/// <summary>
        /// Update per frame data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world">World</param>
        /// <param name="viewProjection">View * projection</param>
        /// <param name="eyePositionWorld">Eye position in world coordinates</param>
        /// <param name="lights">Scene ligths</param>
        /// <param name="shadowMapDirectional">Low definition shadow map</param>
        /// <param name="shadowMapPoint">Point light shadow map</param>
        /// <param name="shadowMapSpot">Spot light shadow map</param>
        private void UpdatePerFrame(
            Matrix world,
            Matrix viewProjection,
            Vector3 eyePositionWorld,
            SceneLights lights,
            IShadowMap shadowMapDirectional,
            IShadowMap shadowMapPoint,
            IShadowMap shadowMapSpot)
            this.World = world;
            this.WorldViewProjection = world * viewProjection;

            if (lights != null)
                this.EyePositionWorld = eyePositionWorld;

                this.HemiLight   = BufferLightHemispheric.Build(lights.GetVisibleHemisphericLight());
                this.DirLights   = BufferLightDirectional.Build(lights.GetVisibleDirectionalLights(), out int dirLength);
                this.PointLights = BufferLightPoint.Build(lights.GetVisiblePointLights(), out int pointLength);
                this.SpotLights  = BufferLightSpot.Build(lights.GetVisibleSpotLights(), out int spotLength);
                this.LightCount  = new[] { dirLength, pointLength, spotLength };

                this.FogStart = lights.FogStart;
                this.FogRange = lights.FogRange;
                this.FogColor = lights.FogColor;

                this.ShadowMapDirectional = shadowMapDirectional?.Texture;
                this.ShadowMapPoint       = shadowMapPoint?.Texture;
                this.ShadowMapSpot        = shadowMapSpot?.Texture;
                this.EyePositionWorld = Vector3.Zero;

                this.HemiLight   = BufferLightHemispheric.Default;
                this.DirLights   = BufferLightDirectional.Default;
                this.PointLights = BufferLightPoint.Default;
                this.SpotLights  = BufferLightSpot.Default;
                this.LightCount  = new[] { 0, 0, 0 };

                this.FogStart = 0;
                this.FogRange = 0;
                this.FogColor = Color.Transparent;

                this.ShadowMapDirectional = null;
                this.ShadowMapPoint       = null;
                this.ShadowMapSpot        = null;
Esempio n. 2
        private void LoadLights(XElement xmlScene = null)
            if (xmlScene != null && xmlScene.Elements("light_list").Any())
                XElement xmlLights = xmlScene.Elements("light_list").First();

                foreach (XElement xmlLight in xmlLights.Elements("light"))
                    Vector   position    = LoadXYZDouble(xmlLight.Elements("position").First());
                    Vector   color       = LoadColor(xmlLight.Elements("color").First());
                    XElement attenuation = xmlLight.Elements("attenuation").First();
                    float    quadratic   = LoadFloat(attenuation, "quadratic");
                    float    linear      = LoadFloat(attenuation, "linear");
                    float    constant    = LoadFloat(attenuation, "constant");

                    if (SceneLights.Count <= lightLimit)
                        Light light = new Light(position,
                                                diffuse: color,
                                                constantAttenuation: new Vector(constant, constant, constant),
                                                linearAttenuation: new Vector(linear, linear, linear),
                                                quadraticAttenuation: new Vector(quadratic, quadratic, quadratic));
                Vector position  = new Vector(0, 5, 0);
                Vector color     = new Vector(1, 1, 1);
                float  quadratic = 0;
                float  linear    = 0;
                float  constant  = 1;

                Light light = new Light(position,
                                        diffuse: color,
                                        constantAttenuation: new Vector(constant, constant, constant),
                                        linearAttenuation: new Vector(linear, linear, linear),
                                        quadraticAttenuation: new Vector(quadratic, quadratic, quadratic));
        /// <summary>
        /// Update per frame data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world">World</param>
        /// <param name="viewProjection">View * projection</param>
        /// <param name="eyePosition">Eye position</param>
        /// <param name="lights">State</param>
        public void UpdatePerFrame(
            Matrix viewProjection,
            Vector3 eyePosition,
            SceneLights lights,
            EffectWaterState state)
            this.World = Matrix.Identity;
            this.WorldViewProjection = viewProjection;
            this.EyePositionWorld    = eyePosition;
            this.BaseColor           = state.BaseColor.RGB();
            this.WaterColor          = state.WaterColor.RGB();
            this.WaveParams          = new Vector4(state.WaveHeight, state.WaveChoppy, state.WaveSpeed, state.WaveFrequency);
            this.TotalTime           = state.TotalTime;
            this.IterParams          = new Int3(state.Steps, state.GeometryIterations, state.ColorIterations);

            if (lights != null)
                this.DirLights  = BufferLightDirectional.Build(lights.GetVisibleDirectionalLights(), out int dirLength);
                this.LightCount = dirLength;

                this.Ambient = lights.Intensity;

                this.FogStart = lights.FogStart;
                this.FogRange = lights.FogRange;
                this.FogColor = lights.FogColor.RGB();
                this.DirLights  = BufferLightDirectional.Default;
                this.LightCount = 0;

                this.Ambient = 1;

                this.FogStart = 0;
                this.FogRange = 0;
                this.FogColor = Color.Transparent.RGB();
Esempio n. 4
 private void Start()
     //Might be a more effiecent way to do this so look back here later
     sceneLights = GameObject.Find("LightManager").GetComponent <SceneLights>();