(userid).Spaceid; } //如果不是提交... if (!ispost) { AddLinkCss(BaseConfigs.GetForumPath + "templates/" + templatepath + "/editor.css", "css"); smilies = Caches.GetSmiliesCache(); smilietypes = Caches.GetSmilieTypesCache(); customeditbuttons = Caches.GetCustomEditButtonList(); } else { SetBackLink(string.Format("postgoods.aspx?forumid={0}&restore=1", forumid)); string postmessage = DNTRequest.GetString("message"); ForumUtils.WriteCookie("postmessage", postmessage); if (ForumUtils.IsCrossSitePost()) { AddErrLine("您的请求来路不正确,无法提交。如果您安装了某种默认屏蔽来路信息的个人防火墙软件(如 Norton Internet Security),请设置其不要禁止来路信息后再试。"); return; } if (DNTRequest.GetString("title").Trim().Equals("")) { AddErrLine("商品标题不能为空"); } else if (DNTRequest.GetString("title").IndexOf(" ") != -1) { AddErrLine("商品标题不能包含全角空格符"); } else if (DNTRequest.GetString("title").Length > 60) { AddErrLine("商品标题最大长度为60个字符,当前为 " + DNTRequest.GetString("title").Length.ToString() + " 个字符"); } if (postmessage.Equals("") || postmessage.Replace(" ", "").Equals("")) { AddErrLine("商品内容不能为空"); } if (admininfo != null && admininfo.Disablepostctrl != 1) { if (postmessage.Length < config.Minpostsize) { AddErrLine("您发表的内容过少, 系统设置要求商品内容不得少于 " + config.Minpostsize + " 字多于 " + config.Maxpostsize + " 字"); } else if (postmessage.Length > config.Maxpostsize) { AddErrLine("您发表的内容过多, 系统设置要求商品内容不得少于 " + config.Minpostsize + " 字多于 " + config.Maxpostsize + " 字"); } } if (IsErr()) { return; } // 如果用户上传了附件,则检测用户是否有上传附件的权限 if (ForumUtils.IsPostFile()) { if (Attachments.GetAttachmentTypeArray(sbAttachmentTypeSelect.ToString()).Trim() == "") { AddErrLine("系统不允许上传附件"); } if (config.Enablemall == 1) //开启普通模式 { if (!Forums.AllowPostAttachByUserID(forum.Permuserlist, userid)) { if (!Forums.AllowPostAttach(forum.Postattachperm, usergroupid)) { AddErrLine("您没有在该版块上传附件的权限"); } else if (usergroupinfo.Allowpostattach != 1) { AddErrLine(string.Format("您当前的身份 \"{0}\" 没有上传附件的权限", usergroupinfo.Grouptitle)); } } } } if (IsErr()) { return; } int iconid = DNTRequest.GetInt("iconid", 0); if (iconid > 15 || iconid < 0) { iconid = 0; } string curdatetime = Utils.GetDateTime(); goodsinfo.Shopid = 0; //商品分类原值 int oldgoodscategoryid = goodsinfo.Categoryid; //商品父分类原值 string oldparentcategorylist = goodsinfo.Parentcategorylist; //当商品分类发生变化时 if (DNTRequest.GetInt("goodscategoryid", 0) != 0 && goodsinfo.Categoryid != DNTRequest.GetInt("goodscategoryid", 0)) { goodsinfo.Categoryid = DNTRequest.GetInt("goodscategoryid", 0); goodsinfo.Parentcategorylist = GoodsCategories.GetParentCategoryList(goodsinfo.Categoryid); } goodsinfo.Recommend = DNTRequest.GetString("recommend") == "on" ? 1 : 0; goodsinfo.Discount = DNTRequest.GetInt("discount", 0); goodsinfo.Selleruid = userid; goodsinfo.Seller = username; goodsinfo.Account = DNTRequest.GetString("account"); goodsinfo.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(DNTRequest.GetFormFloat("price", 1).ToString()); goodsinfo.Amount = DNTRequest.GetInt("amount", 0); goodsinfo.Quality = DNTRequest.GetInt("quality", 0); if (DNTRequest.GetInt("locus_2", 0) != 0) { goodsinfo.Lid = DNTRequest.GetInt("locus_2", 0); goodsinfo.Locus = Locations.GetLocusByLID(goodsinfo.Lid); } goodsinfo.Transport = DNTRequest.GetInt("transport", 0); if (goodsinfo.Transport != 0) { goodsinfo.Ordinaryfee = Convert.ToDecimal(DNTRequest.GetFormFloat("postage_mail", 0).ToString()); goodsinfo.Expressfee = Convert.ToDecimal(DNTRequest.GetFormFloat("postage_express", 0).ToString()); goodsinfo.Emsfee = Convert.ToDecimal(DNTRequest.GetFormFloat("postage_ems", 0).ToString()); } goodsinfo.Itemtype = DNTRequest.GetInt("itemtype", 0); DateTime dateline; switch (DNTRequest.GetInt("_now", 0)) { case 1: dateline = Convert.ToDateTime(string.Format("{0} {1}:{2}:00", DNTRequest.GetString("_date"), DNTRequest.GetInt("_hour", 0), DNTRequest.GetInt("_minute", 0))); break; //设定 case 2: dateline = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01 00:00:00"); break; //返回100年之后的日期作为"暂不设置" default: dateline = DateTime.Now; break; //立即 } goodsinfo.Dateline = dateline; goodsinfo.Expiration = Convert.ToDateTime(DNTRequest.GetString("expiration")); goodsinfo.Lastbuyer = ""; goodsinfo.Lastupdate = DateTime.Now; goodsinfo.Totalitems = 0; goodsinfo.Tradesum = 0; goodsinfo.Closed = 0; goodsinfo.Aid = 0; int displayorder = goodsinfo.Displayorder; goodsinfo.Displayorder = DNTRequest.GetString("displayorder") == "on" ? 0 : -3; if (config.Enablemall == 1) //当为版块交易帖是时 { if (forum.Modnewposts == 1 && useradminid != 1) { if (useradminid > 1) { if (disablepost != 1) { goodsinfo.Displayorder = -2; } } else { goodsinfo.Displayorder = -2; } } } goodsinfo.Costprice = Convert.ToDecimal(DNTRequest.GetFormFloat("costprice", 1).ToString()); goodsinfo.Invoice = DNTRequest.GetInt("invoice", 0); goodsinfo.Repair = DNTRequest.GetInt("repair", 0); if (useradminid == 1) { goodsinfo.Message = Utils.HtmlEncode(ForumUtils.BanWordFilter(postmessage)); } else { goodsinfo.Message = Utils.HtmlEncode(postmessage); } goodsinfo.Otherlink = ""; int readperm = DNTRequest.GetInt("readperm", 0); goodsinfo.Readperm = readperm > 255 ? 255 : readperm; goodsinfo.Tradetype = DNTRequest.GetInt("tradetype", 0); if (goodsinfo.Tradetype == 1 && Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(goodsinfo.Account)) //当为支付宝在线支付方式下,如果"支付宝账户"为空时 { AddErrLine("请输入支付宝帐号信息。"); return; } goodsinfo.Smileyoff = smileyoff; if (smileyoff == 0 && forum.Allowsmilies == 1) { goodsinfo.Smileyoff = Utils.StrToInt(DNTRequest.GetString("smileyoff"), 0); } goodsinfo.Bbcodeoff = 1; if (usergroupinfo.Allowcusbbcode == 1 && forum.Allowbbcode == 1) { goodsinfo.Bbcodeoff = Utils.StrToInt(DNTRequest.GetString("bbcodeoff"), 0); } goodsinfo.Parseurloff = Utils.StrToInt(DNTRequest.GetString("parseurloff"), 0); if (useradminid == 1) { goodsinfo.Title = Utils.HtmlEncode(DNTRequest.GetString("title")); } else { goodsinfo.Title = Utils.HtmlEncode(ForumUtils.BanWordFilter(DNTRequest.GetString("title"))); } string htmltitle = DNTRequest.GetString("htmltitle").Trim(); if (htmltitle != string.Empty && Utils.HtmlDecode(htmltitle).Trim() != goodsinfo.Title) { goodsinfo.Magic = 11000; //按照 附加位/htmltitle(1位)/magic(3位)/以后扩展(未知位数) 的方式来存储 //例: 11001 } //标签(Tag)操作 string tags = DNTRequest.GetString("tags").Trim(); string[] tagsArray = null; if (enabletag && tags != string.Empty) { tagsArray = Utils.SplitString(tags, " ", true, 2, 10); if (tagsArray.Length > 0) { if (goodsinfo.Magic == 0) { goodsinfo.Magic = 10000; } goodsinfo.Magic = Utils.StrToInt(goodsinfo.Magic.ToString() + "1", 0); } } Goods.UpdateGoods(goodsinfo, oldgoodscategoryid, oldparentcategorylist); if (displayorder != goodsinfo.Displayorder) //当发生变化时 { if (displayorder < 0 && goodsinfo.Displayorder > 0) //该商品转为上架 { DbProvider.GetInstance().UpdateCategoryGoodsCounts(goodsinfo.Categoryid, goodsinfo.Parentcategorylist, 1); } else if (displayorder >= 0 && goodsinfo.Displayorder < 0) //该商品转为下架(或进入回收站/待审核状态) { DbProvider.GetInstance().UpdateCategoryGoodsCounts(goodsinfo.Categoryid, goodsinfo.Parentcategorylist, -1); } } //保存htmltitle if (canhtmltitle && htmltitle != string.Empty && htmltitle != goodsinfo.Title) { Goods.WriteHtmlSubjectFile(htmltitle, goodsinfo.Goodsid); } if (enabletag && tagsArray != null && tagsArray.Length > 0) { DbProvider.GetInstance().CreateGoodsTags(string.Join(" ", tagsArray), goodsinfo.Goodsid, userid, curdatetime); GoodsTags.WriteGoodsTagsCacheFile(goodsinfo.Goodsid); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Remove(0, sb.Length); //编辑帖子时如果进行了批量删除附件 string delAttId = DNTRequest.GetFormString("deleteaid"); if (delAttId != string.Empty) { if (Utils.IsNumericList(delAttId))//如果要删除的附件ID列表为数字数组 { GoodsAttachments.DeleteGoodsAttachment(delAttId); } } //编辑帖子时如果进行了更新附件操作 string updatedAttId = DNTRequest.GetFormString("attachupdatedid"); //被更新的附件Id列表 string updateAttId = DNTRequest.GetFormString("attachupdateid"); //所有已上传的附件Id列表 string[] descriptionArray = DNTRequest.GetFormString("attachupdatedesc").Split(','); //所有已上传的附件的描述 string[] readpermArray = DNTRequest.GetFormString("attachupdatereadperm").Split(','); //所有已上传得附件的阅读权限 ArrayList updateAttArrayList = new ArrayList(); if (updateAttId != string.Empty) { foreach (string s in updateAttId.Split(',')) { if (!Utils.InArray(s, delAttId, ","))//已上传的附件Id不在被删除的附件Id列表中时 { updateAttArrayList.Add(s); } } } string[] updateAttArray = (string[])updateAttArrayList.ToArray(typeof(string)); if (updateAttId != string.Empty)//原来有附件 { int watermarkstate = config.Watermarkstatus; if (forum.Disablewatermark == 1) { watermarkstate = 0; } string[] updatedAttArray = updatedAttId.Split(','); string filekey = "attachupdated"; //保存新的文件 Goodsattachmentinfo[] attArray = Discuz.Mall.MallUtils.SaveRequestFiles( goodsinfo.Categoryid, config.Maxattachments + updateAttArray.Length, usergroupinfo.Maxsizeperday, usergroupinfo.Maxattachsize, MaxTodaySize, attachextensions, watermarkstate, config, filekey); if (Utils.IsNumericArray(updateAttArray)) { for (int i = 0; i < updateAttArray.Length; i++) //遍历原来所有附件 { string attachmentId = updateAttArray[i]; if (Utils.InArray(attachmentId, updatedAttArray)) //附件文件被更新 { if (Utils.InArray(attachmentId, delAttId, ",")) //附件进行了删除操作, 则不操作此附件,即使其也被更新 { continue; } //更新附件 int attachmentUpdatedIndex = GetAttachmentUpdatedIndex(attachmentId, updatedAttArray); //获取此次上传的被更新附件在数组中的索引 if (attachmentUpdatedIndex > -1) //附件索引存在 { if (attArray[attachmentUpdatedIndex].Sys_noupload.Equals(string.Empty)) //由此属性为空可以判断上传成功 { //获取将被更新的附件信息 Goodsattachmentinfo attachmentInfo = GoodsAttachments.GetGoodsAttachmentsByAid(Utils.StrToInt(updatedAttArray[attachmentUpdatedIndex], 0)); if (attachmentInfo != null) { if (attachmentInfo.Filename.Trim().ToLower().IndexOf("http") < 0) { //删除原来的文件 File.Delete(Utils.GetMapPath(BaseConfigs.GetForumPath + "upload/" + attachmentInfo.Filename)); } //记住Aid以便稍后更新 attArray[attachmentUpdatedIndex].Aid = attachmentInfo.Aid; attArray[attachmentUpdatedIndex].Description = descriptionArray[i]; int att_readperm = Utils.StrToInt(readpermArray[i], 0); att_readperm = att_readperm > 255 ? 255 : att_readperm; attArray[attachmentUpdatedIndex].Readperm = att_readperm; attArray[attachmentUpdatedIndex].Categoryid = attachmentInfo.Categoryid; attArray[attachmentUpdatedIndex].Goodscount = attachmentInfo.Goodscount; attArray[attachmentUpdatedIndex].Goodsid = attachmentInfo.Goodsid; GoodsAttachments.SaveGoodsAttachment(attArray[attachmentUpdatedIndex]); } } else //上传失败的附件,稍后提示 { sb.Append("<tr><td align=\"left\">"); sb.Append(attArray[attachmentUpdatedIndex].Attachment); sb.Append("</td>"); sb.Append("<td align=\"left\">"); sb.Append(attArray[attachmentUpdatedIndex].Sys_noupload); sb.Append("</td></tr>"); } } } else //仅修改了阅读权限和描述等 { if (Utils.InArray(updateAttArray[i], delAttId, ",")) { continue; } if ((attachmentlist[i].Readperm.ToString() != readpermArray[i]) || (attachmentlist[i].Description.Trim() != descriptionArray[i])) { int att_readperm = Utils.StrToInt(readpermArray[i], 0); att_readperm = att_readperm > 255 ? 255 : att_readperm; GoodsAttachments.SaveGoodsAttachment(Utils.StrToInt(updateAttArray[i], 0), att_readperm, descriptionArray[i]); } } } } } int watermarkstatus = config.Watermarkstatus; if (forum.Disablewatermark == 1) { watermarkstatus = 0; } Goodsattachmentinfo[] attachmentinfo = Discuz.Mall.MallUtils.SaveRequestFiles(forumid, config.Maxattachments, usergroupinfo.Maxsizeperday, usergroupinfo.Maxattachsize, MaxTodaySize, attachextensions, watermarkstatus, config, "postfile"); if (attachmentinfo != null) { if (attachmentinfo.Length > config.Maxattachments) { AddErrLine("系统设置为每个商品附件不得多于" + config.Maxattachments + "个"); return; } int errorAttachment = GoodsAttachments.BindAttachment(attachmentinfo, goodsinfo.Goodsid, sb, goodsinfo.Categoryid, userid); int[] aid = GoodsAttachments.CreateAttachments(attachmentinfo); string tempMessage = GoodsAttachments.FilterLocalTags(aid, attachmentinfo, goodsinfo.Message); if (attachmentinfo.Length == (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Count - 2)) { goodsinfo.Goodspic = attachmentinfo[0].Filename; goodsinfo.Aid = aid[0]; } if (!tempMessage.Equals(goodsinfo.Message)) { goodsinfo.Message = tempMessage; } Goods.UpdateGoods(goodsinfo); UserCredits.UpdateUserExtCreditsByUploadAttachment(userid, aid.Length - errorAttachment); } //加入相册 if (config.Enablealbum == 1 && apb != null) { sb.Append(apb.CreateAttachment(attachmentinfo, usergroupid, userid, username)); } if (config.Enablemall == 1) //开启普通模式 { OnlineUsers.UpdateAction(olid, UserAction.PostTopic.ActionID, forumid, forumname, -1, ""); } if (sb.Length > 0) { SetUrl(base.ShowGoodsAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Goodsid)); SetMetaRefresh(5); SetShowBackLink(true); sb.Insert(0, "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\"><tr><td colspan=2 align=\"left\"><span class=\"bold\"><nobr>发布商品成功,但以下附件上传失败:</nobr></span><br /></td></tr>"); sb.Append("</table>"); AddMsgLine(sb.ToString()); } else { SetShowBackLink(false); if (config.Enablemall == 1 && forum.Modnewposts == 1 && useradminid != 1) { if (useradminid != 1) { if (disablepost == 1) { if (goodsinfo.Displayorder == -3) { SetUrl(base.ShowGoodsListAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Categoryid, 1)); SetMetaRefresh(5); AddMsgLine("编辑商品成功, 但未上架. 您可到用户中心进行上架操作!"); } else { SetUrl(base.ShowGoodsAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Goodsid)); SetMetaRefresh(); AddMsgLine("编辑商品成功, 返回该商品<br />(<a href=\"" + base.ShowGoodsAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Goodsid) + "\">点击这里返回 " + forumname + "</a>)<br />"); } } else { SetUrl(base.ShowGoodsListAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Categoryid, 1)); SetMetaRefresh(); AddMsgLine("编辑商品成功, 但需要经过审核才可以显示. 返回商品列表"); } } else { SetUrl(base.ShowGoodsListAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Categoryid, 1)); SetMetaRefresh(); AddMsgLine("发布商品成功, 返回商品列表"); } } else { if (goodsinfo.Displayorder == -3) { SetUrl(base.ShowGoodsListAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Categoryid, 1)); SetMetaRefresh(5); AddMsgLine("编辑商品成功, 但未上架. 您可到用户中心进行上架操作!"); } else { SetUrl(base.ShowGoodsAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Goodsid)); SetMetaRefresh(); AddMsgLine("编辑商品成功, 返回该商品<br />(<a href=\"" + base.ShowGoodsAspxRewrite(goodsinfo.Goodsid) + "\">点击这里返回</a>)<br />"); } } } ForumUtils.WriteCookie("postmessage", ""); } topicattachscorefield = 0; }