Esempio n. 1
        /* Classes supporthing the creation of the lightsource */
        public Scientrace.LightSource setRandomCylinderLightFromXData(XElement xlight,
                                                                      Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env)
            //Reading LightSource parameters from XML-element

            /* "RandomCylinder"
             * d class.radius, d distance, i beamcount, i maxinteractions, d minintensity
             * str spectrum, vec location, vec direction */
            double radius = this.X.getXDouble(xlight.Attribute("Radius"));

            if (radius <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Radius " + radius + " out of range");
            double distance  = this.X.getXDouble(xlight.Attribute("Distance"), 0);
            int    beamcount = this.X.getXInt(xlight.Attribute("RayCount"), this.X.getXInt(xlight.Attribute("BeamCount")));
            //int maxinteractions = this.X.getXInt(xlight.Attribute("MaxInteractions"), 8); //default value max_interactions -> 8
            double minintensity = this.X.getXDouble(xlight.Attribute("MinIntensity"), 0.01);             //default minimum intensity for tracing set to 1%

            Scientrace.Vector   light_direction = this.X.getXVector(xlight.Element("Direction"));
            Scientrace.Location centerloc       = this.X.getXVector(xlight.Element("Location")).toLocation();
            Scientrace.Location locoffset       = (light_direction.negative() * distance).toLocation();     //distance cm above surface
            Scientrace.Location loc             = locoffset + centerloc;
            XMLSpectrumParser   xsp             = new XMLSpectrumParser();

            Scientrace.LightSpectrum spectrum = xsp.parseLightSpectrum(xlight.Element("Spectrum"));

            Scientrace.LightSource retlight = new Scientrace.RandomCircleLightSource(env,
                                                                                     loc, light_direction.tryToUnitVector(),
                                                                                     new Scientrace.Plane(new Scientrace.Location(0, 0, 0), new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(1, 0, 0), new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(0, 0, 1)),
                                                                                     radius, beamcount, spectrum);
            //retlight.max_interactions = maxinteractions;
            retlight.minimum_intensity_fraction = minintensity;
Esempio n. 2
 public void TestZeroAngleWith()
     Scientrace.Vector v1, v2;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 1, 1);
     v2 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 1, 1);
     Assert.AreEqual(0, v1.angleWith(v2));
Esempio n. 3
        }         // end func partialReflectRefract

        public void initCreatedRefractTrace(Trace refractTrace, UnitVector surfaceNormal, Scientrace.Object3d fromObject3d, Scientrace.Object3d toObject3d)
            double oldrefindex = fromObject3d.materialproperties.refractiveindex(this);
            double newrefindex = toObject3d.materialproperties.refractiveindex(this);
            //for definitions on the parameters below, check fullInternalReflects function.

            UnitVector incoming_trace_direction = this.traceline.direction;

            if (incoming_trace_direction.dotProduct(surfaceNormal) > 0)
                surfaceNormal = surfaceNormal.negative();

            Scientrace.UnitVector nnorm = surfaceNormal.negative();
            Scientrace.Vector     incoming_normal_projection = nnorm * (incoming_trace_direction.dotProduct(nnorm));
            Vector L1 = incoming_trace_direction - incoming_normal_projection;
            double L2 = (oldrefindex / newrefindex) * L1.length;

            if (incoming_trace_direction == incoming_normal_projection)
                //in case of normal incident light: do not refract.
                refractTrace.traceline.direction = incoming_trace_direction;

            try {
                refractTrace.traceline.direction = ((nnorm * Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(L2, 2)))
                                                    + (L1.tryToUnitVector() * L2)).tryToUnitVector();
            } catch (ZeroNonzeroVectorException) {
                Console.WriteLine("WARNING: cannot define direction for refraction trace. Using surface normal instead. (L1: " + incoming_trace_direction.trico() + ", L2:" + incoming_normal_projection.trico() + ").");
                refractTrace.traceline.direction = nnorm;
            }             //end try/catch
Esempio n. 4
        public Scientrace.Vector lineThroughPlaneTLoc(Scientrace.Line line)
            Scientrace.VectorTransform trf = this.getTransform();
            //coordinates after coordinate-transformation. u->e1, v->e2, loc->eloc
            //the parallelogram is in the (a*e1, b*e2, 0) plane
            Scientrace.Vector eloc;
            eloc = this.geteloc();
            //coordinates after coordinate-transformation. line.direction->eld, line.loc->ell
            Scientrace.Vector eld, ell;
            eld = trf.transform(line.direction);
            ell = trf.transform(line.startingpoint);
            //nbase is the new base when the parallelogram "location" has been substracted from the line-location
            Scientrace.Vector nbase = ell - eloc;

            //catch direction eld.z = 0; line is parallel to plane!
            if (eld.z == 0)

            double nx, ny, nz;
            double dfac = (nbase.z / eld.z);

            nx = nbase.x - (dfac * eld.x);
            ny = nbase.y - (dfac * eld.y);
            nz = nbase.z - (dfac * eld.z);

            //shift plane back to eloc location and return
            return((new Scientrace.Vector(nx, ny, nz)) + eloc);
Esempio n. 5
 public Scientrace.Location constructPlaneNodeLoc(Scientrace.Location planeCenter, double radius,
                                                  double angle, Scientrace.NonzeroVector baseVec1, Scientrace.NonzeroVector baseVec2)
     Scientrace.Vector ix = baseVec1.toVector() * radius * Math.Sin(angle);
     Scientrace.Vector iy = baseVec2.toVector() * radius * Math.Cos(angle);
     return(planeCenter + ix + iy);
Esempio n. 6
 public void TestAngleWith1()
     Scientrace.Vector v1, v2;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 1, 1);
     v2 = new Scientrace.Vector(-1, -1, -1);
     Assert.AreEqual(Math.PI, v1.angleWith(v2));
Esempio n. 7
        public Scientrace.Vector rotateVectorForRotatedElementsIn(Scientrace.Vector aVector, XElement xe)
            Scientrace.Vector retvec = aVector;
            // foreach(XElement rotated in xe.Elements("Rotated")) { // IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE
            foreach (XElement rotated in xe.Elements("Rotate"))      // IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE
                if (rotated == null)
                    continue;                            /* return aVector;*/
                double angle = 0;
                if (rotated.Element("Angle") == null)
                    throw new XMLException("Could not parse Angle for rotation");
                foreach (XElement xeangle in rotated.Elements("Angle"))
                    angle = angle + this.getXAngle(xeangle);
                Scientrace.NonzeroVector rotaxis; try {
                    rotaxis = this.getXNzVector(rotated.Element("AboutAxis"));
                } catch { throw new XMLException("Could not parse AboutAxis for rotation"); }

                /* rotation about an origin is obtained by first subtracting the "origin" vector,
                 * then rotating about the axis normally and then adding the "origin" vector again */
                Scientrace.Vector aboutOrigin = this.getXVector(rotated.Element("AboutOrigin"), Scientrace.Vector.ZeroVector());
                //Console.WriteLine("ABOUT ORIGIN: "+aboutOrigin.trico()+"\n aBOUT aXIS: "+rotaxis.tricon());
                retvec = (retvec - aboutOrigin).rotateAboutVector(rotaxis, angle) + aboutOrigin;
                //Scientrace.Vector fretvec = this.modifyVector(retvec, rotated);
Esempio n. 8
 public void TestAngleWith1()
     Scientrace.Vector v1, v2;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 1, 1);
     v2 = new Scientrace.Vector(-1, -1, -1);
     Assert.AreEqual(Math.PI, v1.angleWith(v2));
Esempio n. 9
        public XElement setXRotationRad(Scientrace.Vector nonzeroAxis, double radians, object subElement)
            XElement retx = this.setXRotationRad(nonzeroAxis, radians);

Esempio n. 10
        public Scientrace.Vector formulaVector(Scientrace.Vector aVector, XElement xformula)
            string f_x = "x";
            string f_y = "y";
            string f_z = "z";

            if (xformula.Attribute("xyz") != null)
                try {
                    string   xyz            = xformula.Attribute("xyz").Value;
                    char[]   delimiterChars = { ';', '\t' };
                    string[] elements       = xyz.Split(delimiterChars);
                    if (elements.Length != 3)
                        throw new XMLException("Element " + xformula.ToString() + " has \"" + elements.Length + "\" != 3 valid vector elements. ");
                    f_x = elements[0];
                    f_y = elements[1];
                    f_z = elements[2];
                } catch { throw new XMLException("Formula " + xformula.ToString() + " does not have proper parameters for {xyz} attribute (can't parse {" + xformula.Attribute("xyz").Value.ToString() + "}. Perhaps incorrect use of PreProcess variables or decimal separators?)."); }
            }             // attribute "xyz"
            f_x = this.getXStringByName(xformula, "x", f_x);
            f_y = this.getXStringByName(xformula, "y", f_y);
            f_z = this.getXStringByName(xformula, "z", f_z);
            Dictionary <string, object> replace_vectors = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "x", (decimal)aVector.x }, { "y", (decimal)aVector.y }, { "z", (decimal)aVector.z }

            return(new Scientrace.Vector(
                       Scientrace.MathStrings.solveString(f_x, replace_vectors),
                       Scientrace.MathStrings.solveString(f_y, replace_vectors),
                       Scientrace.MathStrings.solveString(f_z, replace_vectors)
Esempio n. 11
 public void TestEqualsOperator()
     Scientrace.Vector v1, v2;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 1, 1);
     v2 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 1, 1);
     Assert.AreEqual(v1, v2);
Esempio n. 12
        public Scientrace.Vector multiplyVector(Scientrace.Vector aVector, XElement xel)
            double multiply_scalar = this.getXDouble(xel.Attribute("Factor"), 1);

            Scientrace.Vector multiplyvec = this.getXVectorSuggestions(xel, new Scientrace.Vector(1, 1, 1));
            return((aVector * multiply_scalar).elementWiseProduct(multiplyvec));
Esempio n. 13
        /* Use functions below for nested element purposes */
        //USING "object" instead of XElement or string for subelements
        public XElement setXVector(string elname, Scientrace.Vector v, object subElement)
            XElement retx = this.setXVector(elname, v);

Esempio n. 14
        public XElement setXRotationDeg(Scientrace.Vector nonzeroAxis, double degrees, object subElement)
            XElement retx = this.setXRotationDeg(nonzeroAxis, degrees);

Esempio n. 15
        public static void readCameraSettings(XElement x3d_or_xenv_element)
            CustomXMLDocumentOperations X = new CustomXMLDocumentOperations();

            Scientrace.Vector cameraviewpoint = Scientrace.TraceJournal.Instance.cameraviewpoint;
            Scientrace.Vector camrotationvec  = Scientrace.TraceJournal.Instance.camrotationvector;
            Scientrace.TraceJournal.Instance.labelaxes = X.getXBool(x3d_or_xenv_element, "DrawAxes", Scientrace.TraceJournal.Instance.labelaxes);
            double   camrotationangle = Scientrace.TraceJournal.Instance.camrotationangle;
            XElement camfrom          = (x3d_or_xenv_element == null? null:x3d_or_xenv_element.Element("CameraFrom"));
            XElement camrot           = (x3d_or_xenv_element == null? null:x3d_or_xenv_element.Element("CameraRotation"));

            if (camfrom != null)
                cameraviewpoint = X.getXNzVector(camfrom);
                Scientrace.Vector        camdirvec = cameraviewpoint.negative();
                Scientrace.NonzeroVector defvec    = new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(0, 0, -1);
                camrotationangle = defvec.angleWith(camdirvec);
                camrotationvec   = defvec.crossProduct(camdirvec);
            if (camrot != null)
                camrotationvec   = X.getXVectorByName(camrot, "Vector");
                camrotationangle = X.getXAngleByName(camrot, "Angle");
            Scientrace.TraceJournal.Instance.cameraviewpoint  = X.getXVectorByName(x3d_or_xenv_element, "CameraViewpoint", cameraviewpoint);
            Scientrace.TraceJournal.Instance.camrotationangle = camrotationangle;
            if (camrotationvec != null)
                Scientrace.TraceJournal.Instance.camrotationvector = camrotationvec;
Esempio n. 16

        public Vector orientedAlong(Scientrace.Vector aVector)
            if (aVector.dotProduct(this) < 0)
Esempio n. 17
        public XElement setXRotationDeg(Scientrace.Vector nonzeroAxis, string degrees)
            XElement retx = new XElement("Rotated");

            retx.Add(new XElement("Angle", new XAttribute("Degrees", degrees)));
            retx.Add(this.setXVector("AboutAxis", nonzeroAxis));
            return(new XElement("Transformed", retx));
Esempio n. 18
 // Transform transformed location vector back to original base
 public Scientrace.Location lineThroughPlaneOLoc(Scientrace.Vector tloc)
     if (tloc == null)
         throw new Exception("Cannot transform a null vector (location).");
Esempio n. 19
 public new UnitVector orientedAgainst(Scientrace.Vector aVector)
     if (aVector.dotProduct(this) > 0)
Esempio n. 20
        /* end of nested element functions */

        public XElement setXRotationRad(Scientrace.Vector nonzeroAxis, double radians)
            XElement retx = new XElement("Rotated");

            retx.Add(new XElement("Angle", new XAttribute("Radians", radians.ToString())));
            retx.Add(this.setXVector("AboutAxis", nonzeroAxis));
            return(new XElement("Transformed", retx));
Esempio n. 21
 public void RotateAboutY1()
     Scientrace.Vector v1;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 0, 2).rotateAboutY(Math.PI / 2);
     Scientrace.Vector v2 = new Scientrace.Vector(2, 0, -1);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.x, v1.x, 1E-15);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.y, v1.y, 1E-15);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.z, v1.z, 1E-15);
Esempio n. 22
 public void RotateAboutZ1()
     Scientrace.Vector v1;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 2, 0).rotateAboutZ(Math.PI/2);
     Scientrace.Vector v2 =new Scientrace.Vector(-2,1,0);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.x, v1.x, 1E-15);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.y, v1.y, 1E-15);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.z, v1.z, 1E-15);
Esempio n. 23
 public void RotateAboutZ1()
     Scientrace.Vector v1;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 2, 0).rotateAboutZ(Math.PI / 2);
     Scientrace.Vector v2 = new Scientrace.Vector(-2, 1, 0);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.x, v1.x, 1E-15);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.y, v1.y, 1E-15);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.z, v1.z, 1E-15);
Esempio n. 24
 public Scientrace.NonzeroVector getXNzVectorSuggestions(XElement xe, string xmlname, Scientrace.Vector baseval)
     if (xe.Element(xmlname) == null)
         throw new XMLException("ERROR: (" + xmlname + ") not found in {" + xe.ToString() + "}");
     Scientrace.Vector retval = this.getXVectorSuggestions(xe.Element(xmlname), baseval);
     return(retval.tryToNonzeroVector("ERROR: (" + xmlname + ") may not be 0 in {" + xe.ToString() + "}"));
Esempio n. 25
        public XElement setXVector(string elname, Scientrace.Vector v)
            XElement retx = new XElement(elname);

            retx.Add(new XAttribute("x", v.x));
            retx.Add(new XAttribute("y", v.y));
            retx.Add(new XAttribute("z", v.z));
Esempio n. 26
 public Scientrace.Vector geteloc()
     //construction on request
     if (this.eloc == null)
         this.eloc = this.getTransform().transform(this.loc);
Esempio n. 27
 public void RotateAboutY1()
     Scientrace.Vector v1;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 0, 2).rotateAboutY(Math.PI/2);
     Scientrace.Vector v2 =new Scientrace.Vector(2,0, -1);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.x, v1.x, 1E-15);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.y, v1.y, 1E-15);
     Assert.AreEqual(v2.z, v1.z, 1E-15);
Esempio n. 28
 public Scientrace.Vector getVector(string varname, Scientrace.Vector defval)
     Scientrace.Vector retval = (Scientrace.Vector) this.getObject(varname, true);
     if (retval == null)
        public string spotSVGForWavelength(Scientrace.Vector location, double radius, double wavelength, double opacity)
            Scientrace.TraceJournal tj = TraceJournal.Instance;
<circle cx='" + location.x + "' cy='" + location.y + "' r='" + radius + "' style='" +
                   "fill:" + tj.wavelengthToRGB(wavelength) + ";fill-opacity:" + opacity + @";stroke:none'>
<title>" + wavelength + @"nm</title>
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the cylindrical location.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The cylindrical location based on a set of base vectors,
 /// the center of a sphere and two spherical locations on the sphere.
 /// </returns>
 /// <param name='xvec'>
 /// basevector X
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='yvec'>
 /// basevector Y
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='zvec'>
 /// basevector Z is the line in between theta = 0 and theta = pi.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='sphereCenter'>
 /// Sphere center location
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='theta'>
 /// Theta runs from 0 to pi
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='phi'>
 /// Phi runs from 0 to 2*pi
 /// </param>
 public Location getEllipsoidLoc(Scientrace.Vector xvec, Scientrace.Vector yvec,
                                 Scientrace.Vector zvec, Scientrace.Vector sphereCenter,
                                 double theta, double phi)
                (((xvec * Math.Cos(phi)) +
                  (yvec * Math.Sin(phi))) * Math.Sin(theta)) +
                (zvec * Math.Cos(theta)) +
Esempio n. 31
 public void testDotProductResults()
     Random r = new Random();
     for (int i = 0; i<1000; i++) {
     Scientrace.Vector a,b;
         a = new Scientrace.Vector(r.NextDouble()*100,r.NextDouble()*100,r.NextDouble()*100);
         b = new Scientrace.Vector(r.NextDouble()*100,r.NextDouble()*100,r.NextDouble()*100);
         Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(a.tryToUnitVector().dotProduct(b.tryToUnitVector())), 1);
Esempio n. 32
        public void TestVectorCrossProducts()
            Scientrace.Vector x = Scientrace.Vector.x1vector();
            Scientrace.Vector y = Scientrace.Vector.y1vector();
            Scientrace.Vector z = Scientrace.Vector.z1vector();

            Assert.AreEqual(x.crossProduct(y), z);
            Assert.AreEqual(y.crossProduct(x), z * -1);
            Assert.AreEqual(y.crossProduct(z), x);
Esempio n. 33
 public void TestMinusOperator()
     Scientrace.Vector v1, v2, v3;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 2, 3);
     v2 = new Scientrace.Vector(4, 1, 0.5);
     v3 = v1 - v2;
     Assert.AreEqual(-3, v3.x);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, v3.y);
     Assert.AreEqual(2.5, v3.z);
 public FlatSurfaceObject3d(ShadowScientrace.ShadowObject3d aShadowObject) : base(aShadowObject)
     //only front surface by default:
     //this.x3d_fill = aShadowObject.getBool("x3d_fill", this.x3d_fill);
     this.x3d_fill_emissive_color = aShadowObject.getColorFromHTML("x3d_fill_emissive_color_html", this.x3d_fill_emissive_color);
     this.x3d_fill_diffuse_color  = aShadowObject.getColorFromHTML("x3d_fill_diffuse_color_html", this.x3d_fill_diffuse_color);
     this.x3d_fill_bitmap         = aShadowObject.getString("x3d_fill_bitmap");
     this.x3d_fill_both_sides     = aShadowObject.getBool("x3d_fill_both_sides", this.x3d_fill_both_sides);
     //this.x3d_fill_diffuse = aShadowObject.getBool("x3d_fill_diffuse", this.x3d_fill_diffuse);
     this.x3d_fill_normal = aShadowObject.getVector("x3d_fill_normal", this.x3d_fill_normal);
Esempio n. 35
 public FlatSurfaceObject3d(ShadowScientrace.ShadowObject3d aShadowObject)
     : base(aShadowObject)
     //only front surface by default:
     //this.x3d_fill = aShadowObject.getBool("x3d_fill", this.x3d_fill);
     this.x3d_fill_emissive_color = aShadowObject.getColorFromHTML("x3d_fill_emissive_color_html", this.x3d_fill_emissive_color);
     this.x3d_fill_diffuse_color = aShadowObject.getColorFromHTML("x3d_fill_diffuse_color_html", this.x3d_fill_diffuse_color);
     this.x3d_fill_bitmap = aShadowObject.getString("x3d_fill_bitmap");
     this.x3d_fill_both_sides = aShadowObject.getBool("x3d_fill_both_sides", this.x3d_fill_both_sides);
     //this.x3d_fill_diffuse = aShadowObject.getBool("x3d_fill_diffuse", this.x3d_fill_diffuse);
     this.x3d_fill_normal = aShadowObject.getVector("x3d_fill_normal", this.x3d_fill_normal);
Esempio n. 36
 public override Scientrace.VectorTransform createNewTransform()
     Scientrace.Vector refvec;
     if (directionlength.toUnitVector().dotProduct(new Vector(1,0,0))<0.8) {
     refvec = new Vector(1,0,0);
     } else {
     refvec = new Scientrace.Vector(0,1,0);
     Scientrace.NonzeroVector u, v;
     u = refvec.crossProduct(directionlength).tryToUnitVector()*this.radius;
     v = u.crossProduct(directionlength).tryToUnitVector()*this.radius;
     return new Scientrace.VectorTransform(u,v,this.directionlength);
Esempio n. 37
 public Scientrace.VectorTransform createNewTransform()
     Scientrace.Vector refvec;
     if (this.direction.dotProduct(new Vector(1,0,0))<0.8) {
     refvec = new Vector(1,0,0);
     } else {
     refvec = new Scientrace.Vector(0,1,0);
     Scientrace.NonzeroVector u, v;
     //there used to be a *5 after lines below. TODO: check if OK like this
     u = refvec.crossProduct(this.direction).tryToUnitVector()*this.radius;
     v = u.crossProduct(this.direction).tryToUnitVector()*this.radius;
     return new Scientrace.VectorTransform(u,v,this.direction);
Esempio n. 38
 public void TestIntersectionByVectorArray2()
     Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env = new Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment(Scientrace.AirProperties.Instance,100);
     Scientrace.Line beam = new Scientrace.Line(10, 10, 10, -1, -1, 0);
     Scientrace.LightSource light = new Scientrace.SingleRaySource(beam,
                                                                  10, new Scientrace.AM15Spectrum(1), env);
     Scientrace.Trace trace = new Scientrace.Trace(500.0E-9, light, beam, env,1,1);
     Scientrace.Vector v = new Scientrace.Vector(10,10,10);
     Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[] ips = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[2];
     ips[0] = null;
     ips[1] = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint(new Scientrace.Location(1,1,1),
                                      new Scientrace.FlatShape2d(v.toLocation(),
                                      new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(1,0,0),
                                      new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(0,1,0)));
     //Scientrace.Intersection intr = new Scientrace.Intersection(trace, ips);
 public Scientrace.Vector getXVectorSuggestions(XElement xe, Scientrace.Vector baseval)
     if (xe == null) {
     throw new XMLException("XVector element does not exist");
     Scientrace.Vector retvec;
     if (xe.Attribute("xyz") != null) {
     retvec = this.getXVector(xe);
     } else {
     retvec = new Scientrace.Vector(this.getXDouble(xe, "x", baseval.x),
         this.getXDouble(xe, "y", baseval.y),
         this.getXDouble(xe, "z", baseval.z));
     retvec = this.modifyVectorForSubElements(retvec, xe);
     return retvec;
Esempio n. 40
        public Scientrace.Vector lineThroughPlaneTLoc(Scientrace.Line line)
            Scientrace.VectorTransform trf = this.getTransform();
            //coordinates after coordinate-transformation. u->e1, v->e2, loc->eloc
            //the parallelogram is in the (a*e1, b*e2, 0) plane
            Scientrace.Vector eloc;
            eloc = this.geteloc();
            //coordinates after coordinate-transformation. line.direction->eld, line.loc->ell
            Scientrace.Vector eld, ell;
            eld = trf.transform(line.direction);
            ell = trf.transform(line.startingpoint);
            //nbase is the new base when the parallelogram "location" has been substracted from the line-location
            Scientrace.Vector nbase = ell-eloc;

            //catch direction eld.z = 0; line is parallel to plane!
            if (eld.z == 0) {
            return null;

            double nx, ny, nz;
            double dfac = (nbase.z/eld.z);
            nx = nbase.x-(dfac*eld.x);
            ny = nbase.y-(dfac*eld.y);
            nz = nbase.z-(dfac*eld.z);

            //shift plane back to eloc location and return
            return (new Scientrace.Vector(nx, ny, nz))+eloc;
Esempio n. 41
 public Scientrace.Vector geteloc()
     //construction on request
     if (this.eloc == null) {
     this.eloc = this.getTransform().transform(this.loc);
     return this.eloc;
Esempio n. 42
 public Scientrace.Vector dotProductMatrixWithVector(Scientrace.Vector a, Scientrace.Vector b, Scientrace.Vector c, Scientrace.Vector aVector)
     Scientrace.Vector retvec = new Scientrace.Vector(0, 0, 0);
     Scientrace.Vector tvec = null;
     for (int irow = 0; irow <= 2; irow++) {
     tvec = new Vector(a.readIndex(irow), b.readIndex(irow), c.readIndex(irow));
     retvec.onIndexWrite(irow, tvec.dotProduct(aVector));
     return retvec;
Esempio n. 43
        public bool dictionaryCachedInverseVectors()
            if (VectorTransform.inverseVectorDictionary.ContainsKey(this.idstring)) {
            //Console.WriteLine("Transform u="+this.u+", v="+this.v+", u="+this.w+"; has been FOUND in cache.");
            this.ui = VectorTransform.inverseVectorDictionary[idstring].ui;
   = VectorTransform.inverseVectorDictionary[idstring].vi;
            this.wi = VectorTransform.inverseVectorDictionary[idstring].wi;
            return true;

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            //Console.WriteLine("Transform u="+this.u+", v="+this.v+", u="+this.w+"; not found in cache.");
            DateTime stopTime = DateTime.Now;
            VectorTransform.total_inverse_calculation_time += (stopTime-startTime);

            //adding calculated item to cache
            if (VectorTransform.inverseVectorDictionary.ContainsKey(this.idstring)) {
            //do not add again, duplicate entry created at same time...
            Console.WriteLine("Duplicate entry...");
            return false;
            //Add new entry.
            VectorTransform.inverseVectorDictionary.Add(this.idstring, this);
            //Console.WriteLine("Element (u="+this.u+", v="+this.v+", w="+this.w+") added to cache. Current cache size: "+VectorTransform.inverseVectorDictionary.Count);
            return false;
Esempio n. 44
 public void inituvw(Scientrace.Vector u, Scientrace.Vector v, Scientrace.Vector w)
     this.u = u;
     this.v = v;
     this.w = w;
     this.idstring = this.getIdString();
     if (VectorTransform.CACHE_TRANSFORMS) {
     this.cachedInverseVectors(); // Use this method for chached (better performance) transform retrieval
     } else {
     this.notCachedInverseVectors(); // Use this method for chached (less memory usage) transform retrieval
Esempio n. 45
        public void initInverseVectorsOPENTK()
            Scientrace.Vector x = this.u;
            Scientrace.Vector y = this.v;
            Scientrace.Vector z = this.w;

            OpenTK.Matrix4d m = new OpenTK.Matrix4d(
                x.x, x.y, x.z, 0,
                y.x, y.y, y.z, 0,
                z.x, z.y, z.z, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 1);

            this.ui = new Scientrace.Vector(m.M11, m.M12, m.M13);
   = new Scientrace.Vector(m.M21, m.M22, m.M23);
            this.wi = new Scientrace.Vector(m.M31, m.M32, m.M33);
Esempio n. 46
        private Scientrace.NonzeroVector calcTriangleHeightVector(ShadowObject3d sho3d)
            Scientrace.Vector length = sho3d.getVector("length");
            Scientrace.Vector width = sho3d.getVector("width");
            Scientrace.Vector heightdir = sho3d.getVector("heightdir");

            double angle = sho3d.getDouble("angle");

            //create a vector orthogonal to length en width in the same binary direction as heightdir.
            Scientrace.UnitVector owl = (width.crossProduct(length) *

            Scientrace.NonzeroVector bdir = ( //calculate the direction of the short side of the prism
                                        owl*Math.Sin(angle) +
            if ((bdir.length < 0.99999) || (bdir.length > 1.00001)) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bdir.length", bdir.length, "!= 1");

            Scientrace.VectorTransform trf = new Scientrace.VectorTransform(
            width.tryToNonzeroVector(), owl.tryToNonzeroVector(), length.tryToNonzeroVector());
            Scientrace.NonzeroVector hdirtrf = trf.transform(heightdir).tryToNonzeroVector();
            Scientrace.Vector hprimetrf = new Scientrace.Vector(hdirtrf.x, hdirtrf.y, 0); //eliminate "length" component of heightdir in hprime
            Scientrace.NonzeroVector hprimedir = trf.transformback(hprimetrf).tryToNonzeroVector().normalized();
            /*       ^
             *      /C\
             *     /   \
             *  h'/     \ b
             *   /       \
             *  /B_______A\
             *     width
             * angle = A; beta = B; gamma = C.
            //sine rule: hprimelen / sin A = width.length() / sin C = blen / sin B
            double beta, gamma;
            beta = Math.Acos(hprimedir.normalized().dotProduct(width.tryToNonzeroVector().normalized()));
            gamma = Math.PI - (angle + beta);
            double hprimelen;
            double sinruleconstant = width.length / Math.Sin(gamma);
            hprimelen = sinruleconstant*Math.Sin(angle);
            Scientrace.NonzeroVector hprime = hprimedir*hprimelen;

            // check: (trf.transform(hprime).x / hdirtrf.x) == (trf.transform(hprime).y / hdirtrf.y)
            double xycoeff = ((trf.transform(hprime).x / hdirtrf.x) / (trf.transform(hprime).y / hdirtrf.y));
            if (Math.Abs(1-xycoeff)>0.00001) { //doesn't do anything if .x/.x = NaN, but that's OK for now.
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("xycoeff", xycoeff, "!=1");

            try {
            Scientrace.NonzeroVector h = ((Math.Abs(hdirtrf.x)>Math.Abs(hdirtrf.y)) ? // Preventing .x or .y denominator == 0 errors.
                trf.transformback(hdirtrf*(trf.transform(hprime).x / hdirtrf.x)) :
                trf.transformback(hdirtrf*(trf.transform(hprime).y / hdirtrf.y))

            return h;
            } catch (Scientrace.ZeroNonzeroVectorException zne)	{
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: calculated height for triangularprism has length zero!");
            throw (zne);
 public Scientrace.Vector getXVector(XElement xe)
     if (xe == null) {
     throw new XMLException("XVector element does not exist");
     XAttribute x, y, z;
     double dx, dy, dz;
     if (xe.Attribute("xyz") != null) {
     try {
         string xyz = xe.Attribute("xyz").Value;
         char[] delimiterChars = { ';', '\t' };
         string[] elements = xyz.Split(delimiterChars);
         if (elements.Length !=3) {
             throw new XMLException("Element "+xe.ToString()+" has \""+elements.Length+ "\" != 3 valid vector elements. ");
         //Console.WriteLine("XYZ component values: x:"+dx+" y:"+dy+" z:"+dz);
         } catch { throw new XMLException("Element "+xe.ToString()+" does not have proper parameters for {xyz} attribute (can't parse {"+xe.Attribute("xyz").Value.ToString()+"}. Perhaps incorrect use of PreProcess variables or decimal separators?)."); }
     } else {
     try {
         x = xe.Attribute("x");
         y = xe.Attribute("y");
         z = xe.Attribute("z");
         } catch { throw new XMLException("Element "+xe.ToString()+" does not have proper parameters {x,y,z}"); }
     try {
         dx = this.getXDouble(x);
         dy = this.getXDouble(y);
         dz = this.getXDouble(z);
         } catch {
         throw new XMLException("XVector "+xe.ToString()+
                                " contains values ("+x.ToString()+", "+y.ToString()+", "+z.ToString()+
                                ") that cannot be converted to floating point values.");
     Scientrace.Vector beforeModifyVec = new Scientrace.Vector(dx, dy, dz);
     Scientrace.Vector retvec = this.modifyVectorForSubElements(beforeModifyVec, xe);
     if (retvec==null) {
     Console.WriteLine("WARNING: NULL MODIFIED VECTOR FOUND FOR "+xe.ToString());
     return retvec;
Esempio n. 48
 public void TestRotateAboutVector()
     Scientrace.Vector v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1,1,1);
     double angle = Math.PI/2; //a random angle
     /**/	Assert.AreEqual(v1.rotateAboutZ(angle),
                 v1.rotateAboutVector(new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(0,0,1), angle)
     /*	Assert.AreEqual(new Scientrace.Vector(1, -1, 1),
                 v1.rotateAboutVector(new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(1,0,0), angle)
                 );/* this will only fail due to significance */
     /**/	Assert.AreEqual(v1.rotateAboutY(angle),
                 v1.rotateAboutVector(new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(0,1,0), angle)
     /**/	Assert.AreEqual(v1.rotateAboutX(angle),
                 v1.rotateAboutVector(new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(1,0,0), angle)
Esempio n. 49
 public void TestVectorProjection()
     Scientrace.Vector aVec = new Scientrace.Vector(0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
     Scientrace.UnitVector normal = new Scientrace.UnitVector(0,0,-1);
     Assert.AreEqual(aVec.projectOnPlaneWithNormal(normal), new Scientrace.Vector(0.2, 0.3, 0));
Esempio n. 50
 public void TestZeroAngleWith()
     Scientrace.Vector v1, v2;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 1, 1);
     v2 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 1, 1);
     Assert.AreEqual(0, v1.angleWith(v2));
Esempio n. 51
 public void TestEqualsOperator()
     Scientrace.Vector v1, v2;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 1, 1);
     v2 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 1, 1);
     Assert.AreEqual(v1, v2);
Esempio n. 52
 public void TestMinusOperator()
     Scientrace.Vector v1, v2, v3;
     v1 = new Scientrace.Vector(1, 2, 3);
     v2 = new Scientrace.Vector(4, 1, 0.5);
     v3 = v1-v2;
     Assert.AreEqual(-3, v3.x);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, v3.y);
     Assert.AreEqual(2.5, v3.z);