// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (flag_S == 1 && allowSaveData) { hd = new GameObject(); hd.AddComponent <SaveHandData>(); handData = (SaveHandData)hd.GetComponent(typeof(SaveHandData)); handData.Init(200, path); PlayerPrefs.SetString("standardHandDataPath", handData.savedDataPath); Debug.Log("ready to save data: " + handData.savedDataPath); allowSaveData = false; } if (flag_S == 1 && handData.IsSaveCompleted()) { Debug.Log("save completed detected!"); flag_S = 0; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q) && allowSaveData) { hd = new GameObject(); hd.AddComponent <SaveHandData>(); handData = (SaveHandData)hd.GetComponent(typeof(SaveHandData)); handData.Init(200, "/Datas/test03.json"); PlayerPrefs.SetString("patientHandDataPath", handData.savedDataPath); Debug.Log("Ready to save data:" + handData.savedDataPath); allowSaveData = false; } if (!allowSaveData) { if (handData.IsSaveCompleted()) { Debug.Log("Save complete detected"); } } }