static PrimitiveManager DecodePrimitivesWeighted(NodeEntry n, GeometryEntry geo, SkinEntry skin, SceneEntry scene, InfluenceManager infManager, ref string Error)
            PrimitiveManager manager = DecodePrimitives(n._matrix, geo);

            MDL0BoneNode[] boneList;
            MDL0BoneNode bone = null;
            int boneCount;
            string[] jointStrings = null;
            byte* pCmd = stackalloc byte[4];
            int cmdCount = skin._weightInputs.Count;
            float weight = 0;
            float* pWeights = null;
            Vector3* pVert = null, pNorms = null;
            ushort* pVInd = (ushort*)manager._indices.Address;
            List<Vertex3> vertList = new List<Vertex3>(skin._weightCount);
            Matrix* pMatrix = null;

            UnsafeBuffer remap = new UnsafeBuffer(skin._weightCount * 2);
            ushort* pRemap = (ushort*)remap.Address;

            pNorms = (Vector3*)manager._faceData[1].Address;

            manager._vertices = vertList;

            //Find vertex source
            foreach (SourceEntry s in geo._sources)
                if (s._id == geo._verticesInput._source)
                    pVert = (Vector3*)((UnsafeBuffer)s._arrayData).Address;

            //Find joint source
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._jointInputs)
                if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.JOINT)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            jointStrings = src._arrayData as string[];
                else if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.INV_BIND_MATRIX)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            pMatrix = (Matrix*)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;

            Error = "There was a problem creating the list of bones for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Populate bone list
            boneCount = jointStrings.Length;
            boneList = new MDL0BoneNode[boneCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < boneCount; i++)
                boneList[i] = scene.FindNode(jointStrings[i])._node as MDL0BoneNode;

            //Build command list
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._weightInputs)
                switch (inp._semantic)
                    case SemanticType.JOINT:
                        pCmd[inp._offset] = 1;

                    case SemanticType.WEIGHT:
                        pCmd[inp._offset] = 2;

                        //Get weight source
                        foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                            if (src._id == inp._source)
                                pWeights = (float*)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;


                        pCmd[inp._offset] = 0;

            Error = "There was a problem creating vertex influences for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Build vertex list and remap table
            for (int i = 0; i < skin._weightCount; i++)
                //Create influence
                int iCount = skin._weights[i].Length / cmdCount;
                Influence inf = new Influence(/*iCount*/);
                fixed (int* p = skin._weights[i])
                    int* iPtr = p;
                    for (int x = 0; x < iCount; x++)
                        for (int z = 0; z < cmdCount; z++, iPtr++)
                            if (pCmd[z] == 1)
                                bone = boneList[*iPtr];
                            else if (pCmd[z] == 2)
                                weight = pWeights[*iPtr];
                        inf._weights.Add(new BoneWeight(bone, weight));


                Error = "There was a problem creating a vertex from the geometry entry " + geo._name + ".\nMake sure that all the vertices are weighted properly.";

                Vertex3 v;
                if (inf._weights.Count > 1)
                    //Match with manager
                    inf = infManager.FindOrCreate(inf, true);
                    v = new Vertex3(n._matrix * skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i], inf); //World position
                    bone = inf._weights[0].Bone;
                    v = new Vertex3(n._matrix * bone._inverseBindMatrix * skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i], bone); //Local position

                ushort index = 0;
                while (index < vertList.Count)
                    if (v.Equals(vertList[index])) break;
                if (index == vertList.Count)

                pRemap[i] = index;

            Error = "There was a problem fixing normal rotations for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Remap vertex indices and fix normals
            for (int i = 0; i < manager._pointCount; i++, pVInd++)
                *pVInd = pRemap[*pVInd];
                Vertex3 v = null;
                if (*pVInd < vertList.Count)
                    v = vertList[*pVInd];
                if (v != null && v._matrixNode != null)
                    if (v._matrixNode.Weights.Count > 1)
                        pNorms[i] = skin._bindMatrix.GetRotationMatrix() * pNorms[i];
                        pNorms[i] = skin._bindMatrix.GetRotationMatrix() * v._matrixNode.Weights[0].Bone._inverseBindMatrix.GetRotationMatrix() * pNorms[i];

            return manager;
Esempio n. 2
        static PrimitiveManager DecodePrimitivesWeighted(GeometryEntry geo, SkinEntry skin, SceneEntry scene, InfluenceManager infManager, ref string Error)
            PrimitiveManager manager = DecodePrimitives(geo);

            MDL0BoneNode[] boneList;
            MDL0BoneNode   bone = null;
            int            boneCount;

            string[]       jointStrings = null;
            byte *         pCmd = stackalloc byte[4];
            int            cmdCount = skin._weightInputs.Count;
            float          weight = 0;
            float *        pWeights = null;
            Vector3 *      pVert = null, pNorms = null;
            ushort *       pVInd    = (ushort *)manager._indices.Address;
            List <Vertex3> vertList = new List <Vertex3>(skin._weightCount);
            Matrix *       pMatrix  = null;

            UnsafeBuffer remap  = new UnsafeBuffer(skin._weightCount * 2);
            ushort *     pRemap = (ushort *)remap.Address;

            pNorms = (Vector3 *)manager._faceData[1].Address;
            //List<int> FixedIndices = new List<int>();

            manager._vertices = vertList;

            //Find vertex source
            foreach (SourceEntry s in geo._sources)
                if (s._id == geo._verticesInput._source)
                    pVert = (Vector3 *)((UnsafeBuffer)s._arrayData).Address;

            //Find joint source
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._jointInputs)
                if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.JOINT)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            jointStrings = src._arrayData as string[];
                else if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.INV_BIND_MATRIX)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            pMatrix = (Matrix *)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;

            Error = "There was a problem creating the list of bones for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Populate bone list
            boneCount = jointStrings.Length;
            boneList  = new MDL0BoneNode[boneCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < boneCount; i++)
                boneList[i] = scene.FindNode(jointStrings[i])._node as MDL0BoneNode;

            //Build command list
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._weightInputs)
                switch (inp._semantic)
                case SemanticType.JOINT:
                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 1;

                case SemanticType.WEIGHT:
                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 2;

                    //Get weight source
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            pWeights = (float *)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;


                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 0;

            Error = "There was a problem creating vertex influences for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Build vertex list and remap table
            for (int i = 0; i < skin._weightCount; i++)
                //Create influence
                int       iCount = skin._weights[i].Length / cmdCount;
                Influence inf    = new Influence(iCount);
                fixed(int *p = skin._weights[i])
                    int *iPtr = p;

                    for (int x = 0; x < iCount; x++)
                        for (int z = 0; z < cmdCount; z++, iPtr++)
                            if (pCmd[z] == 1)
                                bone = boneList[*iPtr];
                            else if (pCmd[z] == 2)
                                weight = pWeights[*iPtr];
                        //if (bone != null)
                        //    if (bone.Name == "TopN" || bone.Name == "XRotN" || bone.Name == "YRotN" || bone.Name == "TransN" || bone.Name == "ThrowN" || bone.Name == "FacePattern")
                        //        Console.WriteLine(bone.Name);
                        //    else if (bone.Parent != null)
                        //        if (bone.Parent.Name == "FacePattern")
                        //            Console.WriteLine(bone.Name);
                        inf._weights[x] = new BoneWeight(bone, weight);


                Error = "There was a problem creating a vertex from the geometry entry " + geo._name + ".\nMake sure that all the vertices are weighted properly.";

                Vertex3 v;
                if (inf._weights.Length > 1)
                    //Match with manager
                    inf = infManager.AddOrCreate(inf);
                    v   = new Vertex3(skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i], inf); //World position
                    bone = inf._weights[0].Bone;
                    v    = new Vertex3(bone._inverseBindMatrix * skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i], bone); //Local position

                ////Create Vertex, set to world position.
                //v = new Vertex3(skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i], inf);
                ////Fix single-bind vertices
                //v.Position = inf._weights[0].Bone._inverseBindMatrix * v.Position;

                ushort index = 0;
                while (index < vertList.Count)
                    if (v.Equals(vertList[index]))
                if (index == vertList.Count)

                pRemap[i] = index;

            Error = "There was a problem fixing normal rotations for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Remap vertex indices and fix normals
            for (int i = 0; i < manager._pointCount; i++, pVInd++)
                *       pVInd = pRemap[*pVInd];
                Vertex3 v     = null;
                if (*pVInd < vertList.Count)
                    v = vertList[*pVInd];
                if (v != null && v._influence != null)
                    if (v._influence.Weights.Length > 1)
                        pNorms[i] = skin._bindMatrix.GetRotationMatrix() * pNorms[i];
                        pNorms[i] = skin._bindMatrix.GetRotationMatrix() * v._influence.Weights[0].Bone._inverseBindMatrix.GetRotationMatrix() * pNorms[i];


Esempio n. 3
        private static PrimitiveManager DecodePrimitivesWeighted(
            Matrix bindMatrix,
            GeometryEntry geo,
            SkinEntry skin,
            SceneEntry scene,
            InfluenceManager infManager,
            Type boneType)
            PrimitiveManager manager = DecodePrimitives(geo);

            IBoneNode[] boneList;
            IBoneNode   bone = null;
            int         boneCount;

            string[] jointStringArray = null;
            string   jointString      = null;

            byte *         pCmd = stackalloc byte[4];
            int            cmdCount = skin._weightInputs.Count;
            float          weight = 0;
            float *        pWeights = null;
            Vector3 *      pVert = null, pNorms = null;
            ushort *       pVInd    = (ushort *)manager._indices.Address;
            List <Vertex3> vertList = new List <Vertex3>(skin._weightCount);
            Matrix *       pMatrix  = null;

            UnsafeBuffer remap  = new UnsafeBuffer(skin._weightCount * 2);
            ushort *     pRemap = (ushort *)remap.Address;

            if (manager._faceData[1] != null)
                pNorms = (Vector3 *)manager._faceData[1].Address;

            manager._vertices = vertList;

            //Find vertex source
            foreach (SourceEntry s in geo._sources)
                if (s._id == geo._verticesInput._source)
                    pVert = (Vector3 *)((UnsafeBuffer)s._arrayData).Address;

            //Find joint source
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._jointInputs)
                if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.JOINT)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            jointStringArray = src._arrayData as string[];
                            jointString      = src._arrayDataString;
                else if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.INV_BIND_MATRIX)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            pMatrix = (Matrix *)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;

            Error = "There was a problem creating the list of bones for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Populate bone list
            boneCount = jointStringArray.Length;
            boneList  = new IBoneNode[boneCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < boneCount; i++)
                NodeEntry entry = scene.FindNode(jointStringArray[i]);
                if (entry != null && entry._node != null)
                    boneList[i] = entry._node as IBoneNode;
                    //Search in reverse!
                    foreach (NodeEntry node in scene._nodes)
                        if ((entry = RecursiveTestNode(jointString, node)) != null)
                            if (entry._node != null)
                                boneList[i] = entry._node as IBoneNode;


                    //Couldn't find the bone
                    if (boneList[i] == null)
                        boneList[i] = Activator.CreateInstance(boneType) as IBoneNode;

            //Build command list
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._weightInputs)
                switch (inp._semantic)
                case SemanticType.JOINT:
                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 1;

                case SemanticType.WEIGHT:
                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 2;

                    //Get weight source
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            pWeights = (float *)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;


                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 0;

            Error = "There was a problem creating vertex influences for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Build vertex list and remap table
            for (int i = 0; i < skin._weightCount; i++)
                //Create influence
                int       iCount = skin._weights[i].Length / cmdCount;
                Influence inf    = new Influence();
                fixed(int *p = skin._weights[i])
                    int *iPtr = p;

                    for (int x = 0; x < iCount; x++)
                        for (int z = 0; z < cmdCount; z++, iPtr++)
                            if (pCmd[z] == 1)
                                bone = boneList[*iPtr];
                            else if (pCmd[z] == 2)
                                weight = pWeights[*iPtr];

                        inf.AddWeight(new BoneWeight(bone, weight));


                Error = "There was a problem creating a vertex from the geometry entry " + geo._name +
                        ".\nMake sure that all the vertices are weighted properly.";

                Vector3 worldPos = bindMatrix * skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i];
                Vertex3 v;
                if (inf.Weights.Count > 1)
                    //Match with manager
                    inf = infManager.FindOrCreate(inf);
                    v   = new Vertex3(worldPos, inf); //World position
                    bone = inf.Weights[0].Bone;
                    v    = new Vertex3(bone.InverseBindMatrix * worldPos, bone); //Local position

                ushort index = 0;
                while (index < vertList.Count)
                    if (v.Equals(vertList[index]))


                if (index == vertList.Count)

                pRemap[i] = index;

            Error = "There was a problem fixing normal rotations for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Remap vertex indices and fix normals
            for (int i = 0; i < manager._pointCount; i++, pVInd++)
                *pVInd = pRemap[*pVInd];

                if (pNorms != null)
                    Vertex3 v = null;
                    if (*pVInd < vertList.Count)
                        v = vertList[*pVInd];

                    if (v != null && v.MatrixNode != null)
                        if (v.MatrixNode.Weights.Count > 1)
                            pNorms[i] =
                                (bindMatrix *
                                 skin._bindMatrix).GetRotationMatrix() *
                            pNorms[i] =
                                (v.MatrixNode.Weights[0].Bone.InverseBindMatrix *
                                 bindMatrix *
                                 skin._bindMatrix).GetRotationMatrix() *

        static PrimitiveManager DecodePrimitivesWeighted(GeometryEntry geo, SkinEntry skin, SceneEntry scene, InfluenceManager infManager)
            PrimitiveManager manager = DecodePrimitives(geo);

            MDL0BoneNode[] boneList;
            MDL0BoneNode   bone = null;
            int            boneCount;

            string[]       jointStrings = null;
            byte *         pCmd         = stackalloc byte[4];
            int            cmdCount     = skin._weightInputs.Count;
            float          weight       = 0;
            float *        pWeights     = null;
            Vector3 *      pVert        = null;
            ushort *       pVInd        = (ushort *)manager._faceData[0].Address;
            List <Vertex3> vertList     = new List <Vertex3>(skin._weightCount);
            Matrix *       pMatrix      = null;

            UnsafeBuffer remap  = new UnsafeBuffer(skin._weightCount * 2);
            ushort *     pRemap = (ushort *)remap.Address;

            manager._vertices = vertList;

            //Find vertex source
            foreach (SourceEntry s in geo._sources)
                if (s._id == geo._verticesInput._source)
                    pVert = (Vector3 *)((UnsafeBuffer)s._arrayData).Address;

            //Find joint source
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._jointInputs)
                if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.JOINT)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            jointStrings = src._arrayData as string[];
                else if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.INV_BIND_MATRIX)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            pMatrix = (Matrix *)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;

            //Populate bone list
            boneCount = jointStrings.Length;
            boneList  = new MDL0BoneNode[boneCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < boneCount; i++)
                boneList[i] = scene.FindNode(jointStrings[i])._node as MDL0BoneNode;

            //Build command list
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._weightInputs)
                switch (inp._semantic)
                case SemanticType.JOINT:
                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 1;

                case SemanticType.WEIGHT:
                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 2;

                    //Get weight source
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            pWeights = (float *)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;


                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 0;

            //Build vertex list and remap table
            for (int i = 0; i < skin._weightCount; i++)
                //Create influence
                int       iCount = skin._weights[i].Length / cmdCount;
                Influence inf    = new Influence(iCount);
                fixed(int *p = skin._weights[i])
                    int *iPtr = p;

                    for (int x = 0; x < iCount; x++)
                        for (int z = 0; z < cmdCount; z++, iPtr++)
                            if (pCmd[z] == 1)
                                bone = boneList[*iPtr];
                            else if (pCmd[z] == 2)
                                weight = pWeights[*iPtr];

                        inf._weights[x] = new BoneWeight(bone, weight);

                Vertex3 v;
                if (inf._weights.Length > 1)
                    //Match with manager
                    inf = infManager.AddOrCreate(inf);
                    v   = new Vertex3(skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i], inf); //World position
                    bone = inf._weights[0].Bone;
                    v    = new Vertex3(bone._inverseBindMatrix * skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i], bone); //Local position

                //Create Vertex, set to world position.
                //Vertex3 v = new Vertex3(skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i], inf);

                //Fix single-bind vertices
                //if (inf._weights.Length == 1)
                //    v.Position = inf._weights[0].Bone._inverseBindMatrix * v.Position;

                ushort index = 0;
                while (index < vertList.Count)
                    if (v.Equals(vertList[index]))
                if (index == vertList.Count)

                pRemap[i] = index;

            //Remap vertex indices
            for (int i = 0; i < manager._pointCount; i++, pVInd++)
                *pVInd = pRemap[*pVInd];

