// Start is called before the first frame update.
    void Start()
        iText      = GameObject.Find("TextBoxText").GetComponent <Text>();
        saveNScene = GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <SavenSceneLoader>();

        // Sets mood as a interger number between 1(including) and 5(excluding).
        mood = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5);
Esempio n. 2
    // Start is called before the first frame update.
    void Start()
        iText      = GameObject.Find("TextBoxText").GetComponent <Text>();
        saveNScene = GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <SavenSceneLoader>();

        // Updates the "lunchCount".
        saveNScene.save.lunchCount += 1;
Esempio n. 3
    // Start is called before the first frame update.
    void Start()
        // Picks a random page.
        page = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, battleText.Length);


        iText      = GameObject.Find("TextBoxText").GetComponent <Text>();
        saveNScene = GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <SavenSceneLoader>();
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     saveNScene = GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <SavenSceneLoader>();
     box        = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     cap        = GetComponentInChildren <CapsuleCollider2D>();
     rigid      = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     sprite     = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     ePlace     = GetComponent <Transform>();
     pPlace     = FindObjectOfType <Seal>().transform;
     seal       = FindObjectOfType <Seal>().GetComponent <Seal>();
Esempio n. 5
    // Start is called before the first frame update.
    void Start()
        canvas1    = GameObject.Find("/Canvas1");
        canvas2    = GameObject.Find("/Canvas2");
        saveNScene = GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <SavenSceneLoader>();

        // Hides the second startingText.

        // Scene starts on the first startingText.
        secondPage = false;
    // Start is called before the first frame update.
    void Start()
        saveNScene = GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <SavenSceneLoader>();
        sprite     = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        box        = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
        rigid      = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        halo       = GetComponent("Halo");

        // Turns of the halo.
        halo.GetType().GetProperty("enabled").SetValue(halo, false);

        // Starts certain coroutines.
 // Start is called before the first frame update.
 void Start()
     iText      = GameObject.Find("TextBoxText").GetComponent <Text>();
     saveNScene = GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <SavenSceneLoader>();
 // Start is called before the first frame update.
 void Start()
     iText      = GameObject.Find("TextBoxText").GetComponent <Text>();
     saveNScene = GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <SavenSceneLoader>();
     qImage     = GameObject.Find("ImageSystemChoice").GetComponent <QuestionsImage>();
// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        saveNScene    = GameObject.Find("ScriptHolder").GetComponent <SavenSceneLoader>();
        confirmCanvas = GameObject.Find("Confirmation");