public virtual void startElement(string str, string str2, string tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { _tagStack.Add(tag); if (tag.Equals("Fixtures")) { _competition = attributes.GetValue("competition"); _weekName = attributes.GetValue("weekName"); if (attributes.GetValue("type").Equals("League")) { _type = Fixtures._LEAGUE; } } else if (tag.Equals("Week")) { _currentWeek = new Week(attributes.GetValue("id")); //UPGRADE_NOTE: Exceptions thrown by the equivalent in .NET of method 'java.lang.Boolean.valueOf' may be different. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1099'" _currentWeek.Played = System.Boolean.Parse(attributes.GetValue("played")); _weeks.Add(_currentWeek); } else if (tag.Equals("Match")) { Match m; if (_currentWeek.hasBeenPlayed()) { m = new Match(attributes.GetValue("id"), attributes.GetValue("homeTeam"), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("homeScore")), attributes.GetValue("awayTeam"), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("awayScore"))); } else { m = new Match(attributes.GetValue("id"), attributes.GetValue("homeTeam"), attributes.GetValue("awayTeam")); } _currentWeek.addMatch(m); } }
private IIsotope createIsotopeOfElement(System.String currentElement, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { IIsotope isotope = builder.newIsotope(currentElement); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { try { if ("id".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { isotope.ID = atts.GetValue(i); } else if ("isotopeNumber".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { isotope.MassNumber = System.Int32.Parse(atts.GetValue(i)); } else if ("elementType".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { isotope.Symbol = atts.GetValue(i); } } catch (System.FormatException exception) { //logger.error("Value of isotope@", atts.GetFullName(i), " is not as expected."); //logger.debug(exception); } } return(isotope); }
public virtual void startElement(string str, string str2, string tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { _tagStack.Add(tag); if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Tactic") { _currentName = attributes.GetValue("name"); } else if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Bonus" || (System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Mult") { string position = attributes.GetValue("position"); string skill = attributes.GetValue("skill"); string multiplier = attributes.GetValue("multiplier"); if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Bonus") { string oppTactic = attributes.GetValue("oppTactic"); Bonus temp = new Bonus(oppTactic, position, skill, multiplier); _vBonuses.Add(temp); } else { Mult temp = new Mult(position, skill, multiplier); _vMults.Add(temp); } } }
public virtual void startElement(string str, string str2, string tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { _tagStack.Add(tag); sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Comment") { _currentType = attributes.GetValue("type"); } }
public virtual void startElement(string str, string str2, string tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { tagStack.Add(tag); /* Attributes must be managed here */ if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Team") { teamName = attributes.GetValue("abbr"); } }
private System.String getElementSymbol(SaxAttributesSupport atts) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("id".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { return(atts.GetValue(i)); } } return(""); }
public virtual void linestyle(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { DefineShape defineShape = (DefineShape) stack[stack.Count - 1]; LineStyle linestyle = new LineStyle(); if (defineShape.code == flash.swf.TagValues_Fields.stagDefineShape3) { linestyle.color = parseRGBA(getAttribute(attributes, "color")); } else { linestyle.color = parseRGB(getAttribute(attributes, "color")); } linestyle.width = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "width")); linestyles.Add(linestyle); }
public virtual void FrameLabel(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { FrameLabel frameLabel = new FrameLabel(); frameLabel.label = getAttribute(attributes, "label"); frameLabel.anchor = parseBoolean(getAttribute(attributes, "anchor")); tagHandler.frameLabel(frameLabel); }
public virtual void ImportAssets(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { ImportAssets importAssets = new ImportAssets(flash.swf.TagValues_Fields.stagImportAssets); importAssets.url = getAttribute(attributes, "url"); importAssets.importRecords = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); stack.Add(importAssets); }
public virtual void startElement(System.String str, System.String str2, System.String tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { //UPGRADE_TODO: The 'System.Boolean' structure does not have an equivalent to NULL. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1291'" if (!tag.Equals("Match") && matchAlreadyFound == null) { matchAlreadyFound = false; } //UPGRADE_TODO: The 'System.Boolean' structure does not have an equivalent to NULL. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1291'" if (tag.Equals("Match") && matchAlreadyFound == null && attributes.GetValue("date").Equals(todayString)) { /* The match file needs to be parsed */ matchAlreadyFound = true; currentHomeTeam = attributes.GetValue("home"); currentAwayTeam = attributes.GetValue("away"); } //UPGRADE_TODO: The 'System.Boolean' structure does not have an equivalent to NULL. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1291'" if (matchAlreadyFound != null && matchAlreadyFound.Equals(true)) { if (tag.Equals("Score")) { currentHomeScore = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("home")); currentAwayScore = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("away")); } } }
public virtual void Export(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { ExportAssets tag = (ExportAssets) stack[stack.Count - 1]; int idref = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "idref")); System.String name = getAttribute(attributes, "name"); DefineTag ref_Renamed = findCharacter(idref); = name; tag.exports.Add(ref_Renamed); }
public virtual void SetBackgroundColor(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { SetBackgroundColor tag = new SetBackgroundColor(parseRGB(getAttribute(attributes, "color"))); currentHandler().BackgroundColor = tag; }
public virtual void startElement(System.String str, System.String str2, System.String tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { //UPGRADE_TODO: The 'System.Boolean' structure does not have an equivalent to NULL. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1291'" if (!tag.Equals("Match") && matchAlreadyFound == null) { matchAlreadyFound = false; } //UPGRADE_TODO: The 'System.Boolean' structure does not have an equivalent to NULL. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1291'" if (tag.Equals("Match") && matchAlreadyFound == null && (!dateDriven || attributes.GetValue("date").Equals(todayString))) { /* The match file needs to be parsed */ matchAlreadyFound = true; currentMatch = new Match(attributes.GetValue("home"), attributes.GetValue("away")); } //UPGRADE_TODO: The 'System.Boolean' structure does not have an equivalent to NULL. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1291'" if (matchAlreadyFound != null && matchAlreadyFound.Equals(true)) { if (tag.Equals("Score")) { currentMatch.setScore(System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("home")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("away"))); } else if (tag.Equals("TeamStats")) { currentTeam = attributes.GetValue("team"); } else if (tag.Equals("PlayerStats")) { try { if (System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("minutes")) == 0) { currentMatch.addPlayer(currentTeam, new UpdaterPlayer(attributes.GetValue("name"))); } else { currentMatch.addPlayer(currentTeam, new UpdaterPlayer(attributes.GetValue("name"), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("keepingAbility")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("tacklingAbility")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("passingAbility")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("shootingAbility")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("saves")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("keyTackling")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("keyPassing")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("assists")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("shots")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("goals")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("yellowCards")), System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("redCards")), attributes.GetValue("injured").ToUpper().Equals("TRUE"))); } } catch (System.Exception err) { //UPGRADE_TODO: Class 'org.xml.sax.SAXException' was converted to 'System.Xml.XmlException' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073'" throw new System.Xml.XmlException("", err); } } } }
public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { currentChars = ""; dictRef = ""; //logger.debug("startElement: ", raw); //logger.debug("uri: ", uri); //logger.debug("local: ", local); //logger.debug("raw: ", raw); if ("elementType".Equals(local)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("id".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { elementType = new PeriodicTableElement(atts.GetValue(i)); } } } else if ("scalar".Equals(local)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("dictRef".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { if ("cas:id".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = LABEL_CAS; } else if ("cdk:name".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_NAME; } else if ("cdk:atomicNumber".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_ATOMICNUMBER; } else if ("cdk:name".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_NAME; } else if ("cdk:chemicalSerie".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_CHEMICALSERIE; } else if ("cdk:period".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_PERIOD; } else if ("cdk:group".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_GROUP; } else if ("cdk:phase".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_PHASE; } } } } }
public virtual void DefineSprite(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { DefineSprite sprite = new DefineSprite(); int id = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "id")); createCharacter(id, sprite); stack.Add(sprite); this.sprite = sprite; }
public virtual void startElement(System.String str, System.String str2, System.String tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { tagStack.Add(tag); if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Keeping") { max[KEEPING] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("max")); min[KEEPING] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("min")); } else if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Tackling") { max[TACKLING] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("max")); min[TACKLING] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("min")); } else if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Passing") { max[PASSING] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("max")); min[PASSING] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("min")); } else if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Shooting") { max[SHOOTING] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("max")); min[SHOOTING] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("min")); } else if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Aggression") { max[AGGRESSION] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("max")); min[AGGRESSION] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("min")); } else if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Age") { max[AGE] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("max")); min[AGE] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("min")); } else if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "TotalAllowed") { max[TOTALALLOWED] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("max")); min[TOTALALLOWED] = System.Int32.Parse(attributes.GetValue("min")); } }
public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { currentChars = ""; //logger.debug("START Element: ", raw); //logger.debug(" uri: ", uri); //logger.debug(" local: ", local); //logger.debug(" raw: ", raw); if ("atomType".Equals(local)) { atomType = builder.newAtomType("R"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("id".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { atomType.AtomTypeName = atts.GetValue(i); } } } else if ("atom".Equals(local)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("elementType".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { atomType.Symbol = atts.GetValue(i); } else if ("formalCharge".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { try { atomType.setFormalCharge(System.Int32.Parse(atts.GetValue(i))); } catch (System.FormatException exception) { //logger.error("Value of <atom> @", atts.GetFullName(i), " is not an integer: ", atts.GetValue(i)); //logger.debug(exception); } } } } else if ("scalar".Equals(local)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("dictRef".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { if ("cdk:maxBondOrder".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_MAXBONDORDER; } else if ("cdk:bondOrderSum".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_BONDORDERSUM; } else if ("cdk:hybridization".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_HYBRIDIZATION; } else if ("cdk:formalNeighbourCount".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_FORMALNEIGHBOURCOUNT; } else if ("cdk:valency".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_VALENCY; } else if ("cdk:formalCharge".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_FORMALCHARGE; } else if ("cdk:DA".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_DA; } else if ("cdk:sphericalMatcher".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_SPHERICALMATCHER; } else if ("cdk:ringSize".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_RINGSIZE; } else if ("cdk:ringConstant".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_CHEMICALGROUPCONSTANT; } else if ("cdk:aromaticAtom".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_ISAROMATIC; } else if ("emboss:vdwrad".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_VANDERWAALSRADIUS; } } } } }
public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String localName, System.String qName, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { //System.err.println("startelem: " + qName + " curpathsize; " + //m_curPath.size()); bool ok = false; if (m_startedDocument) { // A single unit of text data will be within a single element, // -- none of it will be in sub-elements and there will be no // sub-elements fragmenting the data text. // Right now we're entering a new element: this means that anything // in m_chars will be whitespace (likely), or text left over from, // say, the last field, or text that was somewhere it shouldn't have been. // (ex. "<ZYX.9> shouldn't be here <PT.1> P </PT.1> </ZYX.9>" m_chars.Remove(0, m_chars.Length - 0); if (m_depthWithinUselessElement >= 0) { ++m_depthWithinUselessElement; } else { int oldCurPathSize = m_curPath.size(); if (tryToGrowDocLocationFromElementName(m_msgID, m_curPath, m_segmentId2nextRepIdx, m_lastDumpedPath, qName)) { if (m_curPath.size() > oldCurPathSize) { // assert (m_depthWithinUselessElement == -1) // m_curPath // should not have grown if we're within a useless element. if (m_depthWithinUsefulElement == -1) { // this new element could match one of the DatumPaths in // m_msgMask -- if that's the case, we've just entered a // useful element. // TODO: functional stylee (a la C++'s std::accumulate) ? bool curPathStartsWithAMaskElem = false; for (System.Collections.IEnumerator maskIt = m_msgMask.GetEnumerator(); !curPathStartsWithAMaskElem && maskIt.MoveNext();) { curPathStartsWithAMaskElem = m_curPath.startsWith((NuGenDatumPath)maskIt.Current); } if (curPathStartsWithAMaskElem) { m_depthWithinUsefulElement = 0; } else { // so this element we're entering is not specified by m_msgMask // to be useful -- but might it contains elements that // are? bool aMaskElemStartsWithCurPath = false; for (System.Collections.IEnumerator maskIt = m_msgMask.GetEnumerator(); !aMaskElemStartsWithCurPath && maskIt.MoveNext();) { aMaskElemStartsWithCurPath = ((NuGenDatumPath)maskIt.Current).startsWith(m_curPath); } if (!aMaskElemStartsWithCurPath) { // ... nope! useless. m_depthWithinUselessElement = 0; m_curPath.setSize(oldCurPathSize); } // else => ok, carry on, m_depthWithinUse{less,ful}Element // still both -1. } } // else => already within a useful element, don't need to compare // against m_msgMask. } } else { m_depthWithinUselessElement = 0; } } ok = true; } if (!ok) { clear(); throw new StopParsingException(); } }
public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { currentChars = ""; if ("entry".Equals(local) && !"bibtex:entry".Equals(raw) && !inEntry) { inEntry = true; entry = new Entry(); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("id")) { entry.ID = atts.GetValue(i); } else if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("term")) { entry.Label = atts.GetValue(i); } } } if ("metadataList".Equals(local) && !inMetadataList) { inMetadataList = true; } // if we're in a metadataList then look at individual // metadata nodes and check for any whose content refers // to QSAR metadata and save that. Currently it does'nt // differentiate between descriptorType or descriptorClass. // Do we need to differentiate? // // RG: I think so and so I save a combination of the dictRef attribute // and the content attribute if ("metadata".Equals(local) && inMetadataList) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength() - 1; i += 2) { System.String dictRefValue = ""; if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("dictRef")) { dictRefValue = atts.GetValue(i); } if (atts.GetFullName(i + 1).Equals("content")) { System.String content = atts.GetValue(i + 1); if (content.IndexOf("qsar-descriptors-metadata:") == 0) { entry.setDescriptorMetadata(dictRefValue + "/" + content); } } } } }
public override void startElement(CMLStack xpath, System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { System.String name = local; if (name.Equals("list")) { //logger.debug("Oke, JMOLANIMATION seems to be kicked in :)"); cdo.startObject("Animation"); base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } else if (name.Equals("molecule")) { cdo.startObject("Frame"); //logger.debug("New frame being parsed."); base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } else if (name.Equals("float")) { bool isEnergy = false; //logger.debug("FLOAT found!"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { //logger.debug(" att: ", atts.GetFullName(i), " -> ", atts.GetValue(i)); if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("title") && atts.GetValue(i).Equals("FRAME_ENERGY")) { isEnergy = true; } } if (isEnergy) { // oke, this is the frames energy! current = ENERGY; } else { base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } } else { base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } }
public virtual void JPEGTables(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { text = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (hasAttribute(attributes, "encoding")) { if (!getAttribute(attributes, "encoding").Equals("base64")) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" fatalError(new SAXParseException("unknown encoding " + getAttribute(attributes, "encoding"), locator)); } } }
public virtual void ProductInfo(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { int product = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "product")); int edition = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "edition")); sbyte majorVersion = (sbyte) System.SByte.Parse(getAttribute(attributes, "majorVersion")); sbyte minorVersion = (sbyte) System.SByte.Parse(getAttribute(attributes, "majorVersion")); long build = System.Int64.Parse(getAttribute(attributes, "build")); long compileDate = System.Int64.Parse(getAttribute(attributes, "compileDate")); stack.Add(new ProductInfo(product, edition, majorVersion, minorVersion, build, compileDate)); }
public virtual void styleChange(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { StyleChangeRecord styleChange = new StyleChangeRecord(); if (hasAttribute(attributes, "dx") || hasAttribute(attributes, "dy")) { styleChange.stateMoveTo = true; styleChange.moveDeltaX = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "dx")); styleChange.moveDeltaY = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "dy")); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "fillStyle0")) { styleChange.stateFillStyle0 = true; styleChange.fillstyle0 = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "fillStyle0")); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "fillStyle1")) { styleChange.stateFillStyle1 = true; styleChange.fillstyle1 = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "fillStyle1")); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "lineStyle")) { styleChange.stateLineStyle = true; styleChange.linestyle = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "lineStyle")); } styleChange.fillstyles = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); styleChange.linestyles = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); fillstyles = styleChange.fillstyles; linestyles = styleChange.linestyles; stack.Add(styleChange); }
public virtual void Package(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { text = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); DefineSprite pkg = new DefineSprite(); DoInitAction initAction = new DoInitAction(pkg); // get id for this package int id = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "id")); createCharacter(id, pkg); currentHandler().defineSprite(pkg); startLineNumber = locator.getLineNumber(); stack.Add(initAction); }
public override void startElement(CMLStack xpath, System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { if ("reaction".Equals(local)) { cdo.startObject("Reaction"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); System.String value_Renamed = atts.GetValue(i); if (att.Equals("id")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("Reaction", "id", value_Renamed); } } } else if ("reactionList".Equals(local)) { cdo.startObject("SetOfReactions"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); System.String value_Renamed = atts.GetValue(i); if (att.Equals("id")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("SetOfReactions", "id", value_Renamed); } } } else if ("reactant".Equals(local)) { cdo.startObject("Reactant"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); System.String value_Renamed = atts.GetValue(i); if (att.Equals("id")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("Reactant", "id", value_Renamed); } } } else if ("product".Equals(local)) { cdo.startObject("Product"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); System.String value_Renamed = atts.GetValue(i); if (att.Equals("id")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("Product", "id", value_Renamed); } } } else if ("molecule".Equals(local)) { // do nothing for now base.newMolecule(); } else { base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } }
public virtual void EnableDebugger2(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { EnableDebugger enableDebugger2 = new EnableDebugger(flash.swf.TagValues_Fields.stagEnableDebugger2); enableDebugger2.password = getAttribute(attributes, "password"); tagHandler.enableDebugger2(enableDebugger2); }
public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { xpath.push(local); //if (debug) // logger.debug("<", raw, "> -> ", xpath); // Detect CML modules, like CRML and CCML if (local.StartsWith("reaction")) { // e.g. reactionList, reaction -> CRML module //"Detected CRML module"); conv = new CMLReactionModule(conv); conventionStack.push(conventionStack.current()); } else { // assume CML Core // Detect conventions System.String convName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("convention")) { convName = atts.GetValue(i); } } if (convName.Length > 0) { if (convName.Equals(conventionStack.current())) { //logger.debug("Same convention as parent"); } else { //"New Convention: ", convName); if (convName.Equals("CML")) { /* Don't reset the convention handler to CMLCore, * becuase all handlers should extend this handler, * and use it for any content other then specifically * put into the specific convention */ } else if (convName.Equals("PDB")) { conv = new PDBConvention(conv); } else if (convName.Equals("PMP")) { conv = new PMPConvention(conv); } else if (convName.Equals("MDLMol")) { //if (debug) // logger.debug("MDLMolConvention instantiated..."); conv = new MDLMolConvention(conv); } else if (convName.Equals("JMOL-ANIMATION")) { conv = new JMOLANIMATIONConvention(conv); } else if (userConventions.ContainsKey(convName)) { //unknown convention. userConvention? ICMLConvention newconv = (ICMLConvention)userConventions[convName]; newconv.inherit(conv); conv = newconv; } else { //logger.warn("Detected unknown convention: ", convName); } } conventionStack.push(convName); } else { // no convention set/reset: take convention of parent conventionStack.push(conventionStack.current()); } } //if (debug) // logger.debug("ConventionStack: ", conventionStack); conv.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); }
public override void startElement(CMLStack xpath, System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { //logger.debug("PMP element: name"); base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); }
public virtual void DoAction(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { text = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); startLineNumber = locator.getLineNumber(); }
public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String localName, System.String qName, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { XLRNode current = null; if (context.Count > 0) { current = (XLRNode)context[context.Count - 1]; } // common shortcuts... System.String locale = attributes.GetValue("locale"); if (locale == null) { locale = fileLocale; } System.String text = attributes.GetValue("text"); XLRNode node = null; if ("messages".Equals(qName)) { fileLocale = attributes.GetValue("locale"); if (attributes.GetValue("idbase") != null) { base_Renamed = attributes.GetValue("idbase"); } } else if ("message".Equals(qName)) { System.String id = attributes.GetValue("id"); if (base_Renamed != null) { id = base_Renamed + "." + id; } node = (XLRMessageNode)nodedict[id]; if (node == null) { node = new XLRMessageNode(id); nodedict[id] = node; } if ((text != null) && (locale != null)) // check errors { XLRTargetNode targetNode = new XLRTargetNode(locale); node.children.Add(targetNode); XLRTextNode textNode = new XLRTextNode(text); targetNode.children.Add(textNode); } context.Add(node); } else if ("target".Equals(qName)) { node = new XLRTargetNode(locale); if (text != null) { node.children.Add(new XLRTextNode(text)); } current.children.Add(node); context.Add(node); } else if ("text".Equals(qName)) { System.String value_Renamed = attributes.GetValue("value"); node = new XLRTextNode(value_Renamed); current.children.Add(node); context.Add(node); } else if ("variable".Equals(qName)) { System.String name = attributes.GetValue("name"); node = new XLRVariableNode(name); current.children.Add(node); context.Add(node); } else if ("match".Equals(qName)) { node = new XLRMatchNode(attributes.GetValue("variable"), attributes.GetValue("pattern")); if (text != null) { node.children.Add(new XLRTextNode(text)); } current.children.Add(node); context.Add(node); } else if ("select".Equals(qName)) { node = new XLRChoiceNode(); current.children.Add(node); context.Add(node); } else { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" throw new SAXParseException("blorp", null); // fixme } }
public virtual void FileAttributes(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { FileAttributes tag = new FileAttributes(); tag.hasMetadata = parseBoolean(getAttribute(attributes, "hasMetadata")); tag.actionScript3 = parseBoolean(getAttribute(attributes, "actionScript3")); tag.suppressCrossDomainCaching = parseBoolean(getAttribute(attributes, "suppressCrossDomainCaching")); tag.swfRelativeUrls = parseBoolean(getAttribute(attributes, "swfRelativeUrls")); tag.useNetwork = parseBoolean(getAttribute(attributes, "useNetwork")); stack.Add(tag); }
public virtual void startElement(System.String str, System.String str2, System.String tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { if (tag.Equals("League")) { competitionName = attributes.GetValue("name"); } if (tag.Equals("Team")) { vTeams.Add(attributes.GetValue("name")); } }
public virtual void DoInitAction(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { text = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); DoInitAction initAction = new DoInitAction(); // get id of previous DefineSprite int idref = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "idref")); initAction.sprite = (DefineSprite) findCharacter(idref); startLineNumber = locator.getLineNumber(); stack.Add(initAction); }
public virtual void startElement(System.String str, System.String str2, System.String tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { tagStack.Add(tag); if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "League") { name = attributes.GetValue("name"); } else if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Team") { vTeams.Add(attributes.GetValue("name")); } }
public virtual void ExportAssets(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { ExportAssets tag = new ExportAssets(); stack.Add(tag); }
public virtual void startElement(System.String str, System.String str2, System.String tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { tagStack.Add(tag); if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "League") { name = attributes.GetValue("name"); } else if ((System.Object)tag == (System.Object) "Team") { Team t = new Team(attributes.GetValue("name"), attributes.GetValue("won"), attributes.GetValue("lost"), attributes.GetValue("draw"), attributes.GetValue("goalsFor"), attributes.GetValue("goalsAgainst"), attributes.GetValue("points")); vTeams[t.Name] = t; } }
public virtual void fillstyle(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { DefineShape defineShape = (DefineShape) stack[stack.Count - 1]; bool hasAlpha = (defineShape.code == flash.swf.TagValues_Fields.stagDefineShape3); FillStyle fillstyle = new FillStyle(); if (hasAttribute(attributes, "color")) { fillstyle.Type = FillStyle.FILL_SOLID; fillstyle.color = hasAlpha?parseRGBA(getAttribute(attributes, "color")):parseRGB(getAttribute(attributes, "color")); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "gradient")) { // todo support radial gradients fillstyle.Type = FillStyle.FILL_LINEAR_GRADIENT; fillstyle.gradient = parseGradient(getAttribute(attributes, "gradient"), hasAlpha); fillstyle.matrix = parseMatrix(getAttribute(attributes, "matrix")); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "idref")) { // todo support clipped bitmaps fillstyle.Type = FillStyle.FILL_BITS; // tiled int idref = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "idref")); // todo check to make sure bitmapId points to a bitmap fillstyle.bitmap = findCharacter(idref); fillstyle.matrix = parseMatrix(getAttribute(attributes, "matrix")); } defineShape.shapeWithStyle.fillstyles.Add(fillstyle); }
public virtual void startElement(string str, string str2, string tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { throw new NotImplementedException("Error en Engine.Roster.startElement(string str, string str2, string tag, SaxAttributesSupport attributes). HZ: Creo que este metodo se usa para abrir los archivos XML generado por lo que no se estaria usando mas."); //_tagStack.Add(tag); //if ((System.Object) tag == (System.Object) "TeamSheet") //{ // _abbr = attributes.GetValue("name"); // // TODO: I need to ensure that Tactics has been loaded. // this._tactic = (Tactic) Tactic.Tactics[attributes.GetValue("tactic")]; // /* Try to load the roster */ // _roster = new Roster(_abbr + ".xml"); //} //else if ((System.Object) tag == (System.Object) "Player" || (System.Object) tag == (System.Object) "Substitute" || (System.Object) tag == (System.Object) "PenaltyKicker") //{ // string name = attributes.GetValue("name"); // string position = null; // PreferredSide side = null; // if ((System.Object) tag != (System.Object) "PenaltyKicker") // { // position = attributes.GetValue("role"); // if (attributes.GetValue("side") != null) // side = new PreferredSide(attributes.GetValue("side")); // else // side = new PreferredSide("C"); // } // Player player = null; // try // { // player = _roster.getPlayer(name); // } // catch (System.Exception err) // { // //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Throwable.getMessage' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'" // System.Console.Out.WriteLine(err.Message); // SupportClass.WriteStackTrace(err, Console.Error); // System.Environment.Exit(- 1); // } // if ((System.Object) tag == (System.Object) "Player") // { // /* Before adding the player i must check that he's not already // in the team */ // if (player.Injury > 0 || player.Suspension > 0) // { // //UPGRADE_TODO: Class 'org.xml.sax.SAXException' was converted to 'System.Xml.XmlException' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073'" // throw new System.Xml.XmlException("Error: player " + + " in team " + this.Name + " is unavailable for the match"); // } // for (int j = 0; j < _iTeam; j++) // { // if (_team[j].name.Equals( // { // //UPGRADE_TODO: Class 'org.xml.sax.SAXException' was converted to 'System.Xml.XmlException' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073'" // throw new System.Xml.XmlException("Error: player " + + " is already present in teamsheet of team " + this.Name); // } // } // _team[_iTeam] = player; // _posTeam[_iTeam] = position; // _sideTeam[_iTeam++] = side; // } // else if ((System.Object) tag == (System.Object) "Substitute") // { // if (player.Injury > 0 || player.Suspension > 0) // { // //UPGRADE_TODO: Class 'org.xml.sax.SAXException' was converted to 'System.Xml.XmlException' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073'" // throw new System.Xml.XmlException("Error: player " + + " in team " + this.Name + " is unavailable for the match"); // } // for (int j = 0; j < _iTeam; j++) // { // if (_team[j].name.Equals( // { // //UPGRADE_TODO: Class 'org.xml.sax.SAXException' was converted to 'System.Xml.XmlException' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073'" // throw new System.Xml.XmlException("Error: player " + + " is already present in teamsheet of team " + this.Name); // } // } // for (int j = 0; j < _iSubs; j++) // { // if (_subs[j].name.Equals( // { // //UPGRADE_TODO: Class 'org.xml.sax.SAXException' was converted to 'System.Xml.XmlException' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073'" // throw new System.Xml.XmlException("Error: player " + + " is already present in teamsheet of team " + this.Name); // } // } // _subs[_iSubs] = player; // _posSubs[_iSubs] = position; // _sideSubs[_iSubs++] = side; // } // else // { // for (int i = 0; i < _team.Length; i++) // if (_team[i].Name.Equals( // _penaltyKicker = _team[i]; // if (_penaltyKicker == null) // { // //UPGRADE_TODO: Class 'org.xml.sax.SAXException' was converted to 'System.Xml.XmlException' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073'" // throw new System.Xml.XmlException("Error in PenaltyKicker, player can't be found in the teamsheet"); // } // } //} //else if ((System.Object) tag == (System.Object) "Action") // this._currentAction = attributes.GetValue("value"); //else if ((System.Object) tag == (System.Object) "Argument") // this._currentArguments.Add(attributes.GetValue("value")); //else if ((System.Object) tag == (System.Object) "Condition") //{ // string type = attributes.GetValue("type"); // /* What happens if the XML doesn't declare the attribute sign ? */ // string sign = attributes.GetValue("sign"); // string value_Renamed = attributes.GetValue("value"); // Condition C; // if (type.Equals("MIN")) // C = new MinCondition(sign, System.Int32.Parse(value_Renamed)); // else if (type.Equals("SCORE")) // C = new ScoreCondition(sign, System.Int32.Parse(value_Renamed)); // else if (type.Equals("INJ")) // C = new InjCondition(value_Renamed); // else if (type.Equals("YELLOW")) // C = new YellowCondition(value_Renamed); // else if (type.Equals("RED")) // C = new RedCondition(value_Renamed); // else // { // //UPGRADE_TODO: Class 'org.xml.sax.SAXException' was converted to 'System.Xml.XmlException' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073'" // throw new System.Xml.XmlException("", new System.Exception("Condition type not allowed")); // } // this._currentConditions.Add(C); //} }
public virtual void Import(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { ImportRecord record = new ImportRecord(); int id = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "id")); = getAttribute(attributes, "name"); ImportAssets importAssets = (ImportAssets) stack[stack.Count - 1]; importAssets.importRecords.Add(record); // todo find the actual tag imported createCharacter(id, record); }
private bool hasAttribute(SaxAttributesSupport attributes, System.String qName) { return attributes.GetValue(qName) != null; }
public virtual void line(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { StraightEdgeRecord straightEdge = new StraightEdgeRecord(); if (hasAttribute(attributes, "dx")) { straightEdge.deltaX = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "dx")); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "dy")) { straightEdge.deltaY = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "dy")); } DefineShape defineShape = (DefineShape) stack[stack.Count - 1]; defineShape.shapeWithStyle.shapeRecords.Add(straightEdge); }
private System.String getAttribute(SaxAttributesSupport attributes, System.String qName) { System.String value_Renamed = attributes.GetValue(qName); if (value_Renamed == null) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" error(new SAXParseException("attribute not found: " + qName, locator)); } return value_Renamed; }
public virtual void swf(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { Header h = new Header(); h.version = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "version")); h.compressed = parseBoolean(getAttribute(attributes, "compressed")); h.rate = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "framerate")); h.size = parseRect(getAttribute(attributes, "size")); this.header = h; tagHandler.header(h); /* this.packageManager = new CompilerPackageManager(h.version, topLevel, 0); // register an asclassloader for the given aspath ASClassLoader asLoader = new ASClassLoader(aspath, false, null); = packageManager; asLoader.debug = false; packageManager.addLoader(asLoader); packageManager.findType("String"); MessageHandler.setThreadLocalMessageHandler(outputHandler); */ }
public virtual void curve(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { CurvedEdgeRecord curvedEdge = new CurvedEdgeRecord(); curvedEdge.controlDeltaX = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "cdx")); curvedEdge.controlDeltaY = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "cdy")); curvedEdge.anchorDeltaX = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "dx")); curvedEdge.anchorDeltaY = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "dy")); DefineShape defineShape = (DefineShape) stack[stack.Count - 1]; defineShape.shapeWithStyle.shapeRecords.Add(curvedEdge); }
public virtual void ShowFrame(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { currentHandler().showFrame(new ShowFrame()); if (sprite != null) { sprite.framecount++; } else { header.framecount++; } }
public virtual void DebugID(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { DebugID debugId = new DebugID(parseUUID(getAttribute(attributes, "uuid"))); tagHandler.debugID(debugId); }
public virtual void PlaceObject2(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { PlaceObject tag = new PlaceObject(flash.swf.TagValues_Fields.stagPlaceObject2); tag.depth = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "depth")); if (hasAttribute(attributes, "className")) { tag.ClassName = getAttribute(attributes, "className"); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "hasImage")) { tag.HasImage = getAttribute(attributes, "hasImage").Equals("true"); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "idref")) { int idref = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "idref")); tag.Ref = findCharacter(idref); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "name")) { tag.Name = getAttribute(attributes, "name"); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "clipDepth")) { tag.ClipDepth = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "clipDepth")); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "ratio")) { tag.Ratio = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "ratio")); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "cxform")) { tag.Cxform = parseCXForm(getAttribute(attributes, "cxform")); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "matrix")) { tag.Matrix = parseMatrix(getAttribute(attributes, "matrix")); } stack.Add(tag); text = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); }
private SwfImageUtils.JPEG loadJPEG(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { if (hasAttribute(attributes, "encoding")) { if (!getAttribute(attributes, "encoding").Equals("base64")) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" fatalError(new SAXParseException("unknown encoding " + getAttribute(attributes, "encoding"), locator)); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "src")) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" fatalError(new SAXParseException("can only specify one of src or encoding attributes", locator)); } text = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); } else { text = null; if (!hasAttribute(attributes, "src")) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" fatalError(new SAXParseException("must provide either src or encoding attribute", locator)); } try { System.IO.FileInfo src = new System.IO.FileInfo(getAttribute(attributes, "src")); //UPGRADE_TODO: Constructor '' was converted to 'System.IO.FileStream.FileStream' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javaioFileInputStreamFileInputStream_javalangString'" System.IO.FileStream input = new System.IO.FileStream(getAttribute(attributes, "src"), System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read); sbyte[] image = new sbyte[(int) SupportClass.FileLength(src)]; SupportClass.ReadInput(input, image, 0, image.Length); input.Close(); SwfImageUtils.JPEG jpeg = new SwfImageUtils.JPEG(image, true); if (!jpeg.validate()) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" fatalError(new SAXParseException("Invalid JPEG data in " + src.Name, locator)); } return jpeg; } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Throwable.getMessage' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'" throw new SAXParseException(e.Message, locator); } } return null; }
public virtual void ScriptLimits(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { ScriptLimits tag = new ScriptLimits(parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "maxRecursionLimit")), parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "scriptTimeLimit"))); currentHandler().scriptLimits(tag); }
public virtual void DefineBits(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { if (jpegTables == null) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" fatalError(new SAXParseException("DefineBits must follow JPEGTables", locator)); } DefineBits db = new DefineBits(flash.swf.TagValues_Fields.stagDefineBits); int id = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "id")); createCharacter(id, db); SwfImageUtils.JPEG jpeg = loadJPEG(attributes); if (jpeg != null) { if (!ArrayUtil.equals(jpeg.table, { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" fatalError(new SAXParseException("JPEGTables data does not match, use DefineBitsJPEG2", locator)); } =; } stack.Add(db); }
public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { currentChars = ""; dictRef = ""; //logger.debug("startElement: ", raw); //logger.debug("uri: ", uri); //logger.debug("local: ", local); //logger.debug("raw: ", raw); if ("isotope".Equals(local)) { workingIsotope = createIsotopeOfElement(currentElement, atts); } else if ("isotopeList".Equals(local)) { currentElement = getElementSymbol(atts); } else if ("abundance".Equals(local)) { //logger.warn("Disregarding dictRef for now..."); } else if ("scalar".Equals(local)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("dictRef".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { dictRef = atts.GetValue(i); } } } }
public virtual void DefineBitsJPEG2(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { DefineBits db = new DefineBits(flash.swf.TagValues_Fields.stagDefineBitsJPEG2); int id = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "id")); createCharacter(id, db); if (hasAttribute(attributes, "encoding")) { if (!getAttribute(attributes, "encoding").Equals("base64")) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" fatalError(new SAXParseException("unknown encoding " + getAttribute(attributes, "encoding"), locator)); } if (hasAttribute(attributes, "src")) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" fatalError(new SAXParseException("can only specify one of src or encoding attributes", locator)); } text = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); } else { if (!hasAttribute(attributes, "src")) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" fatalError(new SAXParseException("must provide either src or encoding attribute", locator)); } System.IO.FileInfo src = new System.IO.FileInfo(getAttribute(attributes, "src")); try { //UPGRADE_TODO: Constructor '' was converted to 'System.IO.FileStream.FileStream' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javaioFileInputStreamFileInputStream_javalangString'" System.IO.FileStream input = new System.IO.FileStream(getAttribute(attributes, "src"), System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read); = new sbyte[(int) SupportClass.FileLength(src)]; SupportClass.ReadInput(input,, 0,; } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constructor 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.SAXParseException' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_orgxmlsaxSAXParseExceptionSAXParseException_javalangString_orgxmlsaxLocator'" //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Throwable.getMessage' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'" fatalError(new SAXParseException("Unable to load DefineBitsJPEG2 src " + src.Name + ":" + e.Message, locator)); } } stack.Add(db); }
public virtual void DefineShape3(SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { DefineShape tag = new DefineShape(flash.swf.TagValues_Fields.stagDefineShape3); int id = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "id")); createCharacter(id, tag); tag.bounds = parseRect(getAttribute(attributes, "bounds")); tag.shapeWithStyle = new ShapeWithStyle(); tag.shapeWithStyle.fillstyles = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); tag.shapeWithStyle.linestyles = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); tag.shapeWithStyle.shapeRecords = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); stack.Add(tag); fillstyles = tag.shapeWithStyle.fillstyles; linestyles = tag.shapeWithStyle.linestyles; }
public override void startElement(CMLStack xpath, System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { System.String name = raw; isELSYM = false; if ("list".Equals(name)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("title") && atts.GetValue(i).Equals("sequence")) { } else if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("title") && atts.GetValue(i).Equals("connections")) { // assume that Atom's have been read //logger.debug("Assuming that Atom's have been read: storing them"); base.storeAtomData(); connectionTable = true; //logger.debug("Start Connection Table"); } else if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("title") && atts.GetValue(i).Equals("connect")) { //logger.debug("New connection"); isBond = true; } else if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("id") && isBond) { connect_root = atts.GetValue(i); } // ignore other list items at this moment } } else { base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } }