public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("DustAfterCrystal", typeof(AllowDustChangingWithCrystalMod), this); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }
public override void Init() { mod.Initialize(); mod.settings.ReadSettings(); mod.Log("Initialized!"); }
public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("TrueIGT", typeof(TrueIGTMod), this); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }
public override void Init() { mod.BepinPluginReference = this; mod.Initialize(); mod.settings.ReadSettings(); mod.Log("Initialized!"); }
public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("QueueActions", typeof(QueueActionsMod), this); keyWrapper = Config.Wrap <string>("Settings", "Key", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode used to queue up actions.", KeyCode.LeftShift.ToString()); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }
public override void Init() { mod.BepinPluginReference = this; mod.Initialize(); mod.settings.ReadSettings(); comparator = new SeedComparatorType((SeedComparatorType.ComparatorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SeedComparatorType.ComparatorType), (mod.settings as SeedFinderSettings).ComparatorType)); mod.Log("Initialized!"); }
public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("DuplicateHeroSelection", typeof(DuplicateHeroSelectionMod), this); allowedDuplicateCountWrapper = Config.Wrap <int>("Settings", "AllowedDuplicateCount", "The number of duplicate heroes allowed.", 4); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }
public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("ExitFinder", typeof(ExitFinderMod), this); displayExitWrapper = Config.Wrap <bool>("Settings", "DisplayExit", "Displays the exit to all players.", true); keyWrapper = Config.Wrap <string>("Settings", "Key", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode to use for displaying the exit.", KeyCode.Backslash.ToString()); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }
public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("SeededDungeon", typeof(SeededDungeonMod), this); overwriteWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "OverwriteSeeds", "Whether to overwrite seeds or create new ones.", true); saveKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "SaveKey", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode to use for saving seeds.", KeyCode.Backspace.ToString()); createNewSeedKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "CreateNewSeedKey", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode to use for creating new seeds.", KeyCode.Equals.ToString()); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }
public override void Init() { mod.BepinPluginReference = this; mod.Initialize(); // Setup default values for config mod.settings.ReadSettings(); ReadRanks(); mod.Log("Initialized!"); }
public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("GotoFloor", typeof(GotoFloorMod), this); levelTargetWrapper = Config.Wrap <int>("Settings", "LevelTarget", "The target level to go to. Must be between 2 and 12.", 12); Config.Wrap("SettingsIgnore", "LevelTargetMin", defaultValue: 1); Config.Wrap("SettingsIgnore", "LevelTargetMax", defaultValue: 50); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }
public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("Dungeon Modifications", typeof(DungeonModificationsMod), this); // Wrap Settings here! capRoomsWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "CapRooms", "Whether to cap the number of rooms provided by the config value: MaxRooms or not.", true); maxRoomWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "MaxRooms", "Maximum number of rooms to have in the dungeon.", 4); Config.Wrap("SettingsIgnore", "MaxRoomsMin", defaultValue: 4); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }
public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("Simple Cheats", typeof(SimpleCheatsMod), this); incrementWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "IncrementAmount", "How much to increment for each key press", 10.0f); indKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "IndustryKey", "The key to press to receive industry", KeyCode.M.ToString()); sciKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "ScienceKey", "The key to press to receive science", KeyCode.Comma.ToString()); foodKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "FoodKey", "The key to press to receive food", KeyCode.Period.ToString()); dustKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "DustKey", "The key to press to receive dust", KeyCode.Slash.ToString()); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }
public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("ManyHeroes", typeof(ManyHeroesMod), this); // Wrap Settings here! maxHeroCountWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "MaxHeroCount", "Maximum heroes ever allowed.", 10); maxHeroShipCountWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "MaxHeroShipCount", "Maximum number of heroes allowed for a selected ship.", 10); Config.Wrap("SettingsIgnore", "MaxHeroCountMin", defaultValue: 4); Config.Wrap("SettingsIgnore", "MaxHeroCountMax", defaultValue: 100); Config.Wrap("SettingsIgnore", "MaxHeroShipCountMin", defaultValue: 1); Config.Wrap("SettingsIgnore", "MaxHeroShipCountMax", defaultValue: 100); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }
public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("TemplateName", typeof(TemplateMod), this); // Wrap Settings here! someBoolWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "SomeBoolean", "Some boolean used by the template mod.", true); someIntWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "SomeInt", "Some random integer used by the template mod.", 0); // Provides maximums, minimums, and increments for SomeInt. // If these are not provided, the default min is 0, max is 100, increment is 1 Config.Wrap("SettingsIgnore", "SomeIntMin", defaultValue: 0); Config.Wrap("SettingsIgnore", "SomeIntMax", defaultValue: 5); Config.Wrap("SettingsIgnore", "SomeIntIncrement", defaultValue: 2); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }
public override void Init() { mod.BepinPluginReference = this; mod.Initialize(); // Setup default values for config if (!mod.settings.Exists()) { DustGeneratorSettings temp = mod.settings as DustGeneratorSettings; temp.DustPerDoor = 10; temp.DustFromProducing = true; temp.DustFromRoom = false; } mod.settings.ReadSettings(); mod.Log("Initialized!"); }
public void Awake() { mod = new ScadMod("TASToolsMod", typeof(TASToolsMod), this); tasFileExtensionWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "TasFileExtension", "The file extension for all TAS files.", ".tas"); playKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "PlayKey", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode to use for playing the TAS.", KeyCode.Quote.ToString()); recordKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "RecordKey", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode to use for recording the TAS.", KeyCode.Semicolon.ToString()); pauseKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "PauseKey", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode to use for pausing the TAS.", KeyCode.P.ToString()); resetKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "ResetKey", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode to use for resetting the current state.", KeyCode.RightBracket.ToString()); saveKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "SaveKey", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode to use for saving the current state.", KeyCode.LeftBracket.ToString()); saveToFilesKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "SaveToFilesKey", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode to use for saving the TAS to files.", KeyCode.O.ToString()); readFromFilesKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "ReadFromFilesKey", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode to use for reading the TAS from files.", KeyCode.Slash.ToString()); clearKeyWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "ClearKey", "The UnityEngine.KeyCode to use for clearing the TAS.", KeyCode.C.ToString()); isHumanWrapper = Config.Wrap("Settings", "IsHuman", "Whether the TAS is only taking actions humans can, or if it is also setting the seed.", false); mod.Initialize(); OnLoad(); }