public static Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> page(string PageIndex, string PageSize, string txtname, string ustat, string txtcode, string drptype)
            Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> rsp = new Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string>();
            if (Com.Session.userid == null)
                rsp.code = "expire";
                rsp.msg  = "页面已经过期,请重新登录";
                    string strwhere = "Stat<2 and SchId='" + Com.Session.schid + "' ";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtname))
                        strwhere += " and Topic like '%" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(txtname) + "%'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ustat))
                        strwhere += " and Stat='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(ustat) + "'";
                    if (txtcode != "0")
                        strwhere += " and ChnId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(txtcode) + "'";
                    if (drptype != "")
                        strwhere += " and Lv='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(drptype) + "'";
                    Com.Public.PageModelResp pages = new Com.Public.PageModelResp();
                    pages.PageIndex = int.Parse(PageIndex);
                    pages.PageSize  = int.Parse(PageSize);
                    int rowc = 0;
                    int pc   = 0;
                    SchSystem.BLL.WebSchChnNewsV userbll = new SchSystem.BLL.WebSchChnNewsV();
                    string    dbcols = "NewsId,ChnName,ChnId,Topic,RecTime,GradeId,ClassId,Lv,'' GradeName,'' ClassName,'' LvName,'0' isdel,'0' isedit,'1' islook,Stat,IsTop";
                    DataTable dt     = userbll.GetListCols(dbcols, strwhere, "IsTop Desc,RecTime DESC", "", pages.PageIndex, pages.PageSize, ref rowc, ref pc).Tables[0];
                    pages.PageCount = pc;
                    pages.RowCount  = rowc;
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        SchSystem.BLL.SchClassUser  bllclassuser = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassUser();
                        SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeUsers bllgradeuser = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeUsers();
                        SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo  bllclass     = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();
                        SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo  bllgrade     = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (Com.Session.appeditstat == "1")                                                                                                                                            //允许编辑
                                if (dt.Rows[i]["Lv"].ToString() == "0")                                                                                                                                    //班级新闻
                                    if (Com.Public.IsUserVal(Com.Session.userrolestr, 14) || bllclassuser.ExistsIsMs(dt.Rows[i]["ClassId"].ToString(), Com.Session.usertid, Com.Session.schid, 1) == true) //如果有所有班级权限或是班主任
                                        dt.Rows[i]["isdel"]  = "1";
                                        dt.Rows[i]["isedit"] = "1";
                                    dt.Rows[i]["GradeName"] = bllgrade.GetName(int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["GradeId"].ToString()));
                                    dt.Rows[i]["ClassName"] = bllclass.GetName(int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["ClassId"].ToString()));
                                    dt.Rows[i]["LvName"]    = "班级";
                                else if (dt.Rows[i]["Lv"].ToString() == "1")                                                                                                                             //年级新闻
                                    if (Com.Public.IsUserVal(Com.Session.userrolestr, 13) || bllgradeuser.ExistsGrade(dt.Rows[i]["GradeId"].ToString(), Com.Session.schid, Com.Session.usertid) == true) //如果有全校权限或是年级组长
                                        dt.Rows[i]["isdel"]  = "1";
                                        dt.Rows[i]["isedit"] = "1";
                                    dt.Rows[i]["GradeName"] = bllgrade.GetName(int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["GradeId"].ToString()));
                                    dt.Rows[i]["LvName"]    = "年级";
                                else if (dt.Rows[i]["Lv"].ToString() == "2")               //学校新闻
                                    if (Com.Public.IsUserVal(Com.Session.userrolestr, 13)) //如果有全校权限
                                        dt.Rows[i]["isdel"]  = "1";
                                        dt.Rows[i]["isedit"] = "1";
                                    dt.Rows[i]["LvName"] = "学校";
                        pages.list = dt;
                    rsp.RspData = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pages).Replace("\n\r", "");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    rsp.code = "error";
                    rsp.msg  = ex.Message;