[Authorize(Roles = AuthenticationRoles.AdministratorRole)] // Require authenticated requests.
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Delete(int matchId)
            Match match = await matchRepository.Get(matchId);

            if (!match.Played)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Cannot reset match not yet played"));

            ScoreFilter scoreFilter = new ScoreFilter();

            scoreFilter.MatchId = matchId;
            IEnumerable <Score> scores = await scoreRepository.GetAllWithFilter(scoreFilter);

            foreach (var score in scores)
                score.Goals = 0;
                await scoreRepository.UpdateFromMatchResult(score);
            match.Date   = null;
            match.Played = false;
            await matchRepository.Update(matchId, match);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary> Copies the score filter from the given <paramref name="priorGeneration"/> into this generation's <see cref="ScoreFilter"/>, completely clearing the old values. </summary>
        /// <param name="priorGeneration"> The generation from which to copy. </param>
        public void SetFilterFrom(SeedGeneration priorGeneration)
            // Clear the score filter.

            // Copy each stat filter from the given generation's dictionary.
            foreach (string statName in priorGeneration.ScoreFilter.Keys)
                ScoreFilter.Add(statName, priorGeneration.ScoreFilter[statName]);