Esempio n. 1
        private void CreateLists(SchemaElement schema, IList[] hl, int rl)
            int maxIdx = schema.MaxRepetitionLevel - 1;

            //replace lists in chain with new instances
            for (int i = maxIdx; i >= rl; i--)
                IList nl = (i == maxIdx)
               ? schema.CreateValuesList(0)
               : new List <IList>();

                hl[i] = nl;

            //rightest old list now should point to leftest new list
            if (rl > 0 && rl <= maxIdx)
                hl[rl - 1].Add(hl[rl]);

            //chain new lists together
            for (int i = maxIdx - 1; i >= rl; i--)
                hl[i].Add(hl[i + 1]);
Esempio n. 2
        public IList Unpack(SchemaElement schema, IList hierarchy, out List <int> levels)
            levels = new List <int>();
            IList flatValues = schema.CreateValuesList(0);

            int touched = 0;

            Unpack(schema.MaxRepetitionLevel, hierarchy, levels, flatValues, ref touched, 0);

Esempio n. 3
        public IList Read(long offset, long count)
            //get the minimum offset, we'll just read pages in sequence
            long fileOffset = new[] { _thriftChunk.Meta_data.Dictionary_page_offset, _thriftChunk.Meta_data.Data_page_offset }.Where(e => e != 0).Min();
            long maxValues = _thriftChunk.Meta_data.Num_values;

            //IList values = TypeFactory.Create(_schema, false, (int)maxValues);
            IList values = _schema.CreateValuesList((int)maxValues);

            _inputStream.Seek(fileOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            Thrift.PageHeader ph = _thrift.Read <Thrift.PageHeader>();

            IList      dictionaryPage = null;
            List <int> indexes        = null;
            List <int> definitions    = null;
            List <int> repetitions    = null;

            //there can be only one dictionary page in column
            if (ph.Type == Thrift.PageType.DICTIONARY_PAGE)
                dictionaryPage = ReadDictionaryPage(ph);
                ph             = _thrift.Read <Thrift.PageHeader>(); //get next page after dictionary

            int dataPageCount = 0;

            while (true)
                int      valuesSoFar = Math.Max(indexes == null ? 0 : indexes.Count, values.Count);
                PageData page        = ReadDataPage(ph, values, maxValues - valuesSoFar);

                indexes     = AssignOrAdd(indexes, page.indexes);
                definitions = AssignOrAdd(definitions, page.definitions);
                repetitions = AssignOrAdd(repetitions, page.repetitions);


                int totalCount = Math.Max(

                    values.Count +
                    (indexes == null
                  ? 0
                  : indexes.Count),

                    definitions == null ? 0 : definitions.Count);

                if (totalCount >= maxValues)
                    break;                              //limit reached
                ph = ReadDataPageHeader(dataPageCount); //get next page

                if (ph.Type != Thrift.PageType.DATA_PAGE)

            IList mergedValues = new ValueMerger(_schema, values)
                                 .Apply(dictionaryPage, definitions, repetitions, indexes, (int)maxValues);

            //todo: this won't work for nested arrays
            ValueMerger.Trim(mergedValues, (int)offset, (int)count);
