// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { shopChat = GetComponent <ShopChat>(); saveData = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SaveData").GetComponent <SaveData>(); savedGold = saveData.GetComponent <SavedGold>(); UpdateShop(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { int currMaxHP = SaveLoadManager.LoadHealth(); healthPrice = baseHealthPrice * currMaxHP; // Increase price of max health increase with the current max HP shopChat = GetComponent <ShopChat>(); saveData = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SaveData").GetComponent <SaveData>(); savedGold = saveData.GetComponent <SavedGold>(); UpdateShop(); // Set shop aura's on or off based on saved aura unlocks UpdateShopHealth(currMaxHP); // Set max health increase off or no based on saved max health shopNav.NavShop(0); // Set starting nav on item after updated for disabled items }