Esempio n. 1
        }         //end calcTriangleHeightVector

        public Scientrace.Object3d constructTriangularPrism(XElement xel)
            /* Example:
             * <Prism>
             *  <Location xyz="10;-50;10" />
             *  <Length xyz="0;100;0" />
             *  <Width xyz="10;0;0" />
             *  <Height xyz="5;0;5" />
             *  <Material Class="NFormula" Formula="1.5+(nm*0.01)" />
             * </Prism>
            if (!xel.Name.ToString().IsIn("TriangularPrism", "Prism"))       // != "TriangularPrism") {
                throw new XMLException("TriangularPrism does not match its name: " + xel.Name.ToString());

            ShadowScientrace.ShadowObject3d shadowO3D =
                new ShadowScientrace.ShadowObject3d(typeof(Scientrace.TriangularPrism), this.parentcollection,                 //ClassName

            // Base parameters:
            shadowO3D.arguments.Add("corner_location", this.X.getXLocation(xel, "Location", null));
            shadowO3D.arguments.Add("perfect_top", this.X.getXBool(xel, "PerfectFront", true));
            shadowO3D.arguments.Add("length", this.X.getXNzVectorByName(xel, "Length"));
            shadowO3D.arguments.Add("width", this.X.getXNzVectorByName(xel, "Width"));

            // Optional parameters
            // TRY:
            shadowO3D.arguments.Add("height", this.X.getXNzVectorByName(xel, "Height", null));
            // ELSE:
            if (!shadowO3D.hasArgument("height"))
                shadowO3D.arguments.Add("heightdir", this.X.getXNzVectorByName(xel, "HeightDirection"));
                shadowO3D.arguments.Add("angle", this.X.getXAngleByName(xel, "Angle"));
                shadowO3D.arguments.Add("height", this.calcTriangleHeightVector(shadowO3D));

            //if (!
            //just throw a warning if prism has no volume.
            //	) throw new XMLException("Prism has no volume...");

            Scientrace.TriangularPrism tretprism = new Scientrace.TriangularPrism(shadowO3D);

Esempio n. 2
        public void addElements()
            /* see sine_rule_applied.svg */
            double alpha;
            double beta, gamma;

            alpha = this.largeAngle;
            gamma = this.relative_angle;
            beta  = Math.PI - (alpha + gamma);

            /* vteethheight is the vector of the triangularprism that points to the top (see vector "h" below)
             *       /\
             *      /  \
             *     /    \
             *    /      \
             *    \      /|
             * l = \  h=/ |
             *      \  /  |
             *       \/___|
             *      w = ^
             * since uvLargeAngle // b... */

            Scientrace.UnitVector v1u          = this.surfacev1.toUnitVector();
            Scientrace.UnitVector v3u          = this.surfacev3.toUnitVector();
            UnitVector            uvLargeAngle = null;

            try {
                uvLargeAngle = (v3u.toVector() * Math.Sin(alpha) +                   //"z" axis
                                v1u.toVector() * Math.Cos(alpha)).tryToUnitVector(); //"x" axis
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ZeroNonzeroVectorException("Large angle for FresnelPrism has a calculated length 0 \n" + e.Message);

            /* the short angle direction vector below is not used. Commented for possibel relevant future use.
             * Scientrace.UnitVector uvShortAngle = (v1u*Math.Sin(this.largeAngle+this.relative_angle) + //"x" axis
             *                                                                       v3u*Math.Cos(this.largeAngle+this.relative_angle)).tryToUnitVector();  //"z" axis */

            double teethwidth = 2 * this.surfacev1.length / Convert.ToDouble(this.teethCount); //2* because v1 represents a radius, not diameter.

            Scientrace.NonzeroVector vteethheight = null;
            try {
                vteethheight = uvLargeAngle * teethwidth * ((Math.Sin(beta)) / (Math.Sin(gamma)));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ZeroNonzeroVectorException("Teeth height for FresnelPrism has a calculated length 0 \n" + e.Message);

            Scientrace.Location v1base = (this.loc - this.surfacev1.toLocation());

            double vratio = this.surfacev2.length / this.surfacev1.length;

            Scientrace.NonzeroVector vteethwidth = this.surfacev1.toUnitVector() * teethwidth;

            /* Adding teeth to collection, pointing in v3 direction */
            for (int itooth = 0; itooth < this.teethCount; itooth++)
                double distfromcenter = (Math.Abs((0.5 * teethCount) - (itooth + 0.5)) - 0.5) / (0.5 * teethCount);
                //vteethlength is the equiv for vector c in sine_rule_applied.svg and w in ascii scetch above.
                Scientrace.NonzeroVector vteethlength =         //*2 because real length is double the length from the center-line.
                                                        (this.surfacev2 * (Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(distfromcenter, 2)) * vratio)) * 2;

                //	Console.WriteLine(itooth+" @ "+((this.divisioncount*itooth)/this.teethCount));
                Scientrace.Object3d tri = new Scientrace.TriangularPrism(
                    this.division[(this.divisioncount * itooth) / this.teethCount], this.fresnelMaterial,
                    ((v1base /*+this.surfacev3*/) + (v1u.toVector() * itooth * teethwidth) - (vteethlength * 0.5)).toLocation(),
                    vteethwidth, vteethheight, vteethlength);

                tri.tag = "prismdent_" + itooth;
            /* Adding "top layer, circular prism, on which the teeth are attached. Height surfacev3 */

            /* since the top circularprism was moved, the shift (+this.surfacev3) at the adding of the teeth was
             * also commented out */

            //Scientrace.CircularPrism topcircle = new Scientrace.CircularPrism(this, this.fresnelMaterial, loc, this.surfacev1, this.surfacev2, this.surfacev3);
            //adding to second half, true that's a bit redundant...

            /* Define the total height of the circle and the teeth in the surfacev3-direction for the environment
             * to request for total size purposes */

            this.total_prism_height =     //this.surfacev3.length + //OBSOLETE SINCE TOP CIRCULARPRISM HAS BEEN REMOVED

            //Setting boundaries for first and second half collections:
            if (this.teethCount < this.divisioncount)
                this.divisioncount = 2;
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: Less teeth(" + this.teethCount + ") for prism than divisions(" + this.divisioncount + "), now setting divisioncount to 2.");
                //throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Less teeth("+this.teethCount+") for prism than divisions("+this.divisioncount+")");
            for (int idiv = 0; idiv < this.divisioncount; idiv++)
                double divstart = Math.Ceiling((double)(idiv * teethCount) / (double)this.divisioncount);
                double divend   = Math.Ceiling((double)((1 + idiv) * teethCount) / (double)this.divisioncount);
                //Math.Ceiling(double((idiv+1)*teethCount) / this.divisioncount);
                //Console.WriteLine("idiv: "+idiv+" divstart:"+divstart+" divend:" +divend + " tc:"+teethCount+" dc:"+divisioncount);
                double divstartfrac = (double)divstart / (double)teethCount;
                double divendfrac   = (double)divend / (double)teethCount;
                this.division[idiv].dummyborder = new RectangularPrism(null, this.materialproperties,
                                                                       loc - surfacev1 - surfacev2 + (surfacev1.toVector() * divstartfrac * 2), //location
                                                                       (surfacev1 * (divendfrac - divstartfrac) * 2),                           //width or length
                                                                       surfacev2 * 2,                                                           //length or width
                                                                       surfacev3.normalized() * this.total_prism_height                         //height
                //Console.WriteLine("DIV:"+idiv+" has "+this.division[idiv].objects.Count+" children");
Esempio n. 3
        public Scientrace.Object3d constructTriangularPrism(XElement xel)
            /* Example:
            <Location xyz="10;-50;10" />
            <Length xyz="0;100;0" />
            <Width xyz="10;0;0" />
            <Height xyz="5;0;5" />
            <Material Class="NFormula" Formula="1.5+(nm*0.01)" />
            if (!xel.Name.ToString().IsIn("TriangularPrism", "Prism")) { // != "TriangularPrism") {
            throw new XMLException("TriangularPrism does not match its name: "+xel.Name.ToString());

            ShadowScientrace.ShadowObject3d shadowO3D =
                new ShadowScientrace.ShadowObject3d(typeof(Scientrace.TriangularPrism), this.parentcollection, //ClassName

            // Base parameters:
            shadowO3D.arguments.Add("corner_location", this.X.getXLocation(xel, "Location", null));
            shadowO3D.arguments.Add("perfect_top", this.X.getXBool(xel, "PerfectFront", true));
            shadowO3D.arguments.Add("length", this.X.getXNzVectorByName(xel, "Length"));
            shadowO3D.arguments.Add("width", this.X.getXNzVectorByName(xel, "Width"));

            // Optional parameters
            // TRY:
            shadowO3D.arguments.Add("height",  this.X.getXNzVectorByName(xel, "Height", null));
            // ELSE:
            if (!shadowO3D.hasArgument("height")) {
                shadowO3D.arguments.Add("heightdir", this.X.getXNzVectorByName(xel, "HeightDirection"));
                shadowO3D.arguments.Add("angle", this.X.getXAngleByName(xel, "Angle"));
                shadowO3D.arguments.Add("height", this.calcTriangleHeightVector(shadowO3D));

            //if (!
            //just throw a warning if prism has no volume.
            //	) throw new XMLException("Prism has no volume...");

            Scientrace.TriangularPrism tretprism = new Scientrace.TriangularPrism(shadowO3D);

            return tretprism;