Esempio n. 1
 //length inherited from Prism
 public CircularPrism(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, Scientrace.Location loc, Scientrace.NonzeroVector width, Scientrace.NonzeroVector height, Scientrace.NonzeroVector length) : base(parent, mprops)
     this.loc    = loc;
     this.width  = width;
     this.height = (height.tryToUnitVector()) * width.length;
     this.length = length;
Esempio n. 2
 //length inherited from Prism
 public RectangularPrism(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, Scientrace.Location loc, Scientrace.NonzeroVector width, Scientrace.NonzeroVector height, Scientrace.NonzeroVector length) : base(parent, mprops)
     this.loc    = loc;
     this.width  = width;
     this.length = length;
     this.height = height;
 public InfiniteCylinderBorder(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops,
                               Scientrace.Location loc, Scientrace.UnitVector direction, double radius) : base(parent, mprops)
     this.direction = direction;
     this.radius    = radius;
     this.loc       = loc;
Esempio n. 4
        public Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment parseXEnv(XElement xenv)
            //Create the collection itself with its properties first.
            Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment retenv;

            // Creating "the entire object-space"
            double env_radius = this.X.getXDouble(xenv, "Radius", -1);

            if (env_radius == -1)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: ObjectEnvironment has no radius attribute. Using 16 as an arbitrary default. You might want to change this.");
                env_radius = 16;
            string environment_material_id = this.X.getXStringByName(xenv, "Environment", "air");


            Scientrace.MaterialProperties env_material = Scientrace.MaterialProperties.FromIdentifier(environment_material_id);
            retenv = new Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment(env_material, env_radius);
            retenv.perishAtBorder = true;
            retenv.tag            = this.X.getXStringByName(xenv, "Tag", "ScientraceXML_Setup");

            //Parsing lightsources
            this.lp = new XMLLightSourceParser(retenv);
            this.lp.parseLightsources(xenv, retenv);

            this.parseXObject3dCollectionContent(xenv, retenv);

            //return environment
        public List <PlaneBorder> borders; // = new List<PlaneBorder>();

        public PlaneBorderEnclosedVolume(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, List <PlaneBorder> enclosing_borders) : base(parent, mprops)
            List <PlaneBorder> effective_borders = new List <PlaneBorder>();

            for (int index1 = 0; index1 < enclosing_borders.Count; index1++)
                bool this_one_is_OK = true;
                for (int index2 = index1 + 1; index2 < enclosing_borders.Count; index2++)
                    this_one_is_OK = this_one_is_OK && (!enclosing_borders[index1].overlapsWithPlane(enclosing_borders[index2]));
                }                 //end index2 loop
                if (this_one_is_OK)
                    //Console.WriteLine("WARNING: DISPOSED DUPLICATE BORDER:"+enclosing_borders[index1]);
                }         //end this_one_is_OK
            }             //end index1 loop
            if (effective_borders.Count != enclosing_borders.Count)
                Console.WriteLine(effective_borders.Count.ToString() + " out of " + enclosing_borders.Count + " non-duplicate borders preserved (" + (enclosing_borders.Count - effective_borders.Count) + " duplicates disposed)");
            this.borders = effective_borders;
Esempio n. 6
 public Sphere(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops,
               Scientrace.Location aLocation, double sphereRadius
               ) : base(parent, mprops)
     this.loc    = aLocation;
     this.radius = sphereRadius;
Esempio n. 7
 // Constructor: plane, sphereCenterLoc, sphereRadius
 protected DoubleConvexLens(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops,
                            //Scientrace.PlaneBorder lensPlane,
                            Scientrace.Location sphere1CenterLoc, double sphere1Radius,
                            Scientrace.Location sphere2CenterLoc, double sphere2Radius)
     : base(parent, mprops)
     this.paramInit(sphere1CenterLoc, sphere1Radius, sphere2CenterLoc, sphere2Radius);
Esempio n. 8
 public ShadowObject3d(ShadowObject3d copyObject)
     this.parent        = copyObject.parent;
     this.materialprops = copyObject.materialprops;
     this.class_type    = copyObject.class_type;
     this.factory_id    = copyObject.factory_id;
     this.arguments     = new Dictionary <string, object>(copyObject.arguments);
Esempio n. 9
 public PhysicalObject3d(Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties materialproperties) : base(parent, materialproperties)
     this.surface_sides = new HashSet <SurfaceSide>()
     //this.materialproperties = materialproperties;
Esempio n. 10
 // Constructor: plane, sphereCenterLoc, sphereRadius
 protected PlanoConvexLens(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops,
                           Scientrace.PlaneBorder lensPlane, Scientrace.Location sphereCenterLoc, double sphereRadius)
     : base(parent, mprops)
     this.lensPlane       = lensPlane;
     this.sphereCenterLoc = sphereCenterLoc;
     this.sphereRadius    = sphereRadius;
     this.dummySphere     = new Scientrace.Sphere(null, null, sphereCenterLoc, sphereRadius);
Esempio n. 11
        public static Scientrace.ParabolicMirror CreateAtFocus(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent,
                                                               Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, Scientrace.Location focusloc,
                                                               double distancetormirror, Scientrace.UnitVector zaxis,
                                                               AbstractGridBorder cborder)
            double c = 1 / (4 * distancetormirror);

            Scientrace.Location loc = (focusloc - (zaxis.toVector() * distancetormirror)).toLocation();
            return(new Scientrace.ParabolicMirror(parent, mprops, loc, zaxis, c, cborder));
        public FlatSurfaceObject3d(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops) : base(parent, mprops)
            //this.surface_sides = new HashSet<SurfaceSide>() {Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Both, Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Front, Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Back};

            //only front surface by default:
            this.surface_sides = new HashSet <SurfaceSide>()
Esempio n. 13
 private void setDefaults(Object3dCollection parent, MaterialProperties mp)
     this.tag                = this.GetType().ToString();
     this.parseOrder         = TraceJournal.Instance.rnd.NextDouble();
     this.materialproperties = mp;
     this.parent             = parent;
     if (this.hasParent())
Esempio n. 14
 public static MaterialProperties FromIdentifier(string identifier)
     if (MaterialProperties.materials.Count < 1)
     Scientrace.MaterialProperties retmat = MaterialProperties.getMaterial(identifier);
     if (retmat == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("MaterialProperties Identifier \"" + identifier + "\" is unknown.");
Esempio n. 15
 public ComplexBorderedVolume(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, List <List <PlaneBorder> > enclosing_borders) : base(parent, mprops)
     /*foreach (PlaneBorder aBorder in enclosing_borders) {
      *      Console.WriteLine("A border added to PlaneBorderEnclosedVolume: "+aBorder.getNormal().trico()+" @ "+aBorder.getCenterLoc());
      *      }*/
     this.subVolumes = new List <PlaneBorderEnclosedVolume>();
     foreach (List <PlaneBorder> pblist in enclosing_borders)
         PlaneBorderEnclosedVolume pbvol = new PlaneBorderEnclosedVolume(null, mprops, pblist);
         //this.borders = enclosing_borders;
     //Console.WriteLine("Number of subvolumes for {"+this.tag+"}: "+this.subVolumes.Count);
Esempio n. 16
        // Factory method: lensFlatCenterLoc, sphereRadius, lensDiameter
        static public Scientrace.PlanoConvexLens CreateWithLensDiameter(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent,
                                                                        Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops,
                                                                        Scientrace.Location lensFlatCenterLoc, double lensDiameter,
                                                                        Scientrace.NonzeroVector sphereRadiusVec)
            Scientrace.PlaneBorder aPlane = new PlaneBorder(lensFlatCenterLoc, sphereRadiusVec);
            double r /*sphere radius*/    = sphereRadiusVec.length;
            double x /*lens radius*/      = lensDiameter / 2;
            double y /*distance lens center to sphere center*/ = Math.Sqrt((r * r) - (x * x));
            double t /*thickness*/ = r - y;

            //Console.WriteLine("sphereradius: "+r+" lens thickness: "+t+" y:"+y+" x:"+x);

            if (t <= 0)
                throw new Exception("This PlanoConvexLens cannot be created: " + sphereRadiusVec.trico() + "/" + lensDiameter);
            Scientrace.Location sphereLoc = lensFlatCenterLoc - (sphereRadiusVec.normalizedVector() * y);
            //Console.WriteLine("sphereLoc: "+sphereLoc.trico()+" lensFlatCenterLoc: "+t+" lensFlatCenterLoc:"+lensFlatCenterLoc.trico());
            return(new PlanoConvexLens(parent, mprops, aPlane, sphereLoc, r));
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// The parabolic mirror is one of the key elements of the SunCycle concentrator
        /// When light is directed onto a parabolic mirror in the right direction the
        /// lightrays will reflect towards a single point, hence it can be used as a concentrator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">
        /// A <see cref="Scientrace.Object3dCollection"/> in which the physicalobject "parabolicmirror" is placed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="mprops">
        /// A <see cref="Scientrace.MaterialProperties"/> instance defines the properties of the mirror.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="loc">
        /// A <see cref="Scientrace.Location"/> defines the location which has to be shifted to 0,0,0 to make z = x^2 + y^2 = 0
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="zaxis">
        /// A <see cref="Scientrace.UnitVector"/> pointing the direction of the norm at the "bottom" of the mirror pointing "up"
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="c">
        /// A <see cref="System.Double"/>, the value c for which z = c(x^2+y^2) after a location shift.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="cborder">
        /// A <see cref="CylindricalBorder"/> the mirror only exists between these borders.
        /// </param>
        public ParabolicMirror(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops,
                               Scientrace.Location loc, Scientrace.UnitVector zaxis, double c,
                               AbstractGridBorder cborder) : base(parent, mprops)
            /* Console.WriteLine("Mirror props: loc:"+
             *                        loc.trico()+" zax:"+zaxis.trico()+ " c:"+c +" border: "+cborder.ToString()); */
            this.c       = c;
            this.loc     = loc;
            this.zaxis   = zaxis;
            this.cborder = cborder;

            Scientrace.UnitVector basevec1 = new Scientrace.UnitVector(1, 0, 0);
            if (Math.Abs(zaxis.dotProduct(basevec1)) > 0.8)
                basevec1 = new Scientrace.UnitVector(0, 1, 0);
            Scientrace.UnitVector v = basevec1.crossProduct(zaxis).tryToUnitVector();
            trf = new VectorTransformOrthonormal(zaxis, v, VectorTransform.SWAP_U_WITH_W);

            //Console.WriteLine("V transform: "+trf.transform(v).trico()+ " z: "+zaxis+" transform(Z):"+trf.transform(zaxis).trico());
        public static PlaneBorderEnclosedVolume createTruncatedPyramid(
            Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops,
            List <Scientrace.Location> front_corners, Scientrace.Location pyramid_top_location, PlaneBorder topping_plane)
            /*// DEBUG INFO:
             * Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: creating topped pyramid with front_corners: ");
             * foreach (Scientrace.Location aLoc in front_corners) {
             *      Console.Write("Location: "+aLoc.trico());
             *      }
             * Console.WriteLine("Top location: "+pyramid_top_location.trico());
             * Console.WriteLine("topping_plane: "+topping_plane);
             * // END DEBUG INFO */
            if (front_corners.Count < 3)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("(topped) pyramid must have -at least- 3 front_corners in list (=" + front_corners.Count + ").");
            List <Scientrace.PlaneBorder> truncatedPyramidBorders = new List <Scientrace.PlaneBorder>();

            truncatedPyramidBorders.Add(     //adding large (opening) plane
                PlaneBorder.createBetween3LocationsPointingTo(front_corners[0], front_corners[1], front_corners[2], pyramid_top_location)

            int fcc = front_corners.Count;

            for (int iBorder = 0; iBorder < fcc; iBorder++)       //adding side planes
            //front_corners[iBorder].trico()+ front_corners[(iBorder+1)%fcc].trico()+ pyramid_top_location.trico()+" towards: "+front_corners[(iBorder+2)%fcc]);
                        front_corners[iBorder], front_corners[(iBorder + 1) % fcc], pyramid_top_location, front_corners[(iBorder + 2) % fcc])

            truncatedPyramidBorders.Add(topping_plane);     //adding small (closing) plane

            return(new PlaneBorderEnclosedVolume(parent, mprops,
        }         // end createTruncatedPyramid Factory Method
Esempio n. 19
        public Object3dCollection[] division; //firsthalf, secondhalf;
        //public Scientrace.RectangularPrism dummyRect;

        /// <summary>
        /// The CircularFresnelPrism is developed specifically for the SunCycle system but can be used
        /// for different purposes. It generates a filled Object3dCollection with
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">
        /// A <see cref="Object3d"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="surroundingsproperties">
        /// A <see cref="MaterialProperties"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="loc">
        /// A <see cref="Location"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="surfacev1">
        /// A <see cref="NonzeroVector"/> orthogonal to the prism-teeth "length"-direction.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="surfacev2">
        /// A <see cref="NonzeroVector"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="surfacev3">
        /// The Z axis </param>
        /// <param name="teethCount">
        /// A int representing the number of teeth over the fresnel surface.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fresnelMaterial">
        /// A <see cref="MaterialProperties"/>
        /// </param>

        public CircularFresnelPrism(Object3dCollection parent, MaterialProperties surroundingsproperties,
                                    Location loc, NonzeroVector surfacev1, NonzeroVector surfacev2, NonzeroVector zaxisheight,
                                    double largeAngle_rad, double shortAngle_rad, int teethCount,
                                    MaterialProperties fresnelMaterial)
            : base(parent, surroundingsproperties)
            //check vectors
            try{ surfacev1.toUnitVector(); }
            catch { throw new ZeroNonzeroVectorException("Fresnel Prism surface 1 has length 0"); }
            try{ surfacev2.toUnitVector(); }
            catch { throw new ZeroNonzeroVectorException("Fresnel Prism surface 2 has length 0"); }
            try{ zaxisheight.toUnitVector(); }
            catch { throw new ZeroNonzeroVectorException("Z-axis height has length 0"); }

            //set attributes
            this.loc       = loc;
            this.surfacev1 = surfacev1;
            this.surfacev2 = surfacev2;
            this.surfacev3 = zaxisheight;

            this.largeAngle      = largeAngle_rad;
            this.relative_angle  = Math.PI - (shortAngle_rad + largeAngle_rad);
            this.teethCount      = teethCount;
            this.fresnelMaterial = fresnelMaterial;

            //create "divisions" that organises the Fresnel-zones in segments in order to boost performance.
            this.division = new Object3dCollection[this.divisioncount];
            for (int idiv = 0; idiv < this.divisioncount; idiv++)
                this.division[idiv] = new Object3dCollection(this, surroundingsproperties);
                this.division[idiv].virtualCollection = true;
                this.division[idiv].tag = "fresnel_div_" + idiv;

            this.dummyborder = new RectangularPrism(null, this.materialproperties, loc - (surfacev1 + surfacev2),
                                                    surfacev1 * 2, surfacev2 * 2, surfacev3.normalized() * this.total_prism_height);
Esempio n. 20
 public override double enterAbsorption(Trace trace, Scientrace.UnitVector norm, Scientrace.MaterialProperties previousMaterial)
Esempio n. 21
 public Cube(Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, int x, int y, int z, int width, int length, int height) : base(parent, mprops)
     //TODO create constructor and basic behaviour
Esempio n. 22
        //length is inherited from Scientrace.Prism

/* although it has no physical significance w,l and h can be thought of as below.
 *       ____
 *      /   /|
 * /__ / |
 |   | |
 | h|   | /
 |___|/ l
 |   w

        public Cube(Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops) : base(parent, mprops)
Esempio n. 23
 public EnclosedVolume(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops) : base(parent, mprops)
     this.hasVolume = true;
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Scientrace.Rectangle"/> class on a
 /// given location with a given width and height vector. The "pointingto" vector,
 /// which defines the front of the cell, is defined by the crossproduct u * v.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='parent'>
 /// What collection is this object part of?
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='mprops'>
 /// Materialproperties
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='loc'>
 /// The location of the rectangle.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='u'>
 /// Width?
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='v'>
 /// Height?
 /// </param>
 public Rectangle(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops,
                  Scientrace.Location loc, Scientrace.NonzeroVector u, Scientrace.NonzeroVector v) : base(parent, mprops)
     this.init_Loc_width_height(loc, u, v);
Esempio n. 25
 public ShadowObject3d(ShadowObject3d copyObject)
     this.parent = copyObject.parent;
     this.materialprops = copyObject.materialprops;
     this.class_type = copyObject.class_type;
     this.factory_id = copyObject.factory_id;
     this.arguments = new Dictionary<string, object>(copyObject.arguments);
Esempio n. 26
 public ShadowObject3d(Type object3dType, Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties materialprops)
     this.parent        = parent;
     this.materialprops = materialprops;
     this.class_type    = object3dType;
Esempio n. 27
 //length inherited from Prism
 public TriangularPrism(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops,
                        Scientrace.Location loc, Scientrace.NonzeroVector width, Scientrace.NonzeroVector height,
                        Scientrace.NonzeroVector length) : base(parent, mprops)
     this.paramInit(loc, width, height, length);
 public override double enterReflection(Trace trace, Scientrace.UnitVector norm, Scientrace.MaterialProperties previousMaterial)
     //Console.WriteLine("New: "+this.reflection_fraction);
Esempio n. 29
 public ShadowObject3d(Type object3dType, Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties materialprops)
     this.parent = parent;
     this.materialprops = materialprops;
     this.class_type = object3dType;
Esempio n. 30
 private void setDefaults(Object3dCollection parent, MaterialProperties mp)
     this.tag = this.GetType().ToString();
     this.parseOrder = TraceJournal.Instance.rnd.NextDouble();
     this.materialproperties = mp;
     this.parent = parent;
     if (this.hasParent())
Esempio n. 31
 public Rectangle(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops,
                  Scientrace.Location cellcenterloc, Scientrace.Location pointingto, Scientrace.UnitVector orthogonaldirection,
                  double sidelength) : base(parent, mprops)
     this.init_Center_and_Sidelength(cellcenterloc, pointingto, orthogonaldirection, sidelength);