public Tuple <SceneMetadata, SceneInfo, ImageCollection> Read(string tag, bool image)
            // Read plant information from an xml file.
            if (!fileMappings.ContainsKey(tag))

            List <PlantInfo> plants = new List <PlantInfo>();

            // Load document
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            XmlNode metadataNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rsml/metadata");

            SceneMetadata metadata = ReadMetadata(metadataNode);

            XmlNode   sceneNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rsml/scene");
            SceneInfo scene     = ReadScene(sceneNode);

            var imageGroup = new ImageCollection();

            if (image)
                imageGroup = ImageFinder.ImageSearch(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileMappings[tag]), tag);

            return(new Tuple <SceneMetadata, SceneInfo, ImageCollection>(metadata, scene, imageGroup));
        public bool Write(SceneMetadata metadata, SceneInfo scene)
            // Create XML document
            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

            // RSML node
            XmlNode rsmlNode = document.CreateElement("rsml");


            // Metadata
            rsmlNode.AppendChild(CreateMetadata(document, metadata));

            // Scene
            rsmlNode.AppendChild(CreateScene(document, scene));

            // Write document to file
            if (initialDirectory.Last() != '\\')
                initialDirectory += '\\';

            string fileName = metadata.Key;

            foreach (char c in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())
                fileName = fileName.Replace(c, '_');

            string file = System.IO.Path.Combine(initialDirectory, fileName + ".rsml");


Esempio n. 3
        private void WriteMetadata(Excel.Worksheet sheet, SceneMetadata metadata, int startRow, int startColumn, out int finishRow, out int finishColumn)
            // Variables
            int row = startRow, col = startColumn;

            Excel.Range metaRange = sheet.SelectCell(row, col);

            // Metadata title
            metaRange        = sheet.SelectCell(row, col);
            metaRange.Value2 = "RSML Metadata";

            row += 1;

            // Version
            metaRange       = sheet.SelectCells(row++, col, 2, 0);
            metaRange.Value = new object[] { "Version", "", metadata.Version == "" ? "1" : metadata.Version };

            // Unit
            metaRange       = sheet.SelectCells(row++, col, 2, 0);
            metaRange.Value = new object[] { "Unit", "", metadata.Unit };

            // Resolution
            metaRange       = sheet.SelectCells(row++, col, 2, 0);
            metaRange.Value = new object[] { "Resolution", "", metadata.Resolution.ToString() };

            // Last modified
            metaRange       = sheet.SelectCells(row++, col, 2, 0);
            metaRange.Value = new object[] { "Last Modified", "", metadata.LastModified.ToString("d") };
            // Set to date

            // Software
            metaRange       = sheet.SelectCells(row++, col, 2, 0);
            metaRange.Value = new object[] { "Software", "", metadata.Software };

            // User
            metaRange       = sheet.SelectCells(row++, col, 2, 0);
            metaRange.Value = new object[] { "User", "", metadata.User };

            finishRow    = row - 1;
            finishColumn = col + 2;

            // Border and resize
            sheet.SelectCell(finishRow, finishColumn).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            StyleTable(sheet, startRow, startColumn, finishColumn - startColumn, finishRow - startRow);
        public static void SetIncompletePropertyOnScene(SceneMetadata metadata, SceneInfo sceneInfo)
            // Metadata
            if (metadata.PropertyDefinitions == null)
                metadata.PropertyDefinitions = new List <PropertyDefinition>();

            metadata.PropertyDefinitions.Add(new PropertyDefinition("complete", PropertyDefinition.PropertyType.Boolean, true));

            // Scene
            if (sceneInfo.Properties == null)
                sceneInfo.Properties = new List <Property>();

            sceneInfo.Properties.Add(new Property("complete", "false"));
        public static SceneMetadata RootNavDataToRSMLMetadata(SceneMetadata.ImageInfo imageInfo, RootNav.IO.TiffHeaderInfo headerInfo, string tag, RootCollection collection)
            SceneMetadata metadata = new SceneMetadata();

            metadata.Image = new SceneMetadata.ImageInfo()
                Background = "dark", Hash = imageInfo.Hash, Label = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(imageInfo.Label)

            metadata.Key          = tag;
            metadata.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
            metadata.Resolution   = imageInfo.Unit == "pixels" ? 1.0 : imageInfo.Resolution;
            metadata.Unit         = imageInfo.Unit == "" || imageInfo.Unit == "pixels" ? "pixel" : imageInfo.Unit;
            metadata.Software     = "RootNav";
            metadata.Version      = "1";
            metadata.User         = System.Environment.UserName;

        public Tuple <SceneMetadata, SceneInfo, byte[]> Read(String tag, bool image)
            // Read plant information from an xml file.
            if (!fileMappings.ContainsKey(tag))

            List <PlantInfo> plants = new List <PlantInfo>();

            // Load document
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            XmlNode metadataNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rsml/metadata");

            SceneMetadata metadata = ReadMetadata(metadataNode);

            XmlNode   sceneNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rsml/scene");
            SceneInfo scene     = ReadScene(sceneNode);

            return(new Tuple <SceneMetadata, SceneInfo, byte[]>(metadata, scene, null));
        public Tuple <SceneMetadata, SceneInfo, byte[]> ReadFromFile(String path, bool image)
            List <PlantInfo> plants = new List <PlantInfo>();

                // Load document
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                XmlNode metadataNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rsml/metadata");

                SceneMetadata metadata = ReadMetadata(metadataNode);

                XmlNode   sceneNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rsml/scene");
                SceneInfo scene     = ReadScene(sceneNode);

                return(new Tuple <SceneMetadata, SceneInfo, byte[]>(metadata, scene, null));
        unsafe private void segmentedImagesMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog()
                SelectedPath = "G:\\Training Sets\\new"
            var result = fbd.ShowDialog();

            if (result != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

            foreach (double penWidth in new double[] { 8 })
                bool useCrop              = true;
                bool tipsOnly             = false;
                bool primaryOnly          = false;
                bool lateralOnly          = false;
                bool conflictOnly         = false;
                bool sourceOnly           = false;
                bool outputOriginalImages = false;
                //double penWidth = 10;

                this.SnapsToDevicePixels = true;
                RenderOptions.SetEdgeMode(this, EdgeMode.Aliased);

                string[] supportedDatasets = new string[] { "RSDH00", "RSDH01", "RSDH02", "RSDH03", "RSDH04", "RSDH06", "RSDH07", "RSDH08", "RSDH09", "RSDH10" };

                List <string> tags = rootReader.FilterTags(supportedDatasets, true);

                Random rand = new Random();

                string path         = fbd.SelectedPath;
                string segPath      = path + "\\segmentation" + penWidth;
                string imagePath    = path + "\\images";
                int    runningTotal = 0;
                int    count        = 0;
                if (!Directory.Exists(imagePath))
                if (!Directory.Exists(segPath))

                foreach (string tag in tags)
                    var data = rootReader.Read(tag, true);

                    // If no image, skip
                    if (data.Item3 == null)

                    SceneMetadata metadata  = data.Item1;
                    SceneInfo     scene     = data.Item2;
                    byte[]        imageData = data.Item3;

                    BitmapSource currentImage;

                    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageData))
                        JpegBitmapDecoder decoder = new JpegBitmapDecoder(ms, BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat, BitmapCacheOption.Default);
                        // Due to what appears to be a bug in .NET, wrapping in a WBMP causes a cache refresh and fixes some image corruption
                        currentImage = new WriteableBitmap(decoder.Frames[0]);

                    SolidColorBrush scb = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
                    Pen             p   = new Pen(Brushes.White, penWidth);
                    p.StartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round;
                    p.EndLineCap   = PenLineCap.Round;

                    // Obtain all root information
                    Dictionary <String, RootInfo> plantComponents = new Dictionary <string, RootInfo>();

                    foreach (PlantInfo plant in scene.Plants)
                        foreach (RootInfo root in plant)
                            plantComponents.Add(root.RelativeID, root);

                    // Initialise conflict data
                    int    conflictScale  = 30;
                    int    conflictWidth  = currentImage.PixelWidth / conflictScale;
                    int    conflictHeight = currentImage.PixelHeight / conflictScale;
                    int[]  rootCount      = new int[conflictWidth * conflictHeight];
                    bool[] rootCounted    = new bool[conflictWidth * conflictHeight];

                    // Crop
                    // Find global plant bounding box
                    double left = double.MaxValue, right = double.MinValue, top = double.MaxValue, bottom = double.MinValue;

                    foreach (var kvp in plantComponents)
                        SampledSpline spline = kvp.Value.Spline as SampledSpline;
                        if (spline == null)

                        Rect r = spline.BoundingBox;

                        if (r.Left < left)
                            left = r.Left;

                        if (r.Right > right)
                            right = r.Right;

                        if (r.Top < top)
                            top = r.Top;

                        if (r.Bottom > bottom)
                            bottom = r.Bottom;

                        // If detecting conflict
                        if (conflictOnly)
                            RootInfo parent = plantComponents.ContainsKey(kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf("."))) ? plantComponents[kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf("."))] : null;

                            if (parent == null)
                                Array.Clear(rootCounted, 0, rootCounted.Length);
                                foreach (Point splinePoint in spline.SampledPoints)
                                    int conflictX     = (int)(splinePoint.X / conflictScale);
                                    int conflictY     = (int)(splinePoint.Y / conflictScale);
                                    int conflictIndex = conflictY * conflictWidth + conflictX;

                                    if (!rootCounted[conflictIndex])
                                        rootCounted[conflictIndex] = true;

                    // Render to drawingVisual, then image
                    int width  = currentImage.PixelWidth;
                    int height = currentImage.PixelHeight;

                    // Optional Crop
                    Int32Rect?cropRectangle = null;
                    if (useCrop)
                        int cropPadding = 64;

                        int l = Math.Max(0, (int)(left - cropPadding));
                        int r = Math.Min(width, (int)(right + cropPadding));
                        int t = Math.Max(0, (int)(top - cropPadding));
                        int b = Math.Min(height, (int)(bottom + cropPadding));

                        cropRectangle = new Int32Rect(l, t, r - l, b - t);

                    RenderTargetBitmap rtb = new RenderTargetBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);

                    DrawingVisual  drawingVisual  = new DrawingVisual();
                    DrawingContext drawingContext = drawingVisual.RenderOpen();

                    SolidColorBrush background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                    drawingContext.DrawRectangle(Brushes.Black, null, new Rect(0, 0, width, height));

                    // Draw splines
                    StreamGeometry geometry = new StreamGeometry();

                    using (StreamGeometryContext sgc = geometry.Open())
                        foreach (var kvp in plantComponents)
                            SampledSpline spline = kvp.Value.Spline as SampledSpline;

                            if (spline != null)
                                Point[] points = spline.SampledPoints;
                                // Optional line from start position on parent

                                if (sourceOnly)
                                    // First primary source
                                    if (kvp.Value.RelativeID == "1.1")
                                        sgc.BeginFigure(points[0], false, false);
                                        sgc.LineTo(points[0], true, true);

                                if (tipsOnly)
                                    if (primaryOnly)
                                        RootInfo parent = plantComponents.ContainsKey(kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf("."))) ? plantComponents[kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf("."))] : null;
                                        if (parent == null)
                                            sgc.BeginFigure(points[points.Length - 2], false, false);
                                            sgc.LineTo(points[points.Length - 1], true, true);
                                    else if (lateralOnly)
                                        RootInfo parent = plantComponents.ContainsKey(kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf("."))) ? plantComponents[kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf("."))] : null;
                                        if (parent != null)
                                            sgc.BeginFigure(points[points.Length - 2], false, false);
                                            sgc.LineTo(points[points.Length - 1], true, true);
                                        sgc.BeginFigure(points[points.Length - 2], false, false);
                                        sgc.LineTo(points[points.Length - 1], true, true);
                                    RootInfo parent = plantComponents.ContainsKey(kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf("."))) ? plantComponents[kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf("."))] : null;

                                    if (parent != null)
                                        Point start = parent.Spline.GetPoint(kvp.Value.StartReference);
                                        sgc.BeginFigure(new Point(start.X, start.Y), false, false);
                                        sgc.LineTo(new Point(points[0].X, points[0].Y), true, true);
                                        sgc.BeginFigure(new Point(points[0].X, points[0].Y), false, false);

                                    for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
                                        sgc.LineTo(new Point(points[i].X, points[i].Y), true, true);

                    if (geometry.CanFreeze)

                    drawingContext.DrawGeometry(p.Brush, p, geometry);



                    if (rtb.CanFreeze)

                    // Save original file
                    BitmapEncoder Encoder;
                    if (outputOriginalImages)
                        Encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();

                        using (FileStream FS = File.Open(imagePath + "\\" + count + ".png", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                            Encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(useCrop ? new CroppedBitmap(currentImage, cropRectangle.Value) : currentImage));

                    // Create mask from RTB
                    int    renderStride = rtb.PixelWidth * 4;
                    byte[] renderArr    = new byte[rtb.PixelWidth * rtb.PixelHeight * 4];
                    rtb.CopyPixels(renderArr, rtb.PixelWidth * 4, 0);

                    WriteableBitmap mask = new WriteableBitmap(rtb.PixelWidth, rtb.PixelHeight, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Gray8, null);
                    byte *ptr    = (byte *)mask.BackBuffer.ToPointer();
                    int   stride = mask.BackBufferStride;

                    for (int x = 0; x < mask.PixelWidth; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < mask.PixelHeight; y++)
                            // Obtain red pixel as representative of gray value
                            byte current = renderArr[y * renderStride + (x * 4) + 1];
                            if (current > 127)
                                if (conflictOnly)
                                    int index = (y / conflictScale) * conflictWidth + (x / conflictScale);
                                    if (rootCount[index] > 1)
                                        *(ptr + y * stride + x) = 255;
                                    *(ptr + y * stride + x) = 255;

                    mask.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height));

                    BitmapSource outputMask = mask;
                    Encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
                    using (FileStream FS = File.Open(segPath + "\\" + count.ToString("D4") + ".png", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                        Encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(useCrop ? new CroppedBitmap(outputMask, cropRectangle.Value) : outputMask));


                    if (runningTotal > 20)
                        runningTotal -= 20;
        private XmlNode CreateMetadata(XmlDocument document, SceneMetadata metadata)
            // Create metadata node
            XmlNode metadataNode = document.CreateElement("metadata");

            // Version
            metadataNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("version")).InnerText = metadata.Version;

            // Unit
            metadataNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("unit")).InnerText = metadata.Unit != "" ? metadata.Unit : "pixel";

            // Resolution
            metadataNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("resolution")).InnerText = metadata.Unit != "" ? string.Format(nullInfo, "{0}", metadata.Resolution) : "1";

            // Last-modified
            metadataNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("last-modified")).InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToString("s");

            // Software
            metadataNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("software")).InnerText = metadata.Software != "" ? metadata.Software : "RootNav";

            // User
            metadataNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("user")).InnerText = metadata.User != "" ? metadata.User : System.Environment.UserName;

            // File Key - Should be created before RSML is written to ensure uniqueness
            metadataNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("file-key")).InnerText = metadata.Key;

            // Property definitions
            if (metadata.PropertyDefinitions != null && metadata.PropertyDefinitions.Count > 0)
                XmlNode propertyDefinitionsNode = metadataNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("property-definitions"));
                foreach (PropertyDefinition definition in metadata.PropertyDefinitions)
                    XmlNode definitionNode = propertyDefinitionsNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("property-definition"));
                    definitionNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("label")).InnerText = definition.Label;
                    definitionNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("type")).InnerText  = definition.Type.ToString().ToLower();

                    // Add unit if available
                    if (definition.Unit != null && definition.Unit != "")
                        definitionNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("unit")).InnerText = definition.Unit.ToLower();
                    //definitionNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("unit")).InnerText = definition.Label;

                    if (definition.DefaultValue != null)
                        definitionNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("default")).InnerText = string.Format(nullInfo, "{0}", definition.DefaultValue).ToLower();

            // Time sequence
            if (metadata.Sequence != null)
                XmlNode sequenceNode = metadataNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("time-sequence"));
                sequenceNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("label")).InnerText   = metadata.Sequence.Label;
                sequenceNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("index")).InnerText   = metadata.Sequence.Index.ToString();
                sequenceNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("unified")).InnerText = metadata.Sequence.Unified.ToString();

            // Image
            if (metadata.Image != null)
                XmlNode imageNode = metadataNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("image"));

                if (metadata.Image.Label != "")
                    imageNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("label")).InnerText = metadata.Image.Label;

                if (metadata.Image.Hash != "")
                    imageNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("sha256")).InnerText = metadata.Image.Hash;

                if (metadata.Image.Captured.HasValue)
                    imageNode.AppendChild(document.CreateElement("captured")).InnerText = metadata.Image.Captured.Value.ToString("s");

        private SceneMetadata ReadMetadata(XmlNode metadataNode)
            SceneMetadata data = new SceneMetadata();

            foreach (XmlNode child in metadataNode.ChildNodes)
                switch (child.Name)
                case "version":
                    data.Version = child.InnerText;

                case "unit":
                    data.Unit = child.InnerText;

                case "resolution":
                    double res;
                    if (double.TryParse(child.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, nullInfo, out res))
                        data.Resolution = res;

                case "last-modified":
                    DateTime val;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(child.InnerText, out val))
                        data.LastModified = val;

                case "software":
                    data.Software = child.InnerText;

                case "user":
                    data.User = child.InnerText;

                case "file-key":
                    data.Key = child.InnerText;

                case "property-definitions":
                    // For each property-definition
                    data.PropertyDefinitions = new List <PropertyDefinition>();

                    foreach (XmlNode propertyDefinitionNode in child.SelectNodes("property-definition"))
                        XmlNode labelNode   = propertyDefinitionNode.SelectSingleNode("label");
                        XmlNode typeNode    = propertyDefinitionNode.SelectSingleNode("type");
                        XmlNode defaultNode = propertyDefinitionNode.SelectSingleNode("default");
                        XmlNode unitNode    = propertyDefinitionNode.SelectSingleNode("unit");

                        if (labelNode == null || typeNode == null || defaultNode == null)
                            // Invalid property definition

                        string unit = unitNode != null && unitNode.InnerText != "" ? unitNode.InnerText : null;

                        string typeString = typeNode.InnerText.Trim(new char[] { '\'', '"', ' ' });

                        // Only create a property if it is of a valid type
                        switch (typeString)
                        case "boolean":
                            bool defaultBool = false;
                            if (Boolean.TryParse(defaultNode.InnerText, out defaultBool))
                                data.PropertyDefinitions.Add(new PropertyDefinition(labelNode.InnerText, PropertyDefinition.PropertyType.Boolean, defaultBool, unit));

                        case "string":
                            string defaultString = defaultNode.InnerText.Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"', '\'' });
                            if (defaultString != "")
                                data.PropertyDefinitions.Add(new PropertyDefinition(labelNode.InnerText, PropertyDefinition.PropertyType.String, defaultString, unit));

                        case "integer":
                            int defaultInt = 0;
                            if (Int32.TryParse(defaultNode.InnerText, out defaultInt))
                                data.PropertyDefinitions.Add(new PropertyDefinition(labelNode.InnerText, PropertyDefinition.PropertyType.Integer, defaultInt, unit));

                        case "float":
                            float defaultFloat = 0;
                            if (float.TryParse(defaultNode.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, nullInfo, out defaultFloat))
                                data.PropertyDefinitions.Add(new PropertyDefinition(labelNode.InnerText, PropertyDefinition.PropertyType.Float, defaultFloat, unit));

                        case "double":
                            double defaultDouble = 0;
                            if (double.TryParse(defaultNode.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, nullInfo, out defaultDouble))
                                data.PropertyDefinitions.Add(new PropertyDefinition(labelNode.InnerText, PropertyDefinition.PropertyType.Double, defaultDouble, unit));

                case "time-sequence":
                    data.Sequence = new SceneMetadata.TimeSequence();
                    foreach (XmlNode sequenceChild in child.ChildNodes)
                        if (sequenceChild.Name == "label")
                            data.Sequence.Label = sequenceChild.InnerText;
                        else if (sequenceChild.Name == "index")
                            int index;
                            if (Int32.TryParse(sequenceChild.InnerText, out index))
                                data.Sequence.Index = index;
                        else if (sequenceChild.Name == "unified")
                            bool unified;
                            if (bool.TryParse(sequenceChild.InnerText, out unified))
                                data.Sequence.Unified = unified;

                case "image":
                    data.Image = new SceneMetadata.ImageInfo();
                    foreach (XmlNode imageChild in child.ChildNodes)
                        if (imageChild.Name == "label")
                            data.Image.Label = imageChild.InnerText;
                        else if (imageChild.Name == "sha256")
                            data.Image.Hash = imageChild.InnerText;
                        else if (imageChild.Name == "captured")
                            DateTime captured;
                            if (DateTime.TryParse(imageChild.InnerText, out captured))
                                data.Image.Captured = captured;

Esempio n. 11
        private void extractImagesMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string[] supportedDatasets = new string[] { "RSDH00", "RSDH01", "RSDH02", "RSDH03", "RSDH04", "RSDH06", "RSDH07", "RSDH08", "RSDH09", "RSDH10" };
            //string[] supportedDatasets = new string[] { "RSDH06" };

            List <string> tags = rootReader.FilterTags(supportedDatasets, true);

            Random rand = new Random();

            System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog()
                SelectedPath = "G:\\Training Sets\\root-systems"
            var result = fbd.ShowDialog();

            if (result != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

            string path         = fbd.SelectedPath;
            string positivePath = path + "\\positive-42";
            string negativePath = path + "\\negative-42";

            //if (!Directory.Exists(positivePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(positivePath);
            // if (!Directory.Exists(negativePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(negativePath);

            // Directory selected, begin extracting images

            StreamReader strmrdr = new StreamReader(path + "\\mapped.txt");

            Dictionary <string, string> maps = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while (!strmrdr.EndOfStream)
                string   line   = strmrdr.ReadLine();
                string[] splits = line.Split(new char[] { '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (splits[1] != "#N/A")
                    string s = Path.GetFileName(splits[0]).Replace("JPG", "jpg");
                    maps.Add(splits[1].Trim(new char[] { '"' }), s);


            const int DIM  = 42;
            const int HALF = DIM / 2;

            Dictionary <int, int> labels = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            int positiveIndex = 0;
            int negativeIndex = 0;
            int runningTotal  = 0;

            foreach (string tag in tags)
                var data = rootReader.Read(tag, true);

                // If no image, skip
                if (data.Item3 == null)

                SceneMetadata metadata  = data.Item1;
                SceneInfo     scene     = data.Item2;
                byte[]        imageData = data.Item3;

                BitmapSource currentImage;

                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageData))
                    JpegBitmapDecoder decoder = new JpegBitmapDecoder(ms, BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat, BitmapCacheOption.Default);
                    // Due to what appears to be a bug in .NET, wrapping in a WBMP causes a cache refresh and fixes some image corruption
                    currentImage = new WriteableBitmap(decoder.Frames[0]);

                int          sampleCount = 0;
                List <Point> ends        = new List <Point>();
                foreach (PlantInfo pl in scene.Plants)
                     * ROOT TIPS
                    foreach (RootInfo ro in pl)
                        if (ro.Spline != null && ro.Spline.Length > HALF)

                             * int x = (int)(ro.Spline.End.X + 0.5);
                             * int y = (int)(ro.Spline.End.Y + 0.5);
                             * Int32Rect bounds = new Int32Rect(x - HALF, y - HALF, DIM, DIM);
                             * if (bounds.X < 0) bounds.X = 0;
                             * if (bounds.Y < 0) bounds.Y = 0;
                             * if (bounds.X + bounds.Width >= currentImage.PixelWidth) bounds.X = currentImage.PixelWidth - bounds.Width - 1;
                             * if (bounds.Y + bounds.Height >= currentImage.PixelHeight) bounds.Y = currentImage.PixelHeight - bounds.Height - 1;
                             * CroppedBitmap cb = new CroppedBitmap(currentImage, bounds);
                             * BitmapEncoder Encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
                             * using (FileStream FS = File.Open(positivePath + "\\" + positiveIndex + ".png", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                             * {
                             *  Encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(cb));
                             *  Encoder.Save(FS);
                             *  FS.Close();
                             * }
                             * positiveIndex++;
                             * sampleCount++;

                ImageEncoder.SaveImage(path + "\\" + maps[tag].Replace("jpg", "png"), currentImage as WriteableBitmap, ImageEncoder.EncodingType.PNG);

                StreamWriter strm = new StreamWriter(path + "\\" + maps[tag].Replace("jpg", "txt"));
                foreach (Point p in ends)

                int rootNegativeSampleCount   = (sampleCount * 2) / 2;
                int randomNegativeSampleCount = (sampleCount * 2) - rootNegativeSampleCount;

                 * ROOT NEGATIVE SAMPLES
                 * List<RootInfo> roots = new List<RootInfo>();
                 * List<double> cumulativeLength = new List<double>();
                 * // Prepare roots
                 * foreach (PlantInfo pl in scene.Plants)
                 * {
                 *  foreach (RootInfo ro in pl.Roots)
                 *  {
                 *      //if (ro.Spline.Length > 10)
                 *      //{
                 *          roots.Add(ro);
                 *          if (cumulativeLength.Count == 0)
                 *              cumulativeLength.Add(ro.Spline.Length);
                 *          else
                 *              cumulativeLength.Add(ro.Spline.Length + cumulativeLength[cumulativeLength.Count - 1]);
                 *      //}
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * for (int i = 0; i < rootNegativeSampleCount; i++)
                 * {
                 *  // Select root at random
                 *  double position = rand.NextDouble() * cumulativeLength[cumulativeLength.Count - 1];
                 *  int rootIndex = 0;
                 *  for (int p = 0; p < cumulativeLength.Count; p++)
                 *  {
                 *      if (position <= cumulativeLength[p])
                 *      {
                 *          rootIndex = p;
                 *          break;
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  RootInfo selectedRoot = roots[rootIndex];
                 *  double selectedPosition = selectedRoot.Spline.Length < DIM ? 0 : rand.NextDouble() * (selectedRoot.Spline.Length - DIM);
                 *  Point pos = selectedRoot.Spline.GetPoint(selectedRoot.Spline.GetPositionReference(selectedPosition));
                 *  int x = (int)(pos.X + 0.5);
                 *  int y = (int)(pos.Y + 0.5);
                 *  Int32Rect bounds = new Int32Rect(x - HALF, y - HALF, DIM, DIM);
                 *  if (bounds.X < 0) bounds.X = 0;
                 *  if (bounds.Y < 0) bounds.Y = 0;
                 *  if (bounds.X + bounds.Width >= currentImage.PixelWidth) bounds.X = currentImage.PixelWidth - bounds.Width - 1;
                 *  if (bounds.Y + bounds.Height >= currentImage.PixelHeight) bounds.Y = currentImage.PixelHeight - bounds.Height - 1;
                 *  CroppedBitmap cb = new CroppedBitmap(currentImage, bounds);
                 *  BitmapEncoder Encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
                 *  using (FileStream FS = File.Open(negativePath + "\\" + negativeIndex + ".png", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                 *  {
                 *      Encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(cb));
                 *      Encoder.Save(FS);
                 *      FS.Close();
                 *  }
                 *  negativeIndex++;
                 * }
                 * for (int i = 0; i < randomNegativeSampleCount; i++)
                 * {
                 *  /***************************************
                 *  RANDOM NEGATIVE SAMPLES
                 * int x, y;
                 * bool validPosition;
                 * do
                 * {
                 *  validPosition = true;
                 *  x = rand.Next(0, currentImage.PixelWidth - DIM - 1);
                 *  y = rand.Next(0, currentImage.PixelWidth - DIM - 1);
                 *  foreach (PlantInfo pl in scene.Plants)
                 *  {
                 *      if (!validPosition) break;
                 *      foreach (RootInfo ro in pl)
                 *      {
                 *          if (ro.Spline.Length < DIM) continue;
                 *          int rX = (int)ro.Spline.End.X;
                 *          int rY = (int)ro.Spline.End.Y;
                 *          if (x >= rX && x <= rX + DIM && y >= rY && y <= rY + DIM)
                 *          {
                 *              validPosition = false;
                 *              break;
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * } while (!validPosition);
                 * Int32Rect bounds = new Int32Rect(x - HALF, y - HALF, DIM, DIM);
                 * if (bounds.X < 0) bounds.X = 0;
                 * if (bounds.Y < 0) bounds.Y = 0;
                 * if (bounds.X + bounds.Width >= currentImage.PixelWidth) bounds.X = currentImage.PixelWidth - bounds.Width - 1;
                 * if (bounds.Y + bounds.Height >= currentImage.PixelHeight) bounds.Y = currentImage.PixelHeight - bounds.Height - 1;
                 * CroppedBitmap cb = new CroppedBitmap(currentImage, bounds);
                 * BitmapEncoder Encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
                 * using (FileStream FS = File.Open(negativePath + "\\" + negativeIndex + ".png", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                 * {
                 *  Encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(cb));
                 *  Encoder.Save(FS);
                 *  FS.Close();
                 * }
                 * negativeIndex++;
                 * }
                runningTotal += sampleCount * 2;

                if (runningTotal > 400)
                    runningTotal -= 400;
Esempio n. 12
        public void WriteData(Tuple <SceneMetadata, SceneInfo, byte[]> data)
            // Freeze workbook
            Application.ScreenUpdating = false;

            // Obtain plant data

            SceneMetadata metadata = data.Item1;
            SceneInfo     scene    = data.Item2;

            Excel.Worksheet currentSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)Application.ActiveSheet;
            if (currentSheet != null)
                if (currentSheet.UsedRange.Address != "$A$1")
                    // Currentsheet is not blank, create a new one.
                    currentSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add();

            int row = 2, col = 2;

            // Write Key
            //Excel.Range metaRange = currentSheet.Range[currentSheet.Cells[row, col], currentSheet.Cells[row, col]];

            Excel.Range metaRange = currentSheet.SelectCell(row, col);
            metaRange.Value2     = metadata.Key;
            metaRange.Font.Size += 2;
            metaRange.Font.Bold  = true;

            // Metadata title
            row += 2;

            int metaEndRow, metaEndCol;

            WriteMetadata(currentSheet, metadata, row, col, out metaEndRow, out metaEndCol);

            metaRange = currentSheet.SelectCell(metaEndRow, metaEndCol);

            metaRange = metaRange.Offset[1, 1];

            int plantEndRow, dataEndRow, plantEndColumn;

            List <Point>       sourcePositions;
            List <ImageSource> plantImages = CreateSeparatePlantImages(scene.Plants, out sourcePositions);

            WritePlants(currentSheet, scene, plantImages, metaEndRow + 2, col, col + 4, out plantEndRow, out plantEndColumn, out dataEndRow);

            // Plant Image
            if (scene.Plants.Count > 1)
                    Excel.Range pictureRange = currentSheet.SelectCells(row, metaEndCol + 2, 0, metaEndRow - row);
                    Point       sourcePosition;
                    ImageSource source = CreatePlantImage(scene.Plants, out sourcePosition);

                    InsertImageIntoRange(source, currentSheet, pictureRange);
                    // Could not create image

            Application.ScreenUpdating = true;
Esempio n. 13
        public Tuple <SceneMetadata, SceneInfo, byte[]> Read(String tag, bool image)
            SceneInfo     scene;
            SceneMetadata metadata;

            MySqlConnection connection    = dbm.Connection as MySqlConnection;
            MySqlCommand    selectCommand = new MySqlCommand("SELECT Stamp, RelativeID, StartReference, Spline, Label, CompleteArchitecture, User, HullArea FROM rootdata WHERE Tag = (?tag)", connection);

            selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?tag", tag);

            Dictionary <Tuple <String, DateTime>, List <RootInfo> > roots = new Dictionary <Tuple <String, DateTime>, List <RootInfo> >();
            DateTime stamp    = DateTime.Now;
            bool     complete = true;

            HashSet <String> plantIDs = new HashSet <string>();

            string user = "";

            using (MySqlDataReader Reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader())
                while (Reader.Read())
                    if (user == "")
                        user = Reader.GetString("User");

                    stamp = Reader.GetDateTime("Stamp");
                    String        relativeID = Reader.GetString("RelativeID");
                    SampledSpline spline     = null;
                    complete = Reader.GetBoolean("CompleteArchitecture");

                    string label = null;
                    if (!Reader.IsDBNull(4))
                        label = Reader.GetString("Label");

                    if (!Reader.IsDBNull(3))
                            spline = RootNav.Data.SplineSerializer.BinaryToObject((byte[])Reader["Spline"]) as SampledSpline;
                            spline = null;

                    SplinePositionReference position = null;
                    if (!Reader.IsDBNull(2))
                        position = RootNav.Data.SplineSerializer.BinaryToObject((byte[])Reader["StartReference"]) as SplinePositionReference;

                    String key = relativeID.IndexOf('.') < 0 ? relativeID : relativeID.Substring(0, relativeID.IndexOf('.'));
                    Tuple <string, DateTime> datedKey = new Tuple <string, DateTime>(key, stamp);

                    if (!roots.ContainsKey(datedKey))
                        roots.Add(datedKey, new List <RootInfo>());

                    roots[datedKey].Add(new RootInfo()
                        RelativeID = relativeID, StartReference = position, Spline = spline, Label = label, Stamp = stamp

                var timeSeparatedRoots = DuplicateTagCheck(roots);

                List <PlantInfo> plants = new List <PlantInfo>();
                foreach (var timeStampedKVP in timeSeparatedRoots)
                    DateTime currentStamp = timeStampedKVP.Key;
                    var      stampedRoots = timeStampedKVP.Value;
                    foreach (var kvp in stampedRoots)
                        plants.Add(PlantInfo.CreateTree(tag, currentStamp, complete, kvp.Value));

                metadata = new SceneMetadata()
                    Key        = tag,
                    Complete   = complete,
                    Sequence   = null,
                    User       = user,
                    Software   = "RootNav",
                    Resolution = 1.0,
                    Unit       = "pixel",

                scene = new SceneInfo()
                    Plants = plants

            // Optional image search
            byte[] imageData = null;

            if (image)
                connection = dbm.Connection as MySqlConnection;
                MySqlCommand imageCommand = new MySqlCommand("SELECT Image FROM images WHERE Tag = (?tag) AND Stamp = (?stamp)", connection);
                imageCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?tag", tag);
                imageCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?stamp", stamp);
                using (MySqlDataReader imageReader = imageCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    if (imageReader.HasRows)
                        imageData = imageReader["Image"] as byte[];

            return(new Tuple <SceneMetadata, SceneInfo, byte[]> (metadata, scene, imageData));