private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) { scoreHandler.AddToScore(scoreToAdd); Destroy(gameObject); } }
private void OnParticleCollision(GameObject other) { if (other.GetComponent <PlayerController>()) { return; } if (health.GetHealth() <= 0) { Destroy(gameObject); GameObject deathVFX = Instantiate(deathExplosion, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; deathVFX.transform.parent = parent; Destroy(deathVFX, 1.5f); scoreHandler.AddToScore(score); } health.DealDamage(player.GetBulletDamage()); }
private void checkCollisions(Collision2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Tank") { endGameScript.EndTheGame(collision.gameObject); return; } if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Enemy") { Destroy(collision.gameObject); scoreHandlerScript.AddToScore(100); GameObject newParticleObject = Instantiate <GameObject>(enemyParticlesObject); ParticleSystem particleSystem = newParticleObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); particleSystem.transform.position = collision.gameObject.transform.position; particleSystem.Play(); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(Resources.Load <AudioClip>("GameScene/Audio/explosion"), new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); Destroy(newParticleObject, particleSystem.main.startLifetime.constant); // destroy after the lifetime of the particles return; } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { ShotScript shot = other.gameObject.GetComponent <ShotScript>(); if (shot != null) { // Avoid friendly fire if (shot.belongsToEnemy != isEnemy) { Damage(shot.damage); if (!isEnemy) { HealthBarScript.SetHealthBarValue(HealthBarScript.GetHealthBarValue() - 0.1f); } else { ScoreHandler.AddToScore(100); } // Destroy the shot Destroy(shot.gameObject); // Remember to always target the game object, otherwise you will just remove the script } } }
public void TakeDamage(int damageAmount, Transform attacker, bool attackerInOverdrive = false) { if (!isInvulnerable) { int finalDamageAmount; if (attackerInOverdrive) { finalDamageAmount = damageAmount * 2; } else { finalDamageAmount = damageAmount; } ScoreHandler attackerScore = null; //update myAttacker to reflect this agent's current attacker; this will then be available to the Retreat State so this agent can run away from the attacker if (attacker.CompareTag("Player") || attacker.CompareTag("Enemy")) { myAttacker = attacker; attackerScore = attacker.GetComponent <ScoreHandler>(); } if (isUsingShield && shields > 0) { shields -= finalDamageAmount; if (shields <= 0) { //DetonateElectricalCharge(); } } else { currentHP -= finalDamageAmount; if (attackerScore != null) { attackerScore.AddToScore(finalDamageAmount); } //Debug.Log( + " took " + damageAmount + " damage, now has hp: " + currentHP); if (gameObject.CompareTag("Enemy")) { ShouldUseShield(true); } SetMyValueAsATarget(); if (currentHP <= 0) { if (attackerScore != null) { attackerScore.IncreaseKillstreak(); } if (!gameObject.CompareTag("Non-playables")) { Die(); } else {;; Destroy(gameObject); } } } } else { //Debug.Log( + " is INVULNERABLE!!!"); } }