Esempio n. 1
        public static Wave operator +(Wave wave1, Wave wave2)
            if (wave1.frequency != wave2.frequency)
                throw new ArgumentException("The frequencies of 'wave1' and 'wave2' don't match.");

            double basePhase       = wave1.phase;
            double phaseDifference = wave2.phase - wave1.phase;

            double frequency = Items.Equal(wave1.frequency, wave2.frequency);
            double amplitude = Scalars.SquareRoot
                wave1.amplitude.Square() +
                2 * wave1.amplitude * wave2.amplitude * Scalars.PSine(phaseDifference + 0.25) +
            double phase =
                basePhase +
                    wave2.amplitude * Scalars.PSine(phaseDifference),
                    wave1.amplitude + wave2.amplitude * Scalars.PSine(phaseDifference + 0.25)
                / (2 * Math.PI);

            return(new Wave(frequency, amplitude, phase));
Esempio n. 2
        public static IEnumerable <Wave> SignalToSpectrum(IEnumerable <double> signal, double length)
            if (signal == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("signal");
            if (length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");

            Complex[] spectrum = DiscreteFourierTransform.TransformForward(signal.Select(sample => (Complex)sample)).ToArray();

            for (int spectrumIndex = 0; spectrumIndex < spectrum.Length; spectrumIndex++)
                double frequencyIndex  = spectrumIndex > spectrum.Length / 2 ? spectrumIndex - spectrum.Length : spectrumIndex;
                double frequency       = frequencyIndex / length;
                double cosineAmplitude = spectrum[spectrumIndex].Real;
                double sineAmplitude   = spectrum[spectrumIndex].Imaginary;
                double mixedAmplitude  = Scalars.SquareRoot(cosineAmplitude.Square() + sineAmplitude.Square());
                double amplitude       = mixedAmplitude / Scalars.SquareRoot(spectrum.Length);
                double phase           = Scalars.ArcTangent(sineAmplitude, cosineAmplitude);

                yield return(new Wave(frequency, amplitude, -phase / (2 * Math.PI) + 0.25));
Esempio n. 3
        // Intended for synthesis
        // Input \ Output | Real | Imaginary
        // ---------------|------|----------
        // Real           |  +   |     -
        // Imaginary      |  +   |     +
        static MatrixComplex GetReverseTransformation(int size)
            MatrixComplex transformation = new MatrixComplex(size, size);

            Complex factor = (2 * Math.PI / size) * Complex.ImaginaryOne;

            for (int row = 0; row < transformation.RowCount; row++)
                for (int column = 0; column < transformation.ColumnCount; column++)
                    transformation[row, column] = Scalars.Exponentiate(-factor * row * column);

            return((1 / Scalars.SquareRoot(size)) * transformation);