private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Put user code to initialize the page here
            ScoreList.DataSource =
                Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem("/sitecore/content/Repository/Profile Gathering Pages").Children;

            TrackerDataContext tc = Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.DataContext;
            StringBuilder      sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (Tracker.CurrentVisit == null)
            if (Tracker.CurrentVisit.Keywords != null &&
                sb.Append("Search keywords for current visit: " +
                          Tracker.CurrentVisit.Keywords.Text + ".<br/>");
            const int checkVisits = 10;

            Sitecore.Analytics.Data.DataAccess.VisitorLoadOptions vOptions =
                new Sitecore.Analytics.Data.DataAccess.VisitorLoadOptions
                Start            = Tracker.CurrentVisit.VisitorVisitIndex - 1,
                Count            = Tracker.CurrentVisit.VisitorVisitIndex - checkVisits,
                VisitLoadOptions = VisitLoadOptions.Visits
            foreach (VisitorDataSet.VisitsRow visit in
                         visit => visit.VisitId !=
                         visit => visit.VisitorVisitIndex))
                if (visit.Keywords != null &&
                    sb.Append("Last search keywords from " +
                              visit.StartDateTime + " visit: " +
                              visit.Keywords.Text + "<br/>");
            sb.Append("No search keywords for current or last " +
                      checkVisits + " visits.<br/>");

            DMS.Text = sb.ToString();
            var profilesRows = tc.Profiles;

            ProfileScores.DataSource = GetProfileKeys("Keynotes");
        protected void BindScoreGrid(long id, T_Batch bid)
            //var b_id = _db.T_BatchSet.Where(s => s.CandidateId == id).Select(x => x.BatchId);
            //var candBatch = _db.T_Batch.FirstOrDefault(s => b_id.Contains(s.Id) && s.IsActive.Value);
            var candBatch  = bid;
            var b_question = _db.T_BatchQuestions.Where(s => s.BatchId == candBatch.Id).Select(s => s.QuestionId);

            var quests = _db.T_CandidateAnswers.Where(s => s.CandidateId == id && s.BatchId == candBatch.Id).Select(a => new TestScoreGridModel
                QuestionNo       = a.QuestionId.Value,
                OptionType       = ErecruitHelper.getQOptionTypeName(a.QuestionId.Value),
                CandidateOptions = ErecruitHelper.GetCandidateOptions(id, candBatch.Id, a.QuestionId.Value),
                Url = a.Correct.Value == true ? "../Images/accept.png" : "../Images/delete.png",
                Alt = a.Correct.Value == true ? "Correct":"Wrong"
            var answered   = quests.Select(s => s.QuestionNo);
            var unanswered = _db.T_Question.Where(s => b_question.Contains(s.Id) && !answered.Contains(s.Id)).Select(a => new TestScoreGridModel
                QuestionNo       = a.Id,
                OptionType       = ErecruitHelper.getQOptionTypeName(a.Id),
                CandidateOptions = "Unanswered",
                Url = "../Images/help.png",
                Alt = "?"

            int i = quests.Count();

            if (i > 0)
                quests.InsertRange(quests.Count() - 1, unanswered);
                quests.InsertRange(0, unanswered);

            ScoreList.DataSource = quests;
            ScoreListPanel.Visible = true;